- 'use strict';
- const Mixin = require('../../utils/mixin');
- const Tokenizer = require('../../tokenizer');
- const PositionTrackingPreprocessorMixin = require('../position-tracking/preprocessor-mixin');
- class LocationInfoTokenizerMixin extends Mixin {
- constructor(tokenizer) {
- super(tokenizer);
- this.tokenizer = tokenizer;
- this.posTracker = Mixin.install(tokenizer.preprocessor, PositionTrackingPreprocessorMixin);
- this.currentAttrLocation = null;
- this.ctLoc = null;
- }
- _getCurrentLocation() {
- return {
- startLine: this.posTracker.line,
- startCol: this.posTracker.col,
- startOffset: this.posTracker.offset,
- endLine: -1,
- endCol: -1,
- endOffset: -1
- };
- }
- _attachCurrentAttrLocationInfo() {
- this.currentAttrLocation.endLine = this.posTracker.line;
- this.currentAttrLocation.endCol = this.posTracker.col;
- this.currentAttrLocation.endOffset = this.posTracker.offset;
- const currentToken = this.tokenizer.currentToken;
- const currentAttr = this.tokenizer.currentAttr;
- if (!currentToken.location.attrs) {
- currentToken.location.attrs = Object.create(null);
- }
- currentToken.location.attrs[currentAttr.name] = this.currentAttrLocation;
- }
- _getOverriddenMethods(mxn, orig) {
- const methods = {
- _createStartTagToken() {
- orig._createStartTagToken.call(this);
- this.currentToken.location = mxn.ctLoc;
- },
- _createEndTagToken() {
- orig._createEndTagToken.call(this);
- this.currentToken.location = mxn.ctLoc;
- },
- _createCommentToken() {
- orig._createCommentToken.call(this);
- this.currentToken.location = mxn.ctLoc;
- },
- _createDoctypeToken(initialName) {
- orig._createDoctypeToken.call(this, initialName);
- this.currentToken.location = mxn.ctLoc;
- },
- _createCharacterToken(type, ch) {
- orig._createCharacterToken.call(this, type, ch);
- this.currentCharacterToken.location = mxn.ctLoc;
- },
- _createEOFToken() {
- orig._createEOFToken.call(this);
- this.currentToken.location = mxn._getCurrentLocation();
- },
- _createAttr(attrNameFirstCh) {
- orig._createAttr.call(this, attrNameFirstCh);
- mxn.currentAttrLocation = mxn._getCurrentLocation();
- },
- _leaveAttrName(toState) {
- orig._leaveAttrName.call(this, toState);
- mxn._attachCurrentAttrLocationInfo();
- },
- _leaveAttrValue(toState) {
- orig._leaveAttrValue.call(this, toState);
- mxn._attachCurrentAttrLocationInfo();
- },
- _emitCurrentToken() {
- const ctLoc = this.currentToken.location;
- //NOTE: if we have pending character token make it's end location equal to the
- //current token's start location.
- if (this.currentCharacterToken) {
- this.currentCharacterToken.location.endLine = ctLoc.startLine;
- this.currentCharacterToken.location.endCol = ctLoc.startCol;
- this.currentCharacterToken.location.endOffset = ctLoc.startOffset;
- }
- if (this.currentToken.type === Tokenizer.EOF_TOKEN) {
- ctLoc.endLine = ctLoc.startLine;
- ctLoc.endCol = ctLoc.startCol;
- ctLoc.endOffset = ctLoc.startOffset;
- } else {
- ctLoc.endLine = mxn.posTracker.line;
- ctLoc.endCol = mxn.posTracker.col + 1;
- ctLoc.endOffset = mxn.posTracker.offset + 1;
- }
- orig._emitCurrentToken.call(this);
- },
- _emitCurrentCharacterToken() {
- const ctLoc = this.currentCharacterToken && this.currentCharacterToken.location;
- //NOTE: if we have character token and it's location wasn't set in the _emitCurrentToken(),
- //then set it's location at the current preprocessor position.
- //We don't need to increment preprocessor position, since character token
- //emission is always forced by the start of the next character token here.
- //So, we already have advanced position.
- if (ctLoc && ctLoc.endOffset === -1) {
- ctLoc.endLine = mxn.posTracker.line;
- ctLoc.endCol = mxn.posTracker.col;
- ctLoc.endOffset = mxn.posTracker.offset;
- }
- orig._emitCurrentCharacterToken.call(this);
- }
- };
- //NOTE: patch initial states for each mode to obtain token start position
- Object.keys(Tokenizer.MODE).forEach(modeName => {
- const state = Tokenizer.MODE[modeName];
- methods[state] = function(cp) {
- mxn.ctLoc = mxn._getCurrentLocation();
- orig[state].call(this, cp);
- };
- });
- return methods;
- }
- }
- module.exports = LocationInfoTokenizerMixin;