- # foerderbarometer
- purpose: gather data from intern(WMDE) and extern(volunteers) forms to create a database ('förderdatenbank') and send emails with links for a questionary.
- ## Should be executed daily
- python3 manage.py sendmails
- ## versions used in development
- python 3.8.2
- django 3.1.1
- django-formtools 2.2
- whitenoise 5.2.0
- gunicorn 20.0.4
- ## production setup
- ln -s foerderbarometer/settings_production.py foerderbarometer/settings.py
- edit /secrets.json to contain something similar to
- {
- }
- edit foerderbarometer/settings_production.py according to your database setup (tested with MariaDB 10.0.36)
- run the following commands:
- python manage.py makemigrations
- python manage.py migrate
- python manage.py collectstatic
- add to cron at least one time a day:
- python manage.py sendmails
- server starts with
- nohup gunicorn --forwarded-allow-ips="*" -b '0:8000' foerderbarometer.wsgi 2&> logfile &