2.3 KiB
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The fdb-spider-interface is an interface for the fdb-spider. It is based on rocketchat, and displaying entries such as programming tag search can be done within any rocketchat client.
In future, the bot based code will migrate from rocketchat to matrix.
To use this spider, you need to have a Rocketchat Server.
On your Rocketchat Server, create a new user with the role bot. Put the right password and username in config.ini. Create a private channel, add the bot to the channel, then run the code
api = RocketChatAPI(settings={'username': botname, 'password': botpassword, 'domain': server_url})
rooms = api.get_private_rooms()
From there, copy the room_id to
which you want to be the room in which you talk to the interface bot.
For the bot_user_id run the commands
myinfo = api.get_my_info()
Information: It is important to change the settings for bots, otherwise with the standard rocketchat configuration the fdb-spider-interface will get too many requests errors and stop working eventually.
Important Commands
There is actually only one important command to remember and that is
That will output all available commands with explanations.
Generally, you can create new tag search "rooms" where the interface will run updates.
will create a room where you can monitor your custom tag based search outputs.
will print all configured rooms,
will add tags to the tag search of a specific room, etc.