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  1. <!doctype html>
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  4. if ( !in_array ($lang, array('en_US'))){
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  13. $results = putenv("LC_ALL=$locale");
  14. $results = bindtextdomain($domain,"./locale");
  15. ?>
  16. <html >
  17. <head>
  18. <title>Kostenerstattungsforumlar</title>
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  31. <div class="main-content">
  32. <h1>
  33. <?php echo _( "Antrag auf Kostenerstattung")?>
  34. </h1>
  35. <p>
  36. <?php echo _("Du möchtest dir Kosten erstatten lassen, welche im Rahmen deines Projektes entstanden sind?")?><BR>
  37. <?php echo _("Bitte fülle dieses Formular aus. Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * gekennzeichnet.")?>
  38. </p>
  39. <form data-kube="kaform" name="theform" id="theform" action="submit.php" method="POST">
  40. <div class="is-row">
  41. <div class="is-col is-70">
  42. <fieldset>
  43. <legend><?php echo _("1. Erfasse deine Stammdaten")?></legend>
  44. <div class="is-row">
  45. <div class="is-col">
  46. <input required type="input"
  47. size="32" id="projectid" name="project"
  48. placeholder="<?php echo _("Projekt/Zweck der Reise*")?>" />
  49. </div>
  50. </div>
  51. <br>
  52. <div class="is-row">
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  55. ` id="realname" name="realname" placeholder="<?php echo _("Dein Realname (Vorname Nachname)*")?>" />
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  85. <nav class="tabs" data-kube="tabs" data-equal="false">
  86. <a href="#bank-eu" class="is-active">Banküberweisung</a>
  87. <a href="#bank-noneu">Banküberweisung (Non-EU)</a>
  88. <!-- <a href="#bank-paypal">PayPal</a>
  89. <a href="#bank-bar">Barauszahlung</a>
  90. --> </nav>
  91. <section id="bank-eu">
  92. <div class="is-row">
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  94. <input type="input" size="32" name="Owner" placeholder="Kontoinhabende Person" />
  95. </div>
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  98. </div>
  99. <br>
  100. <div class="is-row">
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  102. <input type="input" size="32" id="iban" name="iban" placeholder="IBAN*" />
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  104. <div class="is-col">
  105. <input type="input" size="32" id="bic" name="bic" placeholder="BIC (wenn ausländische Bank)" />
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  108. <br>
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  110. <textarea id="comments" name="comments"
  111. style="resize:both;" cols="32" rows="4" placeholder="Weitere Anmerkungen
  112. z.B. intermediäre Bank,
  113. Grund für abweichende Kontoinhbende Person"></textarea>
  114. </section>
  115. <section id="bank-noneu">
  116. <div class="is-row">
  117. <div class="is-col">
  118. <input type="input" size="32" name="Owner" placeholder="Kontoinhabende Person" />
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  122. </div>
  123. <br>
  124. <div class="is-row">
  125. <div class="is-col">
  126. <input type="input" size="32" id="n_iban" name="n_iban" placeholder="Kontonummer*" />
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  128. <div class="is-col">
  129. <input type="input" size="32" id="n_bic" name="n_bic" placeholder="BIC/SWIFT*" />
  130. </div>
  131. </div>
  132. <br>
  133. <input class="EU nonEU" type="input" size="32" id="n_bank" name="n_bankname" placeholder="Name der Bank*" />
  134. <br>
  135. <textarea class="nonEU" name="n_bankaddress" id="n_bankaddress" style="resize:both;" cols="32" rows="4" placeholder="Adresse der Bank (Stra&szlig;e und Hausnummer/Postleitzahl/Land)"></textarea>
  136. <br>
  137. <textarea name="n_address" lang="de" class="nonEU" id="n_address" style="resize:both;" cols="32" rows="4" placeholder="Deine Anschrift (Srta&szlig;e und Hausnummer/Postleitzahl/Land)
  138. "></textarea>
  139. <br>
  140. <!-- <input type="input" size="32" id="n_purpose" name="n_purpose" placeholder="Verwendungszweck" /> -->
  141. <textarea id="n_comments" name="n_comments"
  142. style="resize:both;" cols="32" rows="4" placeholder="Weitere Anmerkungen
  143. z.B. intermediäre Bank,
  144. Grund für abweichende kontoinhabende Person"></textarea>
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  156. <div class="is-col ">
  157. <?php include "h1.php"; ?>
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  159. </div> <!-- is row -->
  160. <br>
  161. <div class="is-row">
  162. <div class="is-col is-70">
  163. <fieldset id="fieldset2">
  164. <legend>2. Erfasse deine Ausgaben</legend>
  165. <div class="is-col is-70">
  166. Währung:
  167. </div>
  168. <div class="is-col is-20">
  169. <select onchange="renumberTableRows()" id="currency" >
  170. <option value="EUR">EUR</option>
  171. <option value="USD">USD</option>
  172. <option value="CHF">CHF</option>
  173. <option value="XBT">XBT</option>
  174. </select>`
  175. </div>
  176. <table id="tabtab" class="is-bordered is-striped">
  177. <thead>
  178. <tr>
  179. <th>Pos.</th>
  180. <th>Datum</th>
  181. <th>Beschreibung</th>
  182. <th>Betrag</th>
  183. <th>Währung</th>
  184. <th>Belege</th>
  185. <th>L&ouml;schen</th>
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  193. class="button is-green">Ausgabe hinzuf&uuml;gen</button>
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  196. <br>
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  198. <legend>3. Vorschuss und Sonstiges</legend>
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  201. Ich habe bereits einen Vorschuss erhalten in
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  219. <button type="button" onclick="downloadDocument(true);"
  220. class="button is-green">Antrag elektronisch direkt an WMDE schicken</button>
  221. <button type="button" onclick="downloadDocument(false);"
  222. class="button is-orange">Antrag herunterladen und später einreichen</button>
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  225. <?php include "h2.php"; ?>
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