- import asyncio
- import codecs
- import io
- import re
- import sys
- import traceback
- import warnings
- from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256
- from http.cookies import CookieError, Morsel, SimpleCookie
- from types import MappingProxyType
- from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple
- import attr
- from multidict import CIMultiDict, CIMultiDictProxy, MultiDict, MultiDictProxy
- from yarl import URL
- from . import hdrs, helpers, http, multipart, payload
- from .client_exceptions import (ClientConnectionError, ClientOSError,
- ClientResponseError, ContentTypeError,
- InvalidURL, ServerFingerprintMismatch)
- from .formdata import FormData
- from .helpers import PY_36, HeadersMixin, TimerNoop, noop, reify, set_result
- from .http import SERVER_SOFTWARE, HttpVersion10, HttpVersion11, StreamWriter
- from .log import client_logger
- from .streams import StreamReader # noqa
- from .typedefs import DEFAULT_JSON_DECODER, JSONDecoder, RawHeaders
- try:
- import ssl
- except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
- ssl = None # type: ignore
- try:
- import cchardet as chardet
- except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
- import chardet
- __all__ = ('ClientRequest', 'ClientResponse', 'RequestInfo', 'Fingerprint')
- json_re = re.compile(r'^application/(?:[\w.+-]+?\+)?json')
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class ContentDisposition:
- type = attr.ib(type=str)
- parameters = attr.ib(type=MappingProxyType)
- filename = attr.ib(type=str)
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class RequestInfo:
- url = attr.ib(type=URL)
- method = attr.ib(type=str)
- headers = attr.ib(type=CIMultiDictProxy)
- real_url = attr.ib(type=URL)
- @real_url.default
- def real_url_default(self):
- return self.url
- class Fingerprint:
- 16: md5,
- 20: sha1,
- 32: sha256,
- }
- def __init__(self, fingerprint):
- digestlen = len(fingerprint)
- hashfunc = self.HASHFUNC_BY_DIGESTLEN.get(digestlen)
- if not hashfunc:
- raise ValueError('fingerprint has invalid length')
- elif hashfunc is md5 or hashfunc is sha1:
- raise ValueError('md5 and sha1 are insecure and '
- 'not supported. Use sha256.')
- self._hashfunc = hashfunc
- self._fingerprint = fingerprint
- @property
- def fingerprint(self):
- return self._fingerprint
- def check(self, transport):
- if not transport.get_extra_info('sslcontext'):
- return
- sslobj = transport.get_extra_info('ssl_object')
- cert = sslobj.getpeercert(binary_form=True)
- got = self._hashfunc(cert).digest()
- if got != self._fingerprint:
- host, port, *_ = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
- raise ServerFingerprintMismatch(self._fingerprint,
- got, host, port)
- if ssl is not None:
- SSL_ALLOWED_TYPES = (ssl.SSLContext, bool, Fingerprint, type(None))
- else: # pragma: no cover
- SSL_ALLOWED_TYPES = type(None)
- def _merge_ssl_params(ssl, verify_ssl, ssl_context, fingerprint):
- if verify_ssl is not None and not verify_ssl:
- warnings.warn("verify_ssl is deprecated, use ssl=False instead",
- DeprecationWarning,
- stacklevel=3)
- if ssl is not None:
- raise ValueError("verify_ssl, ssl_context, fingerprint and ssl "
- "parameters are mutually exclusive")
- else:
- ssl = False
- if ssl_context is not None:
- warnings.warn("ssl_context is deprecated, use ssl=context instead",
- DeprecationWarning,
- stacklevel=3)
- if ssl is not None:
- raise ValueError("verify_ssl, ssl_context, fingerprint and ssl "
- "parameters are mutually exclusive")
- else:
- ssl = ssl_context
- if fingerprint is not None:
- warnings.warn("fingerprint is deprecated, "
- "use ssl=Fingerprint(fingerprint) instead",
- DeprecationWarning,
- stacklevel=3)
- if ssl is not None:
- raise ValueError("verify_ssl, ssl_context, fingerprint and ssl "
- "parameters are mutually exclusive")
- else:
- ssl = Fingerprint(fingerprint)
- if not isinstance(ssl, SSL_ALLOWED_TYPES):
- raise TypeError("ssl should be SSLContext, bool, Fingerprint or None, "
- "got {!r} instead.".format(ssl))
- return ssl
- @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True)
- class ConnectionKey:
- # the key should contain an information about used proxy / TLS
- # to prevent reusing wrong connections from a pool
- host = attr.ib(type=str)
- port = attr.ib(type=int)
- is_ssl = attr.ib(type=bool)
- ssl = attr.ib() # SSLContext or None
- proxy = attr.ib() # URL or None
- proxy_auth = attr.ib() # BasicAuth
- proxy_headers_hash = attr.ib(type=int) # hash(CIMultiDict)
- def _is_expected_content_type(response_content_type, expected_content_type):
- if expected_content_type == 'application/json':
- return json_re.match(response_content_type)
- return expected_content_type in response_content_type
- class ClientRequest:
- hdrs.METH_GET,
- hdrs.METH_HEAD,
- hdrs.METH_TRACE,
- }
- hdrs.ACCEPT: '*/*',
- hdrs.ACCEPT_ENCODING: 'gzip, deflate',
- }
- body = b''
- auth = None
- response = None
- response_class = None
- _writer = None # async task for streaming data
- _continue = None # waiter future for '100 Continue' response
- # N.B.
- # Adding __del__ method with self._writer closing doesn't make sense
- # because _writer is instance method, thus it keeps a reference to self.
- # Until writer has finished finalizer will not be called.
- def __init__(self, method, url, *,
- params=None, headers=None, skip_auto_headers=frozenset(),
- data=None, cookies=None,
- auth=None, version=http.HttpVersion11, compress=None,
- chunked=None, expect100=False,
- loop=None, response_class=None,
- proxy=None, proxy_auth=None,
- timer=None, session=None,
- ssl=None,
- proxy_headers=None,
- traces=None):
- if loop is None:
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- assert isinstance(url, URL), url
- assert isinstance(proxy, (URL, type(None))), proxy
- self._session = session
- if params:
- q = MultiDict(url.query)
- url2 = url.with_query(params)
- q.extend(url2.query)
- url = url.with_query(q)
- self.original_url = url
- self.url = url.with_fragment(None)
- self.method = method.upper()
- self.chunked = chunked
- self.compress = compress
- self.loop = loop
- self.length = None
- self.response_class = response_class or ClientResponse
- self._timer = timer if timer is not None else TimerNoop()
- self._ssl = ssl
- if loop.get_debug():
- self._source_traceback = traceback.extract_stack(sys._getframe(1))
- self.update_version(version)
- self.update_host(url)
- self.update_headers(headers)
- self.update_auto_headers(skip_auto_headers)
- self.update_cookies(cookies)
- self.update_content_encoding(data)
- self.update_auth(auth)
- self.update_proxy(proxy, proxy_auth, proxy_headers)
- self.update_body_from_data(data)
- if data or self.method not in self.GET_METHODS:
- self.update_transfer_encoding()
- self.update_expect_continue(expect100)
- if traces is None:
- traces = []
- self._traces = traces
- def is_ssl(self):
- return self.url.scheme in ('https', 'wss')
- @property
- def ssl(self):
- return self._ssl
- @property
- def connection_key(self):
- proxy_headers = self.proxy_headers
- if proxy_headers:
- h = hash(tuple((k, v) for k, v in proxy_headers.items()))
- else:
- h = None
- return ConnectionKey(self.host, self.port, self.is_ssl(),
- self.ssl,
- self.proxy, self.proxy_auth, h)
- @property
- def host(self):
- return self.url.host
- @property
- def port(self):
- return self.url.port
- @property
- def request_info(self):
- return RequestInfo(self.url, self.method,
- self.headers, self.original_url)
- def update_host(self, url):
- """Update destination host, port and connection type (ssl)."""
- # get host/port
- if not url.host:
- raise InvalidURL(url)
- # basic auth info
- username, password = url.user, url.password
- if username:
- self.auth = helpers.BasicAuth(username, password or '')
- def update_version(self, version):
- """Convert request version to two elements tuple.
- parser HTTP version '1.1' => (1, 1)
- """
- if isinstance(version, str):
- v = [l.strip() for l in version.split('.', 1)]
- try:
- version = int(v[0]), int(v[1])
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Can not parse http version number: {}'
- .format(version)) from None
- self.version = version
- def update_headers(self, headers):
- """Update request headers."""
- self.headers = CIMultiDict()
- if headers:
- if isinstance(headers, (dict, MultiDictProxy, MultiDict)):
- headers = headers.items()
- for key, value in headers:
- self.headers.add(key, value)
- def update_auto_headers(self, skip_auto_headers):
- self.skip_auto_headers = CIMultiDict(
- (hdr, None) for hdr in sorted(skip_auto_headers))
- used_headers = self.headers.copy()
- used_headers.extend(self.skip_auto_headers)
- for hdr, val in self.DEFAULT_HEADERS.items():
- if hdr not in used_headers:
- self.headers.add(hdr, val)
- # add host
- if hdrs.HOST not in used_headers:
- netloc = self.url.raw_host
- if not self.url.is_default_port():
- netloc += ':' + str(self.url.port)
- self.headers[hdrs.HOST] = netloc
- if hdrs.USER_AGENT not in used_headers:
- self.headers[hdrs.USER_AGENT] = SERVER_SOFTWARE
- def update_cookies(self, cookies):
- """Update request cookies header."""
- if not cookies:
- return
- c = SimpleCookie()
- if hdrs.COOKIE in self.headers:
- c.load(self.headers.get(hdrs.COOKIE, ''))
- del self.headers[hdrs.COOKIE]
- for name, value in cookies.items():
- if isinstance(value, Morsel):
- # Preserve coded_value
- mrsl_val = value.get(value.key, Morsel())
- mrsl_val.set(value.key, value.value, value.coded_value)
- c[name] = mrsl_val
- else:
- c[name] = value
- self.headers[hdrs.COOKIE] = c.output(header='', sep=';').strip()
- def update_content_encoding(self, data):
- """Set request content encoding."""
- if not data:
- return
- enc = self.headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_ENCODING, '').lower()
- if enc:
- if self.compress:
- raise ValueError(
- 'compress can not be set '
- 'if Content-Encoding header is set')
- elif self.compress:
- if not isinstance(self.compress, str):
- self.compress = 'deflate'
- self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_ENCODING] = self.compress
- self.chunked = True # enable chunked, no need to deal with length
- def update_transfer_encoding(self):
- """Analyze transfer-encoding header."""
- te = self.headers.get(hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING, '').lower()
- if 'chunked' in te:
- if self.chunked:
- raise ValueError(
- 'chunked can not be set '
- 'if "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header is set')
- elif self.chunked:
- if hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH in self.headers:
- raise ValueError(
- 'chunked can not be set '
- 'if Content-Length header is set')
- self.headers[hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING] = 'chunked'
- else:
- if hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH not in self.headers:
- self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH] = str(len(self.body))
- def update_auth(self, auth):
- """Set basic auth."""
- if auth is None:
- auth = self.auth
- if auth is None:
- return
- if not isinstance(auth, helpers.BasicAuth):
- raise TypeError('BasicAuth() tuple is required instead')
- self.headers[hdrs.AUTHORIZATION] = auth.encode()
- def update_body_from_data(self, body):
- if not body:
- return
- # FormData
- if isinstance(body, FormData):
- body = body()
- try:
- body = payload.PAYLOAD_REGISTRY.get(body, disposition=None)
- except payload.LookupError:
- body = FormData(body)()
- self.body = body
- # enable chunked encoding if needed
- if not self.chunked:
- if hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH not in self.headers:
- size = body.size
- if size is None:
- self.chunked = True
- else:
- if hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH not in self.headers:
- self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH] = str(size)
- # set content-type
- if (hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in self.headers and
- hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in self.skip_auto_headers):
- self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE] = body.content_type
- # copy payload headers
- if body.headers:
- for (key, value) in body.headers.items():
- if key not in self.headers:
- self.headers[key] = value
- def update_expect_continue(self, expect=False):
- if expect:
- self.headers[hdrs.EXPECT] = '100-continue'
- elif self.headers.get(hdrs.EXPECT, '').lower() == '100-continue':
- expect = True
- if expect:
- self._continue = self.loop.create_future()
- def update_proxy(self, proxy, proxy_auth, proxy_headers):
- if proxy and not proxy.scheme == 'http':
- raise ValueError("Only http proxies are supported")
- if proxy_auth and not isinstance(proxy_auth, helpers.BasicAuth):
- raise ValueError("proxy_auth must be None or BasicAuth() tuple")
- self.proxy = proxy
- self.proxy_auth = proxy_auth
- self.proxy_headers = proxy_headers
- def keep_alive(self):
- if self.version < HttpVersion10:
- # keep alive not supported at all
- return False
- if self.version == HttpVersion10:
- if self.headers.get(hdrs.CONNECTION) == 'keep-alive':
- return True
- else: # no headers means we close for Http 1.0
- return False
- elif self.headers.get(hdrs.CONNECTION) == 'close':
- return False
- return True
- async def write_bytes(self, writer, conn):
- """Support coroutines that yields bytes objects."""
- # 100 response
- if self._continue is not None:
- await writer.drain()
- await self._continue
- try:
- if isinstance(self.body, payload.Payload):
- await self.body.write(writer)
- else:
- if isinstance(self.body, (bytes, bytearray)):
- self.body = (self.body,)
- for chunk in self.body:
- await writer.write(chunk)
- await writer.write_eof()
- except OSError as exc:
- new_exc = ClientOSError(
- exc.errno,
- 'Can not write request body for %s' % self.url)
- new_exc.__context__ = exc
- new_exc.__cause__ = exc
- conn.protocol.set_exception(new_exc)
- except asyncio.CancelledError as exc:
- if not conn.closed:
- conn.protocol.set_exception(exc)
- except Exception as exc:
- conn.protocol.set_exception(exc)
- finally:
- self._writer = None
- async def send(self, conn):
- # Specify request target:
- # - CONNECT request must send authority form URI
- # - not CONNECT proxy must send absolute form URI
- # - most common is origin form URI
- if self.method == hdrs.METH_CONNECT:
- path = '{}:{}'.format(self.url.raw_host, self.url.port)
- elif self.proxy and not self.is_ssl():
- path = str(self.url)
- else:
- path = self.url.raw_path
- if self.url.raw_query_string:
- path += '?' + self.url.raw_query_string
- writer = StreamWriter(
- conn.protocol, self.loop,
- on_chunk_sent=self._on_chunk_request_sent
- )
- if self.compress:
- writer.enable_compression(self.compress)
- if self.chunked is not None:
- writer.enable_chunking()
- # set default content-type
- if (self.method in self.POST_METHODS and
- hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in self.skip_auto_headers and
- hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in self.headers):
- self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/octet-stream'
- # set the connection header
- connection = self.headers.get(hdrs.CONNECTION)
- if not connection:
- if self.keep_alive():
- if self.version == HttpVersion10:
- connection = 'keep-alive'
- else:
- if self.version == HttpVersion11:
- connection = 'close'
- if connection is not None:
- self.headers[hdrs.CONNECTION] = connection
- # status + headers
- status_line = '{0} {1} HTTP/{2[0]}.{2[1]}'.format(
- self.method, path, self.version)
- await writer.write_headers(status_line, self.headers)
- self._writer = self.loop.create_task(self.write_bytes(writer, conn))
- self.response = self.response_class(
- self.method, self.original_url,
- writer=self._writer, continue100=self._continue, timer=self._timer,
- request_info=self.request_info,
- traces=self._traces,
- loop=self.loop,
- session=self._session
- )
- return self.response
- async def close(self):
- if self._writer is not None:
- try:
- await self._writer
- finally:
- self._writer = None
- def terminate(self):
- if self._writer is not None:
- if not self.loop.is_closed():
- self._writer.cancel()
- self._writer = None
- async def _on_chunk_request_sent(self, chunk):
- for trace in self._traces:
- await trace.send_request_chunk_sent(chunk)
- class ClientResponse(HeadersMixin):
- # from the Status-Line of the response
- version = None # HTTP-Version
- status = None # type: int # Status-Code
- reason = None # Reason-Phrase
- content = None # type: StreamReader # Payload stream
- _headers = None # type: CIMultiDictProxy # Response headers
- _raw_headers = None # type: RawHeaders # Response raw headers
- _connection = None # current connection
- _source_traceback = None
- # setted up by ClientRequest after ClientResponse object creation
- # post-init stage allows to not change ctor signature
- _closed = True # to allow __del__ for non-initialized properly response
- _released = False
- def __init__(self, method, url, *,
- writer, continue100, timer,
- request_info,
- traces, loop, session):
- assert isinstance(url, URL)
- self.method = method
- self.cookies = SimpleCookie()
- self._real_url = url
- self._url = url.with_fragment(None)
- self._body = None # type: bytes
- self._writer = writer
- self._continue = continue100 # None by default
- self._closed = True
- self._history = ()
- self._request_info = request_info
- self._timer = timer if timer is not None else TimerNoop()
- self._cache = {} # required for @reify method decorator
- self._traces = traces
- self._loop = loop
- self._session = session # store a reference to session #1985
- if loop.get_debug():
- self._source_traceback = traceback.extract_stack(sys._getframe(1))
- @reify
- def url(self) -> URL:
- return self._url
- @reify
- def url_obj(self) -> URL:
- warnings.warn(
- "Deprecated, use .url #1654", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- return self._url
- @reify
- def real_url(self) -> URL:
- return self._real_url
- @reify
- def host(self) -> str:
- return self._url.host
- @reify
- def headers(self) -> CIMultiDictProxy:
- return self._headers
- @reify
- def raw_headers(self) -> RawHeaders:
- return self._raw_headers
- @reify
- def request_info(self) -> RequestInfo:
- return self._request_info
- @reify
- def content_disposition(self) -> Optional[ContentDisposition]:
- raw = self._headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_DISPOSITION)
- if raw is None:
- return None
- disposition_type, params = multipart.parse_content_disposition(raw)
- params = MappingProxyType(params)
- filename = multipart.content_disposition_filename(params)
- return ContentDisposition(disposition_type, params, filename)
- def __del__(self, _warnings=warnings):
- if self._closed:
- return
- if self._connection is not None:
- self._connection.release()
- self._cleanup_writer()
- if self._loop.get_debug():
- if PY_36:
- kwargs = {'source': self}
- else:
- kwargs = {}
- _warnings.warn("Unclosed response {!r}".format(self),
- ResourceWarning,
- **kwargs)
- context = {'client_response': self,
- 'message': 'Unclosed response'}
- if self._source_traceback:
- context['source_traceback'] = self._source_traceback
- self._loop.call_exception_handler(context)
- def __repr__(self):
- out = io.StringIO()
- ascii_encodable_url = str(self.url)
- if self.reason:
- ascii_encodable_reason = self.reason.encode('ascii',
- 'backslashreplace') \
- .decode('ascii')
- else:
- ascii_encodable_reason = self.reason
- print('<ClientResponse({}) [{} {}]>'.format(
- ascii_encodable_url, self.status, ascii_encodable_reason),
- file=out)
- print(self.headers, file=out)
- return out.getvalue()
- @property
- def connection(self):
- return self._connection
- @reify
- def history(self) -> Tuple['ClientResponse', ...]:
- """A sequence of of responses, if redirects occurred."""
- return self._history
- @reify
- def links(self) -> MultiDictProxy:
- links_str = ", ".join(self.headers.getall("link", []))
- links = MultiDict() # type: MultiDict
- if not links_str:
- return MultiDictProxy(links)
- for val in re.split(r",(?=\s*<)", links_str):
- match = re.match(r"\s*<(.*)>(.*)", val)
- if match is None: # pragma: no cover
- # the check exists to suppress mypy error
- continue
- url, params_str = match.groups()
- params = params_str.split(";")[1:]
- link = MultiDict() # type: MultiDict
- for param in params:
- match = re.match(
- r"^\s*(\S*)\s*=\s*(['\"]?)(.*?)(\2)\s*$",
- param, re.M
- )
- if match is None: # pragma: no cover
- # the check exists to suppress mypy error
- continue
- key, _, value, _ = match.groups()
- link.add(key, value)
- key = link.get("rel", url)
- link.add("url", self.url.join(URL(url)))
- links.add(key, MultiDictProxy(link))
- return MultiDictProxy(links)
- async def start(self, connection):
- """Start response processing."""
- self._closed = False
- self._protocol = connection.protocol
- self._connection = connection
- with self._timer:
- while True:
- # read response
- try:
- message, payload = await self._protocol.read()
- except http.HttpProcessingError as exc:
- raise ClientResponseError(
- self.request_info, self.history,
- status=exc.code,
- message=exc.message, headers=exc.headers) from exc
- if (message.code < 100 or
- message.code > 199 or message.code == 101):
- break
- if self._continue is not None:
- set_result(self._continue, True)
- self._continue = None
- # payload eof handler
- payload.on_eof(self._response_eof)
- # response status
- self.version = message.version
- self.status = message.code
- self.reason = message.reason
- # headers
- self._headers = message.headers # type is CIMultiDictProxy
- self._raw_headers = message.raw_headers # type is Tuple[bytes, bytes]
- # payload
- self.content = payload
- # cookies
- for hdr in self.headers.getall(hdrs.SET_COOKIE, ()):
- try:
- self.cookies.load(hdr)
- except CookieError as exc:
- client_logger.warning(
- 'Can not load response cookies: %s', exc)
- return self
- def _response_eof(self):
- if self._closed:
- return
- if self._connection is not None:
- # websocket, protocol could be None because
- # connection could be detached
- if (self._connection.protocol is not None and
- self._connection.protocol.upgraded):
- return
- self._connection.release()
- self._connection = None
- self._closed = True
- self._cleanup_writer()
- @property
- def closed(self) -> bool:
- return self._closed
- def close(self) -> None:
- if not self._released:
- self._notify_content()
- if self._closed:
- return
- self._closed = True
- if self._loop is None or self._loop.is_closed():
- return
- if self._connection is not None:
- self._connection.close()
- self._connection = None
- self._cleanup_writer()
- def release(self) -> Any:
- if not self._released:
- self._notify_content()
- if self._closed:
- return noop()
- self._closed = True
- if self._connection is not None:
- self._connection.release()
- self._connection = None
- self._cleanup_writer()
- return noop()
- def raise_for_status(self) -> None:
- if 400 <= self.status:
- raise ClientResponseError(
- self.request_info,
- self.history,
- status=self.status,
- message=self.reason,
- headers=self.headers)
- def _cleanup_writer(self):
- if self._writer is not None:
- self._writer.cancel()
- self._writer = None
- self._session = None
- def _notify_content(self):
- content = self.content
- if content and content.exception() is None:
- content.set_exception(
- ClientConnectionError('Connection closed'))
- self._released = True
- async def wait_for_close(self) -> None:
- if self._writer is not None:
- try:
- await self._writer
- finally:
- self._writer = None
- self.release()
- async def read(self) -> bytes:
- """Read response payload."""
- if self._body is None:
- try:
- self._body = await self.content.read()
- for trace in self._traces:
- await trace.send_response_chunk_received(self._body)
- except BaseException:
- self.close()
- raise
- elif self._released:
- raise ClientConnectionError('Connection closed')
- return self._body
- def get_encoding(self) -> str:
- ctype = self.headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE, '').lower()
- mimetype = helpers.parse_mimetype(ctype)
- encoding = mimetype.parameters.get('charset')
- if encoding:
- try:
- codecs.lookup(encoding)
- except LookupError:
- encoding = None
- if not encoding:
- if mimetype.type == 'application' and mimetype.subtype == 'json':
- # RFC 7159 states that the default encoding is UTF-8.
- encoding = 'utf-8'
- else:
- encoding = chardet.detect(self._body)['encoding']
- if not encoding:
- encoding = 'utf-8'
- return encoding
- async def text(self,
- encoding: Optional[str]=None, errors: str='strict') -> str:
- """Read response payload and decode."""
- if self._body is None:
- await self.read()
- if encoding is None:
- encoding = self.get_encoding()
- return self._body.decode(encoding, errors=errors)
- async def json(self, *, encoding: str=None,
- content_type: Optional[str]='application/json') -> Any:
- """Read and decodes JSON response."""
- if self._body is None:
- await self.read()
- if content_type:
- ctype = self.headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE, '').lower()
- if not _is_expected_content_type(ctype, content_type):
- raise ContentTypeError(
- self.request_info,
- self.history,
- message=('Attempt to decode JSON with '
- 'unexpected mimetype: %s' % ctype),
- headers=self.headers)
- stripped = self._body.strip()
- if not stripped:
- return None
- if encoding is None:
- encoding = self.get_encoding()
- return loads(stripped.decode(encoding))
- async def __aenter__(self) -> 'ClientResponse':
- return self
- async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
- # similar to _RequestContextManager, we do not need to check
- # for exceptions, response object can closes connection
- # is state is broken
- self.release()