What is the difference? Decentral No central server for saving all messages One Time Pad encryption No possibility of breaking the encryption Ease to understand easyeasyeasy How to achieve this ***Decentral*** **Tor** installation of Tor Oniondirectory that updates the recent IP changed recently by the ISP ifconfig gets actual IP save it with a python module to the onion site put it in a sandbox with config line to 1 **Messenger** messages have to be saved have to be displayed have to be tunneled somehow to IP ***One Time Pad Encryption*** get onetimepad from /dev/random onetimepad will be compressed with the NASA module flutter brieftaube mit flashing vor nem herz Dokumentation messengers researched for easy messenger over tkinder in python generatePad.py reads dev/random and saves to txt file raise entropy in /dev/random install rng-tools >> sudo pacman -S rng-tools start and enable deamon >> systemctl start rngd.service >> systemctl enable rngd.service the rng deamon reads from /dev/hwrng but we have to get a true random number generator (TRNG) that gets entropy from physical devices. read from /dev/random >> cat /dev/random | strings --bytes 1 display the entropy available in /dev/random >> cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail upnp iwie mit distributed hashtables kann man DNS lookup bzw anfrage an zentrale einrichtungen umgehen ice zum kriegen von der öffentlichen IP tox.chat