- from decimal import Decimal
- from uuid import UUID
- import datetime
- from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date
- from requests.compat import urlparse
- TRUTHY_VALS = {'true', 'yes', '1'}
- DT_RET = {'char', 'string', 'bin.base64', 'bin.hex'}
- DT_INT = {'ui1', 'ui2', 'ui4', 'i1', 'i2', 'i4'}
- DT_DECIMAL = {'r4', 'r8', 'number', 'float', 'fixed.14.4'}
- DT_DATE = {'date'}
- DT_DATETIME = {'dateTime', 'dateTime.tz'}
- DT_TIME = {'time', 'time.tz'}
- DT_BOOL = {'boolean'}
- DT_URI = {'uri'}
- DT_UUID = {'uuid'}
- def parse_time(val):
- """
- Parse a time to a `datetime.time` value.
- Can't just use `dateutil.parse.parser(val).time()` because that doesn't preserve tzinfo.
- """
- dt = parse_date(val)
- if dt.tzinfo is None:
- return dt.time()
- return datetime.time(dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.microsecond, dt.tzinfo)
- (DT_RET, lambda x: x),
- (DT_INT, int),
- (DT_DECIMAL, Decimal),
- (DT_DATE, lambda x: parse_date(x).date()),
- (DT_DATETIME, parse_date),
- (DT_TIME, parse_time),
- (DT_BOOL, lambda x: x.lower() in TRUTHY_VALS),
- (DT_URI, urlparse),
- )
- def marshal_value(datatype, value):
- """
- Marshal a given string into a relevant Python type given the uPnP datatype.
- Assumes that the value has been pre-validated, so performs no checks.
- Returns a tuple pair of a boolean to say whether the value was marshalled and the (un)marshalled
- value.
- """
- for types, func in MARSHAL_FUNCTIONS:
- if datatype in types:
- return True, func(value)
- return False, value