2020-08-27 21:55:39 +02:00

162 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2010 Radim Rehurek <>
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1 -
Automated tests for checking transformation algorithms (the models package).
import logging
import unittest
import os
import os.path
import numpy as np
from gensim.corpora import mmcorpus, Dictionary
from gensim.models.wrappers import ldamallet
from gensim import matutils
from gensim.models import ldamodel
from gensim.test import basetmtests
from gensim.test.utils import datapath, get_tmpfile, common_texts
dictionary = Dictionary(common_texts)
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in common_texts]
class TestLdaMallet(unittest.TestCase, basetmtests.TestBaseTopicModel):
def setUp(self):
mallet_home = os.environ.get('MALLET_HOME', None)
self.mallet_path = os.path.join(mallet_home, 'bin', 'mallet') if mallet_home else None
if not self.mallet_path:
raise unittest.SkipTest("MALLET_HOME not specified. Skipping Mallet tests.")
self.corpus = mmcorpus.MmCorpus(datapath(''))
# self.model is used in TestBaseTopicModel
self.model = ldamallet.LdaMallet(self.mallet_path, corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=2, iterations=1)
def testTransform(self):
if not self.mallet_path:
passed = False
for i in range(5): # restart at most 5 times
# create the transformation model
model = ldamallet.LdaMallet(self.mallet_path, corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=2, iterations=200)
# transform one document
doc = list(corpus)[0]
transformed = model[doc]
vec = matutils.sparse2full(transformed, 2) # convert to dense vector, for easier equality tests
expected = [0.49, 0.51]
# must contain the same values, up to re-ordering
passed = np.allclose(sorted(vec), sorted(expected), atol=1e-1)
if passed:
"LDA failed to converge on attempt %i (got %s, expected %s)",
i, sorted(vec), sorted(expected)
def testSparseTransform(self):
if not self.mallet_path:
passed = False
for i in range(5): # restart at most 5 times
# create the sparse transformation model with the appropriate topic_threshold
model = ldamallet.LdaMallet(
self.mallet_path, corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=2, iterations=200, topic_threshold=0.5
# transform one document
doc = list(corpus)[0]
transformed = model[doc]
vec = matutils.sparse2full(transformed, 2) # convert to dense vector, for easier equality tests
expected = [1.0, 0.0]
# must contain the same values, up to re-ordering
passed = np.allclose(sorted(vec), sorted(expected), atol=1e-2)
if passed:
"LDA failed to converge on attempt %i (got %s, expected %s)",
i, sorted(vec), sorted(expected)
def testMallet2Model(self):
if not self.mallet_path:
tm1 = ldamallet.LdaMallet(self.mallet_path, corpus=corpus, num_topics=2, id2word=dictionary)
tm2 = ldamallet.malletmodel2ldamodel(tm1)
for document in corpus:
element1_1, element1_2 = tm1[document][0]
element2_1, element2_2 = tm2[document][0]
self.assertAlmostEqual(element1_1, element2_1)
self.assertAlmostEqual(element1_2, element2_2, 1)
element1_1, element1_2 = tm1[document][1]
element2_1, element2_2 = tm2[document][1]
self.assertAlmostEqual(element1_1, element2_1)
self.assertAlmostEqual(element1_2, element2_2, 1)
logging.debug('%d %d', element1_1, element2_1)
logging.debug('%d %d', element1_2, element2_2)
logging.debug('%d %d', tm1[document][1], tm2[document][1])
def testPersistence(self):
if not self.mallet_path:
fname = get_tmpfile('gensim_models_lda_mallet.tst')
model = ldamallet.LdaMallet(self.mallet_path, self.corpus, num_topics=2, iterations=100)
model2 = ldamallet.LdaMallet.load(fname)
self.assertEqual(model.num_topics, model2.num_topics)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model.word_topics, model2.word_topics))
tstvec = []
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model[tstvec], model2[tstvec])) # try projecting an empty vector
def testPersistenceCompressed(self):
if not self.mallet_path:
fname = get_tmpfile('gensim_models_lda_mallet.tst.gz')
model = ldamallet.LdaMallet(self.mallet_path, self.corpus, num_topics=2, iterations=100)
model2 = ldamallet.LdaMallet.load(fname, mmap=None)
self.assertEqual(model.num_topics, model2.num_topics)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model.word_topics, model2.word_topics))
tstvec = []
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model[tstvec], model2[tstvec])) # try projecting an empty vector
def testLargeMmap(self):
if not self.mallet_path:
fname = get_tmpfile('gensim_models_lda_mallet.tst')
model = ldamallet.LdaMallet(self.mallet_path, self.corpus, num_topics=2, iterations=100)
# simulate storing large arrays separately, sep_limit=0)
# test loading the large model arrays with mmap
model2 = ldamodel.LdaModel.load(fname, mmap='r')
self.assertEqual(model.num_topics, model2.num_topics)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(model2.word_topics, np.memmap))
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model.word_topics, model2.word_topics))
tstvec = []
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model[tstvec], model2[tstvec])) # try projecting an empty vector
def testLargeMmapCompressed(self):
if not self.mallet_path:
fname = get_tmpfile('gensim_models_lda_mallet.tst.gz')
model = ldamallet.LdaMallet(self.mallet_path, self.corpus, num_topics=2, iterations=100)
# simulate storing large arrays separately, sep_limit=0)
# test loading the large model arrays with mmap
self.assertRaises(IOError, ldamodel.LdaModel.load, fname, mmap='r')
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)