- import re
- import datetime
- from decimal import Decimal
- from base64 import b64decode
- from binascii import unhexlify
- from functools import partial
- from collections import OrderedDict
- import six
- import requests
- from requests.compat import urljoin, urlparse
- from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date
- from lxml import etree
- from .util import _getLogger
- from .const import HTTP_TIMEOUT
- from .soap import SOAP
- from .marshal import marshal_value
- class UPNPError(Exception):
- """
- Exception class for UPnP errors.
- """
- pass
- class InvalidActionException(UPNPError):
- """
- Action doesn't exist.
- """
- pass
- class ValidationError(UPNPError):
- """
- Given value didn't validate with the given data type.
- """
- def __init__(self, reasons):
- super(ValidationError, self).__init__()
- self.reasons = reasons
- class UnexpectedResponse(UPNPError):
- """
- Got a response we didn't expect.
- """
- pass
- class CallActionMixin(object):
- def __call__(self, action_name, **kwargs):
- """
- Convenience method for quickly finding and calling an Action on a
- Service. Must have implemented a `find_action(action_name)` method.
- """
- action = self.find_action(action_name)
- if action is not None:
- return action(**kwargs)
- raise InvalidActionException('Action with name %r does not exist.' % action_name)
- class Device(CallActionMixin):
- """
- UPNP Device represention.
- This class represents an UPnP device. `location` is an URL to a control XML
- file, per UPnP standard section 2.3 ('Device Description'). This MUST match
- the URL as given in the 'Location' header when using discovery (SSDP).
- `device_name` is a name for the device, which may be obtained using the
- SSDP class or may be made up by the caller.
- Raises urllib2.HTTPError when the location is invalid
- Example:
- >>> device = Device('')
- >>> for service in device.services:
- ... print service.service_id
- ...
- urn:upnp-org:serviceId:layer3f
- urn:upnp-org:serviceId:wancic
- urn:upnp-org:serviceId:wandsllc:pvc_Internet
- urn:upnp-org:serviceId:wanipc:Internet
- """
- def __init__(
- self, location, device_name=None, ignore_urlbase=False,
- http_auth=None, http_headers=None):
- """
- Create a new Device instance. `location` is an URL to an XML file
- describing the server's services.
- """
- self.location = location
- self.device_name = location if device_name is None else device_name
- self.services = []
- self.service_map = {}
- self._log = _getLogger('Device')
- self.http_auth = http_auth
- self.http_headers = http_headers
- resp = requests.get(
- location,
- timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT,
- auth=self.http_auth,
- headers=self.http_headers
- )
- resp.raise_for_status()
- root = etree.fromstring(resp.content)
- findtext = partial(root.findtext, namespaces=root.nsmap)
- self.device_type = findtext('device/deviceType')
- self.friendly_name = findtext('device/friendlyName')
- self.manufacturer = findtext('device/manufacturer')
- self.manufacturer_url = findtext('device/manufacturerURL')
- self.model_description = findtext('device/modelDescription')
- self.model_name = findtext('device/modelName')
- self.model_number = findtext('device/modelNumber')
- self.serial_number = findtext('device/serialNumber')
- self.udn = findtext('device/UDN')
- self._url_base = findtext('URLBase')
- if self._url_base is None or ignore_urlbase:
- # If no URL Base is given, the UPnP specification says: "the base
- # URL is the URL from which the device description was retrieved"
- self._url_base = self.location
- self._root_xml = root
- self._findtext = findtext
- self._find = partial(root.find, namespaces=root.nsmap)
- self._findall = partial(root.findall, namespaces=root.nsmap)
- self._read_services()
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<Device '%s'>" % (self.friendly_name)
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- """
- Allow Services to be returned as members of the Device.
- """
- try:
- return self.service_map[name]
- except KeyError:
- raise AttributeError('No attribute or service found with name %r.' % name)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- """
- Allow Services to be returned as dictionary keys of the Device.
- """
- return self.service_map[key]
- def __dir__(self):
- """
- Add Service names to `dir(device)` output for use with tab-completion in repl.
- """
- return super(Device, self).__dir__() + list(self.service_map.keys())
- @property
- def actions(self):
- actions = []
- for service in self.services:
- actions.extend(service.actions)
- return actions
- def _read_services(self):
- """
- Read the control XML file and populate self.services with a list of
- services in the form of Service class instances.
- """
- # The double slash in the XPath is deliberate, as services can be
- # listed in two places (Section 2.3 of uPNP device architecture v1.1)
- for node in self._findall('device//serviceList/service'):
- findtext = partial(node.findtext, namespaces=self._root_xml.nsmap)
- svc = Service(
- self,
- self._url_base,
- findtext('serviceType'),
- findtext('serviceId'),
- findtext('controlURL'),
- findtext('SCPDURL'),
- findtext('eventSubURL')
- )
- self._log.debug(
- '%s: Service %r at %r', self.device_name, svc.service_type, svc.scpd_url)
- self.services.append(svc)
- self.service_map[svc.name] = svc
- def find_action(self, action_name):
- """Find an action by name.
- Convenience method that searches through all the services offered by
- the Server for an action and returns an Action instance. If the action
- is not found, returns None. If multiple actions with the same name are
- found it returns the first one.
- """
- for service in self.services:
- action = service.find_action(action_name)
- if action is not None:
- return action
- class Service(CallActionMixin):
- """
- Service Control Point Definition. This class reads an SCPD XML file and
- parses the actions and state variables. It can then be used to call
- actions.
- """
- def __init__(self, device, url_base, service_type, service_id,
- control_url, scpd_url, event_sub_url):
- self.device = device
- self._url_base = url_base
- self.service_type = service_type
- self.service_id = service_id
- self._control_url = control_url
- self.scpd_url = scpd_url
- self._event_sub_url = event_sub_url
- self.actions = []
- self.action_map = {}
- self.statevars = {}
- self._log = _getLogger('Service')
- self._log.debug('%s url_base: %s', self.service_id, self._url_base)
- self._log.debug('%s SCPDURL: %s', self.service_id, self.scpd_url)
- self._log.debug('%s controlURL: %s', self.service_id, self._control_url)
- self._log.debug('%s eventSubURL: %s', self.service_id, self._event_sub_url)
- url = urljoin(self._url_base, self.scpd_url)
- self._log.debug('Reading %s', url)
- resp = requests.get(
- url,
- timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT,
- auth=self.device.http_auth,
- headers=self.device.http_headers
- )
- resp.raise_for_status()
- self.scpd_xml = etree.fromstring(resp.content)
- self._find = partial(self.scpd_xml.find, namespaces=self.scpd_xml.nsmap)
- self._findtext = partial(self.scpd_xml.findtext, namespaces=self.scpd_xml.nsmap)
- self._findall = partial(self.scpd_xml.findall, namespaces=self.scpd_xml.nsmap)
- self._read_state_vars()
- self._read_actions()
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<Service service_id='%s'>" % (self.service_id)
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- """
- Allow Actions to be returned as members of the Service.
- """
- try:
- return self.action_map[name]
- except KeyError:
- raise AttributeError('No attribute or action found with name %r.' % name)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- """
- Allow Actions to be returned as dictionary keys of the Service.
- """
- return self.action_map[key]
- def __dir__(self):
- """
- Add Action names to `dir(service)` output for use with tab-completion in repl.
- """
- return super(Service, self).__dir__() + [a.name for a in self.actions]
- @property
- def name(self):
- try:
- return self.service_id[self.service_id.rindex(":")+1:]
- except ValueError:
- return self.service_id
- def _read_state_vars(self):
- for statevar_node in self._findall('serviceStateTable/stateVariable'):
- findtext = partial(statevar_node.findtext, namespaces=statevar_node.nsmap)
- findall = partial(statevar_node.findall, namespaces=statevar_node.nsmap)
- name = findtext('name')
- datatype = findtext('dataType')
- send_events = statevar_node.attrib.get('sendEvents', 'yes').lower() == 'yes'
- allowed_values = set([e.text for e in findall('allowedValueList/allowedValue')])
- self.statevars[name] = dict(
- name=name,
- datatype=datatype,
- allowed_values=allowed_values,
- send_events=send_events
- )
- def _read_actions(self):
- action_url = urljoin(self._url_base, self._control_url)
- for action_node in self._findall('actionList/action'):
- name = action_node.findtext('name', namespaces=action_node.nsmap)
- argsdef_in = []
- argsdef_out = []
- for arg_node in action_node.findall(
- 'argumentList/argument', namespaces=action_node.nsmap):
- findtext = partial(arg_node.findtext, namespaces=arg_node.nsmap)
- arg_name = findtext('name')
- arg_statevar = self.statevars[findtext('relatedStateVariable')]
- if findtext('direction').lower() == 'in':
- argsdef_in.append((arg_name, arg_statevar))
- else:
- argsdef_out.append((arg_name, arg_statevar))
- action = Action(self, action_url, self.service_type, name, argsdef_in, argsdef_out)
- self.action_map[name] = action
- self.actions.append(action)
- @staticmethod
- def validate_subscription_response(resp):
- lc_headers = {k.lower(): v for k, v in resp.headers.items()}
- try:
- sid = lc_headers['sid']
- except KeyError:
- raise UnexpectedResponse('Event subscription call returned without a "SID" header')
- try:
- timeout_str = lc_headers['timeout'].lower()
- except KeyError:
- raise UnexpectedResponse('Event subscription call returned without a "Timeout" header')
- if not timeout_str.startswith('second-'):
- raise UnexpectedResponse(
- 'Event subscription call returned an invalid timeout value: %r' % timeout_str)
- timeout_str = timeout_str[len('Second-'):]
- try:
- timeout = None if timeout_str == 'infinite' else int(timeout_str)
- except ValueError:
- raise UnexpectedResponse(
- 'Event subscription call returned a timeout value which wasn\'t "infinite" or an in'
- 'teger')
- return sid, timeout
- @staticmethod
- def validate_subscription_renewal_response(resp):
- lc_headers = {k.lower(): v for k, v in resp.headers.items()}
- try:
- timeout_str = lc_headers['timeout'].lower()
- except KeyError:
- raise UnexpectedResponse('Event subscription call returned without a "Timeout" header')
- if not timeout_str.startswith('second-'):
- raise UnexpectedResponse(
- 'Event subscription call returned an invalid timeout value: %r' % timeout_str)
- timeout_str = timeout_str[len('Second-'):]
- try:
- timeout = None if timeout_str == 'infinite' else int(timeout_str)
- except ValueError:
- raise UnexpectedResponse(
- 'Event subscription call returned a timeout value which wasn\'t "infinite" or an in'
- 'teger')
- return timeout
- def find_action(self, action_name):
- try:
- return self.action_map[action_name]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def subscribe(self, callback_url, timeout=None):
- """
- Set up a subscription to the events offered by this service.
- """
- url = urljoin(self._url_base, self._event_sub_url)
- headers = dict(
- HOST=urlparse(url).netloc,
- CALLBACK='<%s>' % callback_url,
- NT='upnp:event'
- )
- if timeout is not None:
- headers['TIMEOUT'] = 'Second-%s' % timeout
- resp = requests.request('SUBSCRIBE', url, headers=headers, auth=self.device.http_auth)
- resp.raise_for_status()
- return Service.validate_subscription_response(resp)
- def renew_subscription(self, sid, timeout=None):
- """
- Renews a previously configured subscription.
- """
- url = urljoin(self._url_base, self._event_sub_url)
- headers = dict(
- HOST=urlparse(url).netloc,
- SID=sid
- )
- if timeout is not None:
- headers['TIMEOUT'] = 'Second-%s' % timeout
- resp = requests.request('SUBSCRIBE', url, headers=headers, auth=self.device.http_auth)
- resp.raise_for_status()
- return Service.validate_subscription_renewal_response(resp)
- def cancel_subscription(self, sid):
- """
- Unsubscribes from a previously configured subscription.
- """
- url = urljoin(self._url_base, self._event_sub_url)
- headers = dict(
- HOST=urlparse(url).netloc,
- SID=sid
- )
- resp = requests.request('UNSUBSCRIBE', url, headers=headers, auth=self.device.http_auth)
- resp.raise_for_status()
- class Action(object):
- def __init__(self, service, url, service_type, name, argsdef_in=None, argsdef_out=None):
- if argsdef_in is None:
- argsdef_in = []
- if argsdef_out is None:
- argsdef_out = []
- self.service = service
- self.url = url
- self.service_type = service_type
- self.name = name
- self.argsdef_in = argsdef_in
- self.argsdef_out = argsdef_out
- self._log = _getLogger('Action')
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<Action '%s'>" % (self.name)
- def __call__(self, http_auth=None, http_headers=None, **kwargs):
- arg_reasons = {}
- call_kwargs = OrderedDict()
- # Validate arguments using the SCPD stateVariable definitions
- for name, statevar in self.argsdef_in:
- if name not in kwargs:
- raise UPNPError('Missing required param \'%s\'' % (name))
- valid, reasons = self.validate_arg(kwargs[name], statevar)
- if not valid:
- arg_reasons[name] = reasons
- # Preserve the order of call args, as listed in SCPD XML spec
- call_kwargs[name] = kwargs[name]
- if arg_reasons:
- raise ValidationError(arg_reasons)
- # Make the actual call
- self._log.debug(">> %s (%s)", self.name, call_kwargs)
- soap_client = SOAP(self.url, self.service_type)
- soap_response = soap_client.call(
- self.name,
- call_kwargs,
- http_auth or self.service.device.http_auth,
- http_headers or self.service.device.http_headers
- )
- self._log.debug("<< %s (%s): %s", self.name, call_kwargs, soap_response)
- # Marshall the response to python data types
- out = {}
- for name, statevar in self.argsdef_out:
- _, value = marshal_value(statevar['datatype'], soap_response[name])
- out[name] = value
- return out
- @staticmethod
- def validate_arg(arg, argdef):
- """
- Validate an incoming (unicode) string argument according the UPnP spec. Raises UPNPError.
- """
- datatype = argdef['datatype']
- reasons = set()
- ranges = {
- 'ui1': (int, 0, 255),
- 'ui2': (int, 0, 65535),
- 'ui4': (int, 0, 4294967295),
- 'i1': (int, -128, 127),
- 'i2': (int, -32768, 32767),
- 'i4': (int, -2147483648, 2147483647),
- 'r4': (Decimal, Decimal('3.40282347E+38'), Decimal('1.17549435E-38'))
- }
- try:
- if datatype in set(ranges.keys()):
- v_type, v_min, v_max = ranges[datatype]
- if not v_min <= v_type(arg) <= v_max:
- reasons.add('%r datatype must be a number in the range %s to %s' % (
- datatype, v_min, v_max))
- elif datatype in {'r8', 'number', 'float', 'fixed.14.4'}:
- v = Decimal(arg)
- if v < 0:
- assert Decimal('-1.79769313486232E308') <= v <= Decimal('4.94065645841247E-324')
- else:
- assert Decimal('4.94065645841247E-324') <= v <= Decimal('1.79769313486232E308')
- elif datatype == 'char':
- v = arg.decode('utf8') if six.PY2 or isinstance(arg, bytes) else arg
- assert len(v) == 1
- elif datatype == 'string':
- v = arg.decode("utf8") if six.PY2 or isinstance(arg, bytes) else arg
- if argdef['allowed_values'] and v not in argdef['allowed_values']:
- reasons.add('Value %r not in allowed values list' % arg)
- elif datatype == 'date':
- v = parse_date(arg)
- if any((v.hour, v.minute, v.second)):
- reasons.add("'date' datatype must not contain a time")
- elif datatype in ('dateTime', 'dateTime.tz'):
- v = parse_date(arg)
- if datatype == 'dateTime' and v.tzinfo is not None:
- reasons.add("'dateTime' datatype must not contain a timezone")
- elif datatype in ('time', 'time.tz'):
- now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- v = parse_date(arg, default=now)
- if v.tzinfo is not None:
- now += v.utcoffset()
- if not all((
- v.day == now.day,
- v.month == now.month,
- v.year == now.year)):
- reasons.add('%r datatype must not contain a date' % datatype)
- if datatype == 'time' and v.tzinfo is not None:
- reasons.add('%r datatype must not have timezone information' % datatype)
- elif datatype == 'boolean':
- valid = {'true', 'yes', '1', 'false', 'no', '0'}
- if arg.lower() not in valid:
- reasons.add('%r datatype must be one of %s' % (datatype, ','.join(valid)))
- elif datatype == 'bin.base64':
- b64decode(arg)
- elif datatype == 'bin.hex':
- unhexlify(arg)
- elif datatype == 'uri':
- urlparse(arg)
- elif datatype == 'uuid':
- if not re.match(
- r'^[0-9a-f]{8}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{12}$',
- arg, re.I):
- reasons.add('%r datatype must contain a valid UUID')
- else:
- reasons.add("%r datatype is unrecognised." % datatype)
- except ValueError as exc:
- reasons.add(str(exc))
- return not bool(len(reasons)), reasons