- # AppOrder
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- Enable sorting the app icons from the personal settings. The order will be
- saved for each user individually. Administrators can define a custom default
- order.
- ## Set a default order for all new users
- Go to the Admin settings > Additional settings and drag the icons under App order.
- ## Use first app as default app
- You can easily let Nextcloud redirect your user to the first app in their
- personal order by changing the following parameter in your config/config.php:
- 'defaultapp' => 'apporder',
- Users will now get redirected to the first app of the default order or to the
- first app of the user order.
- # Installation
- ## From git
- 1. Clone the app into your apps/ directory: `git clone https://github.com/juliushaertl/apporder.git`
- 2. Enable it