@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ |
mexico |
mexico memberlist of camera diputados is not available |
https://web.diputados.gob.mx/inicio/tusDiputados/listadoDiputadosBuscador;nombre=;estado=;cabeceraMunicipal=;grupoParlamentario=;mail= |
link is javascript event, need of selenium |
mexico list of senators needs selenium in python to click js |
el salvador |
el salvador should work with same machine |
costa rica |
will work with same machine |
guatemala |
zurzeit nicht aufrufbar? --> doch per internet archive |
this one (jan 22) also works for the deputado links |
https://web.archive.org/web/20221007084458/https://www.congreso.gob.gt/buscador_diputados#gsc.tab=0 |
honduras |
nicht zu finden |
doch, aber nicht alle auf einer seite, sondern doppelt nach |
https://resultadosgenerales2021.cne.hn/Integracion/?id=4 |
its 120 peoplez |
general about parser yaml |
selenium general yaml conf for |
xpaths to click and get data for lists |
selenium or not |
merge of doubles will be necessary too |
merge or not |
write/read wikidata |
There is a hard query deadline configured which is set to 60 seconds. |
example of query |
https://query.wikidata.org/sparql?query=SELECT%20?dob%20WHERE%20{wd:Q42%20wdt:P569%20?dob.}&explain=details |
instance of (P31) |
Q5 is human |
given name (P735) |
Christian has Q18001597 |
family name (P734) |
Lindner has also a Q |
occupation (P106) |
Politician Q82955 |
postition held (P39) |
Member of German Bundestag Q1939555 |
start time (P) 27 October 2009 |
end time (P) 10 July 2012 |
member of political party (P102) |
party has Q |
official website (P856) |
http etc without Q |