- import os
- from rocketchat.api import RocketChatAPI
- import configparser
- import json
- import requests
- config = configparser.ConfigParser()
- config.read('/root/fdb-spider-interface/config.ini')
- botname = config['Chat']['username']
- botpassword = config['Chat']['password']
- server_url = config['Chat']['URL']
- room_id = config['Chat']['room_id']
- bot_user_id = config['Chat']['bot_user_id']
- # here comes the functions to talk to gpt
- # For local streaming, the websockets are hosted without ssl - http://
- HOST = 'localhost:5000'
- URI = f'http://{HOST}/api/v1/chat'
- #URI = f'http://{HOST}/api'
- #
- # For reverse-proxied streaming, the remote will likely host with ssl - https://
- # URI = 'https://your-uri-here.trycloudflare.com/api/v1/chat'
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- api = RocketChatAPI(settings={'username': botname, 'password': botpassword, 'domain': server_url})
- # api.send_message('Ciao, I am the fdb-spider', room_id)
- # myinfo = api.get_my_info()
- print(myinfo)
- # rooms = api.get_private_rooms()
- # print(rooms)
- # api.send_message('Ole', room_id)
- n = 0
- '''
- import time
- import datetime
- from datetime import timedelta
- while True:
- time.sleep(10)
- n += 1
- print(n)
- try:
- date = datetime.datetime.now() - timedelta(days=3)
- room_history = api.get_private_room_history(room_id, oldest=date)
- except Exception as e:
- time.sleep(10)
- api = RocketChatAPI(settings={'username': botname, 'password': botpassword, 'domain': server_url})
- time.sleep(5)
- room_history = api.get_private_room_history(room_id, oldest=date)
- print('got a connection error, original message is:',e)
- messages_list = []
- for message in room_history['messages']:
- messages_list.append(message)
- if len(messages_list) > 1:
- latest_message_user_id = messages_list[0]['u']['_id']
- latest_message = messages_list[0]['msg']
- latest_message_id = messages_list[0]['_id']
- new_message_file = open('new_message_file.txt', 'r')
- new_message = new_message_file.read()
- new_message_file.close()
- new_message_list = new_message.split('§%§%')
- if new_message_list[0] != latest_message and new_message_list[1] != latest_message_id and latest_message_user_id != bot_user_id:
- new_message_file = open('new_message_file.txt', 'w')
- new_message_file.write(latest_message + '§%§%' + latest_message_id)
- new_message_file.close()
- user_input = latest_message
- print('oi', user_input)
- api.send_message('Salut, ich bearbeite die Anfrage..', room_id)
- # here comes the code interacting with the spiders output json
- api.send_message(answer, room_id)
- time.sleep(4)
- api.send_message('Ich bin wieder bereit für Konfigurationsinput : )', room_id)
- time.sleep(3)
- '''