- import os
- import yaml
- import json
- import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
- from lxml import etree
- import lxml.html
- import lxml.html.soupparser
- class members_parliament_crawler(object):
- def __init__(self, config_file):
- with open(config_file, "r") as stream:
- try:
- self.config = yaml.safe_load(stream)
- except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
- print(exc)
- # input list of countries in form of ['nicaragua', 'honduras', .. , 'mexico']
- def download_member_list_pages_of_countries(self, list_of_countries):
- # download only html pages of the countries specified in input
- for country in list_of_countries:
- for key in self.config:
- if key in list_of_countries:
- try:
- member_list = self.config.get(key).get("memberList")
- except Exception as e:
- print(
- "There is a problem with the entry memberList in the config.yaml - the original error message is:",
- e,
- )
- try:
- member_list_link = member_list.get("link")
- except Exception as e:
- print(
- "No memberListLink defined in config.yaml - the original error message is:",
- e,
- )
- # download the html page of the List of Members
- response = urllib.request.urlopen(member_list_link)
- web_content = response.read().decode("UTF-8")
- # save interim results to files
- f = open("crawlers/pages/" + key + "MemberList.html", "w+")
- f.write(webContent)
- f.close
- def parse_member_list_data2dictionary(self, list_of_countries):
- for country in list_of_countries:
- try:
- # use soupparser to handle broken html
- tree = lxml.html.soupparser.parse(
- "crawlers/pages/" + country + "MemberList.html"
- )
- # for e in tree.iter():
- #
- # print(e.tag)
- #
- # for e in tree.xpath('//html//body//form//table//tr//td//table//tr'):
- #
- # #print(etree.tostring(e).decode())
- dictionary_member_list = {}
- country_conf = self.config.get(country)
- country_domain = country_conf.get("domain")
- country_conf_member_list = country_conf.get("memberList")
- country_conf_member_list_parent = country_conf_member_list.get("parent")
- country_conf_member_list_child_name = country_conf_member_list.get("child-name")
- country_conf_member_list_child_link = country_conf_member_list.get("child-link")
- for n in range(len(tree.xpath(country_conf_member_list_parent))):
- name = tree.xpath(
- country_conf_member_list_parent
- + "["
- + str(n)
- + "]"
- + country_conf_member_list_child_name
- )
- link = tree.xpath(
- country_conf_member_list_parent
- + "["
- + str(n)
- + "]"
- + country_conf_member_list_child_link
- )
- if len(name) > 0:
- dictionary_member_list[n] = {}
- dictionary_member_list[n]["name"] = name[0]
- if country_domain in link[0]:
- dictionary_member_list[n]["link"] = link[0]
- if country_domain not in link[0]:
- dictionary_member_list[n]["link"] = country_domain + link[0]
- except Exception as e:
- print(
- "parsing the html did not work. Possibly you first have to downloadMemberListPagesOfCountries(). The original error message is:",
- e,
- )
- # save interim results to files
- f = open("crawlers/output/" + country + "MemberList.txt", "w+")
- f.write(str(dictionary_member_list))
- f.close
- def download_member_data_htmls(self, list_of_countries):
- for country in list_of_countries:
- f = open("crawlers/output/" + country + "MemberList.txt")
- text = f.read()
- dictionary_member_list = eval(text)
- for member_id in dictionary_member_list:
- member_link = dictionary_member_list[member_id]["link"]
- # download the html page of the Member
- response = urllib.request.urlopen(member_link)
- web_content = response.read().decode("UTF-8")
- # save interim results to files
- file_name = "crawlers/pages/" + country + "/" + str(member_id) + ".html"
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_name), exist_ok=True)
- f = open(file_name, "w+")
- f.write(web_content)
- f.close
- def parse_member_data2dictionary(self, list_of_countries):
- for country in list_of_countries:
- print("started to parse data of member of " + country + " ..")
- f = open("crawlers/output/" + country + "MemberList.txt")
- text = f.read()
- dictionary_member_list = eval(text)
- country_conf = self.config.get(country)
- country_domain = country_conf.get("domain")
- country_conf_member = country_conf.get("member")
- country_conf_member_info1 = country_conf_member.get("info-1")
- country_conf_member_info1_parent = country_conf_member_info1.get("parent")
- country_conf_member_info1_child_political_party = country_conf_member_info1.get(
- "child-politicalParty"
- )
- for member_id in dictionary_member_list:
- print(
- "started to parse data of member with name "
- + dictionary_member_list[member_id]["name"]
- + " .."
- )
- file_name = "crawlers/pages/" + country + "/" + str(member_id) + ".html"
- tree = lxml.html.soupparser.parse(file_name)
- political_party = tree.xpath(
- country_conf_member_info1_parent
- + country_conf_member_info1_child_political_party
- )
- print("oi", political_party)
- if len(political_party) > 0:
- dictionary_member_list[member_id]["political party"] = political_party[
- 0
- ]
- f = open("crawlers/output/" + country + "MemberList.txt", "w+")
- f.write(str(dictionary_member_list))
- f.close