- # content-disposition
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- Create and parse HTTP `Content-Disposition` header
- ## Installation
- ```sh
- $ npm install content-disposition
- ```
- ## API
- <!-- eslint-disable no-unused-vars -->
- ```js
- var contentDisposition = require('content-disposition')
- ```
- ### contentDisposition(filename, options)
- Create an attachment `Content-Disposition` header value using the given file name,
- if supplied. The `filename` is optional and if no file name is desired, but you
- want to specify `options`, set `filename` to `undefined`.
- <!-- eslint-disable no-undef -->
- ```js
- res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', contentDisposition('∫ maths.pdf'))
- ```
- **note** HTTP headers are of the ISO-8859-1 character set. If you are writing this
- header through a means different from `setHeader` in Node.js, you'll want to specify
- the `'binary'` encoding in Node.js.
- #### Options
- `contentDisposition` accepts these properties in the options object.
- ##### fallback
- If the `filename` option is outside ISO-8859-1, then the file name is actually
- stored in a supplemental field for clients that support Unicode file names and
- a ISO-8859-1 version of the file name is automatically generated.
- This specifies the ISO-8859-1 file name to override the automatic generation or
- disables the generation all together, defaults to `true`.
- - A string will specify the ISO-8859-1 file name to use in place of automatic
- generation.
- - `false` will disable including a ISO-8859-1 file name and only include the
- Unicode version (unless the file name is already ISO-8859-1).
- - `true` will enable automatic generation if the file name is outside ISO-8859-1.
- If the `filename` option is ISO-8859-1 and this option is specified and has a
- different value, then the `filename` option is encoded in the extended field
- and this set as the fallback field, even though they are both ISO-8859-1.
- ##### type
- Specifies the disposition type, defaults to `"attachment"`. This can also be
- `"inline"`, or any other value (all values except inline are treated like
- `attachment`, but can convey additional information if both parties agree to
- it). The type is normalized to lower-case.
- ### contentDisposition.parse(string)
- <!-- eslint-disable no-undef, no-unused-vars -->
- ```js
- var disposition = contentDisposition.parse('attachment; filename="EURO rates.txt"; filename*=UTF-8\'\'%e2%82%ac%20rates.txt')
- ```
- Parse a `Content-Disposition` header string. This automatically handles extended
- ("Unicode") parameters by decoding them and providing them under the standard
- parameter name. This will return an object with the following properties (examples
- are shown for the string `'attachment; filename="EURO rates.txt"; filename*=UTF-8\'\'%e2%82%ac%20rates.txt'`):
- - `type`: The disposition type (always lower case). Example: `'attachment'`
- - `parameters`: An object of the parameters in the disposition (name of parameter
- always lower case and extended versions replace non-extended versions). Example:
- `{filename: "€ rates.txt"}`
- ## Examples
- ### Send a file for download
- ```js
- var contentDisposition = require('content-disposition')
- var destroy = require('destroy')
- var fs = require('fs')
- var http = require('http')
- var onFinished = require('on-finished')
- var filePath = '/path/to/public/plans.pdf'
- http.createServer(function onRequest (req, res) {
- // set headers
- res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
- res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', contentDisposition(filePath))
- // send file
- var stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath)
- stream.pipe(res)
- onFinished(res, function () {
- destroy(stream)
- })
- })
- ```
- ## Testing
- ```sh
- $ npm test
- ```
- ## References
- - [RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1][rfc-2616]
- - [RFC 5987: Character Set and Language Encoding for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Header Field Parameters][rfc-5987]
- - [RFC 6266: Use of the Content-Disposition Header Field in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)][rfc-6266]
- - [Test Cases for HTTP Content-Disposition header field (RFC 6266) and the Encodings defined in RFCs 2047, 2231 and 5987][tc-2231]
- [rfc-2616]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616
- [rfc-5987]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5987
- [rfc-6266]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6266
- [tc-2231]: http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/
- ## License
- [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/content-disposition.svg
- [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/content-disposition
- [node-version-image]: https://img.shields.io/node/v/content-disposition.svg
- [node-version-url]: https://nodejs.org/en/download
- [travis-image]: https://img.shields.io/travis/jshttp/content-disposition.svg
- [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/jshttp/content-disposition
- [coveralls-image]: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/jshttp/content-disposition.svg
- [coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/jshttp/content-disposition?branch=master
- [downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/content-disposition.svg
- [downloads-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/content-disposition