# Settings for the PEP crawler per country to crawl
# Follow the syntax
link: http://legislacion.asamblea.gob.ni/Tablas%20Generales.nsf/Main.xsp
parent: [html, body, form, table, tbody, tr, td, table, tbody]
child-name: [html, body, form, table, tbody, tr, td, table, tbody, tr, td.null, a.text]
child-link: [html, body, form, table, tbody, tr, td, table, tbody, tr, td.null, a.href]
parent: [html, body, form, table, tbody]
child-name: [html, body, form, table, tbody, tr.0, td.1, span]
child-image: [html, body, form, table, tbody, tr.1, td.0, span, img]
child-role: [html, body, form, table, tbody, tr.1, td.2, span + label.1]