


CBD oil Sauvage

Our first experiment Sauvage is out !
Read her story from seed to sale.

Wild Herbs

Our first experiment Sauvage is out !
Read her story from seed to sale.

Wild Herbs

Our first experiment Sauvage is out !
Read her story from seed to sale.

CBD News

CBD against migraines

CBD helps against migraines!
Which cannabinoid have which effects on the brain

CBD against migraines

CBD helps against migraines!
Which cannabinoid have which effects on the brain

CBD against migraines

CBD helps against migraines!
Which cannabinoid have which effects on the brain

& culture News


Find out how fish and plants can profit from each other.
Here's what we found out.

Tech News

Light Sensors

Read about our experiments to find out the perfect lighting conditions for our plants.
How light influences plants and how we manipulate it.


Water Flow Automation

Learn how to build a water automation for your plants.
Here's how to do it.

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