Automate yourself.

Check out our guides!

We want you to automate yourself !

Currently many tasks that used to be done by people are done by computers.
In agriculture there are many interesting projects going on that will soon replace farmworkers with software-engineers.

Automation is an amazing opportunity to get tasks done more efficiently and to collect data in order to get a better understanding on how things work.

Even though there are many people loosing their jobs while not being able to find a new job with their skillset that used to be valuable.

So we want everyone to get aquainted with automation, in order to keep working and keep contributing to the progress.

For that it is important to start small automation projects yourself that are fun, that make you learn and of which you profit.

Start your first project now !


Light, Light on off

Learn how to build an automatic lightswitch.

Manipulate the light using sensors.
Here could be projects like this one.
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