- import re
- import requests
- from lxml import etree
- from .util import _getLogger
- NS_SOAP_ENV = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'
- NS_UPNP_ERR = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0'
- ENCODING_STYLE = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'
- ENCODING = 'utf-8'
- class SOAPError(Exception):
- pass
- class SOAPProtocolError(Exception):
- pass
- class SOAP(object):
- """SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation
- This class defines a simple SOAP client.
- """
- def __init__(self, url, service_type):
- self.url = url
- self.service_type = service_type
- # FIXME: Use urlparse for this:
- self._host = self.url.split('//', 1)[1].split('/', 1)[0] # Get hostname portion of url
- self._log = _getLogger('SOAP')
- def _extract_upnperror(self, err_xml):
- """
- Extract the error code and error description from an error returned by the device.
- """
- nsmap = {'s': list(err_xml.nsmap.values())[0]}
- fault_str = err_xml.findtext(
- 's:Body/s:Fault/faultstring', namespaces=nsmap)
- try:
- err = err_xml.xpath(
- 's:Body/s:Fault/detail/*[name()="%s"]' % fault_str, namespaces=nsmap)[0]
- except IndexError:
- msg = 'Tag with name of %r was not found in the error response.' % fault_str
- self._log.debug(
- msg + '\n' + etree.tostring(err_xml, pretty_print=True).decode('utf8'))
- raise SOAPProtocolError(msg)
- err_code = err.findtext('errorCode', namespaces=err.nsmap)
- err_desc = err.findtext('errorDescription', namespaces=err.nsmap)
- if err_code is None or err_desc is None:
- msg = 'Tags errorCode or errorDescription were not found in the error response.'
- self._log.debug(
- msg + '\n' + etree.tostring(err_xml, pretty_print=True).decode('utf8'))
- raise SOAPProtocolError(msg)
- return int(err_code), err_desc
- @staticmethod
- def _remove_extraneous_xml_declarations(xml_str):
- """
- Sometimes devices return XML with more than one XML declaration in, such as when returning
- their own XML config files. This removes the extra ones and preserves the first one.
- """
- xml_declaration = ''
- if xml_str.startswith('<?xml'):
- xml_declaration, xml_str = xml_str.split('?>', maxsplit=1)
- xml_declaration += '?>'
- xml_str = re.sub(r'<\?xml.*?\?>', '', xml_str, flags=re.I)
- return xml_declaration + xml_str
- def call(self, action_name, arg_in=None, http_auth=None, http_headers=None):
- """
- Construct the XML and make the call to the device. Parse the response values into a dict.
- """
- if arg_in is None:
- arg_in = {}
- soap_env = '{%s}' % NS_SOAP_ENV
- m = '{%s}' % self.service_type
- root = etree.Element(soap_env+'Envelope', nsmap={'SOAP-ENV': NS_SOAP_ENV})
- root.attrib[soap_env+'encodingStyle'] = ENCODING_STYLE
- body = etree.SubElement(root, soap_env+'Body')
- action = etree.SubElement(body, m+action_name, nsmap={'m': self.service_type})
- for key, value in arg_in.items():
- etree.SubElement(action, key).text = str(value)
- body = etree.tostring(root, encoding=ENCODING, xml_declaration=True)
- headers = {
- 'SOAPAction': '"%s#%s"' % (self.service_type, action_name),
- 'Host': self._host,
- 'Content-Type': 'text/xml',
- 'Content-Length': str(len(body)),
- }
- headers.update(http_headers or {})
- try:
- resp = requests.post(
- self.url,
- body,
- headers=headers,
- timeout=SOAP_TIMEOUT,
- auth=http_auth
- )
- resp.raise_for_status()
- except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc:
- # If the body of the error response contains XML then it should be a UPnP error,
- # otherwise reraise the HTTPError.
- try:
- err_xml = etree.fromstring(exc.response.content)
- except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
- raise exc
- raise SOAPError(*self._extract_upnperror(err_xml))
- xml_str = resp.content.strip()
- try:
- xml = etree.fromstring(xml_str)
- except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
- # Try removing any extra XML declarations in case there are more than one.
- # This sometimes happens when a device sends its own XML config files.
- xml = etree.fromstring(self._remove_extraneous_xml_declarations(xml_str))
- except ValueError:
- # This can occur when requests returns a `str` (unicode) but there's also an XML
- # declaration, which lxml doesn't like.
- xml = etree.fromstring(xml_str.encode('utf8'))
- response = xml.find(".//{%s}%sResponse" % (self.service_type, action_name))
- if response is None:
- msg = ('Returned XML did not include an element which matches namespace %r and tag name'
- ' \'%sResponse\'.' % (self.service_type, action_name))
- self._log.debug(msg + '\n' + etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=True).decode('utf8'))
- raise SOAPProtocolError(msg)
- # Sometimes devices return XML strings as their argument values without escaping them with
- # CDATA. This checks to see if the argument has been parsed as XML and un-parses it if so.
- ret = {}
- for arg in response.getchildren():
- children = arg.getchildren()
- if children:
- ret[arg.tag] = b"\n".join(etree.tostring(x) for x in children)
- else:
- ret[arg.tag] = arg.text
- return ret