- var currentRowId=1;
- var banktype = "bank-eu";
- function renumberTableRows(){
- var row_no=1;
- var table = document.getElementById("tabbody");
- for (var i = 0, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {
- // row.cells[0].innerHTML=row_no++;
- }
- }
- function isFloat(val) {
- var floatRegex = /^-?\d+(?:[.,]\d*?)?$/;
- if (!floatRegex.test(val))
- return false;
- val = parseFloat(val);
- if (isNaN(val))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- function deleteTableRow(rowId){
- var target = document.getElementById("upload-target"+rowId);
- // this.message = app.message;
- // var children = target.children;
- // delete all uploaded elements
- /* for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- var tmp = children[i].getAttribute("data-id");
- alert ("DEL");
- alert (tmp);
- $K.ajax.post({
- url: 'delete.php',
- data: 'id='+tmp,
- before: function(xhr) {},
- success: function(response) {},
- error: function(response) {}
- });
- }
- */
- // delete the row from table
- var element = document.getElementById("trow"+rowId);
- element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
- renumberTableRows();
- // alert(rowId);
- }
- function countRows(){
- var ctr=0;
- for (i=0; i<currentRowId; i++){
- var element = document.getElementById("trow"+i);
- if (element)
- ctr++
- }
- return ctr;
- }
- function showAlert(text) {
- $K.app.message.show( { message: `${text}`, position: 'centered', type: 'is-error' });
- return;
- }
- function reset2()
- {
- // document.getElementById("a_type").value="";
- document.getElementById("a_description").value="";
- document.getElementById("a_amount").value="";
- setUploadField();
- }
- function addTableRow(){
- var $node = $K.dom('#tabbody');
- // create a new table row with id
- var element = document.createElement('tr');
- element.setAttribute("id", "trow"+currentRowId);
- /* var a_type = document.getElementById("a_type").value;
- if (!a_type.trim().length ) {
- document.getElementById("a_type").focus();
- showAlert("Bitte gib eine Auslagenart an!");
- return;
- }
- */
- var a_date = document.getElementById("a_date").value;
- if (!a_date.trim().length){
- document.getElementById("a_date").focus();
- showAlert("Bitte gib ein gültiges Datum an!");
- return;
- }
- var a_description = document.getElementById("a_description").value;
- if (!a_description.trim().length){
- document.getElementById("a_description").focus();
- showAlert("Bitte gib eine Beschreibung ein!");
- return;
- }
- var a_amount = document.getElementById("a_amount").value;
- if (!isFloat(a_amount)){
- document.getElementById("a_amount").focus();
- showAlert("Bitte gib einen gültigen Betrag ein!");
- return;
- }
- var a_currency = document.getElementById("a_currency").value;
- if (!a_currency.trim().length){
- document.getElementById("a_currency").focus();
- showAlert("Bitte gib eine Währung an!");
- return;
- }
- var target = document.getElementById("upload-target"+currentRowId);
- var children = target.children;
- if (!children.length){
- showAlert("Bitte lade mindestens einen Beleg hoch!");
- return;
- }
- /* a_type = "Hello";*/
- var e="";
- // add column for position no
- // e += `<td>${a_type}
- // <input type="hidden" name="type[${currentRowId}]" value="${a_type}" /></td>`;
- // add coluemn for a_type (Auslagenart)
- // e += `<td><textarea name="desc[${nextRowId}]" rows="2"></textarea> </td>`;
- e += `<td>${a_date}
- <input type="hidden" name="date[${currentRowId}]" value="${a_date}" /></td>`;
- // add column for date
- // e += `<td><input name="date[${nextRowId}]" type="date"/></td>`;
- e += `<td>${a_description}
- <input type="hidden" name="description[${currentRowId}]" value="${a_description}" /></td>`;
- // add column for num
- e += `<td>${a_amount}
- <input type="hidden" name="amount[${currentRowId}]" value="${a_amount}" /></td>`;
- // add column for file upload
- /* e+= `
- <td data-kube="">
- <div class="form-item">
- <div class="upload"
- data-kube="upload"
- data-type="file" data-multiple="true"
- data-target="#upload-target${nextRowId}"
- data-url="upload.php?row=${nextRowId}" data-url-remove="delete.php"
- data-progress="true">
- </div>
- <div id="upload-target${nextRowId}" class="upload-target"></div>
- </div>
- </td>
- */
- e += `<td>${a_currency}</td>`;
- // `;
- // add delete bnutton
- e +=
- `<td><span
- onclick="deleteTableRow(${currentRowId})"
- class="close is-large">
- </span></td>`;
- $node.append(element);
- element.innerHTML=(e);
- // renumberTableRows();
- currentRowId++;
- reset2();
- }
- function setUploadField()
- {
- var e = $K.dom('#uploadfield');
- var uf =`<div class="upload"
- data-kube="upload"
- data-type="file" data-multiple="true"
- data-target="#upload-target${currentRowId}"
- data-url="upload.php?row=${currentRowId}" data-url-remove="delete.php"
- data-progress="true">Beleg hochladen
- </div>
- <div id="upload-target${currentRowId}" class="upload-target small"></div>
- </div>
- `;
- document.getElementById("uploadfield").innerHTML=uf;
- }
- $K.add('module', 'kaform', {
- init: function(app, context)
- {
- this.app = app;
- this.message = app.message;
- },
- // catch event
- onmessage: {
- tabs: {
- opened: function(sender)
- {
- console.log('Tab box is ',sender.getActiveBox().nodes[0]);
- banktype = sender.getActiveBox().nodes[0].attributes.id.value;
- console.log(banktype);
- // console.log(sender);
- // this.message.show({ message: 'My message' });
- }
- }
- },
- });
- $K.init({
- observer: true
- });
- // startup is here
- // on startup clear session on server
- $K.ajax.get({
- url: 'clear.php',
- data: '', // or key=value object
- before: function(xhr) {},
- success: function(response) {},
- error: function(response) {}
- });
- setUploadField();
- function check_field(fieldid,message){
- var f = document.getElementById(fieldid).value;
- if (! f.trim().length ) {
- document.getElementById(fieldid).focus();
- showAlert(message)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // add on table row
- //addTableRow();
- //
- //
- //
- function downloadDocument()
- {
- if (!check_field("nickname", "Bitte gib deinen Nicknamen an!"))
- return;
- if (!check_field("realname", "Bitte gib deinen Realnamen an!"))
- return;
- if (!check_field("email", "Bitte gib deinen E-Mail-Adresse an!"))
- return;
- if (!check_field("projectid", "Bitte gib idie Projekt-ID an!"))
- return;
- if (countRows()==0){
- document.getElementById("a_type").focus();
- showAlert("Bitte füge mind. eine Auslage hinzu!");
- return;
- }
- if (banktype == "bank-eu"){
- iban = document.getElementById('iban');
- if (!IBAN.isValid(iban.value)){
- document.getElementById("iban").focus();
- showAlert("Bitte gib eine korrekte IBAN ein!");
- return;
- }
- if (!document.getElementById('bic').value.trim().length){
- document.getElementById("bic").focus();
- showAlert("Bitte gib einen koreekte BIC an!");
- return;
- }
- }
- if (banktype == "bank-paypal"){
- ii = document.getElementById('paypal');
- if (!document.getElementById('paypal').value.trim().length){
- document.getElementById("paypal").focus();
- showAlert("Bitte gib einen PayPal Account an!");
- return;
- }
- }
- document.getElementById('banktype').value=banktype;
- document.getElementById("theform").submit();
- }
- /*
- function checkIban()
- {
- iban = document.getElementById('iban');
- if(IBAN.isValid(iban.value))
- if( document.getElementById('eu').checked ) {
- if(IBAN.isValid(iban.value))
- {
- if(iban.classList.contains('invalid')) iban.classList.remove('invalid');
- iban.classList.add('valid');
- }
- else {
- if(iban.classList.contains('valid')) iban.classList.remove('valid');
- iban.classList.add('invalid');
- }
- } else {
- if(iban.classList.contains('invalid')) iban.classList.remove('invalid');
- if(iban.classList.contains('valid')) iban.classList.remove('valid');
- }
- }
- */