# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """CLI UPnP client module.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name import argparse import asyncio import json import logging import operator import sys import time import urllib.parse from typing import Optional from async_upnp_client import UpnpDevice from async_upnp_client import UpnpFactory from async_upnp_client import UpnpService from async_upnp_client.aiohttp import AiohttpRequester from async_upnp_client.aiohttp import AiohttpNotifyServer from async_upnp_client.aiohttp import get_local_ip from async_upnp_client.dlna import dlna_handle_notify_last_change from async_upnp_client.discovery import async_discover as async_ssdp_discover from async_upnp_client.discovery import SSDP_ST_ALL logging.basicConfig() _LOGGER = logging.getLogger('upnp-client') _LOGGER.setLevel(logging.ERROR) _LOGGER_LIB = logging.getLogger('async_upnp_client') _LOGGER_LIB.setLevel(logging.ERROR) _LOGGER_TRAFFIC = logging.getLogger('async_upnp_client.traffic') _LOGGER_TRAFFIC.setLevel(logging.ERROR) DEFAULT_PORT = 11302 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='upnp_client') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Show debug messages') parser.add_argument('--debug-traffic', action='store_true', help='Show network traffic') parser.add_argument('--pprint', action='store_true', help='Pretty-print (indent) JSON output') parser.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, help='Timeout for connection', default=5) parser.add_argument('--strict', action='store_true', help='Be strict about invalid data received') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Command', dest='command') subparsers.required = True subparser = subparsers.add_parser('call-action', help='Call an action') subparser.add_argument('device', help='URL to device description XML') subparser.add_argument('call-action', nargs='+', help='service/action param1=val1 param2=val2') subparser = subparsers.add_parser('subscribe', help='Subscribe to services') subparser.add_argument('device', help='URL to device description XML') subparser.add_argument('service', nargs='+', help='service type or part or abbreviation') subparser.add_argument('--bind', help='ip[:port], e.g.,') subparser = subparsers.add_parser('discover', help='Subscribe to services') subparser.add_argument('--bind', help='ip, e.g.,') subparser.add_argument('--service_type', help='service type to discover', default=SSDP_ST_ALL) args = parser.parse_args() pprint_indent = 4 if args.pprint else None event_handler = None async def create_device(description_url): """Create UpnpDevice.""" timeout = args.timeout requester = AiohttpRequester(timeout) disable_validation = not args.strict factory = UpnpFactory(requester, disable_state_variable_validation=disable_validation) return await factory.async_create_device(description_url) def bind_host_port(): """Determine listening host/port.""" bind = args.bind if not bind: # figure out listening host ourselves target_url = args.device parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(target_url) target_host = parsed.hostname bind = get_local_ip(target_host) if ':' not in bind: bind = bind + ':' + str(DEFAULT_PORT) return bind.split(':') def service_from_device(device: UpnpDevice, service_name: str) -> Optional[UpnpService]: """Get UpnpService from UpnpDevice by name or part or abbreviation.""" for service in device.services.values(): part = service.service_id.split(':')[-1] abbr = ''.join([c for c in part if c.isupper()]) if service_name in (service.service_type, part, abbr): return service return None def on_event(service, service_variables): """Handle a UPnP event.""" _LOGGER.debug('State variable change for %s, variables: %s', service, ','.join([sv.name for sv in service_variables])) obj = { 'timestamp': time.time(), 'service_id': service.service_id, 'service_type': service.service_type, 'state_variables': {sv.name: sv.value for sv in service_variables}, } print(json.dumps(obj, indent=pprint_indent)) # do some additional handling for DLNA LastChange state variable if len(service_variables) == 1 and \ service_variables[0].name == 'LastChange': last_change = service_variables[0] dlna_handle_notify_last_change(last_change) async def call_action(description_url, call_action_args): """Call an action and show results.""" device = await create_device(description_url) if '/' in call_action_args[0]: service_name, action_name = call_action_args[0].split('/') else: service_name = call_action_args[0] action_name = '' for action_arg in call_action_args[1:]: if '=' not in action_arg: print('Invalid argument value: %s' % (action_arg, )) print('Use: Argument=value') sys.exit(1) action_args = {a.split('=', 1)[0]: a.split('=', 1)[1] for a in call_action_args[1:]} # get service service = service_from_device(device, service_name) if not service: print('Unknown service: %s' % (service_name, )) print('Available services:\n%s' % ( '\n'.join([' ' + service.service_id.split(':')[-1] for service in device.services.values()]) )) sys.exit(1) # get action action = service.action(action_name) if not action: print('Unknown action: %s' % (action_name, )) print('Available actions:\n%s' % ( '\n'.join([' ' + name for name in sorted(service.actions)]) )) sys.exit(1) # get in variables coerced_args = {} for key, value in action_args.items(): in_arg = action.argument(key) if not in_arg: print('Unknown argument: %s' % (key, )) print('Available arguments: %s' % ( ','.join([a.name for a in action.in_arguments()]))) sys.exit(1) coerced_args[key] = in_arg.coerce_python(value) # ensure all in variables given for in_arg in action.in_arguments(): if in_arg.name not in action_args: print('Missing in-arguments') print('Known in-arguments:\n%s' % ( '\n'.join([' ' + in_arg.name for in_arg in sorted(action.in_arguments(), key=operator.attrgetter('name'))]) )) sys.exit(1) _LOGGER.debug('Calling %s.%s, parameters:\n%s', service.service_id, action.name, '\n'.join(['%s:%s' % (key, value) for key, value in coerced_args.items()])) result = await action.async_call(**coerced_args) _LOGGER.debug('Results:\n%s', '\n'.join(['%s:%s' % (key, value) for key, value in coerced_args.items()])) obj = { 'timestamp': time.time(), 'service_id': service.service_id, 'service_type': service.service_type, 'action': action.name, 'in_parameters': coerced_args, 'out_parameters': result, } print(json.dumps(obj, indent=pprint_indent)) async def subscribe(description_url, service_names): """Subscribe to service(s) and output updates.""" global event_handler # pylint: disable=global-statement device = await create_device(description_url) # start notify server/event handler host, port = bind_host_port() server = AiohttpNotifyServer(device.requester, port, listen_host=host) await server.start_server() _LOGGER.debug('Listening on: %s', server.callback_url) # gather all wanted services if '*' in service_names: service_names = device.services.keys() services = [] for service_name in service_names: service = service_from_device(device, service_name) if not service: print('Unknown service: %s' % (service_name, )) sys.exit(1) service.on_event = on_event services.append(service) # subscribe to services event_handler = server.event_handler for service in services: await event_handler.async_subscribe(service) # keep the webservice running while True: await asyncio.sleep(120) await event_handler.async_resubscribe_all() async def discover(discover_args): """Discover devices.""" timeout = args.timeout service_type = discover_args.service_type source_ip = discover_args.bind async def response_received(response): response['_timestamp'] = str(response['_timestamp']) print(json.dumps(response, indent=pprint_indent)) await async_ssdp_discover(service_type=service_type, source_ip=source_ip, timeout=timeout, async_callback=response_received) async def async_main(): """Asunc main.""" if args.debug: _LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) _LOGGER_LIB.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if args.debug_traffic: _LOGGER_TRAFFIC.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if args.command == 'call-action': await call_action(args.device, getattr(args, 'call-action')) elif args.command == 'subscribe': await subscribe(args.device, args.service) elif args.command == 'discover': await discover(args) def main(): """Main.""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: loop.run_until_complete(async_main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: if event_handler: loop.run_until_complete(event_handler.async_unsubscribe_all()) finally: loop.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()