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4 years ago
  1. # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
  2. # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository
  3. # for complete details.
  4. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
  5. import operator
  6. import os
  7. import platform
  8. import sys
  9. from setuptools.extern.pyparsing import ParseException, ParseResults, stringStart, stringEnd
  10. from setuptools.extern.pyparsing import ZeroOrMore, Group, Forward, QuotedString
  11. from setuptools.extern.pyparsing import Literal as L # noqa
  12. from ._compat import string_types
  13. from .specifiers import Specifier, InvalidSpecifier
  14. __all__ = [
  15. "InvalidMarker", "UndefinedComparison", "UndefinedEnvironmentName",
  16. "Marker", "default_environment",
  17. ]
  18. class InvalidMarker(ValueError):
  19. """
  20. An invalid marker was found, users should refer to PEP 508.
  21. """
  22. class UndefinedComparison(ValueError):
  23. """
  24. An invalid operation was attempted on a value that doesn't support it.
  25. """
  26. class UndefinedEnvironmentName(ValueError):
  27. """
  28. A name was attempted to be used that does not exist inside of the
  29. environment.
  30. """
  31. class Node(object):
  32. def __init__(self, value):
  33. self.value = value
  34. def __str__(self):
  35. return str(self.value)
  36. def __repr__(self):
  37. return "<{0}({1!r})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
  38. def serialize(self):
  39. raise NotImplementedError
  40. class Variable(Node):
  41. def serialize(self):
  42. return str(self)
  43. class Value(Node):
  44. def serialize(self):
  45. return '"{0}"'.format(self)
  46. class Op(Node):
  47. def serialize(self):
  48. return str(self)
  49. VARIABLE = (
  50. L("implementation_version") |
  51. L("platform_python_implementation") |
  52. L("implementation_name") |
  53. L("python_full_version") |
  54. L("platform_release") |
  55. L("platform_version") |
  56. L("platform_machine") |
  57. L("platform_system") |
  58. L("python_version") |
  59. L("sys_platform") |
  60. L("os_name") |
  61. L("") | # PEP-345
  62. L("sys.platform") | # PEP-345
  63. L("platform.version") | # PEP-345
  64. L("platform.machine") | # PEP-345
  65. L("platform.python_implementation") | # PEP-345
  66. L("python_implementation") | # undocumented setuptools legacy
  67. L("extra")
  68. )
  69. ALIASES = {
  70. '': 'os_name',
  71. 'sys.platform': 'sys_platform',
  72. 'platform.version': 'platform_version',
  73. 'platform.machine': 'platform_machine',
  74. 'platform.python_implementation': 'platform_python_implementation',
  75. 'python_implementation': 'platform_python_implementation'
  76. }
  77. VARIABLE.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Variable(ALIASES.get(t[0], t[0])))
  78. VERSION_CMP = (
  79. L("===") |
  80. L("==") |
  81. L(">=") |
  82. L("<=") |
  83. L("!=") |
  84. L("~=") |
  85. L(">") |
  86. L("<")
  87. )
  88. MARKER_OP = VERSION_CMP | L("not in") | L("in")
  89. MARKER_OP.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Op(t[0]))
  90. MARKER_VALUE = QuotedString("'") | QuotedString('"')
  91. MARKER_VALUE.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Value(t[0]))
  92. BOOLOP = L("and") | L("or")
  95. MARKER_ITEM.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: tuple(t[0]))
  96. LPAREN = L("(").suppress()
  97. RPAREN = L(")").suppress()
  98. MARKER_EXPR = Forward()
  101. MARKER = stringStart + MARKER_EXPR + stringEnd
  102. def _coerce_parse_result(results):
  103. if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
  104. return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
  105. else:
  106. return results
  107. def _format_marker(marker, first=True):
  108. assert isinstance(marker, (list, tuple, string_types))
  109. # Sometimes we have a structure like [[...]] which is a single item list
  110. # where the single item is itself it's own list. In that case we want skip
  111. # the rest of this function so that we don't get extraneous () on the
  112. # outside.
  113. if (isinstance(marker, list) and len(marker) == 1 and
  114. isinstance(marker[0], (list, tuple))):
  115. return _format_marker(marker[0])
  116. if isinstance(marker, list):
  117. inner = (_format_marker(m, first=False) for m in marker)
  118. if first:
  119. return " ".join(inner)
  120. else:
  121. return "(" + " ".join(inner) + ")"
  122. elif isinstance(marker, tuple):
  123. return " ".join([m.serialize() for m in marker])
  124. else:
  125. return marker
  126. _operators = {
  127. "in": lambda lhs, rhs: lhs in rhs,
  128. "not in": lambda lhs, rhs: lhs not in rhs,
  129. "<":,
  130. "<=": operator.le,
  131. "==": operator.eq,
  132. "!=":,
  133. ">=":,
  134. ">":,
  135. }
  136. def _eval_op(lhs, op, rhs):
  137. try:
  138. spec = Specifier("".join([op.serialize(), rhs]))
  139. except InvalidSpecifier:
  140. pass
  141. else:
  142. return spec.contains(lhs)
  143. oper = _operators.get(op.serialize())
  144. if oper is None:
  145. raise UndefinedComparison(
  146. "Undefined {0!r} on {1!r} and {2!r}.".format(op, lhs, rhs)
  147. )
  148. return oper(lhs, rhs)
  149. _undefined = object()
  150. def _get_env(environment, name):
  151. value = environment.get(name, _undefined)
  152. if value is _undefined:
  153. raise UndefinedEnvironmentName(
  154. "{0!r} does not exist in evaluation environment.".format(name)
  155. )
  156. return value
  157. def _evaluate_markers(markers, environment):
  158. groups = [[]]
  159. for marker in markers:
  160. assert isinstance(marker, (list, tuple, string_types))
  161. if isinstance(marker, list):
  162. groups[-1].append(_evaluate_markers(marker, environment))
  163. elif isinstance(marker, tuple):
  164. lhs, op, rhs = marker
  165. if isinstance(lhs, Variable):
  166. lhs_value = _get_env(environment, lhs.value)
  167. rhs_value = rhs.value
  168. else:
  169. lhs_value = lhs.value
  170. rhs_value = _get_env(environment, rhs.value)
  171. groups[-1].append(_eval_op(lhs_value, op, rhs_value))
  172. else:
  173. assert marker in ["and", "or"]
  174. if marker == "or":
  175. groups.append([])
  176. return any(all(item) for item in groups)
  177. def format_full_version(info):
  178. version = '{0.major}.{0.minor}.{0.micro}'.format(info)
  179. kind = info.releaselevel
  180. if kind != 'final':
  181. version += kind[0] + str(info.serial)
  182. return version
  183. def default_environment():
  184. if hasattr(sys, 'implementation'):
  185. iver = format_full_version(sys.implementation.version)
  186. implementation_name =
  187. else:
  188. iver = '0'
  189. implementation_name = ''
  190. return {
  191. "implementation_name": implementation_name,
  192. "implementation_version": iver,
  193. "os_name":,
  194. "platform_machine": platform.machine(),
  195. "platform_release": platform.release(),
  196. "platform_system": platform.system(),
  197. "platform_version": platform.version(),
  198. "python_full_version": platform.python_version(),
  199. "platform_python_implementation": platform.python_implementation(),
  200. "python_version": platform.python_version()[:3],
  201. "sys_platform": sys.platform,
  202. }
  203. class Marker(object):
  204. def __init__(self, marker):
  205. try:
  206. self._markers = _coerce_parse_result(MARKER.parseString(marker))
  207. except ParseException as e:
  208. err_str = "Invalid marker: {0!r}, parse error at {1!r}".format(
  209. marker, marker[e.loc:e.loc + 8])
  210. raise InvalidMarker(err_str)
  211. def __str__(self):
  212. return _format_marker(self._markers)
  213. def __repr__(self):
  214. return "<Marker({0!r})>".format(str(self))
  215. def evaluate(self, environment=None):
  216. """Evaluate a marker.
  217. Return the boolean from evaluating the given marker against the
  218. environment. environment is an optional argument to override all or
  219. part of the determined environment.
  220. The environment is determined from the current Python process.
  221. """
  222. current_environment = default_environment()
  223. if environment is not None:
  224. current_environment.update(environment)
  225. return _evaluate_markers(self._markers, current_environment)