- .TH sshpk\-conv 1 "Jan 2016" sshpk "sshpk Commands"
- .PP
- sshpk\-conv \- convert between key formats
- .PP
- \fB\fCsshpk\-conv\fR \-t FORMAT [FILENAME] [OPTIONS...]
- .PP
- \fB\fCsshpk\-conv\fR \-i [FILENAME] [OPTIONS...]
- .PP
- Reads in a public or private key and converts it between different formats,
- particularly formats used in the SSH protocol and the well\-known PEM PKCS#1/7
- formats.
- .PP
- In the second form, with the \fB\fC\-i\fR option given, identifies a key and prints to
- stderr information about its nature, size and fingerprint.
- .PP
- Assume the following SSH\-format public key in \fB\fCid_ecdsa.pub\fR:
- .PP
- .RS
- .nf
- ecdsa\-sha2\-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTI...9M/4c4= user@host
- .fi
- .RE
- .PP
- Identify it with \fB\fC\-i\fR:
- .PP
- .RS
- .nf
- $ sshpk\-conv \-i id_ecdsa.pub
- id_ecdsa: a 256 bit ECDSA public key
- ECDSA curve: nistp256
- Comment: user@host
- Fingerprint:
- SHA256:vCNX7eUkdvqqW0m4PoxQAZRv+CM4P4fS8+CbliAvS4k
- 81:ad:d5:57:e5:6f:7d:a2:93:79:56:af:d7:c0:38:51
- .fi
- .RE
- .PP
- Convert it to \fB\fCpkcs8\fR format, for use with e.g. OpenSSL:
- .PP
- .RS
- .nf
- $ sshpk\-conv \-t pkcs8 id_ecdsa
- \-\-\-\-\-BEGIN PUBLIC KEY\-\-\-\-\-
- zOt+kWJoijLnw3ZMYUKmAx+lD0I5XUxdrPcs1vH5f3cn9TvRvO9L0z/hzg==
- \-\-\-\-\-END PUBLIC KEY\-\-\-\-\-
- .fi
- .RE
- .PP
- Retrieve the public half of a private key:
- .PP
- .RS
- .nf
- $ openssl genrsa 2048 | sshpk\-conv \-t ssh \-c foo@bar
- ssh\-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAA...koK7 foo@bar
- .fi
- .RE
- .PP
- Convert a private key to PKCS#1 (OpenSSL) format from a new\-style OpenSSH key
- format (the \fB\fCssh\-keygen \-o\fR format):
- .PP
- .RS
- .nf
- $ ssh\-keygen \-o \-f foobar
- \&...
- $ sshpk\-conv \-p \-t pkcs1 foobar
- \-\-\-\-\-BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY\-\-\-\-\-
- \-\-\-\-\-END RSA PRIVATE KEY\-\-\-\-\-
- .fi
- .RE
- .TP
- \fB\fC\-i, \-\-identify\fR
- Instead of converting the key, output identifying information about it to
- stderr, including its type, size and fingerprints.
- .TP
- \fB\fC\-p, \-\-private\fR
- Treat the key as a private key instead of a public key (the default). If you
- supply \fB\fCsshpk\-conv\fR with a private key and do not give this option, it will
- extract only the public half of the key from it and work with that.
- .TP
- \fB\fC\-f PATH, \-\-file=PATH\fR
- Input file to take the key from instead of stdin. If a filename is supplied
- as a positional argument, it is equivalent to using this option.
- .TP
- \fB\fC\-o PATH, \-\-out=PATH\fR
- Output file name to use instead of stdout.
- .PP
- \fB\fC\-T FORMAT, \-\-informat=FORMAT\fR
- .TP
- \fB\fC\-t FORMAT, \-\-outformat=FORMAT\fR
- Selects the input and output formats to be used (see FORMATS, below).
- .TP
- \fB\fC\-c TEXT, \-\-comment=TEXT\fR
- Sets the key comment for the output file, if supported.
- .PP
- Currently supported formats:
- .TP
- \fB\fCpem, pkcs1\fR
- The standard PEM format used by older OpenSSH and most TLS libraries such as
- OpenSSL. The classic \fB\fCid_rsa\fR file is usually in this format. It is an ASN.1
- encoded structure, base64\-encoded and placed between PEM headers.
- .TP
- \fB\fCssh\fR
- The SSH public key text format (the format of an \fB\fCid_rsa.pub\fR file). A single
- line, containing 3 space separated parts: the key type, key body and optional
- key comment.
- .TP
- \fB\fCpkcs8\fR
- A newer PEM format, usually used only for public keys by TLS libraries such
- as OpenSSL. The ASN.1 structure is more generic than that of \fB\fCpkcs1\fR\&.
- .TP
- \fB\fCopenssh\fR
- The new \fB\fCssh\-keygen \-o\fR format from OpenSSH. This can be mistaken for a PEM
- encoding but is actually an OpenSSH internal format.
- .TP
- \fB\fCrfc4253\fR
- The internal binary format of keys when sent over the wire in the SSH
- protocol. This is also the format that the \fB\fCssh\-agent\fR uses in its protocol.
- .PP
- .BR ssh-keygen (1),
- .BR openssl (1)
- .PP
- Encrypted (password\-protected) keys are not supported.
- .PP
- Report bugs at Github
- \[la]https://github.com/arekinath/node-sshpk/issues\[ra]