- """WebSocket client for asyncio."""
- import asyncio
- from typing import Any, Optional
- import async_timeout
- from .client_exceptions import ClientError
- from .helpers import call_later, set_result
- from .http import (WS_CLOSED_MESSAGE, WS_CLOSING_MESSAGE, WebSocketError,
- WSMessage, WSMsgType)
- from .streams import EofStream
- from .typedefs import (DEFAULT_JSON_DECODER, DEFAULT_JSON_ENCODER, Byteish,
- JSONDecoder, JSONEncoder)
- class ClientWebSocketResponse:
- def __init__(self, reader, writer, protocol,
- response, timeout, autoclose, autoping, loop, *,
- receive_timeout=None, heartbeat=None,
- compress=0, client_notakeover=False):
- self._response = response
- self._conn = response.connection
- self._writer = writer
- self._reader = reader
- self._protocol = protocol
- self._closed = False
- self._closing = False
- self._close_code = None
- self._timeout = timeout
- self._receive_timeout = receive_timeout
- self._autoclose = autoclose
- self._autoping = autoping
- self._heartbeat = heartbeat
- self._heartbeat_cb = None
- if heartbeat is not None:
- self._pong_heartbeat = heartbeat / 2.0
- self._pong_response_cb = None
- self._loop = loop
- self._waiting = None
- self._exception = None
- self._compress = compress
- self._client_notakeover = client_notakeover
- self._reset_heartbeat()
- def _cancel_heartbeat(self):
- if self._pong_response_cb is not None:
- self._pong_response_cb.cancel()
- self._pong_response_cb = None
- if self._heartbeat_cb is not None:
- self._heartbeat_cb.cancel()
- self._heartbeat_cb = None
- def _reset_heartbeat(self):
- self._cancel_heartbeat()
- if self._heartbeat is not None:
- self._heartbeat_cb = call_later(
- self._send_heartbeat, self._heartbeat, self._loop)
- def _send_heartbeat(self):
- if self._heartbeat is not None and not self._closed:
- # fire-and-forget a task is not perfect but maybe ok for
- # sending ping. Otherwise we need a long-living heartbeat
- # task in the class.
- self._loop.create_task(self._writer.ping())
- if self._pong_response_cb is not None:
- self._pong_response_cb.cancel()
- self._pong_response_cb = call_later(
- self._pong_not_received, self._pong_heartbeat, self._loop)
- def _pong_not_received(self):
- if not self._closed:
- self._closed = True
- self._close_code = 1006
- self._exception = asyncio.TimeoutError()
- self._response.close()
- @property
- def closed(self) -> bool:
- return self._closed
- @property
- def close_code(self) -> Optional[int]:
- return self._close_code
- @property
- def protocol(self):
- return self._protocol
- @property
- def compress(self) -> int:
- return self._compress
- @property
- def client_notakeover(self) -> bool:
- return self._client_notakeover
- def get_extra_info(self, name: str, default: Any=None):
- """extra info from connection transport"""
- try:
- return self._response.connection.transport.get_extra_info(
- name, default)
- except Exception:
- return default
- def exception(self) -> Optional[BaseException]:
- return self._exception
- async def ping(self, message: bytes=b'') -> None:
- await self._writer.ping(message)
- async def pong(self, message: bytes=b'') -> None:
- await self._writer.pong(message)
- async def send_str(self, data: str,
- compress: Optional[int]=None) -> None:
- if not isinstance(data, str):
- raise TypeError('data argument must be str (%r)' % type(data))
- await self._writer.send(data, binary=False, compress=compress)
- async def send_bytes(self, data: Byteish,
- compress: Optional[int]=None) -> None:
- if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
- raise TypeError('data argument must be byte-ish (%r)' %
- type(data))
- await self._writer.send(data, binary=True, compress=compress)
- async def send_json(self, data: Any,
- compress: Optional[int]=None,
- *, dumps: JSONEncoder=DEFAULT_JSON_ENCODER) -> None:
- await self.send_str(dumps(data), compress=compress)
- async def close(self, *, code: int=1000, message: bytes=b''):
- # we need to break `receive()` cycle first,
- # `close()` may be called from different task
- if self._waiting is not None and not self._closed:
- self._reader.feed_data(WS_CLOSING_MESSAGE, 0)
- await self._waiting
- if not self._closed:
- self._cancel_heartbeat()
- self._closed = True
- try:
- await self._writer.close(code, message)
- except asyncio.CancelledError:
- self._close_code = 1006
- self._response.close()
- raise
- except Exception as exc:
- self._close_code = 1006
- self._exception = exc
- self._response.close()
- return True
- if self._closing:
- self._response.close()
- return True
- while True:
- try:
- with async_timeout.timeout(self._timeout, loop=self._loop):
- msg = await self._reader.read()
- except asyncio.CancelledError:
- self._close_code = 1006
- self._response.close()
- raise
- except Exception as exc:
- self._close_code = 1006
- self._exception = exc
- self._response.close()
- return True
- if msg.type == WSMsgType.CLOSE:
- self._close_code = msg.data
- self._response.close()
- return True
- else:
- return False
- async def receive(self, timeout: Optional[float]=None) -> WSMessage:
- while True:
- if self._waiting is not None:
- raise RuntimeError(
- 'Concurrent call to receive() is not allowed')
- if self._closed:
- elif self._closing:
- await self.close()
- try:
- self._waiting = self._loop.create_future()
- try:
- with async_timeout.timeout(
- timeout or self._receive_timeout,
- loop=self._loop):
- msg = await self._reader.read()
- self._reset_heartbeat()
- finally:
- waiter = self._waiting
- self._waiting = None
- set_result(waiter, True)
- except (asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.TimeoutError):
- self._close_code = 1006
- raise
- except EofStream:
- self._close_code = 1000
- await self.close()
- return WSMessage(WSMsgType.CLOSED, None, None)
- except ClientError:
- self._closed = True
- self._close_code = 1006
- except WebSocketError as exc:
- self._close_code = exc.code
- await self.close(code=exc.code)
- return WSMessage(WSMsgType.ERROR, exc, None)
- except Exception as exc:
- self._exception = exc
- self._closing = True
- self._close_code = 1006
- await self.close()
- return WSMessage(WSMsgType.ERROR, exc, None)
- if msg.type == WSMsgType.CLOSE:
- self._closing = True
- self._close_code = msg.data
- if not self._closed and self._autoclose:
- await self.close()
- elif msg.type == WSMsgType.CLOSING:
- self._closing = True
- elif msg.type == WSMsgType.PING and self._autoping:
- await self.pong(msg.data)
- continue
- elif msg.type == WSMsgType.PONG and self._autoping:
- continue
- return msg
- async def receive_str(self, *, timeout: Optional[float]=None) -> str:
- msg = await self.receive(timeout)
- if msg.type != WSMsgType.TEXT:
- raise TypeError(
- "Received message {}:{!r} is not str".format(msg.type,
- msg.data))
- return msg.data
- async def receive_bytes(self, *, timeout: Optional[float]=None) -> bytes:
- msg = await self.receive(timeout)
- if msg.type != WSMsgType.BINARY:
- raise TypeError(
- "Received message {}:{!r} is not bytes".format(msg.type,
- msg.data))
- return msg.data
- async def receive_json(self,
- timeout: Optional[float]=None) -> Any:
- data = await self.receive_str(timeout=timeout)
- return loads(data)
- def __aiter__(self) -> 'ClientWebSocketResponse':
- return self
- async def __anext__(self) -> WSMessage:
- msg = await self.receive()
- if msg.type in (WSMsgType.CLOSE,
- WSMsgType.CLOSED):
- raise StopAsyncIteration # NOQA
- return msg