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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Walker(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Walk from one node to another."""
super(Walker, self).__init__()
def walk(self, start, end):
Walk from `start` node to `end` node.
(upwards, common, downwards): `upwards` is a list of nodes to go upward to.
`common` top node. `downwards` is a list of nodes to go downward to.
WalkError: on no common root node.
>>> from anytree import Node, RenderTree, AsciiStyle
>>> f = Node("f")
>>> b = Node("b", parent=f)
>>> a = Node("a", parent=b)
>>> d = Node("d", parent=b)
>>> c = Node("c", parent=d)
>>> e = Node("e", parent=d)
>>> g = Node("g", parent=f)
>>> i = Node("i", parent=g)
>>> h = Node("h", parent=i)
>>> print(RenderTree(f, style=AsciiStyle()))
|-- Node('/f/b')
| |-- Node('/f/b/a')
| +-- Node('/f/b/d')
| |-- Node('/f/b/d/c')
| +-- Node('/f/b/d/e')
+-- Node('/f/g')
+-- Node('/f/g/i')
+-- Node('/f/g/i/h')
Create a walker:
>>> w = Walker()
This class is made for walking:
>>> w.walk(f, f)
((), Node('/f'), ())
>>> w.walk(f, b)
((), Node('/f'), (Node('/f/b'),))
>>> w.walk(b, f)
((Node('/f/b'),), Node('/f'), ())
>>> w.walk(h, e)
((Node('/f/g/i/h'), Node('/f/g/i'), Node('/f/g')), Node('/f'), (Node('/f/b'), Node('/f/b/d'), Node('/f/b/d/e')))
>>> w.walk(d, e)
((), Node('/f/b/d'), (Node('/f/b/d/e'),))
For a proper walking the nodes need to be part of the same tree:
>>> w.walk(Node("a"), Node("b"))
Traceback (most recent call last):
anytree.walker.WalkError: Node('/a') and Node('/b') are not part of the same tree.
s = start.path
e = end.path
if start.root != end.root:
msg = "%r and %r are not part of the same tree." % (start, end)
raise WalkError(msg)
# common
c = Walker.__calc_common(s, e)
assert c[0] is start.root
len_c = len(c)
# up
if start is c[-1]:
up = tuple()
up = tuple(reversed(s[len_c:]))
# down
if end is c[-1]:
down = tuple()
down = e[len_c:]
return up, c[-1], down
def __calc_common(s, e):
return tuple([si for si, ei in zip(s, e) if si is ei])
class WalkError(RuntimeError):
"""Walk Error."""