# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import re _MAXCACHE = 20 class Resolver(object): _match_cache = {} def __init__(self, pathattr='name'): """Resolve :any:`NodeMixin` paths using attribute `pathattr`.""" super(Resolver, self).__init__() self.pathattr = pathattr def get(self, node, path): """ Return instance at `path`. An example module tree: >>> from anytree import Node >>> top = Node("top", parent=None) >>> sub0 = Node("sub0", parent=top) >>> sub0sub0 = Node("sub0sub0", parent=sub0) >>> sub0sub1 = Node("sub0sub1", parent=sub0) >>> sub1 = Node("sub1", parent=top) A resolver using the `name` attribute: >>> r = Resolver('name') Relative paths: >>> r.get(top, "sub0/sub0sub0") Node('/top/sub0/sub0sub0') >>> r.get(sub1, "..") Node('/top') >>> r.get(sub1, "../sub0/sub0sub1") Node('/top/sub0/sub0sub1') >>> r.get(sub1, ".") Node('/top/sub1') >>> r.get(sub1, "") Node('/top/sub1') >>> r.get(top, "sub2") Traceback (most recent call last): ... anytree.resolver.ChildResolverError: Node('/top') has no child sub2. Children are: 'sub0', 'sub1'. Absolute paths: >>> r.get(sub0sub0, "/top") Node('/top') >>> r.get(sub0sub0, "/top/sub0") Node('/top/sub0') >>> r.get(sub0sub0, "/") Traceback (most recent call last): ... anytree.resolver.ResolverError: root node missing. root is '/top'. >>> r.get(sub0sub0, "/bar") Traceback (most recent call last): ... anytree.resolver.ResolverError: unknown root node '/bar'. root is '/top'. """ node, parts = self.__start(node, path) for part in parts: if part == "..": node = node.parent elif part in ("", "."): pass else: node = self.__get(node, part) return node def __get(self, node, name): for child in node.children: if _getattr(child, self.pathattr) == name: return child raise ChildResolverError(node, name, self.pathattr) def glob(self, node, path): """ Return instances at `path` supporting wildcards. Behaves identical to :any:`get`, but accepts wildcards and returns a list of found nodes. * `*` matches any characters, except '/'. * `?` matches a single character, except '/'. An example module tree: >>> from anytree import Node >>> top = Node("top", parent=None) >>> sub0 = Node("sub0", parent=top) >>> sub0sub0 = Node("sub0", parent=sub0) >>> sub0sub1 = Node("sub1", parent=sub0) >>> sub1 = Node("sub1", parent=top) >>> sub1sub0 = Node("sub0", parent=sub1) A resolver using the `name` attribute: >>> r = Resolver('name') Relative paths: >>> r.glob(top, "sub0/sub?") [Node('/top/sub0/sub0'), Node('/top/sub0/sub1')] >>> r.glob(sub1, ".././*") [Node('/top/sub0'), Node('/top/sub1')] >>> r.glob(top, "*/*") [Node('/top/sub0/sub0'), Node('/top/sub0/sub1'), Node('/top/sub1/sub0')] >>> r.glob(top, "*/sub0") [Node('/top/sub0/sub0'), Node('/top/sub1/sub0')] >>> r.glob(top, "sub1/sub1") Traceback (most recent call last): ... anytree.resolver.ChildResolverError: Node('/top/sub1') has no child sub1. Children are: 'sub0'. Non-matching wildcards are no error: >>> r.glob(top, "bar*") [] >>> r.glob(top, "sub2") Traceback (most recent call last): ... anytree.resolver.ChildResolverError: Node('/top') has no child sub2. Children are: 'sub0', 'sub1'. Absolute paths: >>> r.glob(sub0sub0, "/top/*") [Node('/top/sub0'), Node('/top/sub1')] >>> r.glob(sub0sub0, "/") Traceback (most recent call last): ... anytree.resolver.ResolverError: root node missing. root is '/top'. >>> r.glob(sub0sub0, "/bar") Traceback (most recent call last): ... anytree.resolver.ResolverError: unknown root node '/bar'. root is '/top'. """ node, parts = self.__start(node, path) return self.__glob(node, parts) def __start(self, node, path): sep = node.separator parts = path.split(sep) if path.startswith(sep): node = node.root rootpart = _getattr(node, self.pathattr) parts.pop(0) if not parts[0]: msg = "root node missing. root is '%s%s'." raise ResolverError(node, "", msg % (sep, str(rootpart))) elif parts[0] != rootpart: msg = "unknown root node '%s%s'. root is '%s%s'." raise ResolverError(node, "", msg % (sep, parts[0], sep, str(rootpart))) parts.pop(0) return node, parts def __glob(self, node, parts): nodes = [] name = parts[0] remainder = parts[1:] # handle relative if name == "..": nodes += self.__glob(node.parent, remainder) elif name in ("", "."): nodes += self.__glob(node, remainder) else: matches = self.__find(node, name, remainder) if not matches and not Resolver.is_wildcard(name): raise ChildResolverError(node, name, self.pathattr) nodes += matches return nodes def __find(self, node, pat, remainder): matches = [] for child in node.children: name = _getattr(child, self.pathattr) try: if Resolver.__match(name, pat): if remainder: matches += self.__glob(child, remainder) else: matches.append(child) except ResolverError as exc: if not Resolver.is_wildcard(pat): raise exc return matches @staticmethod def is_wildcard(path): """Return `True` is a wildcard.""" return "?" in path or "*" in path @staticmethod def __match(name, pat): try: re_pat = Resolver._match_cache[pat] except KeyError: res = Resolver.__translate(pat) if len(Resolver._match_cache) >= _MAXCACHE: Resolver._match_cache.clear() Resolver._match_cache[pat] = re_pat = re.compile(res) return re_pat.match(name) is not None @staticmethod def __translate(pat): re_pat = '' for char in pat: if char == "*": re_pat += ".*" elif char == "?": re_pat += "." else: re_pat += re.escape(char) return re_pat + r'\Z(?ms)' class ResolverError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, node, child, msg): """Resolve Error at `node` handling `child`.""" super(ResolverError, self).__init__(msg) self.node = node self.child = child class ChildResolverError(ResolverError): def __init__(self, node, child, pathattr): """Child Resolve Error at `node` handling `child`.""" names = [repr(_getattr(c, pathattr)) for c in node.children] msg = "%r has no child %s. Children are: %s." msg = msg % (node, child, ", ".join(names)) super(ChildResolverError, self).__init__(node, child, msg) def _getattr(node, name): return getattr(node, name, None)