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- <h1>Candy</h1>
- <p>Learn about our CBD Edibles.<br><br>
- <span>Coming Soon!</span></p>
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- <img type=" image/webp" src="../img/sample-lemon.png"/>
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- <h3>Currently we are brewing our gummiberry-juice !</h3>
- <p>All around our lab grow a variety of local flavourful crops.<br>
- There are lemon trees, orange trees, a variety of herbs such as salvia, thyme and rosemary, there is the sea with its algae and there are flowers all around.<br>
- All the ingredients for 100% organic CBD candy are growing wildly around us.
- Now our job is to find the perfect recipe to create vegan CBD edibles with the oil we produce and all the flavour that grows around us.<br><br>
- <span>Out soon!</span><br>
- #a dummy text</p>
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- <img type=" image/webp" src="../img/sample-lemontree.jpg"/>
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- <div class="products">
- <h3>All CBD Edibles</h3>
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- <img type=" image/webp" src="../img/sample-product-candy.svg" />
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- <h5>Name</h5>
- <p>A description about this product.<br>
- All its ingredients and what makes it unique.<br>
- % CBD, % THC, flavour, effect.<br>
- Why people should buy it.<br><br>
- </p>
- <div class="click">
- <button><a href="#">About</a></button>
- <button id="shop"><a href="#">Try</a></button>
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