- """
- Support for installing and building the "wheel" binary package format.
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import collections
- import compileall
- import csv
- import hashlib
- import logging
- import os.path
- import re
- import shutil
- import stat
- import sys
- import warnings
- from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
- from email.parser import Parser
- from pip._vendor import pkg_resources
- from pip._vendor.distlib.scripts import ScriptMaker
- from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
- from pip._vendor.six import StringIO
- from pip._internal import pep425tags
- from pip._internal.download import path_to_url, unpack_url
- from pip._internal.exceptions import (
- InstallationError, InvalidWheelFilename, UnsupportedWheel,
- )
- from pip._internal.locations import (
- PIP_DELETE_MARKER_FILENAME, distutils_scheme,
- )
- from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log
- from pip._internal.utils.misc import (
- call_subprocess, captured_stdout, ensure_dir, read_chunks,
- )
- from pip._internal.utils.setuptools_build import SETUPTOOLS_SHIM
- from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory
- from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING
- from pip._internal.utils.ui import open_spinner
- from typing import Dict, List, Optional # noqa: F401
- wheel_ext = '.whl'
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- def rehash(path, blocksize=1 << 20):
- """Return (hash, length) for path using hashlib.sha256()"""
- h = hashlib.sha256()
- length = 0
- with open(path, 'rb') as f:
- for block in read_chunks(f, size=blocksize):
- length += len(block)
- h.update(block)
- digest = 'sha256=' + urlsafe_b64encode(
- h.digest()
- ).decode('latin1').rstrip('=')
- return (digest, length)
- def open_for_csv(name, mode):
- if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
- nl = {}
- bin = 'b'
- else:
- nl = {'newline': ''}
- bin = ''
- return open(name, mode + bin, **nl)
- def fix_script(path):
- """Replace #!python with #!/path/to/python
- Return True if file was changed."""
- # XXX RECORD hashes will need to be updated
- if os.path.isfile(path):
- with open(path, 'rb') as script:
- firstline = script.readline()
- if not firstline.startswith(b'#!python'):
- return False
- exename = sys.executable.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
- firstline = b'#!' + exename + os.linesep.encode("ascii")
- rest = script.read()
- with open(path, 'wb') as script:
- script.write(firstline)
- script.write(rest)
- return True
- dist_info_re = re.compile(r"""^(?P<namever>(?P<name>.+?)(-(?P<ver>.+?))?)
- \.dist-info$""", re.VERBOSE)
- def root_is_purelib(name, wheeldir):
- """
- Return True if the extracted wheel in wheeldir should go into purelib.
- """
- name_folded = name.replace("-", "_")
- for item in os.listdir(wheeldir):
- match = dist_info_re.match(item)
- if match and match.group('name') == name_folded:
- with open(os.path.join(wheeldir, item, 'WHEEL')) as wheel:
- for line in wheel:
- line = line.lower().rstrip()
- if line == "root-is-purelib: true":
- return True
- return False
- def get_entrypoints(filename):
- if not os.path.exists(filename):
- return {}, {}
- # This is done because you can pass a string to entry_points wrappers which
- # means that they may or may not be valid INI files. The attempt here is to
- # strip leading and trailing whitespace in order to make them valid INI
- # files.
- with open(filename) as fp:
- data = StringIO()
- for line in fp:
- data.write(line.strip())
- data.write("\n")
- data.seek(0)
- # get the entry points and then the script names
- entry_points = pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse_map(data)
- console = entry_points.get('console_scripts', {})
- gui = entry_points.get('gui_scripts', {})
- def _split_ep(s):
- """get the string representation of EntryPoint, remove space and split
- on '='"""
- return str(s).replace(" ", "").split("=")
- # convert the EntryPoint objects into strings with module:function
- console = dict(_split_ep(v) for v in console.values())
- gui = dict(_split_ep(v) for v in gui.values())
- return console, gui
- def message_about_scripts_not_on_PATH(scripts):
- # type: (List[str]) -> Optional[str]
- """Determine if any scripts are not on PATH and format a warning.
- Returns a warning message if one or more scripts are not on PATH,
- otherwise None.
- """
- if not scripts:
- return None
- # Group scripts by the path they were installed in
- grouped_by_dir = collections.defaultdict(set) # type: Dict[str, set]
- for destfile in scripts:
- parent_dir = os.path.dirname(destfile)
- script_name = os.path.basename(destfile)
- grouped_by_dir[parent_dir].add(script_name)
- # We don't want to warn for directories that are on PATH.
- not_warn_dirs = [
- os.path.normcase(i).rstrip(os.sep) for i in
- os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep)
- ]
- # If an executable sits with sys.executable, we don't warn for it.
- # This covers the case of venv invocations without activating the venv.
- not_warn_dirs.append(os.path.normcase(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)))
- warn_for = {
- parent_dir: scripts for parent_dir, scripts in grouped_by_dir.items()
- if os.path.normcase(parent_dir) not in not_warn_dirs
- }
- if not warn_for:
- return None
- # Format a message
- msg_lines = []
- for parent_dir, scripts in warn_for.items():
- scripts = sorted(scripts)
- if len(scripts) == 1:
- start_text = "script {} is".format(scripts[0])
- else:
- start_text = "scripts {} are".format(
- ", ".join(scripts[:-1]) + " and " + scripts[-1]
- )
- msg_lines.append(
- "The {} installed in '{}' which is not on PATH."
- .format(start_text, parent_dir)
- )
- last_line_fmt = (
- "Consider adding {} to PATH or, if you prefer "
- "to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location."
- )
- if len(msg_lines) == 1:
- msg_lines.append(last_line_fmt.format("this directory"))
- else:
- msg_lines.append(last_line_fmt.format("these directories"))
- # Returns the formatted multiline message
- return "\n".join(msg_lines)
- def move_wheel_files(name, req, wheeldir, user=False, home=None, root=None,
- pycompile=True, scheme=None, isolated=False, prefix=None,
- warn_script_location=True):
- """Install a wheel"""
- if not scheme:
- scheme = distutils_scheme(
- name, user=user, home=home, root=root, isolated=isolated,
- prefix=prefix,
- )
- if root_is_purelib(name, wheeldir):
- lib_dir = scheme['purelib']
- else:
- lib_dir = scheme['platlib']
- info_dir = []
- data_dirs = []
- source = wheeldir.rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep
- # Record details of the files moved
- # installed = files copied from the wheel to the destination
- # changed = files changed while installing (scripts #! line typically)
- # generated = files newly generated during the install (script wrappers)
- installed = {}
- changed = set()
- generated = []
- # Compile all of the pyc files that we're going to be installing
- if pycompile:
- with captured_stdout() as stdout:
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
- compileall.compile_dir(source, force=True, quiet=True)
- logger.debug(stdout.getvalue())
- def normpath(src, p):
- return os.path.relpath(src, p).replace(os.path.sep, '/')
- def record_installed(srcfile, destfile, modified=False):
- """Map archive RECORD paths to installation RECORD paths."""
- oldpath = normpath(srcfile, wheeldir)
- newpath = normpath(destfile, lib_dir)
- installed[oldpath] = newpath
- if modified:
- changed.add(destfile)
- def clobber(source, dest, is_base, fixer=None, filter=None):
- ensure_dir(dest) # common for the 'include' path
- for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(source):
- basedir = dir[len(source):].lstrip(os.path.sep)
- destdir = os.path.join(dest, basedir)
- if is_base and basedir.split(os.path.sep, 1)[0].endswith('.data'):
- continue
- for s in subdirs:
- destsubdir = os.path.join(dest, basedir, s)
- if is_base and basedir == '' and destsubdir.endswith('.data'):
- data_dirs.append(s)
- continue
- elif (is_base and
- s.endswith('.dist-info') and
- canonicalize_name(s).startswith(
- canonicalize_name(req.name))):
- assert not info_dir, ('Multiple .dist-info directories: ' +
- destsubdir + ', ' +
- ', '.join(info_dir))
- info_dir.append(destsubdir)
- for f in files:
- # Skip unwanted files
- if filter and filter(f):
- continue
- srcfile = os.path.join(dir, f)
- destfile = os.path.join(dest, basedir, f)
- # directory creation is lazy and after the file filtering above
- # to ensure we don't install empty dirs; empty dirs can't be
- # uninstalled.
- ensure_dir(destdir)
- # copyfile (called below) truncates the destination if it
- # exists and then writes the new contents. This is fine in most
- # cases, but can cause a segfault if pip has loaded a shared
- # object (e.g. from pyopenssl through its vendored urllib3)
- # Since the shared object is mmap'd an attempt to call a
- # symbol in it will then cause a segfault. Unlinking the file
- # allows writing of new contents while allowing the process to
- # continue to use the old copy.
- if os.path.exists(destfile):
- os.unlink(destfile)
- # We use copyfile (not move, copy, or copy2) to be extra sure
- # that we are not moving directories over (copyfile fails for
- # directories) as well as to ensure that we are not copying
- # over any metadata because we want more control over what
- # metadata we actually copy over.
- shutil.copyfile(srcfile, destfile)
- # Copy over the metadata for the file, currently this only
- # includes the atime and mtime.
- st = os.stat(srcfile)
- if hasattr(os, "utime"):
- os.utime(destfile, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime))
- # If our file is executable, then make our destination file
- # executable.
- if os.access(srcfile, os.X_OK):
- st = os.stat(srcfile)
- permissions = (
- st.st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
- )
- os.chmod(destfile, permissions)
- changed = False
- if fixer:
- changed = fixer(destfile)
- record_installed(srcfile, destfile, changed)
- clobber(source, lib_dir, True)
- assert info_dir, "%s .dist-info directory not found" % req
- # Get the defined entry points
- ep_file = os.path.join(info_dir[0], 'entry_points.txt')
- console, gui = get_entrypoints(ep_file)
- def is_entrypoint_wrapper(name):
- # EP, EP.exe and EP-script.py are scripts generated for
- # entry point EP by setuptools
- if name.lower().endswith('.exe'):
- matchname = name[:-4]
- elif name.lower().endswith('-script.py'):
- matchname = name[:-10]
- elif name.lower().endswith(".pya"):
- matchname = name[:-4]
- else:
- matchname = name
- # Ignore setuptools-generated scripts
- return (matchname in console or matchname in gui)
- for datadir in data_dirs:
- fixer = None
- filter = None
- for subdir in os.listdir(os.path.join(wheeldir, datadir)):
- fixer = None
- if subdir == 'scripts':
- fixer = fix_script
- filter = is_entrypoint_wrapper
- source = os.path.join(wheeldir, datadir, subdir)
- dest = scheme[subdir]
- clobber(source, dest, False, fixer=fixer, filter=filter)
- maker = ScriptMaker(None, scheme['scripts'])
- # Ensure old scripts are overwritten.
- # See https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1800
- maker.clobber = True
- # Ensure we don't generate any variants for scripts because this is almost
- # never what somebody wants.
- # See https://bitbucket.org/pypa/distlib/issue/35/
- maker.variants = {''}
- # This is required because otherwise distlib creates scripts that are not
- # executable.
- # See https://bitbucket.org/pypa/distlib/issue/32/
- maker.set_mode = True
- # Simplify the script and fix the fact that the default script swallows
- # every single stack trace.
- # See https://bitbucket.org/pypa/distlib/issue/34/
- # See https://bitbucket.org/pypa/distlib/issue/33/
- def _get_script_text(entry):
- if entry.suffix is None:
- raise InstallationError(
- "Invalid script entry point: %s for req: %s - A callable "
- "suffix is required. Cf https://packaging.python.org/en/"
- "latest/distributing.html#console-scripts for more "
- "information." % (entry, req)
- )
- return maker.script_template % {
- "module": entry.prefix,
- "import_name": entry.suffix.split(".")[0],
- "func": entry.suffix,
- }
- maker._get_script_text = _get_script_text
- maker.script_template = r"""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import re
- import sys
- from %(module)s import %(import_name)s
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
- sys.exit(%(func)s())
- """
- # Special case pip and setuptools to generate versioned wrappers
- #
- # The issue is that some projects (specifically, pip and setuptools) use
- # code in setup.py to create "versioned" entry points - pip2.7 on Python
- # 2.7, pip3.3 on Python 3.3, etc. But these entry points are baked into
- # the wheel metadata at build time, and so if the wheel is installed with
- # a *different* version of Python the entry points will be wrong. The
- # correct fix for this is to enhance the metadata to be able to describe
- # such versioned entry points, but that won't happen till Metadata 2.0 is
- # available.
- # In the meantime, projects using versioned entry points will either have
- # incorrect versioned entry points, or they will not be able to distribute
- # "universal" wheels (i.e., they will need a wheel per Python version).
- #
- # Because setuptools and pip are bundled with _ensurepip and virtualenv,
- # we need to use universal wheels. So, as a stopgap until Metadata 2.0, we
- # override the versioned entry points in the wheel and generate the
- # correct ones. This code is purely a short-term measure until Metadata 2.0
- # is available.
- #
- # To add the level of hack in this section of code, in order to support
- # ensurepip this code will look for an ``ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS`` environment
- # variable which will control which version scripts get installed.
- #
- # ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS=altinstall
- # - Only pipX.Y and easy_install-X.Y will be generated and installed
- # - pipX.Y, pipX, easy_install-X.Y will be generated and installed. Note
- # that this option is technically if ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS is set and is
- # not altinstall
- # - The default behavior is to install pip, pipX, pipX.Y, easy_install
- # and easy_install-X.Y.
- pip_script = console.pop('pip', None)
- if pip_script:
- if "ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS" not in os.environ:
- spec = 'pip = ' + pip_script
- generated.extend(maker.make(spec))
- if os.environ.get("ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS", "") != "altinstall":
- spec = 'pip%s = %s' % (sys.version[:1], pip_script)
- generated.extend(maker.make(spec))
- spec = 'pip%s = %s' % (sys.version[:3], pip_script)
- generated.extend(maker.make(spec))
- # Delete any other versioned pip entry points
- pip_ep = [k for k in console if re.match(r'pip(\d(\.\d)?)?$', k)]
- for k in pip_ep:
- del console[k]
- easy_install_script = console.pop('easy_install', None)
- if easy_install_script:
- if "ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS" not in os.environ:
- spec = 'easy_install = ' + easy_install_script
- generated.extend(maker.make(spec))
- spec = 'easy_install-%s = %s' % (sys.version[:3], easy_install_script)
- generated.extend(maker.make(spec))
- # Delete any other versioned easy_install entry points
- easy_install_ep = [
- k for k in console if re.match(r'easy_install(-\d\.\d)?$', k)
- ]
- for k in easy_install_ep:
- del console[k]
- # Generate the console and GUI entry points specified in the wheel
- if len(console) > 0:
- generated_console_scripts = maker.make_multiple(
- ['%s = %s' % kv for kv in console.items()]
- )
- generated.extend(generated_console_scripts)
- if warn_script_location:
- msg = message_about_scripts_not_on_PATH(generated_console_scripts)
- if msg is not None:
- logger.warning(msg)
- if len(gui) > 0:
- generated.extend(
- maker.make_multiple(
- ['%s = %s' % kv for kv in gui.items()],
- {'gui': True}
- )
- )
- # Record pip as the installer
- installer = os.path.join(info_dir[0], 'INSTALLER')
- temp_installer = os.path.join(info_dir[0], 'INSTALLER.pip')
- with open(temp_installer, 'wb') as installer_file:
- installer_file.write(b'pip\n')
- shutil.move(temp_installer, installer)
- generated.append(installer)
- # Record details of all files installed
- record = os.path.join(info_dir[0], 'RECORD')
- temp_record = os.path.join(info_dir[0], 'RECORD.pip')
- with open_for_csv(record, 'r') as record_in:
- with open_for_csv(temp_record, 'w+') as record_out:
- reader = csv.reader(record_in)
- writer = csv.writer(record_out)
- outrows = []
- for row in reader:
- row[0] = installed.pop(row[0], row[0])
- if row[0] in changed:
- row[1], row[2] = rehash(row[0])
- outrows.append(tuple(row))
- for f in generated:
- digest, length = rehash(f)
- outrows.append((normpath(f, lib_dir), digest, length))
- for f in installed:
- outrows.append((installed[f], '', ''))
- for row in sorted(outrows):
- writer.writerow(row)
- shutil.move(temp_record, record)
- def wheel_version(source_dir):
- """
- Return the Wheel-Version of an extracted wheel, if possible.
- Otherwise, return False if we couldn't parse / extract it.
- """
- try:
- dist = [d for d in pkg_resources.find_on_path(None, source_dir)][0]
- wheel_data = dist.get_metadata('WHEEL')
- wheel_data = Parser().parsestr(wheel_data)
- version = wheel_data['Wheel-Version'].strip()
- version = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')))
- return version
- except Exception:
- return False
- def check_compatibility(version, name):
- """
- Raises errors or warns if called with an incompatible Wheel-Version.
- Pip should refuse to install a Wheel-Version that's a major series
- ahead of what it's compatible with (e.g 2.0 > 1.1); and warn when
- installing a version only minor version ahead (e.g 1.2 > 1.1).
- version: a 2-tuple representing a Wheel-Version (Major, Minor)
- name: name of wheel or package to raise exception about
- :raises UnsupportedWheel: when an incompatible Wheel-Version is given
- """
- if not version:
- raise UnsupportedWheel(
- "%s is in an unsupported or invalid wheel" % name
- )
- if version[0] > VERSION_COMPATIBLE[0]:
- raise UnsupportedWheel(
- "%s's Wheel-Version (%s) is not compatible with this version "
- "of pip" % (name, '.'.join(map(str, version)))
- )
- elif version > VERSION_COMPATIBLE:
- logger.warning(
- 'Installing from a newer Wheel-Version (%s)',
- '.'.join(map(str, version)),
- )
- class Wheel(object):
- """A wheel file"""
- # TODO: maybe move the install code into this class
- wheel_file_re = re.compile(
- r"""^(?P<namever>(?P<name>.+?)-(?P<ver>.*?))
- ((-(?P<build>\d[^-]*?))?-(?P<pyver>.+?)-(?P<abi>.+?)-(?P<plat>.+?)
- \.whl|\.dist-info)$""",
- )
- def __init__(self, filename):
- """
- :raises InvalidWheelFilename: when the filename is invalid for a wheel
- """
- wheel_info = self.wheel_file_re.match(filename)
- if not wheel_info:
- raise InvalidWheelFilename(
- "%s is not a valid wheel filename." % filename
- )
- self.filename = filename
- self.name = wheel_info.group('name').replace('_', '-')
- # we'll assume "_" means "-" due to wheel naming scheme
- # (https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1150)
- self.version = wheel_info.group('ver').replace('_', '-')
- self.build_tag = wheel_info.group('build')
- self.pyversions = wheel_info.group('pyver').split('.')
- self.abis = wheel_info.group('abi').split('.')
- self.plats = wheel_info.group('plat').split('.')
- # All the tag combinations from this file
- self.file_tags = {
- (x, y, z) for x in self.pyversions
- for y in self.abis for z in self.plats
- }
- def support_index_min(self, tags=None):
- """
- Return the lowest index that one of the wheel's file_tag combinations
- achieves in the supported_tags list e.g. if there are 8 supported tags,
- and one of the file tags is first in the list, then return 0. Returns
- None is the wheel is not supported.
- """
- if tags is None: # for mock
- tags = pep425tags.get_supported()
- indexes = [tags.index(c) for c in self.file_tags if c in tags]
- return min(indexes) if indexes else None
- def supported(self, tags=None):
- """Is this wheel supported on this system?"""
- if tags is None: # for mock
- tags = pep425tags.get_supported()
- return bool(set(tags).intersection(self.file_tags))
- class WheelBuilder(object):
- """Build wheels from a RequirementSet."""
- def __init__(self, finder, preparer, wheel_cache,
- build_options=None, global_options=None, no_clean=False):
- self.finder = finder
- self.preparer = preparer
- self.wheel_cache = wheel_cache
- self._wheel_dir = preparer.wheel_download_dir
- self.build_options = build_options or []
- self.global_options = global_options or []
- self.no_clean = no_clean
- def _build_one(self, req, output_dir, python_tag=None):
- """Build one wheel.
- :return: The filename of the built wheel, or None if the build failed.
- """
- # Install build deps into temporary directory (PEP 518)
- with req.build_env:
- return self._build_one_inside_env(req, output_dir,
- python_tag=python_tag)
- def _build_one_inside_env(self, req, output_dir, python_tag=None):
- with TempDirectory(kind="wheel") as temp_dir:
- if self.__build_one(req, temp_dir.path, python_tag=python_tag):
- try:
- wheel_name = os.listdir(temp_dir.path)[0]
- wheel_path = os.path.join(output_dir, wheel_name)
- shutil.move(
- os.path.join(temp_dir.path, wheel_name), wheel_path
- )
- logger.info('Stored in directory: %s', output_dir)
- return wheel_path
- except Exception:
- pass
- # Ignore return, we can't do anything else useful.
- self._clean_one(req)
- return None
- def _base_setup_args(self, req):
- # NOTE: Eventually, we'd want to also -S to the flags here, when we're
- # isolating. Currently, it breaks Python in virtualenvs, because it
- # relies on site.py to find parts of the standard library outside the
- # virtualenv.
- return [
- sys.executable, '-u', '-c',
- SETUPTOOLS_SHIM % req.setup_py
- ] + list(self.global_options)
- def __build_one(self, req, tempd, python_tag=None):
- base_args = self._base_setup_args(req)
- spin_message = 'Running setup.py bdist_wheel for %s' % (req.name,)
- with open_spinner(spin_message) as spinner:
- logger.debug('Destination directory: %s', tempd)
- wheel_args = base_args + ['bdist_wheel', '-d', tempd] \
- + self.build_options
- if python_tag is not None:
- wheel_args += ["--python-tag", python_tag]
- try:
- call_subprocess(wheel_args, cwd=req.setup_py_dir,
- show_stdout=False, spinner=spinner)
- return True
- except Exception:
- spinner.finish("error")
- logger.error('Failed building wheel for %s', req.name)
- return False
- def _clean_one(self, req):
- base_args = self._base_setup_args(req)
- logger.info('Running setup.py clean for %s', req.name)
- clean_args = base_args + ['clean', '--all']
- try:
- call_subprocess(clean_args, cwd=req.source_dir, show_stdout=False)
- return True
- except Exception:
- logger.error('Failed cleaning build dir for %s', req.name)
- return False
- def build(self, requirements, session, autobuilding=False):
- """Build wheels.
- :param unpack: If True, replace the sdist we built from with the
- newly built wheel, in preparation for installation.
- :return: True if all the wheels built correctly.
- """
- from pip._internal import index
- from pip._internal.models.link import Link
- building_is_possible = self._wheel_dir or (
- autobuilding and self.wheel_cache.cache_dir
- )
- assert building_is_possible
- buildset = []
- format_control = self.finder.format_control
- for req in requirements:
- if req.constraint:
- continue
- if req.is_wheel:
- if not autobuilding:
- logger.info(
- 'Skipping %s, due to already being wheel.', req.name,
- )
- elif autobuilding and req.editable:
- pass
- elif autobuilding and not req.source_dir:
- pass
- elif autobuilding and req.link and not req.link.is_artifact:
- # VCS checkout. Build wheel just for this run.
- buildset.append((req, True))
- else:
- ephem_cache = False
- if autobuilding:
- link = req.link
- base, ext = link.splitext()
- if index.egg_info_matches(base, None, link) is None:
- # E.g. local directory. Build wheel just for this run.
- ephem_cache = True
- if "binary" not in format_control.get_allowed_formats(
- canonicalize_name(req.name)):
- logger.info(
- "Skipping bdist_wheel for %s, due to binaries "
- "being disabled for it.", req.name,
- )
- continue
- buildset.append((req, ephem_cache))
- if not buildset:
- return True
- # Build the wheels.
- logger.info(
- 'Building wheels for collected packages: %s',
- ', '.join([req.name for (req, _) in buildset]),
- )
- _cache = self.wheel_cache # shorter name
- with indent_log():
- build_success, build_failure = [], []
- for req, ephem in buildset:
- python_tag = None
- if autobuilding:
- python_tag = pep425tags.implementation_tag
- if ephem:
- output_dir = _cache.get_ephem_path_for_link(req.link)
- else:
- output_dir = _cache.get_path_for_link(req.link)
- try:
- ensure_dir(output_dir)
- except OSError as e:
- logger.warning("Building wheel for %s failed: %s",
- req.name, e)
- build_failure.append(req)
- continue
- else:
- output_dir = self._wheel_dir
- wheel_file = self._build_one(
- req, output_dir,
- python_tag=python_tag,
- )
- if wheel_file:
- build_success.append(req)
- if autobuilding:
- # XXX: This is mildly duplicative with prepare_files,
- # but not close enough to pull out to a single common
- # method.
- # The code below assumes temporary source dirs -
- # prevent it doing bad things.
- if req.source_dir and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(
- req.source_dir, PIP_DELETE_MARKER_FILENAME)):
- raise AssertionError(
- "bad source dir - missing marker")
- # Delete the source we built the wheel from
- req.remove_temporary_source()
- # set the build directory again - name is known from
- # the work prepare_files did.
- req.source_dir = req.build_location(
- self.preparer.build_dir
- )
- # Update the link for this.
- req.link = Link(path_to_url(wheel_file))
- assert req.link.is_wheel
- # extract the wheel into the dir
- unpack_url(
- req.link, req.source_dir, None, False,
- session=session,
- )
- else:
- build_failure.append(req)
- # notify success/failure
- if build_success:
- logger.info(
- 'Successfully built %s',
- ' '.join([req.name for req in build_success]),
- )
- if build_failure:
- logger.info(
- 'Failed to build %s',
- ' '.join([req.name for req in build_failure]),
- )
- # Return True if all builds were successful
- return len(build_failure) == 0