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from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from preshed.maps cimport PreshMap
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64
from .structs cimport LexemeC, TokenC
from .typedefs cimport utf8_t, attr_t, hash_t
from .strings cimport StringStore
from .morphology cimport Morphology
cdef union LexemesOrTokens:
const LexemeC* const* lexemes
const TokenC* tokens
cdef struct _Cached:
LexemesOrTokens data
bint is_lex
int length
cdef class Vocab:
cdef Pool mem
cpdef readonly StringStore strings
cpdef public Morphology morphology
cpdef public object vectors
cdef readonly int length
cdef public object data_dir
cdef public object lex_attr_getters
cdef public object cfg
cdef const LexemeC* get(self, Pool mem, unicode string) except NULL
cdef const LexemeC* get_by_orth(self, Pool mem, attr_t orth) except NULL
cdef const TokenC* make_fused_token(self, substrings) except NULL
cdef const LexemeC* _new_lexeme(self, Pool mem, unicode string) except NULL
cdef int _add_lex_to_vocab(self, hash_t key, const LexemeC* lex) except -1
cdef const LexemeC* _new_lexeme(self, Pool mem, unicode string) except NULL
cdef PreshMap _by_hash
cdef PreshMap _by_orth