- # DIY - Setting up the KaosCube
- 1. [Hardware](#hardware)
- * [Components](#components)
- * [Installing the OS](#installing-the-os)
- 2. [Software](#software)
- * [Upgrade the OS](#upgrade-the-os)
- * [Setting up the Access Point](#setting-up-the-access-point)
- * [Installing firmware of the wifi dongle](#installing-firmware-of-the-wifi-dongle)
- * [Create network connection with new wifi dongle](#create-network-connection-with-new-wifi-dongle)
- * [Installing the KaosCube Interface](#installing-the-kaoscube-interface)
- 3. [Setting up functions of the KCInterface manually](#setting-up-functions-of-the-kcinterface-manually)
- * [Setting up the Hidden Service](#setting-up-the-hidden-service)
- # Hardware
- ## Components
- + Orange Pi Zero
- + MiniUsb2Usb Cable for power-supply
- + An Ethernet !Crossover! Cable for ssh access
- + An MicroSD 16 GB for the Installation of the OS
- + MicroSD2Usb Reader to plug in the Laptop
- + Linux Wifi Dongle
- + Wifi Antenna
- + A laptop, preferably with Linux installed
- ## Installing the OS
- Because Ubuntu is half proprietary, and there is a surveillance door for
- Amazon on the system, the KAOS Cube runs on ARMbian - Debian based.
- First step is to partition the MicroSD
- lsblk # list devices see which /dev/sdX is usb
- sudo fdisk /dev/sdb # In my case, the usb is /dev/sdb
- Command: d # Inside fdisk: delete all partions
- Command: n # Inside fdisk: Create new Partion
- # Press enter until you are done
- Command: w # Write the changes
- sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1 # format the new partition to fat32
- Get a buster image from https://www.armbian.com/download/ for the orange pi
- zero, as sshd is still running by default on the resulting machine
- Now copy binarywise the image to the partition
- sudo dd bs=4M if=ArmbianBusterForOrangePiZero.img of=/dev/sdb
- Thats it! The free system should be installed. Put the MicroSD into your OrangePi.
- Now connect the cables. The Orange Pi will boot by supplying it with
- power.
- Connect your computer with ethernet (crossover, special one) cable to the orange pi zero.
- The first boot takes a bit longer, up to 2 minutes.
- On the Armbian System, SSH on ethernet is enabled. We need to give the
- Pi an IP Adress now.
- # Install a dhcp client, in my case it was Arch and dhcpd
- sudo pacman -S dhcpd
- Now we have to create a new local network.
- The easiest way is to go into your graphical network-manager. Select the
- ethernet connection to your Pi and go on settings.
- In my case I went to IPv4 settings. Then I selected "Shared to other
- computers" Method. After this add a new Address:
- Address # The Number is normally used for local
- # networks.
- Netmask 24 # You can also put in, which only
- # says to the dhcp to give a certain range of
- # adresses starting at
- Gateway # The Gateway is the adress of your laptop
- # itself
- Now you can run the command
- sudo arp -a
- in your bash, after restarting the connection over ethernet to your Pi.
- On your Orange Pi, the small green Light close to the mini usb port
- should be lighting. If the connection is established, you should see it
- blinking. If one or both are not the case, try to reinstall the ARMbian
- image, or zero the first part of the partition, maybe it was not booting
- You will see an assigned IP Adress on your ethernet interface, on arch
- for me it was the standard one enp0s25
- The IP was, so I could connect through ssh with my Orange
- Pi now, and start to set up the system.
- ssh root@
- If everything worked, type in 1234 as the password and follow the instructions.
- If not, check out
- https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-prepare-a-sd-card
- For example, you can learn there how to verify the hash of your download, to be sure nobody
- gave you a virus instead of an OS :)
- # Software
- ## Upgrade the OS
- In the newer versions of armbian, ssh is deactivated by default.
- To save time, we installed an armbian buster.
- Generally, it is important to keep your KaosCube up to date.
- That is why, after getting access to the Cube, the first thing is
- an upgrade to bullseye (which is debian stable at the time of this
- writing and has the latest debian-security updates inside)
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
- Then change the apt configuration file
- sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
- and change all words which are "buster" to "bullseye".
- Except of the line regarding debian-security. There, you have
- to change "buster" to "bullseye-security".
- Save (in nano that is strg+o) and exit nano (strg+x)
- Then update with the new list and run the upgrade
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt upgrade
- During the upgrade, always choose ok or default :).
- Then go to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list and change to bullseye there too
- Then run again the update and upgrade.
- ## Setting up the Access Point
- nmcli con add type wifi ifname wlan0 mode ap con-name kaoscube ssid KaosCube ipv4.method shared
- nmcli con modify kaoscube wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
- nmcli con modify kaoscube wifi-sec.psk "ThePasswordYouLike"
- nmcli con up kaoscube
- ## Installing firmware of the wifi dongle
- First thing to do is updating the apt ressources
- sudo apt update
- Then install git
- sudo apt install git
- Install dkms
- sudo apt install dkms
- Install the newest headers
- sudo apt-get install linux-headers-current-sunxi build-essential
- When installing build-essential, you will be prompted whether to restart
- or not. Enter no automatic restart and then for cron and ssh enter ok.
- For the ssh config, I kept the old one.
- after the install, restart the system with
- sudo reboot
- Now download the firmware
- git clone https://github.com/kelebek333/rtl8188fu
- Now go to the folder rtl8188fu. Add, build and install it with dkms
- sudo dkms add ./rtl8188fu
- sudo dkms build rtl8188fu/1.0
- sudo dkms install rtl8188fu/1.0
- sudo cp ./rtl8188fu/firmware/rtl8188fufw.bin /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/
- After all commands have run successfully, restart the system
- sudo reboot
- ##Create network connection with new wifi dongle
- First look up with ifconfig for the interfaces, and which one is the one of the dongle
- sudo ifconfig
- there should be one called wlan0 or wlan1, which is the small one already on the orange pi zero.
- In addition, there should be one with the name wlx00... something.
- This one you should use with the following command:
- nmcli device wifi connect 'FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable TL' password "98475637998946115486" ifname wlan0
- ##Installing the KaosCube Interface
- First add a new user, if you are still root:
- adduser kaosuser
- Then add the user to sudoers:
- usermod -aG sudo kaosuser
- Now change to user (still being root) and go to home directory
- su kaosuser
- cd
- First clone the interface from git:
- git clone https://code.basabuuka.org/alpcentaur/kc-interface.git
- After that, install php (working version is 7.4, but newer ones should
- also work)
- sudo apt install php
- Also the interface needs the following libraries:
- sudo apt install tor
- Now go in the directory kc-interface and run
- bash startserver.sh
- You will have the interface running on localhost:666
- To get the interface, connect to the ap kaoscube and enter the
- IP of its wifi interface with a double point and then 666.
- # Setting up functions of the KCInterface manually
- ## Setting up the Hidden Service
- First install Tor:
- sudo apt-get install tor
- Edit the torrc file:
- sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc
- Look for the line ############### This section is just for location-hidden services ###
- under this line, enable (uncomment) HiddenServiceDir and HiddenServicePort
- in our case,
- HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
- HiddenServicePort 80
- HiddenServicePort 22
- After restarting tor with
- sudo systemctl restart tor
- your hidden service is running, and you can get its address under
- /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/ , or whatever name or path you wrote in
- the torrc.