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cpdef object identity(object x)
cdef object c_thread_first(object val, object forms)
cdef object c_thread_last(object val, object forms)
cdef class curry:
cdef readonly object _sigspec
cdef readonly object _has_unknown_args
cdef readonly object func
cdef readonly tuple args
cdef readonly dict keywords
cdef public object __doc__
cdef public object __name__
cdef public object __module__
cdef public object __qualname__
cpdef object memoize(object func, object cache=*, object key=*)
cdef class _memoize:
cdef object func
cdef object cache
cdef object key
cdef bint is_unary
cdef bint may_have_kwargs
cdef class Compose:
cdef public object first
cdef public tuple funcs
cdef object c_compose(object funcs)
cdef object c_pipe(object data, object funcs)
cdef class complement:
cdef object func
cdef class _juxt_inner:
cdef public tuple funcs
cdef object c_juxt(object funcs)
cpdef object do(object func, object x)
cpdef object flip(object func, object a, object b)
cpdef object return_none(object exc)
cdef class excepts:
cdef public object exc
cdef public object func
cdef public object handler