# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""DIDL-Lite (Digital Item Declaration Language) tools for Python."""
# Useful links:
# http://upnp.org/specs/av/UPnP-av-ContentDirectory-v2-Service.pdf
# http://www.upnp.org/schemas/av/didl-lite-v2.xsd
# http://xml.coverpages.org/mpeg21-didl.html
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional # noqa: F401 pylint: disable=unused-import
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
'didl_lite': 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/',
'dc': 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/',
'upnp': 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/',
'xsi': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance',
def _ns_tag(tag: str) -> str:
Expand namespace-alias to url.
_ns_tag('didl_lite:item') -> '{urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/}item'
if ':' not in tag:
return tag
namespace, tag = tag.split(':')
namespace_uri = NAMESPACES[namespace]
return '{{{0}}}{1}'.format(namespace_uri, tag)
def _namespace_tag(namespaced_tag: str) -> str:
Extract namespace and tag from namespaced-tag.
E.g., _namespace_tag('{urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/}class') ->
'urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/', 'class'
if '}' not in namespaced_tag:
return None, namespaced_tag
idx = namespaced_tag.index('}')
namespace = namespaced_tag[1:idx]
tag = namespaced_tag[idx + 1:]
return namespace, tag
def _to_camel_case(name):
sub1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name)
return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', sub1).lower()
def _didl_property_def_key(didl_property_def):
"""Get Python property key for didl_property_def."""
if didl_property_def[1].startswith('@'):
return _to_camel_case(didl_property_def[1].replace('@', ''))
return _to_camel_case(didl_property_def[1].replace('@', '_'))
# region: DidlObjects
class DidlObject:
"""DIDL Ojbect."""
tag = None # type: Optional[str]
upnp_class = 'object'
didl_properties_defs = [
('didl_lite', '@id', 'R'),
('didl_lite', '@parentID', 'R'),
('didl_lite', '@restricted', 'R'),
('dc', 'title', 'R'),
('upnp', 'class', 'R'),
('dc', 'creator', 'O'),
('didl_lite', 'res', 'O'),
('upnp', 'writeStatus', 'O'),
def __init__(self, id="", parent_id="", descriptors=None, **properties):
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin
properties['id'] = id
properties['parent_id'] = parent_id
properties['class'] = self.upnp_class
self.resources = properties.get('resources') or []
self.descriptors = descriptors if descriptors else []
def _ensure_required_properties(self, **properties):
"""Check if all required properties are given."""
for property_def in self.didl_properties_defs:
key = _didl_property_def_key(property_def)
if property_def[2] == 'R' and key not in properties:
raise Exception(key + ' is mandatory')
def _set_properties(self, **properties):
"""Set attributes from properties."""
# ensure we have default/known slots
for property_def in self.didl_properties_defs:
key = _didl_property_def_key(property_def)
setattr(self, key, None)
for key, value in properties.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def from_xml(cls, xml_el: ET.Element):
Initialize from an XML node.
I.e., parse XML and return instance.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
properties = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
# attributes
for attr_key, attr_value in xml_el.attrib.items():
key = _to_camel_case(attr_key)
properties[key] = attr_value
# child-nodes
for xml_child_node in xml_el:
if xml_child_node.tag == _ns_tag('didl_lite:res'):
_, tag = _namespace_tag(xml_child_node.tag)
key = _to_camel_case(tag)
value = xml_child_node.text
properties[key] = value
# attributes of child nodes
parent_key = key
for attr_key, attr_value in xml_child_node.attrib.items():
key = parent_key + '_' + _to_camel_case(attr_key)
properties[key] = attr_value
# resources
resources = []
for res_el in xml_el.findall('./didl_lite:res', NAMESPACES):
resource = Resource.from_xml(res_el)
properties['resources'] = resources
# descriptors
descriptors = []
for desc_el in xml_el.findall('./didl_lite:desc', NAMESPACES):
descriptor = Descriptor.from_xml(desc_el)
return cls(descriptors=descriptors, **properties)
def to_xml(self) -> ET.Element:
"""Convert self to XML Element."""
item_el = ET.Element(_ns_tag(self.tag))
elements = {'': item_el}
# properties
for property_def in self.didl_properties_defs:
if '@' in property_def[1]:
key = _didl_property_def_key(property_def)
if getattr(self, key) is None or \
key == 'res': # no resources, handled later on
tag = property_def[0] + ':' + property_def[1]
property_el = ET.Element(_ns_tag(tag), {})
property_el.text = getattr(self, key)
elements[property_def[1]] = property_el
# attributes and property@attributes
for property_def in self.didl_properties_defs:
if '@' not in property_def[1]:
key = _didl_property_def_key(property_def)
value = getattr(self, key)
if value is None:
el_name, attr_name = property_def[1].split('@')
property_el = elements[el_name]
property_el.attrib[attr_name] = value
# resource
for resource in self.resources:
res_el = resource.to_xml()
# descriptor
for descriptor in self.descriptors:
desc_el = descriptor.to_xml()
return item_el
# region: items
class Item(DidlObject):
"""DIDL Item."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
tag = 'item'
upnp_class = 'object.item'
didl_properties_defs = DidlObject.didl_properties_defs + [
('didl_lite', '@refID', 'O'), # actually, R, but ignore for now
('upnp', 'bookmarkID', 'O'),
class ImageItem(Item):
"""DIDL Image Item."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.imageItem'
didl_properties_defs = Item.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'longDescription', 'O'),
('upnp', 'storageMedium', 'O'),
('upnp', 'rating', 'O'),
('dc', 'description', 'O'),
('dc', 'publisher', 'O'),
('dc', 'date', 'O'),
('dc', 'rights', 'O'),
class Photo(ImageItem):
"""DIDL Photo."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.imageItem.photo'
didl_properties_defs = ImageItem.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'album', 'O'),
class AudioItem(Item):
"""DIDL Audio Item."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.audioItem'
didl_properties_defs = Item.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'genre', 'O'),
('dc', 'description', 'O'),
('upnp', 'longDescription', 'O'),
('dc', 'publisher', 'O'),
('dc', 'language', 'O'),
('dc', 'relation', 'O'),
('dc', 'rights', 'O'),
class MusicTrack(AudioItem):
"""DIDL Music Track."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'
didl_properties_defs = AudioItem.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'artist', 'O'),
('upnp', 'album', 'O'),
('upnp', 'originalTrackNumber', 'O'),
('upnp', 'playlist', 'O'),
('upnp', 'storageMedium', 'O'),
('dc', 'contributor', 'O'),
('dc', 'date', 'O'),
class AudioBroadcast(AudioItem):
"""DIDL Audio Broadcast."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcast'
didl_properties_defs = AudioItem.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'region', 'O'),
('upnp', 'radioCallSign', 'O'),
('upnp', 'radioStationID', 'O'),
('upnp', 'radioBand', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelNr', 'O'),
('upnp', 'signalStrength', 'O'),
('upnp', 'signalLocked', 'O'),
('upnp', 'tuned', 'O'),
('upnp', 'recordable', 'O'),
class AudioBook(AudioItem):
"""DIDL Audio Book."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.audioItem.audioBook'
didl_properties_defs = AudioItem.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'storageMedium', 'O'),
('upnp', 'producer', 'O'),
('dc', 'contributor', 'O'),
('dc', 'date', 'O'),
class VideoItem(Item):
"""DIDL Video Item."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.videoItem'
didl_properties_defs = Item.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'genre', 'O'),
('upnp', 'genre@id', 'O'),
('upnp', 'genre@type', 'O'),
('upnp', 'longDescription', 'O'),
('upnp', 'producer', 'O'),
('upnp', 'rating', 'O'),
('upnp', 'actor', 'O'),
('upnp', 'director', 'O'),
('dc', 'description', 'O'),
('dc', 'publisher', 'O'),
('dc', 'language', 'O'),
('dc', 'relation', 'O'),
('upnp', 'playbackCount', 'O'),
('upnp', 'lastPlaybackTime', 'O'),
('upnp', 'lastPlaybackPosition', 'O'),
('upnp', 'recordedDayOfWeek', 'O'),
('upnp', 'srsRecordScheduleID', 'O'),
class Movie(VideoItem):
"""DIDL Movie."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.videoItem.movie'
didl_properties_defs = VideoItem.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'storageMedium', 'O'),
('upnp', 'DVDRegionCode', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelName', 'O'),
('upnp', 'scheduledStartTime', 'O'),
('upnp', 'scheduledEndTime', 'O'),
('upnp', 'programTitle', 'O'),
('upnp', 'seriesTitle', 'O'),
('upnp', 'episodeCount', 'O'),
('upnp', 'episodeNr', 'O'),
class VideoBroadcast(VideoItem):
"""DIDL Video Broadcast."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.videoItem.videoBroadcast'
didl_properties_defs = VideoItem.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'icon', 'O'),
('upnp', 'region', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelNr', 'O'),
('upnp', 'signalStrength', 'O'),
('upnp', 'signalLocked', 'O'),
('upnp', 'tuned', 'O'),
('upnp', 'recordable', 'O'),
('upnp', 'callSign', 'O'),
('upnp', 'price', 'O'),
('upnp', 'payPerView', 'O'),
class MusicVideoClip(VideoItem):
"""DIDL Music Video Clip."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.videoItem.musicVideoClip'
didl_properties_defs = VideoItem.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'artist', 'O'),
('upnp', 'storageMedium', 'O'),
('upnp', 'album', 'O'),
('upnp', 'scheduledStartTime', 'O'),
('upnp', 'scheduledStopTime', 'O'),
# ('upnp', 'director', 'O'), # duplicate in standard
('dc', 'contributor', 'O'),
('dc', 'date', 'O'),
class PlaylistItem(Item):
"""DIDL Playlist Item."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.playlistItem'
didl_properties_defs = Item.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'artist', 'O'),
('upnp', 'genre', 'O'),
('upnp', 'longDescription', 'O'),
('upnp', 'storageMedium', 'O'),
('dc', 'description', 'O'),
('dc', 'date', 'O'),
('dc', 'language', 'O'),
class TextItem(Item):
"""DIDL Text Item."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.textItem'
didl_properties_defs = Item.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'author', 'O'),
('upnp', 'res@protection', 'O'),
('upnp', 'longDescription', 'O'),
('upnp', 'storageMedium', 'O'),
('upnp', 'rating', 'O'),
('dc', 'description', 'O'),
('dc', 'publisher', 'O'),
('dc', 'contributor', 'O'),
('dc', 'date', 'O'),
('dc', 'relation', 'O'),
('dc', 'language', 'O'),
('dc', 'rights', 'O'),
class BookmarkItem(Item):
"""DIDL Bookmark Item."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.bookmarkItem'
didl_properties_defs = Item.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'bookmarkedObjectID', 'R'),
('upnp', 'neverPlayable', 'O'),
('upnp', 'deviceUDN', 'R'),
('upnp', 'serviceType', 'R'),
('upnp', 'serviceId', 'R'),
('dc', 'date', 'O'),
('dc', 'stateVariableCollection', 'R'),
class EpgItem(Item):
"""DIDL EPG Item."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.epgItem'
didl_properties_defs = Item.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'channelGroupName', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelGroupName@id', 'O'),
('upnp', 'epgProviderName', 'O'),
('upnp', 'serviceProvider', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelName', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelNr', 'O'),
('upnp', 'programTitle', 'O'),
('upnp', 'seriesTitle', 'O'),
('upnp', 'programID', 'O'),
('upnp', 'programID@type', 'O'),
('upnp', 'seriesID', 'O'),
('upnp', 'seriesID@type', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelID', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelID@type', 'O'),
('upnp', 'episodeCount', 'O'),
('upnp', 'episodeNumber', 'O'),
('upnp', 'programCode', 'O'),
('upnp', 'programCode_type', 'O'),
('upnp', 'rating', 'O'),
('upnp', 'rating@type', 'O'),
('upnp', 'episodeType', 'O'),
('upnp', 'genre', 'O'),
('upnp', 'genre@id', 'O'),
('upnp', 'genre@extended', 'O'),
('upnp', 'artist', 'O'),
('upnp', 'artist@role', 'O'),
('upnp', 'actor', 'O'),
('upnp', 'actor@role', 'O'),
('upnp', 'author', 'O'),
('upnp', 'author@role', 'O'),
('upnp', 'producer', 'O'),
('upnp', 'director', 'O'),
('dc', 'publisher', 'O'),
('dc', 'contributor', 'O'),
('upnp', 'networkAffiliation', 'O'),
# ('upnp', 'serviceProvider', 'O'), # duplicate in standard
('upnp', 'price', 'O'),
('upnp', 'price@currency', 'O'),
('upnp', 'payPerView', 'O'),
# ('upnp', 'epgProviderName', 'O'), # duplicate in standard
('dc', 'description', 'O'),
('upnp', 'longDescription', 'O'),
('upnp', 'icon', 'O'),
('upnp', 'region', 'O'),
('dc', 'language', 'O'),
('dc', 'relation', 'O'),
('upnp', 'scheduledStartTime', 'O'),
('upnp', 'scheduledEndTime', 'O'),
('upnp', 'recordable', 'O'),
class AudioProgram(EpgItem):
"""DIDL Audio Program."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.epgItem.audioProgram'
didl_properties_defs = Item.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'radioCallSign', 'O'),
('upnp', 'radioStationID', 'O'),
('upnp', 'radioBand', 'O'),
class VideoProgram(EpgItem):
"""DIDL Video Program."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.item.epgItem.videoProgram'
didl_properties_defs = Item.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'price', 'O'),
('upnp', 'price@currency', 'O'),
('upnp', 'payPerView', 'O'),
# endregion
# region: containers
class Container(DidlObject, list):
"""DIDL Container."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
tag = 'container'
upnp_class = 'object.container'
didl_properties_defs = DidlObject.didl_properties_defs + [
('didl_lite', '@childCount', 'O'),
('upnp', 'createClass', 'O'),
('upnp', 'searchClass', 'O'),
('didl_lite', '@searchable', 'O'),
('didl_lite', '@neverPlayable', 'O'),
def from_xml(cls, xml_el: ET.Element):
Initialize from an XML node.
I.e., parse XML and return instance.
instance = super().from_xml(xml_el)
# add all children
didl_objects = from_xml_el(xml_el)
instance.extend(didl_objects) # pylint: disable=no-member
return instance
def to_xml(self) -> ET.Element:
"""Convert self to XML Element."""
container_el = super().to_xml()
for didl_object in self:
didl_object_el = didl_object.to_xml()
return container_el
class Person(Container):
"""DIDL Person."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.person'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('dc', 'language', 'O'),
class MusicArtist(Person):
"""DIDL Music Artist."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.person.musicArtist'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'genre', 'O'),
('upnp', 'artistDiscographyURI', 'O'),
class PlaylistContainer(Container):
"""DIDL Playlist Container."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.playlistContainer'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'artist', 'O'),
('upnp', 'genre', 'O'),
('upnp', 'longDescription', 'O'),
('upnp', 'producer', 'O'),
('upnp', 'storageMedium', 'O'),
('dc', 'description', 'O'),
('dc', 'contributor', 'O'),
('dc', 'date', 'O'),
('dc', 'language', 'O'),
('dc', 'rights', 'O'),
class Album(Container):
"""DIDL Album."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.album'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'storageMedium', 'O'),
('dc', 'longDescription', 'O'),
('dc', 'description', 'O'),
('dc', 'publisher', 'O'),
('dc', 'contributor', 'O'),
('dc', 'date', 'O'),
('dc', 'relation', 'O'),
('dc', 'rights', 'O'),
class MusicAlbum(Album):
"""DIDL Music Album."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.album.musicAlbum'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'artist', 'O'),
('upnp', 'genre', 'O'),
('upnp', 'producer', 'O'),
('upnp', 'albumArtURI', 'O'),
('upnp', 'toc', 'O'),
class PhotoAlbum(Album):
"""DIDL Photo Album."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.album.photoAlbum'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
class Genre(Container):
"""DIDL Genre."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.genre'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'genre', 'O'),
('upnp', 'longDescription', 'O'),
('dc', 'description', 'O'),
class MusicGenre(Genre):
"""DIDL Music Genre."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.genre.musicGenre'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
class MovieGenre(Genre):
"""DIDL Movie Genre."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.genre.movieGenre'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
class ChannelGroup(Container):
"""DIDL Channel Group."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.channelGroup'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'channelGroupName', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelGroupName@id', 'O'),
('upnp', 'epgProviderName', 'O'),
('upnp', 'serviceProvider', 'O'),
('upnp', 'icon', 'O'),
('upnp', 'region', 'O'),
class AudioChannelGroup(ChannelGroup):
"""DIDL Audio Channel Group."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.channelGroup.audioChannelGroup'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
class VideoChannelGroup(ChannelGroup):
"""DIDL Video Channel Group."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.channelGroup.videoChannelGroup'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
class EpgContainer(Container):
"""DIDL EPG Container."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.epgContainer'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'channelGroupName', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelGroupName@id', 'O'),
('upnp', 'epgProviderName', 'O'),
('upnp', 'serviceProvider', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelName', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelNr', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelID', 'O'),
('upnp', 'channelID@type', 'O'),
('upnp', 'radioCallSign', 'O'),
('upnp', 'radioStationID', 'O'),
('upnp', 'radioBand', 'O'),
('upnp', 'callSign', 'O'),
('upnp', 'networkAffiliation', 'O'),
# ('upnp', 'serviceProvider', 'O'), # duplicate in standard
('upnp', 'price', 'O'),
('upnp', 'price@currency', 'O'),
('upnp', 'payPerView', 'O'),
# ('upnp', 'epgProviderName', 'O'), # duplicate in standard
('upnp', 'icon', 'O'),
('upnp', 'region', 'O'),
('dc', 'language', 'O'),
('dc', 'relation', 'O'),
('upnp', 'dateTimeRange', 'O'),
class StorageSystem(Container):
"""DIDL Storage System."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.storageSystem'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'storageTotal', 'R'),
('upnp', 'storageUsed', 'R'),
('upnp', 'storageFree', 'R'),
('upnp', 'storageMaxPartition', 'R'),
('upnp', 'storageMedium', 'R'),
class StorageVolume(Container):
"""DIDL Storage Volume."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.storageVolume'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'storageTotal', 'R'),
('upnp', 'storageUsed', 'R'),
('upnp', 'storageFree', 'R'),
('upnp', 'storageMedium', 'R'),
class StorageFolder(Container):
"""DIDL Storage Folder."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.storageFolder'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'storageUsed', 'R'),
class BookmarkFolder(Container):
"""DIDL Bookmark Folder."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
upnp_class = 'object.container.bookmarkFolder'
didl_properties_defs = Container.didl_properties_defs + [
('upnp', 'genre', 'O'),
('upnp', 'longDescription', 'O'),
('dc', 'description', 'O'),
# endregion
class Resource:
"""DIDL Resource."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,too-many-instance-attributes
def __init__(self, uri, protocol_info, import_uri=None, size=None, duration=None,
bitrate=None, sample_frequency=None, bits_per_sample=None,
nr_audio_channels=None, resolution=None, color_depth=None, protection=None):
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
self.uri = uri
self.protocol_info = protocol_info
self.import_uri = import_uri
self.size = size
self.duration = duration
self.bitrate = bitrate
self.sample_frequency = sample_frequency
self.bits_per_sample = bits_per_sample
self.nr_audio_channels = nr_audio_channels
self.resolution = resolution
self.color_depth = color_depth
self.protection = protection
def from_xml(cls, xml_node: ET.Element):
"""Initialize from an XML node."""
uri = xml_node.text
protocol_info = xml_node.attrib["protocolInfo"]
import_uri = xml_node.attrib.get('importUri')
size = xml_node.attrib.get('size')
duration = xml_node.attrib.get('duration')
bitrate = xml_node.attrib.get('bitrate')
sample_frequency = xml_node.attrib.get('sampleFrequency')
bits_per_sample = xml_node.attrib.get('bitsPerSample')
nr_audio_channels = xml_node.attrib.get('nrAudioChannels')
resolution = xml_node.attrib.get('resolution')
color_depth = xml_node.attrib.get('colorDepth')
protection = xml_node.attrib.get('protection')
return cls(uri, protocol_info,
import_uri=import_uri, size=size, duration=duration,
bitrate=bitrate, sample_frequency=sample_frequency,
resolution=resolution, color_depth=color_depth,
def to_xml(self) -> ET.Element:
"""Convert self to XML."""
attribs = {
'protocolInfo': self.protocol_info,
res_el = ET.Element(_ns_tag('res'), attribs)
res_el.text = self.uri
return res_el
class Descriptor:
"""DIDL Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, id, name_space, type=None, text=None):
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin
self.id = id
self.name_space = name_space
self.type = type
self.text = text
def from_xml(cls, xml_node: ET.Element):
"""Initialize from an XML node."""
id_ = xml_node.attrib['id']
name_space = xml_node.attrib['nameSpace']
type_ = xml_node.attrib.get('type')
return cls(id_, name_space, type_, xml_node.text)
def to_xml(self) -> ET.Element:
"""Convert self to XML."""
attribs = {
'id': self.id,
'nameSpace': self.name_space,
'type': self.type,
desc_el = ET.Element(_ns_tag('desc'), attribs)
desc_el.text = self.text
return desc_el
# endregion
def to_xml_string(*objects) -> str:
"""Convert items to DIDL-Lite XML string."""
root_el = ET.Element(_ns_tag('DIDL-Lite'), {})
root_el.attrib['xmlns'] = NAMESPACES['didl_lite']
for didl_object in objects:
didl_object_el = didl_object.to_xml()
return ET.tostring(root_el)
def from_xml_string(xml_string) -> List[DidlObject]:
"""Convert XML string to DIDL Objects."""
xml_el = ET.fromstring(xml_string)
return from_xml_el(xml_el)
def from_xml_el(xml_el: ET.Element) -> List[DidlObject]:
"""Convert XML Element to DIDL Objects."""
didl_objects = []
# items and containers, in order
for child_el in xml_el:
if child_el.tag != _ns_tag('didl_lite:item') and \
child_el.tag != _ns_tag('didl_lite:container'):
# construct item
upnp_class = child_el.find('./upnp:class', NAMESPACES)
if upnp_class is None or not upnp_class.text:
didl_object_type = type_by_upnp_class(upnp_class.text)
didl_object = didl_object_type.from_xml(child_el)
# descriptors
for desc_el in xml_el.findall('./didl_lite:desc', NAMESPACES):
desc = Descriptor.from_xml(desc_el)
return didl_objects
# upnp_class to python type mapping
def type_by_upnp_class(upnp_class: str) -> type:
"""Get DidlObject-type by upnp_class."""
queue = DidlObject.__subclasses__()
while queue:
type_ = queue.pop()
if type_.upnp_class == upnp_class:
return type_