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# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
r"""System for specifying garbage collection (GC) of path based data.
This framework allows for GC of data specified by path names, for example files
on disk. gc.Path objects each represent a single item stored at a path and may
be a base directory,
or a fully qualified file,
A gc filter function takes and returns a list of gc.Path items. Filter
functions are responsible for selecting Path items for preservation or deletion.
Note that functions should always return a sorted list.
For example,
base_dir = "/tmp"
# Create the directories.
for e in xrange(10):
os.mkdir("%s/%d" % (base_dir, e), 0o755)
# Create a simple parser that pulls the export_version from the directory.
path_regex = "^" + re.escape(base_dir) + "/(\\d+)$"
def parser(path):
match = re.match(path_regex, path.path)
if not match:
return None
return path._replace(export_version=int(match.group(1)))
path_list = gc._get_paths("/tmp", parser) # contains all ten Paths
every_fifth = gc._mod_export_version(5)
print(every_fifth(path_list)) # shows ["/tmp/0", "/tmp/5"]
largest_three = gc.largest_export_versions(3)
print(largest_three(all_paths)) # shows ["/tmp/7", "/tmp/8", "/tmp/9"]
both = gc._union(every_fifth, largest_three)
print(both(all_paths)) # shows ["/tmp/0", "/tmp/5",
# "/tmp/7", "/tmp/8", "/tmp/9"]
# Delete everything not in 'both'.
to_delete = gc._negation(both)
for p in to_delete(all_paths):
gfile.DeleteRecursively(p.path) # deletes: "/tmp/1", "/tmp/2",
# "/tmp/3", "/tmp/4", "/tmp/6",
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import heapq
import math
import os
from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile
from tensorflow.python.util import compat
Path = collections.namedtuple('Path', 'path export_version')
def _largest_export_versions(n):
"""Creates a filter that keeps the largest n export versions.
n: number of versions to keep.
A filter function that keeps the n largest paths.
def keep(paths):
heap = []
for idx, path in enumerate(paths):
if path.export_version is not None:
heapq.heappush(heap, (path.export_version, idx))
keepers = [paths[i] for _, i in heapq.nlargest(n, heap)]
return sorted(keepers)
return keep
def _one_of_every_n_export_versions(n):
"""Creates a filter that keeps one of every n export versions.
n: interval size.
A filter function that keeps exactly one path from each interval
[0, n], (n, 2n], (2n, 3n], etc... If more than one path exists in an
interval the largest is kept.
def keep(paths):
"""A filter function that keeps exactly one out of every n paths."""
keeper_map = {} # map from interval to largest path seen in that interval
for p in paths:
if p.export_version is None:
# Skip missing export_versions.
# Find the interval (with a special case to map export_version = 0 to
# interval 0.
interval = math.floor(
(p.export_version - 1) / n) if p.export_version else 0
existing = keeper_map.get(interval, None)
if (not existing) or (existing.export_version < p.export_version):
keeper_map[interval] = p
return sorted(keeper_map.values())
return keep
def _mod_export_version(n):
"""Creates a filter that keeps every export that is a multiple of n.
n: step size.
A filter function that keeps paths where export_version % n == 0.
def keep(paths):
keepers = []
for p in paths:
if p.export_version % n == 0:
return sorted(keepers)
return keep
def _union(lf, rf):
"""Creates a filter that keeps the union of two filters.
lf: first filter
rf: second filter
A filter function that keeps the n largest paths.
def keep(paths):
l = set(lf(paths))
r = set(rf(paths))
return sorted(list(l|r))
return keep
def _negation(f):
"""Negate a filter.
f: filter function to invert
A filter function that returns the negation of f.
def keep(paths):
l = set(paths)
r = set(f(paths))
return sorted(list(l-r))
return keep
def _get_paths(base_dir, parser):
"""Gets a list of Paths in a given directory.
base_dir: directory.
parser: a function which gets the raw Path and can augment it with
information such as the export_version, or ignore the path by returning
None. An example parser may extract the export version from a path
such as "/tmp/exports/100" an another may extract from a full file
name such as "/tmp/checkpoint-99.out".
A list of Paths contained in the base directory with the parsing function
By default the following fields are populated,
- Path.path
The parsing function is responsible for populating,
- Path.export_version
raw_paths = gfile.ListDirectory(base_dir)
paths = []
for r in raw_paths:
p = parser(Path(os.path.join(compat.as_str_any(base_dir),
if p:
return sorted(paths)