- <div class="page-wrapper">
- <div class="info">
- <h1><span>Spider</span>Pi</h1>
- <p>Our garden hexapod.<br><br>
- <span>Learn about SpiderPi!</span></p>
- <div class="image">
- <img type=" image/webp" src="../img/sample-spiderpi.svg">
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- <div class="about">
- <h3>About a Spider</h3>
- <p>SpiderPi is our garden hexapod, he is aimed to be a garden helper and a walking database of our ecosystem.<br>
- Through object detection he will recognize what is happening around him and check a plant for pests and disseases and then execute measures of biodynamic pest- and dissease management.<br><br>
- Currently SpiderPi is learning to walk on uneven ground and recognize his surroundings in order to operate within them.<br><br>
- <span>Be part of the journey !</span><br>
- #a dummy text</p>
- <div class="image">
- <video type="video/mp4" src="../img/sample-video.mp4"></video>
- <p>video</p>
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- <div class="products">
- <h3>Time-Line</h3>
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- <img type=" image/webp" src="../img/sample-camera.jpg"/>
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- <h5>Eyes</h5>
- <p>Our first challenge is to let SpiderPi detect his surroundings and navigate through them.<br><br>
- We replaced his built in camera with a 360 and wrote an object detection program that enables him to navigate through his surroundings and respond to obstacles.<br>
- We used the software X, camera X, sensors X, made X changes on the Spider.<br><br>
- <span>Stay in touch !</span>
- #a dummy text<br>
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- <div class="click">
- <button><a href="#">Blog</a></button>
- <button id="insta"><a href="#"><img id="gram" type=" image/webp" src="../img/pixelfed.svg"></a></button>
- <button id="you"><a href="#"><img id="tube" type=" image/webp" src="../img/peertube.svg"></a></button>
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