2020-08-27 21:55:39 +02:00

273 lines
7.2 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Part of the astor library for Python AST manipulation.
License: 3-clause BSD
Copyright (c) 2015 Patrick Maupin
Pretty-print source -- post-process for the decompiler
The goals of the initial cut of this engine are:
1) Do a passable, if not PEP8, job of line-wrapping.
2) Serve as an example of an interface to the decompiler
for anybody who wants to do a better job. :)
def pretty_source(source):
""" Prettify the source.
return ''.join(split_lines(source))
def split_lines(source, maxline=79):
"""Split inputs according to lines.
If a line is short enough, just yield it.
Otherwise, fix it.
result = []
extend = result.extend
append = result.append
line = []
multiline = False
count = 0
find = str.find
for item in source:
index = find(item, '\n')
if index:
multiline = index > 0
count += len(item)
if line:
if count <= maxline or multiline:
wrap_line(line, maxline, result)
count = 0
multiline = False
line = []
return result
def count(group, slen=str.__len__):
return sum([slen(x) for x in group])
def wrap_line(line, maxline=79, result=[], count=count):
""" We have a line that is too long,
so we're going to try to wrap it.
# Extract the indentation
append = result.append
extend = result.extend
indentation = line[0]
lenfirst = len(indentation)
indent = lenfirst - len(indentation.strip())
assert indent in (0, lenfirst)
indentation = line.pop(0) if indent else ''
# Get splittable/non-splittable groups
dgroups = list(delimiter_groups(line))
unsplittable = dgroups[::2]
splittable = dgroups[1::2]
# If the largest non-splittable group won't fit
# on a line, try to add parentheses to the line.
if max(count(x) for x in unsplittable) > maxline - indent:
line = add_parens(line, maxline, indent)
dgroups = list(delimiter_groups(line))
unsplittable = dgroups[::2]
splittable = dgroups[1::2]
# Deal with the first (always unsplittable) group, and
# then set up to deal with the remainder in pairs.
first = unsplittable[0]
if not splittable:
return result
pos = indent + count(first)
indentation += ' '
indent += 4
if indent >= maxline/2:
maxline = maxline/2 + indent
for sg, nsg in zip(splittable, unsplittable[1:]):
if sg:
# If we already have stuff on the line and even
# the very first item won't fit, start a new line
if pos > indent and pos + len(sg[0]) > maxline:
pos = indent
# Dump lines out of the splittable group
# until the entire thing fits
csg = count(sg)
while pos + csg > maxline:
ready, sg = split_group(sg, pos, maxline)
if ready[-1].endswith(' '):
ready[-1] = ready[-1][:-1]
pos = indent
csg = count(sg)
# Dump the remainder of the splittable group
if sg:
pos += csg
# Dump the unsplittable group, optionally
# preceded by a linefeed.
cnsg = count(nsg)
if pos > indent and pos + cnsg > maxline:
pos = indent
pos += cnsg
def split_group(source, pos, maxline):
""" Split a group into two subgroups. The
first will be appended to the current
line, the second will start the new line.
Note that the first group must always
contain at least one item.
The original group may be destroyed.
first = []
while source:
tok = source.pop()
pos += len(tok)
if source:
tok = source[-1]
allowed = (maxline + 1) if tok.endswith(' ') else (maxline - 4)
if pos + len(tok) > allowed:
return first, source
begin_delim = set('([{')
end_delim = set(')]}')
def delimiter_groups(line, begin_delim=begin_delim,
"""Split a line into alternating groups.
The first group cannot have a line feed inserted,
the next one can, etc.
text = []
line = iter(line)
while True:
# First build and yield an unsplittable group
for item in line:
if item in begin_delim:
if not text:
yield text
# Now build and yield a splittable group
level = 0
text = []
for item in line:
if item in begin_delim:
level += 1
elif item in end_delim:
level -= 1
if level < 0:
yield text
text = [item]
assert not text, text
statements = set(['del ', 'return', 'yield ', 'if ', 'while '])
def add_parens(line, maxline, indent, statements=statements, count=count):
"""Attempt to add parentheses around the line
in order to make it splittable.
if line[0] in statements:
index = 1
if not line[0].endswith(' '):
index = 2
assert line[1] == ' '
line.insert(index, '(')
if line[-1] == ':':
line.insert(-1, ')')
# That was the easy stuff. Now for assignments.
groups = list(get_assign_groups(line))
if len(groups) == 1:
# So sad, too bad
return line
counts = list(count(x) for x in groups)
didwrap = False
# If the LHS is large, wrap it first
if sum(counts[:-1]) >= maxline - indent - 4:
for group in groups[:-1]:
didwrap = False # Only want to know about last group
if len(group) > 1:
group.insert(0, '(')
group.insert(-1, ')')
didwrap = True
# Might not need to wrap the RHS if wrapped the LHS
if not didwrap or counts[-1] > maxline - indent - 10:
groups[-1].insert(0, '(')
return [item for group in groups for item in group]
# Assignment operators
ops = list('|^&+-*/%@~') + '<< >> // **'.split() + ['']
ops = set(' %s= ' % x for x in ops)
def get_assign_groups(line, ops=ops):
""" Split a line into groups by assignment (including
augmented assignment)
group = []
for item in line:
if item in ops:
yield group
group = []
yield group