- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # =============================================================================
- # Version: 2.55 (March 23, 2016)
- # Author: Giuseppe Attardi (attardi@di.unipi.it), University of Pisa
- #
- # Contributors:
- # Antonio Fuschetto (fuschett@aol.com)
- # Leonardo Souza (lsouza@amtera.com.br)
- # Juan Manuel Caicedo (juan@cavorite.com)
- # Humberto Pereira (begini@gmail.com)
- # Siegfried-A. Gevatter (siegfried@gevatter.com)
- # Pedro Assis (pedroh2306@gmail.com)
- # Wim Muskee (wimmuskee@gmail.com)
- # Radics Geza (radicsge@gmail.com)
- #
- # =============================================================================
- # Copyright (c) 2011-2016. Giuseppe Attardi (attardi@di.unipi.it).
- # =============================================================================
- # This file is part of Tanl.
- #
- # Tanl is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- # under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3,
- # as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- #
- # Tanl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- # =============================================================================
- """Wikipedia Extractor:
- Extracts and cleans text from a Wikipedia database dump and stores output in a
- number of files of similar size in a given directory.
- Each file will contain several documents in the format:
- <doc id="" url="" title="">
- ...
- </doc>
- Template expansion requires preprocesssng first the whole dump and
- collecting template definitions.
- """
- import sys
- import argparse
- import bz2
- import codecs
- import cgi
- import fileinput
- import logging
- import os.path
- import re # TODO use regex when it will be standard
- import time
- import urllib
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
- from itertools import izip, izip_longest
- from multiprocessing import Queue, Process, Value, cpu_count
- from timeit import default_timer
- # ===========================================================================
- # Program version
- version = '2.55'
- ## PARAMS ####################################################################
- ##
- # Defined in <siteinfo>
- # We include as default Template, when loading external template file.
- knownNamespaces = set(['Template'])
- ##
- # Keys for Template and Module namespaces
- templateKeys = set(['10', '828'])
- ##
- # The namespace used for template definitions
- # It is the name associated with namespace key=10 in the siteinfo header.
- templateNamespace = ''
- templatePrefix = ''
- ##
- # The namespace used for module definitions
- # It is the name associated with namespace key=828 in the siteinfo header.
- moduleNamespace = ''
- ##
- # Recognize only these namespaces
- # w: Internal links to the Wikipedia
- # wiktionary: Wiki dictionary
- # wikt: shortcut for Wiktionary
- #
- acceptedNamespaces = ['w', 'wiktionary', 'wikt']
- ##
- # Drop these elements from article text
- #
- discardElements = [
- 'gallery', 'timeline', 'noinclude', 'pre',
- 'table', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'caption', 'div',
- 'form', 'input', 'select', 'option', 'textarea',
- 'ul', 'li', 'ol', 'dl', 'dt', 'dd', 'menu', 'dir',
- 'ref', 'references', 'img', 'imagemap', 'source', 'small',
- 'sub', 'sup'
- ]
- # This is obtained from <siteinfo>
- urlbase = ''
- def get_url(uid):
- return "%s?curid=%s" % (urlbase, uid)
- # =========================================================================
- #
- # MediaWiki Markup Grammar
- # https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Preprocessor_ABNF
- # xml-char = %x9 / %xA / %xD / %x20-D7FF / %xE000-FFFD / %x10000-10FFFF
- # sptab = SP / HTAB
- # ; everything except ">" (%x3E)
- # attr-char = %x9 / %xA / %xD / %x20-3D / %x3F-D7FF / %xE000-FFFD / %x10000-10FFFF
- # literal = *xml-char
- # title = wikitext-L3
- # part-name = wikitext-L3
- # part-value = wikitext-L3
- # part = ( part-name "=" part-value ) / ( part-value )
- # parts = [ title *( "|" part ) ]
- # tplarg = "{{{" parts "}}}"
- # template = "{{" parts "}}"
- # link = "[[" wikitext-L3 "]]"
- # comment = "<!--" literal "-->"
- # unclosed-comment = "<!--" literal END
- # ; the + in the line-eating-comment rule was absent between MW 1.12 and MW 1.22
- # line-eating-comment = LF LINE-START *SP +( comment *SP ) LINE-END
- # attr = *attr-char
- # nowiki-element = "<nowiki" attr ( "/>" / ( ">" literal ( "</nowiki>" / END ) ) )
- # wikitext-L2 = heading / wikitext-L3 / *wikitext-L2
- # wikitext-L3 = literal / template / tplarg / link / comment /
- # line-eating-comment / unclosed-comment / xmlish-element /
- # *wikitext-L3
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- selfClosingTags = ('br', 'hr', 'nobr', 'ref', 'references', 'nowiki')
- # These tags are dropped, keeping their content.
- # handle 'a' separately, depending on keepLinks
- ignoredTags = (
- 'abbr', 'b', 'big', 'blockquote', 'center', 'cite', 'em',
- 'font', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'hiero', 'i', 'kbd', 'nowiki',
- 'p', 'plaintext', 's', 'span', 'strike', 'strong',
- 'tt', 'u', 'var'
- )
- placeholder_tags = {'math': 'formula', 'code': 'codice'}
- def normalizeTitle(title):
- """Normalize title"""
- # remove leading/trailing whitespace and underscores
- title = title.strip(' _')
- # replace sequences of whitespace and underscore chars with a single space
- title = re.sub(r'[\s_]+', ' ', title)
- m = re.match(r'([^:]*):(\s*)(\S(?:.*))', title)
- if m:
- prefix = m.group(1)
- if m.group(2):
- optionalWhitespace = ' '
- else:
- optionalWhitespace = ''
- rest = m.group(3)
- ns = normalizeNamespace(prefix)
- if ns in knownNamespaces:
- # If the prefix designates a known namespace, then it might be
- # followed by optional whitespace that should be removed to get
- # the canonical page name
- # (e.g., "Category: Births" should become "Category:Births").
- title = ns + ":" + ucfirst(rest)
- else:
- # No namespace, just capitalize first letter.
- # If the part before the colon is not a known namespace, then we
- # must not remove the space after the colon (if any), e.g.,
- # "3001: The_Final_Odyssey" != "3001:The_Final_Odyssey".
- # However, to get the canonical page name we must contract multiple
- # spaces into one, because
- # "3001: The_Final_Odyssey" != "3001: The_Final_Odyssey".
- title = ucfirst(prefix) + ":" + optionalWhitespace + ucfirst(rest)
- else:
- # no namespace, just capitalize first letter
- title = ucfirst(title)
- return title
- def unescape(text):
- """
- Removes HTML or XML character references and entities from a text string.
- :param text The HTML (or XML) source text.
- :return The plain text, as a Unicode string, if necessary.
- """
- def fixup(m):
- text = m.group(0)
- code = m.group(1)
- try:
- if text[1] == "#": # character reference
- if text[2] == "x":
- return unichr(int(code[1:], 16))
- else:
- return unichr(int(code))
- else: # named entity
- return unichr(name2codepoint[code])
- except:
- return text # leave as is
- return re.sub("&#?(\w+);", fixup, text)
- # Match HTML comments
- # The buggy template {{Template:T}} has a comment terminating with just "->"
- comment = re.compile(r'<!--.*?-->', re.DOTALL)
- # Match ignored tags
- ignored_tag_patterns = []
- def ignoreTag(tag):
- left = re.compile(r'<%s\b.*?>' % tag, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL) # both <ref> and <reference>
- right = re.compile(r'</\s*%s>' % tag, re.IGNORECASE)
- ignored_tag_patterns.append((left, right))
- for tag in ignoredTags:
- ignoreTag(tag)
- # Match selfClosing HTML tags
- selfClosing_tag_patterns = [
- re.compile(r'<\s*%s\b[^>]*/\s*>' % tag, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) for tag in selfClosingTags
- ]
- # Match HTML placeholder tags
- placeholder_tag_patterns = [
- (re.compile(r'<\s*%s(\s*| [^>]+?)>.*?<\s*/\s*%s\s*>' % (tag, tag), re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE),
- repl) for tag, repl in placeholder_tags.items()
- ]
- # Match preformatted lines
- preformatted = re.compile(r'^ .*?$')
- # Match external links (space separates second optional parameter)
- externalLink = re.compile(r'\[\w+[^ ]*? (.*?)]')
- externalLinkNoAnchor = re.compile(r'\[\w+[&\]]*\]')
- # Matches bold/italic
- bold_italic = re.compile(r"'''''(.*?)'''''")
- bold = re.compile(r"'''(.*?)'''")
- italic_quote = re.compile(r"''\"([^\"]*?)\"''")
- italic = re.compile(r"''(.*?)''")
- quote_quote = re.compile(r'""([^"]*?)""')
- # Matches space
- spaces = re.compile(r' {2,}')
- # Matches dots
- dots = re.compile(r'\.{4,}')
- # ======================================================================
- class Template(list):
- """
- A Template is a list of TemplateText or TemplateArgs
- """
- @classmethod
- def parse(cls, body):
- tpl = Template()
- # we must handle nesting, s.a.
- # {{{1|{{PAGENAME}}}
- # {{{italics|{{{italic|}}}
- # {{#if:{{{{{#if:{{{nominee|}}}|nominee|candidate}}|}}}|
- #
- start = 0
- for s, e in findMatchingBraces(body, 3):
- tpl.append(TemplateText(body[start:s]))
- tpl.append(TemplateArg(body[s + 3:e - 3]))
- start = e
- tpl.append(TemplateText(body[start:])) # leftover
- return tpl
- def subst(self, params, extractor, depth=0):
- # We perform parameter substitutions recursively.
- # We also limit the maximum number of iterations to avoid too long or
- # even endless loops (in case of malformed input).
- # :see: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Expansion#Distinction_between_variables.2C_parser_functions.2C_and_templates
- #
- # Parameter values are assigned to parameters in two (?) passes.
- # Therefore a parameter name in a template can depend on the value of
- # another parameter of the same template, regardless of the order in
- # which they are specified in the template call, for example, using
- # Template:ppp containing "{{{{{{p}}}}}}", {{ppp|p=q|q=r}} and even
- # {{ppp|q=r|p=q}} gives r, but using Template:tvvv containing
- # "{{{{{{{{{p}}}}}}}}}", {{tvvv|p=q|q=r|r=s}} gives s.
- # logging.debug('subst tpl (%d, %d) %s', len(extractor.frame), depth, self)
- if depth > extractor.maxParameterRecursionLevels:
- extractor.recursion_exceeded_3_errs += 1
- return ''
- return ''.join([tpl.subst(params, extractor, depth) for tpl in self])
- def __str__(self):
- return ''.join([unicode(x) for x in self])
- class TemplateText(unicode):
- """Fixed text of template"""
- def subst(self, params, extractor, depth):
- return self
- class TemplateArg(object):
- """
- parameter to a template.
- Has a name and a default value, both of which are Templates.
- """
- def __init__(self, parameter):
- """
- :param parameter: the parts of a tplarg.
- """
- # the parameter name itself might contain templates, e.g.:
- # appointe{{#if:{{{appointer14|}}}|r|d}}14|
- # 4|{{{{{subst|}}}CURRENTYEAR}}
- # any parts in a tplarg after the first (the parameter default) are
- # ignored, and an equals sign in the first part is treated as plain text.
- # logging.debug('TemplateArg %s', parameter)
- parts = splitParts(parameter)
- self.name = Template.parse(parts[0])
- if len(parts) > 1:
- # This parameter has a default value
- self.default = Template.parse(parts[1])
- else:
- self.default = None
- def __str__(self):
- if self.default:
- return '{{{%s|%s}}}' % (self.name, self.default)
- else:
- return '{{{%s}}}' % self.name
- def subst(self, params, extractor, depth):
- """
- Substitute value for this argument from dict :param params:
- Use :param extractor: to evaluate expressions for name and default.
- Limit substitution to the maximun :param depth:.
- """
- # the parameter name itself might contain templates, e.g.:
- # appointe{{#if:{{{appointer14|}}}|r|d}}14|
- paramName = self.name.subst(params, extractor, depth + 1)
- paramName = extractor.expandTemplates(paramName)
- res = ''
- if paramName in params:
- res = params[paramName] # use parameter value specified in template invocation
- elif self.default: # use the default value
- defaultValue = self.default.subst(params, extractor, depth + 1)
- res = extractor.expandTemplates(defaultValue)
- # logging.debug('subst arg %d %s -> %s' % (depth, paramName, res))
- return res
- # ======================================================================
- substWords = 'subst:|safesubst:'
- class Extractor(object):
- """
- An extraction task on a article.
- """
- ##
- # Whether to preserve links in output
- keepLinks = False
- ##
- # Whether to preserve section titles
- keepSections = True
- ##
- # Whether to preserve lists
- keeplists = False
- ##
- # Whether to output HTML instead of text
- toHTML = False
- ##
- # Whether to expand templates
- expand_templates = True
- def __init__(self, id, title, lines):
- """
- :param id: id of page.
- :param title: tutle of page.
- :param lines: a list of lines.
- """
- self.id = id
- self.title = title
- self.text = ''.join(lines)
- self.magicWords = MagicWords()
- self.frame = []
- self.recursion_exceeded_1_errs = 0 # template recursion within expandTemplates()
- self.recursion_exceeded_2_errs = 0 # template recursion within expandTemplate()
- self.recursion_exceeded_3_errs = 0 # parameter recursion
- self.template_title_errs = 0
- def extract(self, out):
- """
- :param out: a memory file.
- """
- logging.debug("%s\t%s", self.id, self.title)
- url = get_url(self.id)
- header = '<doc id="%s" url="%s" title="%s">\n' % (self.id, url, self.title)
- # Separate header from text with a newline.
- header += self.title + '\n\n'
- header = header.encode('utf-8')
- self.magicWords['pagename'] = self.title
- self.magicWords['fullpagename'] = self.title
- self.magicWords['currentyear'] = time.strftime('%Y')
- self.magicWords['currentmonth'] = time.strftime('%m')
- self.magicWords['currentday'] = time.strftime('%d')
- self.magicWords['currenthour'] = time.strftime('%H')
- self.magicWords['currenttime'] = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
- text = self.clean()
- footer = "\n</doc>\n"
- out.write(header)
- for line in compact(text):
- out.write(line.encode('utf-8'))
- out.write('\n')
- out.write(footer)
- errs = (self.template_title_errs,
- self.recursion_exceeded_1_errs,
- self.recursion_exceeded_2_errs,
- self.recursion_exceeded_3_errs)
- if any(errs):
- logging.warn("Template errors in article '%s' (%s): title(%d) recursion(%d, %d, %d)",
- self.title, self.id, *errs)
- def clean(self):
- """
- Transforms wiki markup. If the command line flag --escapedoc is set then the text is also escaped
- @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting
- """
- text = self.text
- self.text = '' # save memory
- if Extractor.expand_templates:
- # expand templates
- # See: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Templates
- text = self.expandTemplates(text)
- else:
- # Drop transclusions (template, parser functions)
- text = dropNested(text, r'{{', r'}}')
- # Drop tables
- text = dropNested(text, r'{\|', r'\|}')
- # replace external links
- text = replaceExternalLinks(text)
- # replace internal links
- text = replaceInternalLinks(text)
- # drop MagicWords behavioral switches
- text = magicWordsRE.sub('', text)
- # ############### Process HTML ###############
- # turn into HTML, except for the content of <syntaxhighlight>
- res = ''
- cur = 0
- for m in syntaxhighlight.finditer(text):
- res += unescape(text[cur:m.start()]) + m.group(1)
- cur = m.end()
- text = res + unescape(text[cur:])
- # Handle bold/italic/quote
- if self.toHTML:
- text = bold_italic.sub(r'<b>\1</b>', text)
- text = bold.sub(r'<b>\1</b>', text)
- text = italic.sub(r'<i>\1</i>', text)
- else:
- text = bold_italic.sub(r'\1', text)
- text = bold.sub(r'\1', text)
- text = italic_quote.sub(r'"\1"', text)
- text = italic.sub(r'"\1"', text)
- text = quote_quote.sub(r'"\1"', text)
- # residuals of unbalanced quotes
- text = text.replace("'''", '').replace("''", '"')
- # Collect spans
- spans = []
- # Drop HTML comments
- for m in comment.finditer(text):
- spans.append((m.start(), m.end()))
- # Drop self-closing tags
- for pattern in selfClosing_tag_patterns:
- for m in pattern.finditer(text):
- spans.append((m.start(), m.end()))
- # Drop ignored tags
- for left, right in ignored_tag_patterns:
- for m in left.finditer(text):
- spans.append((m.start(), m.end()))
- for m in right.finditer(text):
- spans.append((m.start(), m.end()))
- # Bulk remove all spans
- text = dropSpans(spans, text)
- # Drop discarded elements
- for tag in discardElements:
- text = dropNested(text, r'<\s*%s\b[^>/]*>' % tag, r'<\s*/\s*%s>' % tag)
- if not self.toHTML:
- # Turn into text what is left (&nbsp;) and <syntaxhighlight>
- text = unescape(text)
- # Expand placeholders
- for pattern, placeholder in placeholder_tag_patterns:
- index = 1
- for match in pattern.finditer(text):
- text = text.replace(match.group(), '%s_%d' % (placeholder, index))
- index += 1
- text = text.replace('<<', u'«').replace('>>', u'»')
- #############################################
- # Cleanup text
- text = text.replace('\t', ' ')
- text = spaces.sub(' ', text)
- text = dots.sub('...', text)
- text = re.sub(u' (,:\.\)\]»)', r'\1', text)
- text = re.sub(u'(\[\(«) ', r'\1', text)
- text = re.sub(r'\n\W+?\n', '\n', text, flags=re.U) # lines with only punctuations
- text = text.replace(',,', ',').replace(',.', '.')
- if escape_doc:
- text = cgi.escape(text)
- return text
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Expand templates
- maxTemplateRecursionLevels = 30
- maxParameterRecursionLevels = 10
- # check for template beginning
- reOpen = re.compile('(?<!{){{(?!{)', re.DOTALL)
- def expandTemplates(self, wikitext):
- """
- :param wikitext: the text to be expanded.
- Templates are frequently nested. Occasionally, parsing mistakes may
- cause template insertion to enter an infinite loop, for instance when
- trying to instantiate Template:Country
- {{country_{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}|size={{{size|}}}|name={{{name|}}}}}
- which is repeatedly trying to insert template 'country_', which is
- again resolved to Template:Country. The straightforward solution of
- keeping track of templates that were already inserted for the current
- article would not work, because the same template may legally be used
- more than once, with different parameters in different parts of the
- article. Therefore, we limit the number of iterations of nested
- template inclusion.
- """
- # Test template expansion at:
- # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ExpandTemplates
- res = ''
- if len(self.frame) >= self.maxTemplateRecursionLevels:
- self.recursion_exceeded_1_errs += 1
- return res
- # logging.debug('<expandTemplates ' + str(len(self.frame)))
- cur = 0
- # look for matching {{...}}
- for s, e in findMatchingBraces(wikitext, 2):
- res += wikitext[cur:s] + self.expandTemplate(wikitext[s + 2:e - 2])
- cur = e
- # leftover
- res += wikitext[cur:]
- # logging.debug(' expandTemplates> %d %s', len(self.frame), res)
- return res
- def templateParams(self, parameters):
- """
- Build a dictionary with positional or name key to expanded parameters.
- :param parameters: the parts[1:] of a template, i.e. all except the title.
- """
- templateParams = {}
- if not parameters:
- return templateParams
- logging.debug('<templateParams: %s', '|'.join(parameters))
- # Parameters can be either named or unnamed. In the latter case, their
- # name is defined by their ordinal position (1, 2, 3, ...).
- unnamedParameterCounter = 0
- # It's legal for unnamed parameters to be skipped, in which case they
- # will get default values (if available) during actual instantiation.
- # That is {{template_name|a||c}} means parameter 1 gets
- # the value 'a', parameter 2 value is not defined, and parameter 3 gets
- # the value 'c'. This case is correctly handled by function 'split',
- # and does not require any special handling.
- for param in parameters:
- # Spaces before or after a parameter value are normally ignored,
- # UNLESS the parameter contains a link (to prevent possible gluing
- # the link to the following text after template substitution)
- # Parameter values may contain "=" symbols, hence the parameter
- # name extends up to the first such symbol.
- # It is legal for a parameter to be specified several times, in
- # which case the last assignment takes precedence. Example:
- # "{{t|a|b|c|2=B}}" is equivalent to "{{t|a|B|c}}".
- # Therefore, we don't check if the parameter has been assigned a
- # value before, because anyway the last assignment should override
- # any previous ones.
- # FIXME: Don't use DOTALL here since parameters may be tags with
- # attributes, e.g. <div class="templatequotecite">
- # Parameters may span several lines, like:
- # {{Reflist|colwidth=30em|refs=
- # <ref name="Goode">Title</ref>
- # The '=' might occurr within an HTML attribute:
- # "<ref name=value"
- # but we stop at first.
- m = re.match(' *([^= ]*?) *=(.*)', param, re.DOTALL)
- if m:
- # This is a named parameter. This case also handles parameter
- # assignments like "2=xxx", where the number of an unnamed
- # parameter ("2") is specified explicitly - this is handled
- # transparently.
- parameterName = m.group(1).strip()
- parameterValue = m.group(2)
- if ']]' not in parameterValue: # if the value does not contain a link, trim whitespace
- parameterValue = parameterValue.strip()
- templateParams[parameterName] = parameterValue
- else:
- # this is an unnamed parameter
- unnamedParameterCounter += 1
- if ']]' not in param: # if the value does not contain a link, trim whitespace
- param = param.strip()
- templateParams[str(unnamedParameterCounter)] = param
- logging.debug(' templateParams> %s', '|'.join(templateParams.values()))
- return templateParams
- def expandTemplate(self, body):
- """Expands template invocation.
- :param body: the parts of a template.
- :see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Expansion for an explanation
- of the process.
- See in particular: Expansion of names and values
- http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Expansion#Expansion_of_names_and_values
- For most parser functions all names and values are expanded,
- regardless of what is relevant for the result. The branching functions
- (#if, #ifeq, #iferror, #ifexist, #ifexpr, #switch) are exceptions.
- All names in a template call are expanded, and the titles of the
- tplargs in the template body, after which it is determined which
- values must be expanded, and for which tplargs in the template body
- the first part (default).
- In the case of a tplarg, any parts beyond the first are never
- expanded. The possible name and the value of the first part is
- expanded if the title does not match a name in the template call.
- :see code for braceSubstitution at
- https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/html/Parser_8php_source.html#3397:
- """
- # template = "{{" parts "}}"
- # Templates and tplargs are decomposed in the same way, with pipes as
- # separator, even though eventually any parts in a tplarg after the first
- # (the parameter default) are ignored, and an equals sign in the first
- # part is treated as plain text.
- # Pipes inside inner templates and tplargs, or inside double rectangular
- # brackets within the template or tplargs are not taken into account in
- # this decomposition.
- # The first part is called title, the other parts are simply called parts.
- # If a part has one or more equals signs in it, the first equals sign
- # determines the division into name = value. Equals signs inside inner
- # templates and tplargs, or inside double rectangular brackets within the
- # part are not taken into account in this decomposition. Parts without
- # equals sign are indexed 1, 2, .., given as attribute in the <name> tag.
- if len(self.frame) >= self.maxTemplateRecursionLevels:
- self.recursion_exceeded_2_errs += 1
- # logging.debug(' INVOCATION> %d %s', len(self.frame), body)
- return ''
- logging.debug('INVOCATION %d %s', len(self.frame), body)
- parts = splitParts(body)
- # title is the portion before the first |
- logging.debug('TITLE %s', parts[0].strip())
- title = self.expandTemplates(parts[0].strip())
- # Apply the template tag to parameters without
- # substituting into them, e.g.
- # {{subst:t|a{{{p|q}}}b}} gives the wikitext start-a{{{p|q}}}b-end
- # @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Substitution#Partial_substitution
- subst = False
- if re.match(substWords, title, re.IGNORECASE):
- title = re.sub(substWords, '', title, 1, re.IGNORECASE)
- subst = True
- if title.lower() in self.magicWords.values:
- return self.magicWords[title.lower()]
- # Parser functions
- # The first argument is everything after the first colon.
- # It has been evaluated above.
- colon = title.find(':')
- if colon > 1:
- funct = title[:colon]
- parts[0] = title[colon + 1:].strip() # side-effect (parts[0] not used later)
- # arguments after first are not evaluated
- ret = callParserFunction(funct, parts, self.frame)
- return self.expandTemplates(ret)
- title = fullyQualifiedTemplateTitle(title)
- if not title:
- self.template_title_errs += 1
- return ''
- redirected = redirects.get(title)
- if redirected:
- title = redirected
- # get the template
- if title in templateCache:
- template = templateCache[title]
- elif title in templates:
- template = Template.parse(templates[title])
- # add it to cache
- templateCache[title] = template
- del templates[title]
- else:
- # The page being included could not be identified
- return ''
- logging.debug('TEMPLATE %s: %s', title, template)
- # tplarg = "{{{" parts "}}}"
- # parts = [ title *( "|" part ) ]
- # part = ( part-name "=" part-value ) / ( part-value )
- # part-name = wikitext-L3
- # part-value = wikitext-L3
- # wikitext-L3 = literal / template / tplarg / link / comment /
- # line-eating-comment / unclosed-comment /
- # xmlish-element / *wikitext-L3
- # A tplarg may contain other parameters as well as templates, e.g.:
- # {{{text|{{{quote|{{{1|{{error|Error: No text given}}}}}}}}}}}
- # hence no simple RE like this would work:
- # '{{{((?:(?!{{{).)*?)}}}'
- # We must use full CF parsing.
- # the parameter name itself might be computed, e.g.:
- # {{{appointe{{#if:{{{appointer14|}}}|r|d}}14|}}}
- # Because of the multiple uses of double-brace and triple-brace
- # syntax, expressions can sometimes be ambiguous.
- # Precedence rules specifed here:
- # http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Preprocessor_ABNF#Ideal_precedence
- # resolve ambiguities like this:
- # {{{{ }}}} -> { {{{ }}} }
- # {{{{{ }}}}} -> {{ {{{ }}} }}
- #
- # :see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Template#Handling_parameters
- params = parts[1:]
- if not subst:
- # Evaluate parameters, since they may contain templates, including
- # the symbol "=".
- # {{#ifexpr: {{{1}}} = 1 }}
- params = [self.expandTemplates(p) for p in params]
- # build a dict of name-values for the parameter values
- params = self.templateParams(params)
- # Perform parameter substitution
- # extend frame before subst, since there may be recursion in default
- # parameter value, e.g. {{OTRS|celebrative|date=April 2015}} in article
- # 21637542 in enwiki.
- self.frame.append((title, params))
- instantiated = template.subst(params, self)
- logging.debug('instantiated %d %s', len(self.frame), instantiated)
- value = self.expandTemplates(instantiated)
- self.frame.pop()
- logging.debug(' INVOCATION> %s %d %s', title, len(self.frame), value)
- return value
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # parameter handling
- def splitParts(paramsList):
- """
- :param paramsList: the parts of a template or tplarg.
- Split template parameters at the separator "|".
- separator "=".
- Template parameters often contain URLs, internal links, text or even
- template expressions, since we evaluate templates outside in.
- This is required for cases like:
- {{#if: {{{1}}} | {{lc:{{{1}}} | "parameter missing"}}
- Parameters are separated by "|" symbols. However, we
- cannot simply split the string on "|" symbols, since these
- also appear inside templates and internal links, e.g.
- {{if:|
- |{{#if:the president|
- |{{#if:|
- [[Category:Hatnote templates|A{{PAGENAME}}]]
- }}
- }}
- }}
- We split parts at the "|" symbols that are not inside any pair
- {{{...}}}, {{...}}, [[...]], {|...|}.
- """
- # Must consider '[' as normal in expansion of Template:EMedicine2:
- # #ifeq: ped|article|[http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/180-overview|[http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic180.htm#{{#if: |section~}}
- # as part of:
- # {{#ifeq: ped|article|[http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/180-overview|[http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic180.htm#{{#if: |section~}}}} ped/180{{#if: |~}}]
- # should handle both tpl arg like:
- # 4|{{{{{subst|}}}CURRENTYEAR}}
- # and tpl parameters like:
- # ||[[Category:People|{{#if:A|A|{{PAGENAME}}}}]]
- sep = '|'
- parameters = []
- cur = 0
- for s, e in findMatchingBraces(paramsList):
- par = paramsList[cur:s].split(sep)
- if par:
- if parameters:
- # portion before | belongs to previous parameter
- parameters[-1] += par[0]
- if len(par) > 1:
- # rest are new parameters
- parameters.extend(par[1:])
- else:
- parameters = par
- elif not parameters:
- parameters = [''] # create first param
- # add span to last previous parameter
- parameters[-1] += paramsList[s:e]
- cur = e
- # leftover
- par = paramsList[cur:].split(sep)
- if par:
- if parameters:
- # portion before | belongs to previous parameter
- parameters[-1] += par[0]
- if len(par) > 1:
- # rest are new parameters
- parameters.extend(par[1:])
- else:
- parameters = par
- # logging.debug('splitParts %s %s\nparams: %s', sep, paramsList, str(parameters))
- return parameters
- def findMatchingBraces(text, ldelim=0):
- """
- :param ldelim: number of braces to match. 0 means match [[]], {{}} and {{{}}}.
- """
- # Parsing is done with respect to pairs of double braces {{..}} delimiting
- # a template, and pairs of triple braces {{{..}}} delimiting a tplarg.
- # If double opening braces are followed by triple closing braces or
- # conversely, this is taken as delimiting a template, with one left-over
- # brace outside it, taken as plain text. For any pattern of braces this
- # defines a set of templates and tplargs such that any two are either
- # separate or nested (not overlapping).
- # Unmatched double rectangular closing brackets can be in a template or
- # tplarg, but unmatched double rectangular opening brackets cannot.
- # Unmatched double or triple closing braces inside a pair of
- # double rectangular brackets are treated as plain text.
- # Other formulation: in ambiguity between template or tplarg on one hand,
- # and a link on the other hand, the structure with the rightmost opening
- # takes precedence, even if this is the opening of a link without any
- # closing, so not producing an actual link.
- # In the case of more than three opening braces the last three are assumed
- # to belong to a tplarg, unless there is no matching triple of closing
- # braces, in which case the last two opening braces are are assumed to
- # belong to a template.
- # We must skip individual { like in:
- # {{#ifeq: {{padleft:|1|}} | { | | }}
- # We must resolve ambiguities like this:
- # {{{{ }}}} -> { {{{ }}} }
- # {{{{{ }}}}} -> {{ {{{ }}} }}
- # {{#if:{{{{{#if:{{{nominee|}}}|nominee|candidate}}|}}}|...}}
- # Handle:
- # {{{{{|safesubst:}}}#Invoke:String|replace|{{{1|{{{{{|safesubst:}}}PAGENAME}}}}}|%s+%([^%(]-%)$||plain=false}}
- # as well as expressions with stray }:
- # {{{link|{{ucfirst:{{{1}}}}}} interchange}}}
- if ldelim: # 2-3
- reOpen = re.compile('[{]{%d,}' % ldelim) # at least ldelim
- reNext = re.compile('[{]{2,}|}{2,}') # at least 2
- else:
- reOpen = re.compile('{{2,}|\[{2,}')
- reNext = re.compile('{{2,}|}{2,}|\[{2,}|]{2,}') # at least 2
- cur = 0
- while True:
- m1 = reOpen.search(text, cur)
- if not m1:
- return
- lmatch = m1.end() - m1.start()
- if m1.group()[0] == '{':
- stack = [lmatch] # stack of opening braces lengths
- else:
- stack = [-lmatch] # negative means [
- end = m1.end()
- while True:
- m2 = reNext.search(text, end)
- if not m2:
- return # unbalanced
- end = m2.end()
- brac = m2.group()[0]
- lmatch = m2.end() - m2.start()
- if brac == '{':
- stack.append(lmatch)
- elif brac == '}':
- while stack:
- openCount = stack.pop() # opening span
- if openCount == 0: # illegal unmatched [[
- continue
- if lmatch >= openCount:
- lmatch -= openCount
- if lmatch <= 1: # either close or stray }
- break
- else:
- # put back unmatched
- stack.append(openCount - lmatch)
- break
- if not stack:
- yield m1.start(), end - lmatch
- cur = end
- break
- elif len(stack) == 1 and 0 < stack[0] < ldelim:
- # ambiguous {{{{{ }}} }}
- yield m1.start() + stack[0], end
- cur = end
- break
- elif brac == '[': # [[
- stack.append(-lmatch)
- else: # ]]
- while stack and stack[-1] < 0: # matching [[
- openCount = -stack.pop()
- if lmatch >= openCount:
- lmatch -= openCount
- if lmatch <= 1: # either close or stray ]
- break
- else:
- # put back unmatched (negative)
- stack.append(lmatch - openCount)
- break
- if not stack:
- yield m1.start(), end - lmatch
- cur = end
- break
- # unmatched ]] are discarded
- cur = end
- def findBalanced(text, openDelim=['[['], closeDelim=[']]']):
- """
- Assuming that text contains a properly balanced expression using
- :param openDelim: as opening delimiters and
- :param closeDelim: as closing delimiters.
- :return: an iterator producing pairs (start, end) of start and end
- positions in text containing a balanced expression.
- """
- openPat = '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in openDelim])
- # pattern for delimiters expected after each opening delimiter
- afterPat = {o: re.compile(openPat + '|' + c, re.DOTALL) for o, c in izip(openDelim, closeDelim)}
- stack = []
- start = 0
- cur = 0
- # end = len(text)
- startSet = False
- startPat = re.compile(openPat)
- nextPat = startPat
- while True:
- next = nextPat.search(text, cur)
- if not next:
- return
- if not startSet:
- start = next.start()
- startSet = True
- delim = next.group(0)
- if delim in openDelim:
- stack.append(delim)
- nextPat = afterPat[delim]
- else:
- opening = stack.pop()
- # assert opening == openDelim[closeDelim.index(next.group(0))]
- if stack:
- nextPat = afterPat[stack[-1]]
- else:
- yield start, next.end()
- nextPat = startPat
- start = next.end()
- startSet = False
- cur = next.end()
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Modules
- # Only minimal support
- # FIXME: import Lua modules.
- def if_empty(*rest):
- """
- This implements If_empty from English Wikipedia module:
- <title>Module:If empty</title>
- <ns>828</ns>
- <text>local p = {}
- function p.main(frame)
- local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'Template:If empty', removeBlanks = false})
- -- For backwards compatibility reasons, the first 8 parameters can be unset instead of being blank,
- -- even though there's really no legitimate use case for this. At some point, this will be removed.
- local lowestNil = math.huge
- for i = 8,1,-1 do
- if args[i] == nil then
- args[i] = ''
- lowestNil = i
- end
- end
- for k,v in ipairs(args) do
- if v ~= '' then
- if lowestNil < k then
- -- If any uses of this template depend on the behavior above, add them to a tracking category.
- -- This is a rather fragile, convoluted, hacky way to do it, but it ensures that this module's output won't be modified
- -- by it.
- frame:extensionTag('ref', '[[Category:Instances of Template:If_empty missing arguments]]', {group = 'TrackingCategory'})
- frame:extensionTag('references', '', {group = 'TrackingCategory'})
- end
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- return p </text>
- """
- for arg in rest:
- if arg:
- return arg
- return ''
- modules = {
- 'convert': {
- 'convert': lambda x, u, *rest: x + ' ' + u, # no conversion
- },
- 'If empty': {
- 'main': if_empty
- }
- }
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # variables
- class MagicWords(object):
- """
- One copy in each Extractor.
- @see https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/MagicWord_8php_source.html
- """
- names = [
- '!',
- 'currentmonth',
- 'currentmonth1',
- 'currentmonthname',
- 'currentmonthnamegen',
- 'currentmonthabbrev',
- 'currentday',
- 'currentday2',
- 'currentdayname',
- 'currentyear',
- 'currenttime',
- 'currenthour',
- 'localmonth',
- 'localmonth1',
- 'localmonthname',
- 'localmonthnamegen',
- 'localmonthabbrev',
- 'localday',
- 'localday2',
- 'localdayname',
- 'localyear',
- 'localtime',
- 'localhour',
- 'numberofarticles',
- 'numberoffiles',
- 'numberofedits',
- 'articlepath',
- 'pageid',
- 'sitename',
- 'server',
- 'servername',
- 'scriptpath',
- 'stylepath',
- 'pagename',
- 'pagenamee',
- 'fullpagename',
- 'fullpagenamee',
- 'namespace',
- 'namespacee',
- 'namespacenumber',
- 'currentweek',
- 'currentdow',
- 'localweek',
- 'localdow',
- 'revisionid',
- 'revisionday',
- 'revisionday2',
- 'revisionmonth',
- 'revisionmonth1',
- 'revisionyear',
- 'revisiontimestamp',
- 'revisionuser',
- 'revisionsize',
- 'subpagename',
- 'subpagenamee',
- 'talkspace',
- 'talkspacee',
- 'subjectspace',
- 'subjectspacee',
- 'talkpagename',
- 'talkpagenamee',
- 'subjectpagename',
- 'subjectpagenamee',
- 'numberofusers',
- 'numberofactiveusers',
- 'numberofpages',
- 'currentversion',
- 'rootpagename',
- 'rootpagenamee',
- 'basepagename',
- 'basepagenamee',
- 'currenttimestamp',
- 'localtimestamp',
- 'directionmark',
- 'contentlanguage',
- 'numberofadmins',
- 'cascadingsources',
- ]
- def __init__(self):
- self.values = {'!': '|'}
- def __getitem__(self, name):
- return self.values.get(name)
- def __setitem__(self, name, value):
- self.values[name] = value
- switches = (
- '__NOTOC__',
- '__FORCETOC__',
- '__TOC__',
- '__TOC__',
- '__NOGALLERY__',
- '__HIDDENCAT__',
- '__NOCC__',
- '__NOTC__',
- '__START__',
- '__END__',
- '__INDEX__',
- '__NOINDEX__',
- '__DISAMBIG__'
- )
- magicWordsRE = re.compile('|'.join(MagicWords.switches))
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # parser functions utilities
- def ucfirst(string):
- """:return: a string with just its first character uppercase
- We can't use title() since it coverts all words.
- """
- if string:
- if len(string) > 1:
- return string[0].upper() + string[1:]
- else:
- return string.upper()
- else:
- return ''
- def lcfirst(string):
- """:return: a string with its first character lowercase"""
- if string:
- if len(string) > 1:
- return string[0].lower() + string[1:]
- else:
- return string.lower()
- else:
- return ''
- def fullyQualifiedTemplateTitle(templateTitle):
- """
- Determine the namespace of the page being included through the template
- mechanism
- """
- if templateTitle.startswith(':'):
- # Leading colon by itself implies main namespace, so strip this colon
- return ucfirst(templateTitle[1:])
- else:
- m = re.match('([^:]*)(:.*)', templateTitle)
- if m:
- # colon found but not in the first position - check if it
- # designates a known namespace
- prefix = normalizeNamespace(m.group(1))
- if prefix in knownNamespaces:
- return prefix + ucfirst(m.group(2))
- # The title of the page being included is NOT in the main namespace and
- # lacks any other explicit designation of the namespace - therefore, it
- # is resolved to the Template namespace (that's the default for the
- # template inclusion mechanism).
- # This is a defense against pages whose title only contains UTF-8 chars
- # that are reduced to an empty string. Right now I can think of one such
- # case - <C2><A0> which represents the non-breaking space.
- # In this particular case, this page is a redirect to [[Non-nreaking
- # space]], but having in the system a redirect page with an empty title
- # causes numerous problems, so we'll live happier without it.
- if templateTitle:
- return templatePrefix + ucfirst(templateTitle)
- else:
- return '' # caller may log as error
- def normalizeNamespace(ns):
- return ucfirst(ns)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Parser functions
- # see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:ParserFunctions
- # https://github.com/Wikia/app/blob/dev/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions_body.php
- class Infix:
- """Infix operators.
- The calling sequence for the infix is:
- x |op| y
- """
- def __init__(self, function):
- self.function = function
- def __ror__(self, other):
- return Infix(lambda x, self=self, other=other: self.function(other, x))
- def __or__(self, other):
- return self.function(other)
- def __rlshift__(self, other):
- return Infix(lambda x, self=self, other=other: self.function(other, x))
- def __rshift__(self, other):
- return self.function(other)
- def __call__(self, value1, value2):
- return self.function(value1, value2)
- ROUND = Infix(lambda x, y: round(x, y))
- def sharp_expr(expr):
- try:
- expr = re.sub('=', '==', expr)
- expr = re.sub('mod', '%', expr)
- expr = re.sub('\bdiv\b', '/', expr)
- expr = re.sub('\bround\b', '|ROUND|', expr)
- return unicode(eval(expr))
- except:
- return '<span class="error"></span>'
- def sharp_if(testValue, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse=None, *args):
- # In theory, we should evaluate the first argument here,
- # but it was evaluated while evaluating part[0] in expandTemplate().
- if testValue.strip():
- # The {{#if:}} function is an if-then-else construct.
- # The applied condition is: "The condition string is non-empty".
- valueIfTrue = valueIfTrue.strip()
- if valueIfTrue:
- return valueIfTrue
- elif valueIfFalse:
- return valueIfFalse.strip()
- return ""
- def sharp_ifeq(lvalue, rvalue, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse=None, *args):
- rvalue = rvalue.strip()
- if rvalue:
- # lvalue is always defined
- if lvalue.strip() == rvalue:
- # The {{#ifeq:}} function is an if-then-else construct. The
- # applied condition is "is rvalue equal to lvalue". Note that this
- # does only string comparison while MediaWiki implementation also
- # supports numerical comparissons.
- if valueIfTrue:
- return valueIfTrue.strip()
- else:
- if valueIfFalse:
- return valueIfFalse.strip()
- return ""
- def sharp_iferror(test, then='', Else=None, *args):
- if re.match('<(?:strong|span|p|div)\s(?:[^\s>]*\s+)*?class="(?:[^"\s>]*\s+)*?error(?:\s[^">]*)?"', test):
- return then
- elif Else is None:
- return test.strip()
- else:
- return Else.strip()
- def sharp_switch(primary, *params):
- # FIXME: we don't support numeric expressions in primary
- # {{#switch: comparison string
- # | case1 = result1
- # | case2
- # | case4 = result2
- # | 1 | case5 = result3
- # | #default = result4
- # }}
- primary = primary.strip()
- found = False # for fall through cases
- default = None
- rvalue = None
- lvalue = ''
- for param in params:
- # handle cases like:
- # #default = [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus...]
- pair = param.split('=', 1)
- lvalue = pair[0].strip()
- rvalue = None
- if len(pair) > 1:
- # got "="
- rvalue = pair[1].strip()
- # check for any of multiple values pipe separated
- if found or primary in [v.strip() for v in lvalue.split('|')]:
- # Found a match, return now
- return rvalue
- elif lvalue == '#default':
- default = rvalue
- rvalue = None # avoid defaulting to last case
- elif lvalue == primary:
- # If the value matches, set a flag and continue
- found = True
- # Default case
- # Check if the last item had no = sign, thus specifying the default case
- if rvalue is not None:
- return lvalue
- elif default is not None:
- return default
- return ''
- # Extension Scribuntu
- def sharp_invoke(module, function, frame):
- functions = modules.get(module)
- if functions:
- funct = functions.get(function)
- if funct:
- # find parameters in frame whose title is the one of the original
- # template invocation
- templateTitle = fullyQualifiedTemplateTitle(module)
- if not templateTitle:
- logging.warn("Template with empty title")
- pair = next((x for x in frame if x[0] == templateTitle), None)
- if pair:
- params = pair[1]
- # extract positional args
- params = [params.get(str(i + 1)) for i in range(len(params))]
- return funct(*params)
- else:
- return funct()
- return ''
- parserFunctions = {
- '#expr': sharp_expr,
- '#if': sharp_if,
- '#ifeq': sharp_ifeq,
- '#iferror': sharp_iferror,
- '#ifexpr': lambda *args: '', # not supported
- '#ifexist': lambda *args: '', # not supported
- '#rel2abs': lambda *args: '', # not supported
- '#switch': sharp_switch,
- '# language': lambda *args: '', # not supported
- '#time': lambda *args: '', # not supported
- '#timel': lambda *args: '', # not supported
- '#titleparts': lambda *args: '', # not supported
- # This function is used in some pages to construct links
- # http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:URL
- 'urlencode': lambda string, *rest: urllib.quote(string.encode('utf-8')),
- 'lc': lambda string, *rest: string.lower() if string else '',
- 'lcfirst': lambda string, *rest: lcfirst(string),
- 'uc': lambda string, *rest: string.upper() if string else '',
- 'ucfirst': lambda string, *rest: ucfirst(string),
- 'int': lambda string, *rest: str(int(string)),
- }
- def callParserFunction(functionName, args, frame):
- """
- Parser functions have similar syntax as templates, except that
- the first argument is everything after the first colon.
- :return: the result of the invocation, None in case of failure.
- http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:ParserFunctions
- """
- try:
- if functionName == '#invoke':
- # special handling of frame
- arg0, arg1 = args[0].strip(), args[1].strip()
- ret = sharp_invoke(arg0, arg1, frame)
- # logging.debug('#invoke> %s %s %s', arg0, arg1, ret)
- return ret
- if functionName in parserFunctions:
- ret = parserFunctions[functionName](*args)
- # logging.debug('parserFunction> %s %s', functionName, ret)
- return ret
- except:
- return "" # FIXME: fix errors
- return ""
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Expand using WikiMedia API
- # import json
- # def expandTemplates(text):
- # """Expand templates invoking MediaWiki API"""
- # text = urlib.urlencodew(text.encode('utf-8'))
- # base = urlbase[:urlbase.rfind('/')]
- # url = base + "/w/api.php?action=expandtemplates&format=json&text=" + text
- # exp = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(url))
- # return exp['expandtemplates']['*']
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Extract Template definition
- reNoinclude = re.compile(r'<noinclude>(?:.*?)</noinclude>', re.DOTALL)
- reIncludeonly = re.compile(r'<includeonly>|</includeonly>', re.DOTALL)
- # These are built before spawning processes, hence thay are shared.
- templates = {}
- redirects = {}
- # cache of parser templates
- # FIXME: sharing this with a Manager slows down.
- templateCache = {}
- def define_template(title, page):
- """
- Adds a template defined in the :param page:.
- @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Template#Noinclude.2C_includeonly.2C_and_onlyinclude
- """
- global templates
- global redirects
- # title = normalizeTitle(title)
- # check for redirects
- m = re.match('#REDIRECT.*?\[\[([^\]]*)]]', page[0], re.IGNORECASE)
- if m:
- redirects[title] = m.group(1) # normalizeTitle(m.group(1))
- return
- text = unescape(''.join(page))
- # We're storing template text for future inclusion, therefore,
- # remove all <noinclude> text and keep all <includeonly> text
- # (but eliminate <includeonly> tags per se).
- # However, if <onlyinclude> ... </onlyinclude> parts are present,
- # then only keep them and discard the rest of the template body.
- # This is because using <onlyinclude> on a text fragment is
- # equivalent to enclosing it in <includeonly> tags **AND**
- # enclosing all the rest of the template body in <noinclude> tags.
- # remove comments
- text = comment.sub('', text)
- # eliminate <noinclude> fragments
- text = reNoinclude.sub('', text)
- # eliminate unterminated <noinclude> elements
- text = re.sub(r'<noinclude\s*>.*$', '', text, flags=re.DOTALL)
- text = re.sub(r'<noinclude/>', '', text)
- onlyincludeAccumulator = ''
- for m in re.finditer('<onlyinclude>(.*?)</onlyinclude>', text, re.DOTALL):
- onlyincludeAccumulator += m.group(1)
- if onlyincludeAccumulator:
- text = onlyincludeAccumulator
- else:
- text = reIncludeonly.sub('', text)
- if text:
- if title in templates:
- logging.warn('Redefining: %s', title)
- templates[title] = text
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dropNested(text, openDelim, closeDelim):
- """
- A matching function for nested expressions, e.g. namespaces and tables.
- """
- openRE = re.compile(openDelim, re.IGNORECASE)
- closeRE = re.compile(closeDelim, re.IGNORECASE)
- # partition text in separate blocks { } { }
- spans = [] # pairs (s, e) for each partition
- nest = 0 # nesting level
- start = openRE.search(text, 0)
- if not start:
- return text
- end = closeRE.search(text, start.end())
- next = start
- while end:
- next = openRE.search(text, next.end())
- if not next: # termination
- while nest: # close all pending
- nest -= 1
- end0 = closeRE.search(text, end.end())
- if end0:
- end = end0
- else:
- break
- spans.append((start.start(), end.end()))
- break
- while end.end() < next.start():
- # { } {
- if nest:
- nest -= 1
- # try closing more
- last = end.end()
- end = closeRE.search(text, end.end())
- if not end: # unbalanced
- if spans:
- span = (spans[0][0], last)
- else:
- span = (start.start(), last)
- spans = [span]
- break
- else:
- spans.append((start.start(), end.end()))
- # advance start, find next close
- start = next
- end = closeRE.search(text, next.end())
- break # { }
- if next != start:
- # { { }
- nest += 1
- # collect text outside partitions
- return dropSpans(spans, text)
- def dropSpans(spans, text):
- """
- Drop from text the blocks identified in :param spans:, possibly nested.
- """
- spans.sort()
- res = ''
- offset = 0
- for s, e in spans:
- if offset <= s: # handle nesting
- if offset < s:
- res += text[offset:s]
- offset = e
- res += text[offset:]
- return res
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # WikiLinks
- # May be nested [[File:..|..[[..]]..|..]], [[Category:...]], etc.
- # Also: [[Help:IPA for Catalan|[andora]]]
- def replaceInternalLinks(text):
- """
- Replaces internal links of the form:
- [[title |...|label]]trail
- with title concatenated with trail, when present, e.g. 's' for plural.
- See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Links#Internal_links
- """
- # call this after removal of external links, so we need not worry about
- # triple closing ]]].
- cur = 0
- res = ''
- for s, e in findBalanced(text):
- m = tailRE.match(text, e)
- if m:
- trail = m.group(0)
- end = m.end()
- else:
- trail = ''
- end = e
- inner = text[s + 2:e - 2]
- # find first |
- pipe = inner.find('|')
- if pipe < 0:
- title = inner
- label = title
- else:
- title = inner[:pipe].rstrip()
- # find last |
- curp = pipe + 1
- for s1, e1 in findBalanced(inner):
- last = inner.rfind('|', curp, s1)
- if last >= 0:
- pipe = last # advance
- curp = e1
- label = inner[pipe + 1:].strip()
- res += text[cur:s] + makeInternalLink(title, label) + trail
- cur = end
- return res + text[cur:]
- # the official version is a method in class Parser, similar to this:
- # def replaceInternalLinks2(text):
- # global wgExtraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes
- # # the % is needed to support urlencoded titles as well
- # tc = Title::legalChars() + '#%'
- # # Match a link having the form [[namespace:link|alternate]]trail
- # e1 = re.compile("([%s]+)(?:\\|(.+?))?]](.*)" % tc, re.S | re.D)
- # # Match cases where there is no "]]", which might still be images
- # e1_img = re.compile("([%s]+)\\|(.*)" % tc, re.S | re.D)
- # holders = LinkHolderArray(self)
- # # split the entire text string on occurrences of [[
- # iterBrackets = re.compile('[[').finditer(text)
- # m in iterBrackets.next()
- # # get the first element (all text up to first [[)
- # s = text[:m.start()]
- # cur = m.end()
- # line = s
- # useLinkPrefixExtension = self.getTargetLanguage().linkPrefixExtension()
- # e2 = None
- # if useLinkPrefixExtension:
- # # Match the end of a line for a word that is not followed by whitespace,
- # # e.g. in the case of "The Arab al[[Razi]]", "al" will be matched
- # global wgContLang
- # charset = wgContLang.linkPrefixCharset()
- # e2 = re.compile("((?>.*[^charset]|))(.+)", re.S | re.D | re.U)
- # if self.mTitle is None:
- # raise MWException(__METHOD__ + ": \self.mTitle is null\n")
- # nottalk = not self.mTitle.isTalkPage()
- # if useLinkPrefixExtension:
- # m = e2.match(s)
- # if m:
- # first_prefix = m.group(2)
- # else:
- # first_prefix = false
- # else:
- # prefix = ''
- # useSubpages = self.areSubpagesAllowed()
- # for m in iterBrackets:
- # line = text[cur:m.start()]
- # cur = m.end()
- # # TODO: Check for excessive memory usage
- # if useLinkPrefixExtension:
- # m = e2.match(e2)
- # if m:
- # prefix = m.group(2)
- # s = m.group(1)
- # else:
- # prefix = ''
- # # first link
- # if first_prefix:
- # prefix = first_prefix
- # first_prefix = False
- # might_be_img = False
- # m = e1.match(line)
- # if m: # page with normal label or alt
- # label = m.group(2)
- # # If we get a ] at the beginning of m.group(3) that means we have a link that is something like:
- # # [[Image:Foo.jpg|[http://example.com desc]]] <- having three ] in a row fucks up,
- # # the real problem is with the e1 regex
- # # See bug 1300.
- # #
- # # Still some problems for cases where the ] is meant to be outside punctuation,
- # # and no image is in sight. See bug 2095.
- # #
- # if label and m.group(3)[0] == ']' and '[' in label:
- # label += ']' # so that replaceExternalLinks(label) works later
- # m.group(3) = m.group(3)[1:]
- # # fix up urlencoded title texts
- # if '%' in m.group(1):
- # # Should anchors '#' also be rejected?
- # m.group(1) = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), rawurldecode(m.group(1)))
- # trail = m.group(3)
- # else:
- # m = e1_img.match(line):
- # if m:
- # # Invalid, but might be an image with a link in its caption
- # might_be_img = true
- # label = m.group(2)
- # if '%' in m.group(1):
- # m.group(1) = rawurldecode(m.group(1))
- # trail = ""
- # else: # Invalid form; output directly
- # s += prefix + '[[' + line
- # continue
- # origLink = m.group(1)
- # # Dont allow internal links to pages containing
- # # PROTO: where PROTO is a valid URL protocol these
- # # should be external links.
- # if (preg_match('/^(?i:' + self.mUrlProtocols + ')/', origLink)) {
- # s += prefix + '[[' + line
- # continue
- # }
- # # Make subpage if necessary
- # if useSubpages:
- # link = self.maybeDoSubpageLink(origLink, label)
- # else:
- # link = origLink
- # noforce = origLink[0] != ':'
- # if not noforce:
- # # Strip off leading ':'
- # link = link[1:]
- # nt = Title::newFromText(self.mStripState.unstripNoWiki(link))
- # if nt is None:
- # s += prefix + '[[' + line
- # continue
- # ns = nt.getNamespace()
- # iw = nt.getInterwiki()
- # if might_be_img { # if this is actually an invalid link
- # if (ns == NS_FILE and noforce) { # but might be an image
- # found = False
- # while True:
- # # look at the next 'line' to see if we can close it there
- # next_line = iterBrakets.next()
- # if not next_line:
- # break
- # m = explode(']]', next_line, 3)
- # if m.lastindex == 3:
- # # the first ]] closes the inner link, the second the image
- # found = True
- # label += "[[%s]]%s" % (m.group(0), m.group(1))
- # trail = m.group(2)
- # break
- # elif m.lastindex == 2:
- # # if there is exactly one ]] that is fine, we will keep looking
- # label += "[[{m[0]}]]{m.group(1)}"
- # else:
- # # if next_line is invalid too, we need look no further
- # label += '[[' + next_line
- # break
- # if not found:
- # # we couldnt find the end of this imageLink, so output it raw
- # # but dont ignore what might be perfectly normal links in the text we ve examined
- # holders.merge(self.replaceInternalLinks2(label))
- # s += "{prefix}[[%s|%s" % (link, text)
- # # note: no trail, because without an end, there *is* no trail
- # continue
- # } else: # it is not an image, so output it raw
- # s += "{prefix}[[%s|%s" % (link, text)
- # # note: no trail, because without an end, there *is* no trail
- # continue
- # }
- # wasblank = (text == '')
- # if wasblank:
- # text = link
- # else:
- # # Bug 4598 madness. Handle the quotes only if they come from the alternate part
- # # [[Lista d''e paise d''o munno]] . <a href="...">Lista d''e paise d''o munno</a>
- # # [[Criticism of Harry Potter|Criticism of ''Harry Potter'']]
- # # . <a href="Criticism of Harry Potter">Criticism of <i>Harry Potter</i></a>
- # text = self.doQuotes(text)
- # # Link not escaped by : , create the various objects
- # if noforce and not nt.wasLocalInterwiki():
- # # Interwikis
- # if iw and mOptions.getInterwikiMagic() and nottalk and (
- # Language::fetchLanguageName(iw, None, 'mw') or
- # in_array(iw, wgExtraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes)):
- # # Bug 24502: filter duplicates
- # if iw not in mLangLinkLanguages:
- # self.mLangLinkLanguages[iw] = True
- # self.mOutput.addLanguageLink(nt.getFullText())
- # s = rstrip(s + prefix)
- # s += strip(trail, "\n") == '' ? '': prefix + trail
- # continue
- # if ns == NS_FILE:
- # if not wfIsBadImage(nt.getDBkey(), self.mTitle):
- # if wasblank:
- # # if no parameters were passed, text
- # # becomes something like "File:Foo.png",
- # # which we dont want to pass on to the
- # # image generator
- # text = ''
- # else:
- # # recursively parse links inside the image caption
- # # actually, this will parse them in any other parameters, too,
- # # but it might be hard to fix that, and it doesnt matter ATM
- # text = self.replaceExternalLinks(text)
- # holders.merge(self.replaceInternalLinks2(text))
- # # cloak any absolute URLs inside the image markup, so replaceExternalLinks() wont touch them
- # s += prefix + self.armorLinks(
- # self.makeImage(nt, text, holders)) + trail
- # else:
- # s += prefix + trail
- # continue
- # if ns == NS_CATEGORY:
- # s = rstrip(s + "\n") # bug 87
- # if wasblank:
- # sortkey = self.getDefaultSort()
- # else:
- # sortkey = text
- # sortkey = Sanitizer::decodeCharReferences(sortkey)
- # sortkey = str_replace("\n", '', sortkey)
- # sortkey = self.getConverterLanguage().convertCategoryKey(sortkey)
- # self.mOutput.addCategory(nt.getDBkey(), sortkey)
- # s += strip(prefix + trail, "\n") == '' ? '' : prefix + trail
- # continue
- # }
- # }
- # # Self-link checking. For some languages, variants of the title are checked in
- # # LinkHolderArray::doVariants() to allow batching the existence checks necessary
- # # for linking to a different variant.
- # if ns != NS_SPECIAL and nt.equals(self.mTitle) and !nt.hasFragment():
- # s += prefix + Linker::makeSelfLinkObj(nt, text, '', trail)
- # continue
- # # NS_MEDIA is a pseudo-namespace for linking directly to a file
- # # @todo FIXME: Should do batch file existence checks, see comment below
- # if ns == NS_MEDIA:
- # # Give extensions a chance to select the file revision for us
- # options = []
- # descQuery = False
- # Hooks::run('BeforeParserFetchFileAndTitle',
- # [this, nt, &options, &descQuery])
- # # Fetch and register the file (file title may be different via hooks)
- # file, nt = self.fetchFileAndTitle(nt, options)
- # # Cloak with NOPARSE to avoid replacement in replaceExternalLinks
- # s += prefix + self.armorLinks(
- # Linker::makeMediaLinkFile(nt, file, text)) + trail
- # continue
- # # Some titles, such as valid special pages or files in foreign repos, should
- # # be shown as bluelinks even though they are not included in the page table
- # #
- # # @todo FIXME: isAlwaysKnown() can be expensive for file links; we should really do
- # # batch file existence checks for NS_FILE and NS_MEDIA
- # if iw == '' and nt.isAlwaysKnown():
- # self.mOutput.addLink(nt)
- # s += self.makeKnownLinkHolder(nt, text, array(), trail, prefix)
- # else:
- # # Links will be added to the output link list after checking
- # s += holders.makeHolder(nt, text, array(), trail, prefix)
- # }
- # return holders
- def makeInternalLink(title, label):
- colon = title.find(':')
- if colon > 0 and title[:colon] not in acceptedNamespaces:
- return ''
- if colon == 0:
- # drop also :File:
- colon2 = title.find(':', colon + 1)
- if colon2 > 1 and title[colon + 1:colon2] not in acceptedNamespaces:
- return ''
- if Extractor.keepLinks:
- return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (urllib.quote(title.encode('utf-8')), label)
- else:
- return label
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # External links
- # from: https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/DefaultSettings_8php_source.html
- wgUrlProtocols = [
- 'bitcoin:', 'ftp://', 'ftps://', 'geo:', 'git://', 'gopher://', 'http://',
- 'https://', 'irc://', 'ircs://', 'magnet:', 'mailto:', 'mms://', 'news:',
- 'nntp://', 'redis://', 'sftp://', 'sip:', 'sips:', 'sms:', 'ssh://',
- 'svn://', 'tel:', 'telnet://', 'urn:', 'worldwind://', 'xmpp:', '//'
- ]
- # from: https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/Parser_8php_source.html
- # Constants needed for external link processing
- # Everything except bracket, space, or control characters
- # \p{Zs} is unicode 'separator, space' category. It covers the space 0x20
- # as well as U+3000 is IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE for bug 19052
- EXT_LINK_URL_CLASS = r'[^][<>"\x00-\x20\x7F\s]'
- ANCHOR_CLASS = r'[^][\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1F]'
- ExtLinkBracketedRegex = re.compile(
- '\[(((?i)' + '|'.join(wgUrlProtocols) + ')' + EXT_LINK_URL_CLASS + r'+)' +
- r'\s*((?:' + ANCHOR_CLASS + r'|\[\[' + ANCHOR_CLASS + r'+\]\])' + r'*?)\]',
- re.S | re.U)
- # A simpler alternative:
- # ExtLinkBracketedRegex = re.compile(r'\[(.*?)\](?!])')
- EXT_IMAGE_REGEX = re.compile(
- r"""^(http://|https://)([^][<>"\x00-\x20\x7F\s]+)
- /([A-Za-z0-9_.,~%\-+&;#*?!=()@\x80-\xFF]+)\.((?i)gif|png|jpg|jpeg)$""",
- re.X | re.S | re.U)
- def replaceExternalLinks(text):
- """
- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Links#External_links
- [URL anchor text]
- """
- s = ''
- cur = 0
- for m in ExtLinkBracketedRegex.finditer(text):
- s += text[cur:m.start()]
- cur = m.end()
- url = m.group(1)
- label = m.group(3)
- # # The characters '<' and '>' (which were escaped by
- # # removeHTMLtags()) should not be included in
- # # URLs, per RFC 2396.
- # m2 = re.search('&(lt|gt);', url)
- # if m2:
- # link = url[m2.end():] + ' ' + link
- # url = url[0:m2.end()]
- # If the link text is an image URL, replace it with an <img> tag
- # This happened by accident in the original parser, but some people used it extensively
- m = EXT_IMAGE_REGEX.match(label)
- if m:
- label = makeExternalImage(label)
- # Use the encoded URL
- # This means that users can paste URLs directly into the text
- # Funny characters like ö aren't valid in URLs anyway
- # This was changed in August 2004
- s += makeExternalLink(url, label) # + trail
- return s + text[cur:]
- def makeExternalLink(url, anchor):
- """Function applied to wikiLinks"""
- if Extractor.keepLinks:
- return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (urllib.quote(url.encode('utf-8')), anchor)
- else:
- return anchor
- def makeExternalImage(url, alt=''):
- if Extractor.keepLinks:
- return '<img src="%s" alt="%s">' % (url, alt)
- else:
- return alt
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # match tail after wikilink
- tailRE = re.compile('\w+')
- syntaxhighlight = re.compile('<syntaxhighlight .*?>(.*?)</syntaxhighlight>', re.DOTALL)
- # skip level 1, it is page name level
- section = re.compile(r'(==+)\s*(.*?)\s*\1')
- listOpen = {'*': '<ul>', '#': '<ol>', ';': '<dl>', ':': '<dl>'}
- listClose = {'*': '</ul>', '#': '</ol>', ';': '</dl>', ':': '</dl>'}
- listItem = {'*': '<li>%s</li>', '#': '<li>%s</<li>', ';': '<dt>%s</dt>',
- ':': '<dd>%s</dd>'}
- def compact(text):
- """Deal with headers, lists, empty sections, residuals of tables.
- :param text: convert to HTML.
- """
- page = [] # list of paragraph
- headers = {} # Headers for unfilled sections
- emptySection = False # empty sections are discarded
- listLevel = [] # nesting of lists
- for line in text.split('\n'):
- if not line:
- continue
- # Handle section titles
- m = section.match(line)
- if m:
- title = m.group(2)
- lev = len(m.group(1)) # header level
- if Extractor.toHTML:
- page.append("<h%d>%s</h%d>" % (lev, title, lev))
- if title and title[-1] not in '!?':
- title += '.' # terminate sentence.
- headers[lev] = title
- # drop previous headers
- for i in headers.keys():
- if i > lev:
- del headers[i]
- emptySection = True
- listLevel = []
- continue
- # Handle page title
- elif line.startswith('++'):
- title = line[2:-2]
- if title:
- if title[-1] not in '!?':
- title += '.'
- page.append(title)
- # handle indents
- elif line[0] == ':':
- # page.append(line.lstrip(':*#;'))
- continue
- # handle lists
- elif line[0] in '*#;:':
- i = 0
- # c: current level char
- # n: next level char
- for c, n in izip_longest(listLevel, line, fillvalue=''):
- if not n or n not in '*#;:': # shorter or different
- if c:
- if Extractor.toHTML:
- page.append(listClose[c])
- listLevel = listLevel[:-1]
- continue
- else:
- break
- # n != ''
- if c != n and (not c or (c not in ';:' and n not in ';:')):
- if c:
- # close level
- if Extractor.toHTML:
- page.append(listClose[c])
- listLevel = listLevel[:-1]
- listLevel += n
- if Extractor.toHTML:
- page.append(listOpen[n])
- i += 1
- n = line[i - 1] # last list char
- line = line[i:].strip()
- if line: # FIXME: n is '"'
- if Extractor.keepLists:
- # emit open sections
- items = headers.items()
- items.sort()
- for i, v in items:
- page.append(v)
- headers.clear()
- # FIXME: use item count for #-lines
- bullet = '1. ' if n == '#' else '- '
- page.append('{0:{1}s}'.format(bullet, len(listLevel)) + line)
- elif Extractor.toHTML:
- page.append(listItem[n] % line)
- elif len(listLevel):
- page.append(line)
- if Extractor.toHTML:
- for c in reversed(listLevel):
- page.append(listClose[c])
- listLevel = []
- # Drop residuals of lists
- elif line[0] in '{|' or line[-1] == '}':
- continue
- # Drop irrelevant lines
- elif (line[0] == '(' and line[-1] == ')') or line.strip('.-') == '':
- continue
- elif len(headers):
- if Extractor.keepSections:
- items = headers.items()
- items.sort()
- for i, v in items:
- page.append(v)
- headers.clear()
- page.append(line) # first line
- emptySection = False
- elif not emptySection:
- # Drop preformatted
- if line[0] != ' ': # dangerous
- page.append(line)
- return page
- def handle_unicode(entity):
- numeric_code = int(entity[2:-1])
- if numeric_code >= 0x10000: return ''
- return unichr(numeric_code)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Output
- class NextFile(object):
- """
- Synchronous generation of next available file name.
- """
- filesPerDir = 100
- def __init__(self, path_name):
- self.path_name = path_name
- self.dir_index = -1
- self.file_index = -1
- def next(self):
- self.file_index = (self.file_index + 1) % NextFile.filesPerDir
- if self.file_index == 0:
- self.dir_index += 1
- dirname = self._dirname()
- if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- return self._filepath()
- def _dirname(self):
- char1 = self.dir_index % 26
- char2 = self.dir_index / 26 % 26
- return os.path.join(self.path_name, '%c%c' % (ord('A') + char2, ord('A') + char1))
- def _filepath(self):
- return '%s/wiki_%02d' % (self._dirname(), self.file_index)
- class OutputSplitter(object):
- """
- File-like object, that splits output to multiple files of a given max size.
- """
- def __init__(self, nextFile, max_file_size=0, compress=True):
- """
- :param nextFile: a NextFile object from which to obtain filenames
- to use.
- :param max_file_size: the maximum size of each file.
- :para compress: whether to write data with bzip compression.
- """
- self.nextFile = nextFile
- self.compress = compress
- self.max_file_size = max_file_size
- self.file = self.open(self.nextFile.next())
- def reserve(self, size):
- if self.file.tell() + size > self.max_file_size:
- self.close()
- self.file = self.open(self.nextFile.next())
- def write(self, data):
- self.reserve(len(data))
- self.file.write(data)
- def close(self):
- self.file.close()
- def open(self, filename):
- if self.compress:
- return bz2.BZ2File(filename + '.bz2', 'w')
- else:
- return open(filename, 'w')
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- tagRE = re.compile(r'(.*?)<(/?\w+)[^>]*>(?:([^<]*)(<.*?>)?)?')
- # 1 2 3 4
- def load_templates(file, output_file=None):
- """
- Load templates from :param file:.
- :param output_file: file where to save templates and modules.
- """
- global templateNamespace, templatePrefix
- templatePrefix = templateNamespace + ':'
- global moduleNamespace, modulePrefix
- modulePrefix = moduleNamespace + ':'
- if output_file:
- output = codecs.open(output_file, 'wb', 'utf-8')
- for page_count, page_data in enumerate(pages_from(file)):
- id, title, ns, page = page_data
- if not output_file and (not templateNamespace or
- not moduleNamespace): # do not know it yet
- # reconstruct templateNamespace and moduleNamespace from the first title
- if ns in templateKeys:
- colon = title.find(':')
- if colon > 1:
- if ns == '10':
- templateNamespace = title[:colon]
- templatePrefix = title[:colon + 1]
- elif ns == '828':
- moduleNamespace = title[:colon]
- modulePrefix = title[:colon + 1]
- if ns in templateKeys:
- text = ''.join(page)
- define_template(title, text)
- # save templates and modules to file
- if output_file:
- output.write('<page>\n')
- output.write(' <title>%s</title>\n' % title)
- output.write(' <ns>%s</ns>\n' % ns)
- output.write(' <id>%s</id>\n' % id)
- output.write(' <text>')
- for line in page:
- output.write(line)
- output.write(' </text>\n')
- output.write('</page>\n')
- if page_count and page_count % 100000 == 0:
- logging.info("Preprocessed %d pages", page_count)
- if output_file:
- output.close()
- logging.info("Saved %d templates to '%s'", len(templates), output_file)
- def pages_from(input):
- """
- Scans input extracting pages.
- :return: (id, title, namespace, page), page is a list of lines.
- """
- # we collect individual lines, since str.join() is significantly faster
- # than concatenation
- page = []
- id = None
- ns = '0'
- last_id = None
- inText = False
- redirect = False
- for line in input:
- line = line.decode('utf-8')
- if '<' not in line: # faster than doing re.search()
- if inText:
- page.append(line)
- continue
- m = tagRE.search(line)
- if not m:
- continue
- tag = m.group(2)
- if tag == 'page':
- page = []
- redirect = False
- elif tag == 'id' and not id: # skip nested <id>
- id = m.group(3)
- elif tag == 'title':
- title = m.group(3)
- elif tag == 'ns':
- ns = m.group(3)
- elif tag == 'redirect':
- redirect = True
- elif tag == 'text':
- inText = True
- line = line[m.start(3):m.end(3)]
- page.append(line)
- if m.lastindex == 4: # open-close
- inText = False
- elif tag == '/text':
- if m.group(1):
- page.append(m.group(1))
- inText = False
- elif inText:
- page.append(line)
- elif tag == '/page':
- if id != last_id and not redirect:
- yield (id, title, ns, page)
- last_id = id
- ns = '0'
- id = None
- page = []
- def process_dump(input_file, template_file, out_file, file_size, file_compress,
- process_count):
- """
- :param input_file: name of the wikipedia dump file; '-' to read from stdin
- :param template_file: optional file with template definitions.
- :param out_file: directory where to store extracted data, or '-' for stdout
- :param file_size: max size of each extracted file, or None for no max (one file)
- :param file_compress: whether to compress files with bzip.
- :param process_count: number of extraction processes to spawn.
- """
- global urlbase
- global knownNamespaces
- global templateNamespace, templatePrefix
- global moduleNamespace, modulePrefix
- if input_file == '-':
- input = sys.stdin
- else:
- input = fileinput.FileInput(input_file, openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed)
- # collect siteinfo
- for line in input:
- line = line.decode('utf-8')
- m = tagRE.search(line)
- if not m:
- continue
- tag = m.group(2)
- if tag == 'base':
- # discover urlbase from the xml dump file
- # /mediawiki/siteinfo/base
- base = m.group(3)
- urlbase = base[:base.rfind("/")]
- elif tag == 'namespace':
- knownNamespaces.add(m.group(3))
- if re.search('key="10"', line):
- templateNamespace = m.group(3)
- templatePrefix = templateNamespace + ':'
- elif re.search('key="828"', line):
- moduleNamespace = m.group(3)
- modulePrefix = moduleNamespace + ':'
- elif tag == '/siteinfo':
- break
- if Extractor.expand_templates:
- # preprocess
- template_load_start = default_timer()
- if template_file:
- if os.path.exists(template_file):
- logging.info("Preprocessing '%s' to collect template definitions: this may take some time.", template_file)
- file = fileinput.FileInput(template_file, openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed)
- load_templates(file)
- file.close()
- else:
- if input_file == '-':
- # can't scan then reset stdin; must error w/ suggestion to specify template_file
- raise ValueError("to use templates with stdin dump, must supply explicit template-file")
- logging.info("Preprocessing '%s' to collect template definitions: this may take some time.", input_file)
- load_templates(input, template_file)
- input.close()
- input = fileinput.FileInput(input_file, openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed)
- template_load_elapsed = default_timer() - template_load_start
- logging.info("Loaded %d templates in %.1fs", len(templates), template_load_elapsed)
- # process pages
- logging.info("Starting page extraction from %s.", input_file)
- extract_start = default_timer()
- # Parallel Map/Reduce:
- # - pages to be processed are dispatched to workers
- # - a reduce process collects the results, sort them and print them.
- maxsize = 10 * process_count
- # output queue
- output_queue = Queue(maxsize=maxsize)
- if out_file == '-':
- out_file = None
- worker_count = max(1, process_count)
- # load balancing
- max_spool_length = 10000
- spool_length = Value('i', 0, lock=False)
- # reduce job that sorts and prints output
- reduce = Process(target=reduce_process,
- args=(output_queue, spool_length,
- out_file, file_size, file_compress))
- reduce.start()
- # initialize jobs queue
- jobs_queue = Queue(maxsize=maxsize)
- # start worker processes
- logging.info("Using %d extract processes.", worker_count)
- workers = []
- for i in xrange(worker_count):
- extractor = Process(target=extract_process,
- args=(i, jobs_queue, output_queue))
- extractor.daemon = True # only live while parent process lives
- extractor.start()
- workers.append(extractor)
- # Mapper process
- page_num = 0
- for page_data in pages_from(input):
- id, title, ns, page = page_data
- if ns not in templateKeys:
- # slow down
- delay = 0
- if spool_length.value > max_spool_length:
- # reduce to 10%
- while spool_length.value > max_spool_length/10:
- time.sleep(10)
- delay += 10
- if delay:
- logging.info('Delay %ds', delay)
- job = (id, title, page, page_num)
- jobs_queue.put(job) # goes to any available extract_process
- page_num += 1
- page = None # free memory
- input.close()
- # signal termination
- for _ in workers:
- jobs_queue.put(None)
- # wait for workers to terminate
- for w in workers:
- w.join()
- # signal end of work to reduce process
- output_queue.put(None)
- # wait for it to finish
- reduce.join()
- extract_duration = default_timer() - extract_start
- extract_rate = page_num / extract_duration
- logging.info("Finished %d-process extraction of %d articles in %.1fs (%.1f art/s)",
- process_count, page_num, extract_duration, extract_rate)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Multiprocess support
- def extract_process(i, jobs_queue, output_queue):
- """Pull tuples of raw page content, do CPU/regex-heavy fixup, push finished text
- :param i: process id.
- :param jobs_queue: where to get jobs.
- :param output_queue: where to queue extracted text for output.
- """
- out = StringIO() # memory buffer
- while True:
- job = jobs_queue.get() # job is (id, title, page, page_num)
- if job:
- id, title, page, page_num = job
- try:
- e = Extractor(*job[:3]) # (id, title, page)
- page = None # free memory
- e.extract(out)
- text = out.getvalue()
- except:
- text = ''
- logging.error('Processing page: %s %s', id, title)
- output_queue.put((page_num, text))
- out.truncate(0)
- else:
- logging.debug('Quit extractor')
- break
- out.close()
- report_period = 10000 # progress report period
- def reduce_process(output_queue, spool_length,
- out_file=None, file_size=0, file_compress=True):
- """Pull finished article text, write series of files (or stdout)
- :param output_queue: text to be output.
- :param spool_length: spool length.
- :param out_file: filename where to print.
- :param file_size: max file size.
- :param file_compress: whether to compress output.
- """
- if out_file:
- nextFile = NextFile(out_file)
- output = OutputSplitter(nextFile, file_size, file_compress)
- else:
- output = sys.stdout
- if file_compress:
- logging.warn("writing to stdout, so no output compression (use an external tool)")
- interval_start = default_timer()
- # FIXME: use a heap
- spool = {} # collected pages
- next_page = 0 # sequence numbering of page
- while True:
- if next_page in spool:
- output.write(spool.pop(next_page))
- next_page += 1
- # tell mapper our load:
- spool_length.value = len(spool)
- # progress report
- if next_page % report_period == 0:
- interval_rate = report_period / (default_timer() - interval_start)
- logging.info("Extracted %d articles (%.1f art/s)",
- next_page, interval_rate)
- interval_start = default_timer()
- else:
- # mapper puts None to signal finish
- pair = output_queue.get()
- if not pair:
- break
- page_num, text = pair
- spool[page_num] = text
- # tell mapper our load:
- spool_length.value = len(spool)
- # FIXME: if an extractor dies, process stalls; the other processes
- # continue to produce pairs, filling up memory.
- if len(spool) > 200:
- logging.debug('Collected %d, waiting: %d, %d', len(spool),
- next_page, next_page == page_num)
- if output != sys.stdout:
- output.close()
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Minimum size of output files
- minFileSize = 200 * 1024
- def main():
- global urlbase, acceptedNamespaces
- global templateCache, escape_doc
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
- description=__doc__)
- parser.add_argument("input",
- help="XML wiki dump file")
- groupO = parser.add_argument_group('Output')
- groupO.add_argument("-o", "--output", default="text",
- help="directory for extracted files (or '-' for dumping to stdout)")
- groupO.add_argument("-b", "--bytes", default="1M",
- help="maximum bytes per output file (default %(default)s)",
- metavar="n[KMG]")
- groupO.add_argument("-c", "--compress", action="store_true",
- help="compress output files using bzip")
- groupP = parser.add_argument_group('Processing')
- groupP.add_argument("--html", action="store_true",
- help="produce HTML output, subsumes --links")
- groupP.add_argument("-l", "--links", action="store_true",
- help="preserve links")
- groupP.add_argument("-s", "--sections", action="store_true",
- help="preserve sections")
- groupP.add_argument("--lists", action="store_true",
- help="preserve lists")
- groupP.add_argument("-ns", "--namespaces", default="", metavar="ns1,ns2",
- help="accepted namespaces")
- groupP.add_argument("--templates",
- help="use or create file containing templates")
- groupP.add_argument("--no-templates", action="store_false",
- help="Do not expand templates")
- groupP.add_argument("--escapedoc", action="store_true",
- help="use to escape the contents of the output <doc>...</doc>")
- default_process_count = cpu_count() - 1
- parser.add_argument("--processes", type=int, default=default_process_count,
- help="Number of processes to use (default %(default)s)")
- groupS = parser.add_argument_group('Special')
- groupS.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true",
- help="suppress reporting progress info")
- groupS.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true",
- help="print debug info")
- groupS.add_argument("-a", "--article", action="store_true",
- help="analyze a file containing a single article (debug option)")
- groupS.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version",
- version='%(prog)s ' + version,
- help="print program version")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- Extractor.keepLinks = args.links
- Extractor.keepSections = args.sections
- Extractor.keepLists = args.lists
- Extractor.toHTML = args.html
- if args.html:
- Extractor.keepLinks = True
- Extractor.expand_templates = args.no_templates
- escape_doc = args.escapedoc
- try:
- power = 'kmg'.find(args.bytes[-1].lower()) + 1
- file_size = int(args.bytes[:-1]) * 1024 ** power
- if file_size < minFileSize:
- raise ValueError()
- except ValueError:
- logging.error('Insufficient or invalid size: %s', args.bytes)
- return
- if args.namespaces:
- acceptedNamespaces = set(args.namespaces.split(','))
- FORMAT = '%(levelname)s: %(message)s'
- logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT)
- logger = logging.getLogger()
- if not args.quiet:
- logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- if args.debug:
- logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- input_file = args.input
- if not Extractor.keepLinks:
- ignoreTag('a')
- # sharing cache of parser templates is too slow:
- # manager = Manager()
- # templateCache = manager.dict()
- if args.article:
- if args.templates:
- if os.path.exists(args.templates):
- with open(args.templates) as file:
- load_templates(file)
- file = fileinput.FileInput(input_file, openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed)
- for page_data in pages_from(file):
- id, title, ns, page = page_data
- Extractor(id, title, page).extract(sys.stdout)
- file.close()
- return
- output_path = args.output
- if output_path != '-' and not os.path.isdir(output_path):
- try:
- os.makedirs(output_path)
- except:
- logging.error('Could not create: %s', output_path)
- return
- process_dump(input_file, args.templates, output_path, file_size,
- args.compress, args.processes)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()