mexico mexico memberlist of camera diputados is here:;nombre=;estado=;cabeceraMunicipal=;grupoParlamentario=;mail= link is javascript event, need of selenium mexico list of senators needs selenium in python to click js el salvador el salvador should work with same machine costa rica will work with same machine guatemala zurzeit nicht aufrufbar? --> doch per internet archive this one (jan 22) also works for the deputado links honduras nicht zu finden doch, aber nicht alle auf einer seite, sondern doppelt nach its 120 peoplez general about parser yaml selenium general yaml conf for xpaths to click and get data for lists selenium or not merge of doubles will be necessary too merge or not write/read wikidata There is a hard query deadline configured which is set to 60 seconds. example of query{wd:Q42%20wdt:P569%20?dob.}&explain=details instance of (P31) Q5 is human given name (P735) Christian has Q18001597 family name (P734) Lindner has also a Q occupation (P106) Politician Q82955 postition held (P39) Member of German Bundestag Q1939555 start time (P) 27 October 2009 end time (P) 10 July 2012 member of political party (P102) party has Q official website (P856) http etc without Q