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import inspect
import sys
from functools import partial
from operator import attrgetter
from textwrap import dedent
from cytoolz.utils import no_default
from cytoolz.compatibility import PY3, PY33, PY34, filter as ifilter, map as imap, reduce, import_module
import cytoolz._signatures as _sigs
from toolz.functoolz import (InstanceProperty, instanceproperty, is_arity,
num_required_args, has_varargs, has_keywords,
is_valid_args, is_partial_args)
cimport cython
from cpython.dict cimport PyDict_Merge, PyDict_New
from cpython.object cimport (PyCallable_Check, PyObject_Call, PyObject_CallObject,
PyObject_RichCompare, Py_EQ, Py_NE)
from cpython.ref cimport PyObject
from cpython.sequence cimport PySequence_Concat
from cpython.set cimport PyFrozenSet_New
from cpython.tuple cimport PyTuple_Check, PyTuple_GET_SIZE
__all__ = ['identity', 'thread_first', 'thread_last', 'memoize', 'compose',
'pipe', 'complement', 'juxt', 'do', 'curry', 'memoize', 'flip',
cpdef object identity(object x):
return x
cdef object c_thread_first(object val, object forms):
cdef object form, func
cdef tuple args
for form in forms:
if PyCallable_Check(form):
val = form(val)
elif PyTuple_Check(form):
func, args = form[0], (val,) + form[1:]
val = PyObject_CallObject(func, args)
val = None
return val
def thread_first(val, *forms):
Thread value through a sequence of functions/forms
>>> def double(x): return 2*x
>>> def inc(x): return x + 1
>>> thread_first(1, inc, double)
If the function expects more than one input you can specify those inputs
in a tuple. The value is used as the first input.
>>> def add(x, y): return x + y
>>> def pow(x, y): return x**y
>>> thread_first(1, (add, 4), (pow, 2)) # pow(add(1, 4), 2)
So in general
thread_first(x, f, (g, y, z))
expands to
g(f(x), y, z)
See Also:
return c_thread_first(val, forms)
cdef object c_thread_last(object val, object forms):
cdef object form, func
cdef tuple args
for form in forms:
if PyCallable_Check(form):
val = form(val)
elif PyTuple_Check(form):
func, args = form[0], form[1:] + (val,)
val = PyObject_CallObject(func, args)
val = None
return val
def thread_last(val, *forms):
Thread value through a sequence of functions/forms
>>> def double(x): return 2*x
>>> def inc(x): return x + 1
>>> thread_last(1, inc, double)
If the function expects more than one input you can specify those inputs
in a tuple. The value is used as the last input.
>>> def add(x, y): return x + y
>>> def pow(x, y): return x**y
>>> thread_last(1, (add, 4), (pow, 2)) # pow(2, add(4, 1))
So in general
thread_last(x, f, (g, y, z))
expands to
g(y, z, f(x))
>>> def iseven(x):
... return x % 2 == 0
>>> list(thread_last([1, 2, 3], (map, inc), (filter, iseven)))
[2, 4]
See Also:
return c_thread_last(val, forms)
cdef struct partialobject:
PyObject _
PyObject *fn
PyObject *args
PyObject *kw
PyObject *dict
PyObject *weakreflist
cdef object _partial = partial(lambda: None)
cdef object _empty_kwargs():
if <object> (<partialobject*> _partial).kw is None:
return None
return PyDict_New()
cdef class curry:
""" curry(self, *args, **kwargs)
Curry a callable function
Enables partial application of arguments through calling a function with an
incomplete set of arguments.
>>> def mul(x, y):
... return x * y
>>> mul = curry(mul)
>>> double = mul(2)
>>> double(10)
Also supports keyword arguments
>>> @curry # Can use curry as a decorator
... def f(x, y, a=10):
... return a * (x + y)
>>> add = f(a=1)
>>> add(2, 3)
See Also:
cytoolz.curried - namespace of curried functions
def __cinit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not args:
raise TypeError('__init__() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)')
func, args = args[0], args[1:]
if not PyCallable_Check(func):
raise TypeError("Input must be callable")
# curry- or functools.partial-like object? Unpack and merge arguments
if (hasattr(func, 'func')
and hasattr(func, 'args')
and hasattr(func, 'keywords')
and isinstance(func.args, tuple)):
if func.keywords:
PyDict_Merge(kwargs, func.keywords, False)
## Equivalent to:
# for key, val in func.keywords.items():
# if key not in kwargs:
# kwargs[key] = val
args = func.args + args
func = func.func
self.func = func
self.args = args
self.keywords = kwargs if kwargs else _empty_kwargs()
self.__doc__ = getattr(func, '__doc__', None)
self.__name__ = getattr(func, '__name__', '<curry>')
self.__module__ = getattr(func, '__module__', None)
self.__qualname__ = getattr(func, '__qualname__', None)
self._sigspec = None
self._has_unknown_args = None
def __str__(self):
return str(self.func)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.func)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.func, self.args,
frozenset(self.keywords.items()) if self.keywords
else None))
def __richcmp__(self, other, int op):
is_equal = (isinstance(other, curry) and self.func == other.func and
self.args == other.args and self.keywords == other.keywords)
if op == Py_EQ:
return is_equal
if op == Py_NE:
return not is_equal
return PyObject_RichCompare(id(self), id(other), op)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
cdef object val
if PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) == 0:
args = self.args
elif PyTuple_GET_SIZE(self.args) != 0:
args = PySequence_Concat(self.args, args)
if self.keywords is not None:
PyDict_Merge(kwargs, self.keywords, False)
return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
except TypeError as val:
if self._should_curry_internal(args, kwargs, val):
return type(self)(self.func, *args, **kwargs)
def _should_curry(self, args, kwargs, exc=None):
if PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) == 0:
args = self.args
elif PyTuple_GET_SIZE(self.args) != 0:
args = PySequence_Concat(self.args, args)
if self.keywords is not None:
PyDict_Merge(kwargs, self.keywords, False)
return self._should_curry_internal(args, kwargs)
def _should_curry_internal(self, args, kwargs, exc=None):
func = self.func
# `toolz` has these three lines
#args = self.args + args
#if self.keywords:
# kwargs = dict(self.keywords, **kwargs)
if self._sigspec is None:
sigspec = self._sigspec = _sigs.signature_or_spec(func)
self._has_unknown_args = has_varargs(func, sigspec) is not False
sigspec = self._sigspec
if is_partial_args(func, args, kwargs, sigspec) is False:
# Nothing can make the call valid
return False
elif self._has_unknown_args:
# The call may be valid and raised a TypeError, but we curry
# anyway because the function may have `*args`. This is useful
# for decorators with signature `func(*args, **kwargs)`.
return True
elif not is_valid_args(func, args, kwargs, sigspec):
# Adding more arguments may make the call valid
return True
# There was a genuine TypeError
return False
def bind(self, *args, **kwargs):
return type(self)(self, *args, **kwargs)
def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
cdef object val
if PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) == 0:
args = self.args
elif PyTuple_GET_SIZE(self.args) != 0:
args = PySequence_Concat(self.args, args)
if self.keywords is not None:
PyDict_Merge(kwargs, self.keywords, False)
return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
return type(self)(self, instance)
property __signature__:
def __get__(self):
sig = inspect.signature(self.func)
except TypeError:
if PY33 and (getattr(self.func, '__module__') or '').startswith('cytoolz.'):
raise ValueError('callable %r is not supported by signature' % self.func)
args = self.args or ()
keywords = self.keywords or {}
if is_partial_args(self.func, args, keywords, sig) is False:
raise TypeError('curry object has incorrect arguments')
params = list(sig.parameters.values())
skip = 0
for param in params[:len(args)]:
if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
skip += 1
kwonly = False
newparams = []
for param in params[skip:]:
kind = param.kind
default = param.default
if kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
elif kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
if kwonly:
elif in keywords:
default = keywords[]
kind = param.KEYWORD_ONLY
kwonly = True
if kwonly:
kind = param.KEYWORD_ONLY
if default is param.empty:
default = no_default
newparams.append(param.replace(default=default, kind=kind))
return sig.replace(parameters=newparams)
def __reduce__(self):
func = self.func
modname = getattr(func, '__module__', None)
qualname = getattr(func, '__qualname__', None)
if qualname is None:
qualname = getattr(func, '__name__', None)
is_decorated = None
if modname and qualname:
attrs = []
obj = import_module(modname)
for attr in qualname.split('.'):
if isinstance(obj, curry):
obj = obj.func
obj = getattr(obj, attr, None)
if obj is None:
if isinstance(obj, curry) and obj.func is func:
is_decorated = obj is self
qualname = '.'.join(attrs)
func = '%s:%s' % (modname, qualname)
state = (type(self), func, self.args, self.keywords, is_decorated)
return (_restore_curry, state)
cpdef object _restore_curry(cls, func, args, kwargs, is_decorated):
if isinstance(func, str):
modname, qualname = func.rsplit(':', 1)
obj = import_module(modname)
for attr in qualname.split('.'):
obj = getattr(obj, attr)
if is_decorated:
return obj
func = obj.func
obj = cls(func, *args, **(kwargs or {}))
return obj
cpdef object memoize(object func, object cache=None, object key=None):
Cache a function's result for speedy future evaluation
Trades memory for speed.
Only use on pure functions.
>>> def add(x, y): return x + y
>>> add = memoize(add)
Or use as a decorator
>>> @memoize
... def add(x, y):
... return x + y
Use the ``cache`` keyword to provide a dict-like object as an initial cache
>>> @memoize(cache={(1, 2): 3})
... def add(x, y):
... return x + y
Note that the above works as a decorator because ``memoize`` is curried.
It is also possible to provide a ``key(args, kwargs)`` function that
calculates keys used for the cache, which receives an ``args`` tuple and
``kwargs`` dict as input, and must return a hashable value. However,
the default key function should be sufficient most of the time.
>>> # Use key function that ignores extraneous keyword arguments
>>> @memoize(key=lambda args, kwargs: args)
... def add(x, y, verbose=False):
... if verbose:
... print('Calculating %s + %s' % (x, y))
... return x + y
return _memoize(func, cache, key)
cdef class _memoize:
property __doc__:
def __get__(self):
return self.func.__doc__
property __name__:
def __get__(self):
return self.func.__name__
property __wrapped__:
def __get__(self):
return self.func
def __cinit__(self, func, cache, key):
self.func = func
if cache is None:
self.cache = PyDict_New()
self.cache = cache
self.key = key
self.may_have_kwargs = has_keywords(func) is not False
# Is unary function (single arg, no variadic argument or keywords)?
self.is_unary = is_arity(1, func)
except TypeError:
self.is_unary = False
self.may_have_kwargs = True
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
cdef object key
if self.key is not None:
key = self.key(args, kwargs)
elif self.is_unary:
key = args[0]
elif self.may_have_kwargs:
key = (args or None,
PyFrozenSet_New(kwargs.items()) if kwargs else None)
key = args
if key in self.cache:
return self.cache[key]
result = PyObject_Call(self.func, args, kwargs)
self.cache[key] = result
return result
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
return curry(self, instance)
cdef class Compose:
""" Compose(self, *funcs)
A composition of functions
See Also:
# fix for #103, note: we cannot use __name__ at module-scope in cython
__module__ = 'cytooz.functoolz'
def __cinit__(self, *funcs):
self.first = funcs[-1]
self.funcs = tuple(reversed(funcs[:-1]))
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
cdef object func, ret
ret = PyObject_Call(self.first, args, kwargs)
for func in self.funcs:
ret = func(ret)
return ret
def __reduce__(self):
return (Compose, (self.first,), self.funcs)
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.funcs = state
property __name__:
def __get__(self):
return '_of_'.join(
f.__name__ for f in reversed((self.first,) + self.funcs)
except AttributeError:
return type(self).__name__
property __doc__:
def __get__(self):
def composed_doc(*fs):
"""Generate a docstring for the composition of fs.
if not fs:
# Argument name for the docstring.
return '*args, **kwargs'
return '{f}({g})'.format(f=fs[0].__name__, g=composed_doc(*fs[1:]))
return (
'lambda *args, **kwargs: ' +
composed_doc(*reversed((self.first,) + self.funcs))
except AttributeError:
# One of our callables does not have a `__name__`, whatever.
return 'A composition of functions'
cdef object c_compose(object funcs):
if not funcs:
return identity
elif len(funcs) == 1:
return funcs[0]
return Compose(*funcs)
def compose(*funcs):
Compose functions to operate in series.
Returns a function that applies other functions in sequence.
Functions are applied from right to left so that
``compose(f, g, h)(x, y)`` is the same as ``f(g(h(x, y)))``.
If no arguments are provided, the identity function (f(x) = x) is returned.
>>> inc = lambda i: i + 1
>>> compose(str, inc)(3)
See Also:
return c_compose(funcs)
cdef object c_pipe(object data, object funcs):
cdef object func
for func in funcs:
data = func(data)
return data
def pipe(data, *funcs):
Pipe a value through a sequence of functions
I.e. ``pipe(data, f, g, h)`` is equivalent to ``h(g(f(data)))``
We think of the value as progressing through a pipe of several
transformations, much like pipes in UNIX
``$ cat data | f | g | h``
>>> double = lambda i: 2 * i
>>> pipe(3, double, str)
See Also:
return c_pipe(data, funcs)
cdef class complement:
""" complement(func)
Convert a predicate function to its logical complement.
In other words, return a function that, for inputs that normally
yield True, yields False, and vice-versa.
>>> def iseven(n): return n % 2 == 0
>>> isodd = complement(iseven)
>>> iseven(2)
>>> isodd(2)
def __cinit__(self, func):
self.func = func
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return not PyObject_Call(self.func, args, kwargs) # use PyObject_Not?
def __reduce__(self):
return (complement, (self.func,))
cdef class _juxt_inner:
def __cinit__(self, funcs):
self.funcs = tuple(funcs)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
return tuple(PyObject_Call(func, args, kwargs) for func in self.funcs)
return tuple(PyObject_CallObject(func, args) for func in self.funcs)
def __reduce__(self):
return (_juxt_inner, (self.funcs,))
cdef object c_juxt(object funcs):
return _juxt_inner(funcs)
def juxt(*funcs):
Creates a function that calls several functions with the same arguments
Takes several functions and returns a function that applies its arguments
to each of those functions then returns a tuple of the results.
Name comes from juxtaposition: the fact of two things being seen or placed
close together with contrasting effect.
>>> inc = lambda x: x + 1
>>> double = lambda x: x * 2
>>> juxt(inc, double)(10)
(11, 20)
>>> juxt([inc, double])(10)
(11, 20)
if len(funcs) == 1 and not PyCallable_Check(funcs[0]):
funcs = funcs[0]
return c_juxt(funcs)
cpdef object do(object func, object x):
Runs ``func`` on ``x``, returns ``x``
Because the results of ``func`` are not returned, only the side
effects of ``func`` are relevant.
Logging functions can be made by composing ``do`` with a storage function
like ``list.append`` or ``file.write``
>>> from cytoolz import compose
>>> from cytoolz.curried import do
>>> log = []
>>> inc = lambda x: x + 1
>>> inc = compose(inc, do(log.append))
>>> inc(1)
>>> inc(11)
>>> log
[1, 11]
return x
cpdef object flip(object func, object a, object b):
Call the function call with the arguments flipped
This function is curried.
>>> def div(a, b):
... return a // b
>>> flip(div, 2, 6)
>>> div_by_two = flip(div, 2)
>>> div_by_two(4)
This is particularly useful for built in functions and functions defined
in C extensions that accept positional only arguments. For example:
isinstance, issubclass.
>>> data = [1, 'a', 'b', 2, 1.5, object(), 3]
>>> only_ints = list(filter(flip(isinstance, int), data))
>>> only_ints
[1, 2, 3]
return PyObject_CallObject(func, (b, a))
_flip = flip # uncurried
cpdef object return_none(object exc):
Returns None.
return None
cdef class excepts:
A wrapper around a function to catch exceptions and
dispatch to a handler.
This is like a functional try/except block, in the same way that
ifexprs are functional if/else blocks.
>>> excepting = excepts(
... ValueError,
... lambda a: [1, 2].index(a),
... lambda _: -1,
... )
>>> excepting(1)
>>> excepting(3)
Multiple exceptions and default except clause.
>>> excepting = excepts((IndexError, KeyError), lambda a: a[0])
>>> excepting([])
>>> excepting([1])
>>> excepting({})
>>> excepting({0: 1})
def __init__(self, exc, func, handler=return_none):
self.exc = exc
self.func = func
self.handler = handler
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
except self.exc as e:
return self.handler(e)
property __name__:
def __get__(self):
exc = self.exc
if isinstance(exc, tuple):
exc_name = '_or_'.join(map(attrgetter('__name__'), exc))
exc_name = exc.__name__
return '%s_excepting_%s' % (self.func.__name__, exc_name)
except AttributeError:
return 'excepting'
property __doc__:
def __get__(self):
exc = self.exc
if isinstance(exc, tuple):
exc_name = '(%s)' % ', '.join(
map(attrgetter('__name__'), exc),
exc_name = exc.__name__
return dedent(
A wrapper around {inst.func.__name__!r} that will except:
and handle any exceptions with {inst.handler.__name__!r}.
Docs for {inst.func.__name__!r}:
Docs for {inst.handler.__name__!r}:
except AttributeError:
return type(self).__doc__