- FROM tensorflow/tensorflow:2.3.0-gpu
- # why 2.3 ? I looked it up on stack overflow
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50622525/which-tensorflow-and-cuda-version-combinations-are-compatible
- # here is a nice list, which tf version is compatible with which cuda
- # full list is here: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/source#gpu .. who knows when one of them will be
- # down at some point
- # from the cmmand docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm nvidia/cuda:9.0-base nvidia-smi
- # you get your installed cuda version running
- RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash pluritonian
- # docker copy commands are not longer needed, as everything is
- # organized in an overlay on the host system.. creates problems
- # with windows, but with docker copy it would create problems
- # with the formatting too..
- #COPY Translations.txt /home/pluritonian/Translations.txt
- #COPY test_runwithgen.py /home/pluritonian/test_runwithgen.py
- #COPY test_runwithload.py /home/pluritonian/test_runwithload.py
- #COPY generateModels.py /home/pluritonian/generateModels.py
- #COPY req.js /home/pluritonian/req.js
- #COPY postcommand /home/pluritonian/postcommand
- #COPY EndDokumente /home/pluritonian/EndDokumente
- #COPY german.model.big /home/pluritonian/german.model.big
- #COPY updateDatabase.py /home/pluritonian/updateDatabase.py
- #COPY txtFilesInDir2PythonListInTxtFile.py /home/pluritonian/txtFilesInDir2PythonListInTxtFile.py
- #COPY pythonlistInTxtFile2NoStopwords.py /home/pluritonian/pythonlistInTxtFile2NoStopwords.py
- #COPY pythonlistInTxtFile2lowercase.py /home/pluritonian/pythonlistInTxtFile2lowercase.py
- #COPY pythonlistInTxtFile2wordClouds.py /home/pluritonian/pythonlistInTxtFile2wordClouds.py
- #COPY FASTsearch.py /home/pluritonian/FASTsearch.py
- #COPY fastapi_server.py /home/pluritonian/fastapi_server.py
- #USER pluritonian
- WORKDIR /home/pluritonian
- RUN apt-get update && apt-get install nano
- RUN pip install joblib scikit-learn hickle==3.4.9 fastapi uvicorn[standard]
- RUN pip install idna==2.9 python-multipart==0.0.5
- RUN pip install nltk gensim
- RUN python generateModels.py
- # to let the container running:
- CMD uvicorn --host fastapi_server:app
- # these commands are useful, if you want to try out individual steps and keep the container running to
- # try out stuff in it by executing interactive shell in the container
- #ENTRYPOINT ["tail"]
- #CMD ["-f","/dev/null"]