# Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. r""" ===== Marks ===== .. currentmodule:: bqplot.marks .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generate/ Mark Lines FlexLine Scatter Hist Bars Graph GridHeatMap HeatMap Label OHLC Pie Map """ import os import json from warnings import warn import ipywidgets as widgets from ipywidgets import (Widget, DOMWidget, CallbackDispatcher, Color, widget_serialization) from traitlets import (Int, Unicode, List, Enum, Dict, Bool, Float, Instance, TraitError, validate) from traittypes import Array from numpy import histogram import numpy as np from .scales import Scale, OrdinalScale, LinearScale from .traits import (Date, array_serialization, array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds, array_supported_kinds) from ._version import __frontend_version__ from .colorschemes import CATEGORY10 def register_mark(key=None): """Returns a decorator registering a mark class in the mark type registry. If no key is provided, the class name is used as a key. A key is provided for each core bqplot mark so that the frontend can use this key regardless of the kernel language. """ def wrap(mark): name = key if key is not None else mark.__module__ + mark.__name__ Mark.mark_types[name] = mark return mark return wrap # Shape constraint for array-types def shape(*dimensions): def validator(trait, value): err_msg_tmpl = 'Expected an array of shape {} ' + \ 'but got an array of shape {}' if value.shape != dimensions: raise TraitError(err_msg_tmpl.format(dimensions, value.shape)) else: return value return validator class Mark(Widget): """The base mark class. Traitlet mark attributes may be decorated with metadata. **Data Attribute Decoration** Data attributes are decorated with the following values: scaled: bool Indicates whether the considered attribute is a data attribute which must be associated with a scale in order to be taken into account. rtype: string Range type of the associated scale. atype: string Key in bqplot's axis registry of the recommended axis type to represent this scale. When not specified, the default is 'bqplot.Axis'. Attributes ---------- display_name: string Holds a user-friendly name for the trait attribute. mark_types: dict (class-level attribute) A registry of existing mark types. scales: Dict of scales (default: {}) A dictionary of scales holding scales for each data attribute. - If a mark holds a scaled attribute named 'x', the scales dictionary must have a corresponding scale for the key 'x'. - The scale's range type should be equal to the scaled attribute's range type (rtype). scales_metadata: Dict (default: {}) A dictionary of dictionaries holding metadata on the way scales are used by the mark. For example, a linear scale may be used to count pixels horizontally or vertically. The content of this dictionary may change dynamically. It is an instance-level attribute. preserve_domain: dict (default: {}) Indicates if this mark affects the domain(s) of the specified scale(s). The keys of this dictionary are the same as the ones of the "scales" attribute, and values are boolean. If a key is missing, it is considered as False. display_legend: bool (default: False) Display toggle for the mark legend in the general figure legend labels: list of unicode strings (default: []) Labels of the items of the mark. This attribute has different meanings depending on the type of mark. apply_clip: bool (default: True) Indicates whether the items that are beyond the limits of the chart should be clipped. visible: bool (default: True) Visibility toggle for the mark. selected_style: dict (default: {}) CSS style to be applied to selected items in the mark. unselected_style: dict (default: {}) CSS style to be applied to items that are not selected in the mark, when a selection exists. selected: list of integers or None (default: None) Indices of the selected items in the mark. tooltip: DOMWidget or None (default: None) Widget to be displayed as tooltip when elements of the scatter are hovered on tooltip_style: Dictionary (default: {'opacity': 0.9}) Styles to be applied to the tooltip widget enable_hover: Bool (default: True) Boolean attribute to control the hover interaction for the scatter. If this is false, the on_hover custom mssg is not sent back to the python side interactions: Dictionary (default: {'hover': 'tooltip'}) Dictionary listing the different interactions for each mark. The key is the event which triggers the interaction and the value is the kind of interactions. Keys and values can only take strings from separate enums for each mark. tooltip_location : {'mouse', 'center'} (default: 'mouse') Enum specifying the location of the tooltip. 'mouse' places the tooltip at the location of the mouse when the tooltip is activated and 'center' places the tooltip at the center of the figure. If tooltip is linked to a click event, 'mouse' places the tooltip at the location of the click that triggered the tooltip to be visible. """ mark_types = {} scales = Dict(trait=Instance(Scale)).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) scales_metadata = Dict().tag(sync=True) preserve_domain = Dict().tag(sync=True) display_legend = Bool().tag(sync=True, display_name='Display legend') labels = List(trait=Unicode()).tag(sync=True, display_name='Labels') apply_clip = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) visible = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) selected_style = Dict().tag(sync=True) unselected_style = Dict().tag(sync=True) selected = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, **array_serialization) enable_hover = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) tooltip = Instance(DOMWidget, allow_none=True, default_value=None)\ .tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) tooltip_style = Dict({'opacity': 0.9}).tag(sync=True) interactions = Dict({'hover': 'tooltip'}).tag(sync=True) tooltip_location = Enum(['mouse', 'center'], default_value='mouse')\ .tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('MarkModel').tag(sync=True) _model_module = Unicode('bqplot').tag(sync=True) _view_module = Unicode('bqplot').tag(sync=True) _view_module_version = Unicode(__frontend_version__).tag(sync=True) _model_module_version = Unicode(__frontend_version__).tag(sync=True) _ipython_display_ = None def _get_dimension_scales(self, dimension, preserve_domain=False): """ Return the list of scales corresponding to a given dimension. The preserve_domain optional argument specifies whether one should filter out the scales for which preserve_domain is set to True. """ if preserve_domain: return [ self.scales[k] for k in self.scales if ( k in self.scales_metadata and self.scales_metadata[k].get('dimension') == dimension and not self.preserve_domain.get(k) ) ] else: return [ self.scales[k] for k in self.scales if ( k in self.scales_metadata and self.scales_metadata[k].get('dimension') == dimension ) ] @validate('scales') def _validate_scales(self, proposal): """ Validates the `scales` based on the mark's scaled attributes metadata. First checks for missing scale and then for 'rtype' compatibility. """ # Validate scales' 'rtype' versus data attribute 'rtype' decoration # At this stage it is already validated that all values in self.scales # are instances of Scale. scales = proposal.value for name in self.trait_names(scaled=True): trait = self.traits()[name] if name not in scales: # Check for missing scale if not trait.allow_none: raise TraitError("Missing scale for data attribute %s." % name) else: # Check scale range type compatibility if scales[name].rtype != trait.get_metadata('rtype'): raise TraitError("Range type mismatch for scale %s." % name) return scales def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Mark, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._hover_handlers = CallbackDispatcher() self._click_handlers = CallbackDispatcher() self._legend_click_handlers = CallbackDispatcher() self._legend_hover_handlers = CallbackDispatcher() self._element_click_handlers = CallbackDispatcher() self._bg_click_handlers = CallbackDispatcher() self.on_msg(self._handle_custom_msgs) def on_hover(self, callback, remove=False): self._hover_handlers.register_callback(callback, remove=remove) def on_click(self, callback, remove=False): self._click_handlers.register_callback(callback, remove=remove) def on_legend_click(self, callback, remove=False): self._legend_click_handlers.register_callback(callback, remove=remove) def on_legend_hover(self, callback, remove=False): self._legend_hover_handlers.register_callback(callback, remove=remove) def on_element_click(self, callback, remove=False): self._element_click_handlers.register_callback(callback, remove=remove) def on_background_click(self, callback, remove=False): self._bg_click_handlers.register_callback(callback, remove=remove) def _handle_custom_msgs(self, _, content, buffers=None): if content.get('event', '') == 'hover': self._hover_handlers(self, content) if content.get('event', '') == 'click': self._click_handlers(self, content) elif content.get('event', '') == 'legend_click': self._legend_click_handlers(self, content) elif content.get('event', '') == 'legend_hover': self._legend_hover_handlers(self, content) elif content.get('event', '') == 'element_click': self._element_click_handlers(self, content) elif content.get('event', '') == 'background_click': self._bg_click_handlers(self, content) @register_mark('bqplot.Lines') class Lines(Mark): """Lines mark. In the case of the Lines mark, scales for 'x' and 'y' MUST be provided. Attributes ---------- icon: string (class-level attribute) Font-awesome icon for the respective mark name: string (class-level attribute) User-friendly name of the mark colors: list of colors (default: CATEGORY10) List of colors of the Lines. If the list is shorter than the number of lines, the colors are reused. close_path: bool (default: False) Whether to close the paths or not. fill: {'none', 'bottom', 'top', 'inside', 'between'} Fill in the area defined by the curves fill_colors: list of colors (default: []) Fill colors for the areas. Defaults to stroke-colors when no color provided opacities: list of floats (default: []) Opacity for the lines and patches. Defaults to 1 when the list is too short, or the element of the list is set to None. fill_opacities: list of floats (default: []) Opacity for the areas. Defaults to 1 when the list is too short, or the element of the list is set to None. stroke_width: float (default: 2) Stroke width of the Lines labels_visibility: {'none', 'label'} Visibility of the curve labels curves_subset: list of integers or None (default: []) If set to None, all the lines are displayed. Otherwise, only the items in the list will have full opacity, while others will be faded. line_style: {'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dash_dotted'} Line style. interpolation: {'linear', 'basis', 'cardinal', 'monotone'} Interpolation scheme used for interpolation between the data points provided. Please refer to the svg interpolate documentation for details about the different interpolation schemes. marker: {'circle', 'cross', 'diamond', 'square', 'triangle-down', 'triangle-up', 'arrow', 'rectangle', 'ellipse'} Marker shape marker_size: nonnegative int (default: 64) Default marker size in pixels Data Attributes x: numpy.ndarray (default: []) abscissas of the data points (1d or 2d array) y: numpy.ndarray (default: []) ordinates of the data points (1d or 2d array) color: numpy.ndarray (default: None) colors of the different lines based on data. If it is [], then the colors from the colors attribute are used. Each line has a single color and if the size of colors is less than the number of lines, the remaining lines are given the default colors. Notes ----- The fields which can be passed to the default tooltip are: name: label of the line index: index of the line being hovered on color: data attribute for the color of the line The following are the events which can trigger interactions: click: left click of the mouse hover: mouse-over an element The following are the interactions which can be linked to the above events: tooltip: display tooltip """ # Mark decoration icon = 'fa-line-chart' name = 'Lines' # Scaled attributes x = Array([]).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 2), array_supported_kinds()) y = Array([]).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 2), array_supported_kinds()) color = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Color', atype='bqplot.ColorAxis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) # Other attributes scales_metadata = Dict({ 'x': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'y': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'}, 'color': {'dimension': 'color'} }).tag(sync=True) colors = List(trait=Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True), default_value=CATEGORY10)\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Colors') fill_colors = List(trait=Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True))\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Fill colors') stroke_width = Float(2.0).tag(sync=True, display_name='Stroke width') labels_visibility = Enum(['none', 'label'], default_value='none')\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Labels visibility') curves_subset = List().tag(sync=True) line_style = Enum(['solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dash_dotted'], default_value='solid')\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Line style') interpolation = Enum(['linear', 'basis', 'basis-open', 'basis-closed', 'bundle', 'cardinal', 'cardinal-open', 'cardinal-closed', 'monotone', 'step-before', 'step-after'], default_value='linear')\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Interpolation') close_path = Bool().tag(sync=True, display_name='Close path') fill = Enum(['none', 'bottom', 'top', 'inside', 'between'], default_value='none')\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Fill') marker = Enum(['circle', 'cross', 'diamond', 'square', 'triangle-down', 'triangle-up', 'arrow', 'rectangle', 'ellipse'], default_value=None, allow_none=True)\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Marker') marker_size = Int(64).tag(sync=True, display_name='Default size') opacities = List().tag(sync=True, display_name='Opacity') fill_opacities = List().tag(sync=True, display_name='Fill Opacity') _view_name = Unicode('Lines').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('LinesModel').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.FlexLine') class FlexLine(Mark): """Flexible Lines mark. In the case of the FlexLines mark, scales for 'x' and 'y' MUST be provided. Scales for the color and width data attributes are optional. In the case where another data attribute than 'x' or 'y' is provided but the corresponding scale is missing, the data attribute is ignored. Attributes ---------- name: string (class-level attributes) user-friendly name of the mark colors: list of colors (default: CATEGORY10) List of colors for the Lines stroke_width: float (default: 1.5) Default stroke width of the Lines Data Attributes x: numpy.ndarray (default: []) abscissas of the data points (1d array) y: numpy.ndarray (default: []) ordinates of the data points (1d array) color: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) Array controlling the color of the data points width: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) Array controlling the widths of the Lines. """ # Mark decoration icon = 'fa-line-chart' name = 'Flexible lines' # Scaled attributes x = Array([]).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) y = Array([]).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) color = Array(None, allow_none=True)\ .tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Color', atype='bqplot.ColorAxis', **array_serialization).valid(array_squeeze) width = Array(None, allow_none=True)\ .tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', **array_serialization).valid(array_squeeze) # Other attributes scales_metadata = Dict({ 'x': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'y': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'}, 'color': {'dimension': 'color'} }).tag(sync=True) stroke_width = Float(1.5).tag(sync=True, display_name='Stroke width') colors = List(trait=Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True), default_value=CATEGORY10).tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('FlexLine').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('FlexLineModel').tag(sync=True) class _ScatterBase(Mark): """ Base Mark for Label and Scatter """ # Scaled attributes x = Array([], allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) y = Array([], allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) color = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Color', atype='bqplot.ColorAxis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) opacity = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) size = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) rotation = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) # Other attributes scales_metadata = Dict({ 'x': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'y': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'}, 'color': {'dimension': 'color'}, 'size': {'dimension': 'size'}, 'opacity': {'dimension': 'opacity'}, 'rotation': {'dimension': 'rotation'} }).tag(sync=True) default_opacities = Array([1.0])\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Opacities', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) hovered_style = Dict().tag(sync=True) unhovered_style = Dict().tag(sync=True) hovered_point = Int(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) enable_move = Bool().tag(sync=True) enable_delete = Bool().tag(sync=True) restrict_x = Bool().tag(sync=True) restrict_y = Bool().tag(sync=True) update_on_move = Bool().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._drag_start_handlers = CallbackDispatcher() self._drag_handlers = CallbackDispatcher() self._drag_end_handlers = CallbackDispatcher() super(_ScatterBase, self).__init__(**kwargs) def on_drag_start(self, callback, remove=False): self._drag_start_handlers.register_callback(callback, remove=remove) def on_drag(self, callback, remove=False): self._drag_handlers.register_callback(callback, remove=remove) def on_drag_end(self, callback, remove=False): self._drag_end_handlers.register_callback(callback, remove=remove) def _handle_custom_msgs(self, _, content, buffers=None): event = content.get('event', '') if event == 'drag_start': self._drag_start_handlers(self, content) elif event == 'drag': self._drag_handlers(self, content) elif event == 'drag_end': self._drag_end_handlers(self, content) super(_ScatterBase, self)._handle_custom_msgs(self, content) @register_mark('bqplot.Scatter') class Scatter(_ScatterBase): """Scatter mark. In the case of the Scatter mark, scales for 'x' and 'y' MUST be provided. The scales of other data attributes are optional. In the case where another data attribute than 'x' or 'y' is provided but the corresponding scale is missing, the data attribute is ignored. Attributes ---------- icon: string (class-level attribute) Font-awesome icon for that mark name: string (class-level attribute) User-friendly name of the mark marker: {'circle', 'cross', 'diamond', 'square', 'triangle-down', 'triangle-up', 'arrow', 'rectangle', 'ellipse'} Marker shape colors: list of colors (default: ['steelblue']) List of colors of the markers. If the list is shorter than the number of points, the colors are reused. default_colors: Deprecated Same as `colors`, deprecated as of version 0.8.4 fill: Bool (default: True) Whether to fill the markers or not stroke: Color or None (default: None) Stroke color of the marker stroke_width: Float (default: 1.5) Stroke width of the marker default_opacities: list of floats (default: [1.0]) Default opacities of the markers. If the list is shorter than the number of points, the opacities are reused. default_skew: float (default: 0.5) Default skew of the marker. This number is validated to be between 0 and 1. default_size: nonnegative int (default: 64) Default marker size in pixel. If size data is provided with a scale, default_size stands for the maximal marker size (i.e. the maximum value for the 'size' scale range) drag_size: nonnegative float (default: 5.) Ratio of the size of the dragged scatter size to the default scatter size. names: numpy.ndarray (default: None) Labels for the points of the chart display_names: bool (default: True) Controls whether names are displayed for points in the scatter enable_move: bool (default: False) Controls whether points can be moved by dragging. Refer to restrict_x, restrict_y for more options. restrict_x: bool (default: False) Restricts movement of the point to only along the x axis. This is valid only when enable_move is set to True. If both restrict_x and restrict_y are set to True, the point cannot be moved. restrict_y: bool (default: False) Restricts movement of the point to only along the y axis. This is valid only when enable_move is set to True. If both restrict_x and restrict_y are set to True, the point cannot be moved. Data Attributes x: numpy.ndarray (default: []) abscissas of the data points (1d array) y: numpy.ndarray (default: []) ordinates of the data points (1d array) color: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) color of the data points (1d array). Defaults to default_color when not provided or when a value is NaN opacity: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) opacity of the data points (1d array). Defaults to default_opacity when not provided or when a value is NaN size: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) size of the data points. Defaults to default_size when not provided or when a value is NaN skew: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) skewness of the markers representing the data points. Defaults to default_skew when not provided or when a value is NaN rotation: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) orientation of the markers representing the data points. The rotation scale's range is [0, 180] Defaults to 0 when not provided or when a value is NaN. Notes ----- The fields which can be passed to the default tooltip are: All the data attributes index: index of the marker being hovered on The following are the events which can trigger interactions: click: left click of the mouse hover: mouse-over an element The following are the interactions which can be linked to the above events: tooltip: display tooltip add: add new points to the scatter (can only linked to click) """ # Mark decoration icon = 'fa-cloud' name = 'Scatter' # Scaled attribtes skew = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) # Other attributes marker = Enum(['circle', 'cross', 'diamond', 'square', 'triangle-down', 'triangle-up', 'arrow', 'rectangle', 'ellipse'], default_value='circle').tag(sync=True, display_name='Marker') colors = List(trait=Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True), default_value=['steelblue'])\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Colors') scales_metadata = Dict({ 'x': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'y': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'}, 'color': {'dimension': 'color'}, 'size': {'dimension': 'size'}, 'opacity': {'dimension': 'opacity'}, 'rotation': {'dimension': 'rotation'}, 'skew': {'dimension': 'skew'} }).tag(sync=True) @property def default_colors(self): return self.colors @default_colors.setter def default_colors(self, value): warn("default_colors is deprecated, use colors instead.", DeprecationWarning) self.colors = value stroke = Color(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, display_name='Stroke color') stroke_width = Float(1.5).tag(sync=True, display_name='Stroke width') default_skew = Float(0.5, min=0, max=1).tag(sync=True) default_size = Int(64).tag(sync=True, display_name='Default size') names = Array(None, allow_none=True)\ .tag(sync=True, **array_serialization).valid(array_squeeze) display_names = Bool(True).tag(sync=True, display_name='Display names') fill = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) drag_color = Color(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) drag_size = Float(5.).tag(sync=True) names_unique = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('Scatter').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('ScatterModel').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.ScatterGL') class ScatterGL(Scatter): _view_name = Unicode('ScatterGL').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('ScatterGLModel').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.Label') class Label(_ScatterBase): """Label mark. Attributes ---------- x_offset: int (default: 0) horizontal offset in pixels from the stated x location y_offset: int (default: 0) vertical offset in pixels from the stated y location text: string (default: '') text to be displayed default_size: string (default: '14px') font size in px, em or ex font_weight: {'bold', 'normal', 'bolder'} font weight of the caption drag_size: nonnegative float (default: 1.) Ratio of the size of the dragged label font size to the default label font size. align: {'start', 'middle', 'end'} alignment of the text with respect to the provided location enable_move: Bool (default: False) Enable the label to be moved by dragging. Refer to restrict_x, restrict_y for more options. restrict_x: bool (default: False) Restricts movement of the label to only along the x axis. This is valid only when enable_move is set to True. If both restrict_x and restrict_y are set to True, the label cannot be moved. restrict_y: bool (default: False) Restricts movement of the label to only along the y axis. This is valid only when enable_move is set to True. If both restrict_x and restrict_y are set to True, the label cannot be moved. Data Attributes x: numpy.ndarray (default: []) horizontal position of the labels, in data coordinates or in figure coordinates y: numpy.ndarray (default: []) vertical position of the labels, in data coordinates or in figure coordinates color: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) label colors size: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) label sizes rotation: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) label rotations opacity: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) label opacities """ # Mark decoration icon = 'fa-font' name = 'Labels' # Other attributes x_offset = Int(0).tag(sync=True) y_offset = Int(0).tag(sync=True) colors = List(trait=Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True), default_value=CATEGORY10)\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Colors') rotate_angle = Float(0.0).tag(sync=True) text = Array(None, allow_none=True)\ .tag(sync=True, **array_serialization).valid(array_squeeze) default_size = Float(16.).tag(sync=True) drag_size = Float(1.).tag(sync=True) font_unit = Enum(['px', 'em', 'pt', '%'], default_value='px').tag(sync=True) font_weight = Enum(['bold', 'normal', 'bolder'], default_value='bold').tag(sync=True) align = Enum(['start', 'middle', 'end'], default_value='start').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('Label').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('LabelModel').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.Hist') class Hist(Mark): """Histogram mark. In the case of the Hist mark, scales for 'sample' and 'count' MUST be provided. Attributes ---------- icon: string (class-level attribute) font-awesome icon for that mark name: string (class-level attribute) user-friendly name of the mark bins: nonnegative int (default: 10) number of bins in the histogram normalized: bool (default: False) Boolean attribute to return normalized values which sum to 1 or direct counts for the `count` attribute. The scale of `count` attribute is determined by the value of this flag. colors: list of colors (default: ['steelblue']) List of colors of the Histogram. If the list is shorter than the number of bins, the colors are reused. stroke: Color or None (default: None) Stroke color of the histogram opacities: list of floats (default: []) Opacity for the bins of the histogram. Defaults to 1 when the list is too short, or the element of the list is set to None. midpoints: list (default: []) midpoints of the bins of the histogram. It is a read-only attribute. Data Attributes sample: numpy.ndarray (default: []) sample of which the histogram must be computed. count: numpy.ndarray (read-only) number of sample points per bin. It is a read-only attribute. Notes ----- The fields which can be passed to the default tooltip are: midpoint: mid-point of the bin related to the rectangle hovered on count: number of elements in the bin hovered on bin_start: start point of the bin bin-end: end point of the bin index: index of the bin """ # Mark decoration icon = 'fa-signal' name = 'Histogram' # Scaled attributes sample = Array([]).tag(sync=True, display_name='Sample', scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) count = Array([], read_only=True).tag(sync=True, display_name='Count', scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze) normalized = Bool().tag(sync=True) # Other attributes scales_metadata = Dict({ 'sample': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'count': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'} }).tag(sync=True) bins = Int(10).tag(sync=True, display_name='Number of bins') midpoints = List(read_only=True).tag(sync=True, display_name='Mid points') # midpoints is a read-only attribute that is set when the mark is drawn colors = List(trait=Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True), default_value=['steelblue'])\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Colors') stroke = Color(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) opacities = List(trait=Float(1.0, min=0, max=1, allow_none=True))\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Opacities') _view_name = Unicode('Hist').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('HistModel').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.Boxplot') class Boxplot(Mark): """Boxplot marks. Attributes ---------- stroke: Color or None stroke color of the marker color: Color fill color of the box opacities: list of floats (default: []) Opacities for the markers of the boxplot. Defaults to 1 when the list is too short, or the element of the list is set to None. outlier-color: color color for the outlier box_width: int (default: None) width of the box in pixels. The minimum value is 5. If set to None, box_with is auto calculated auto_detect_outliers: bool (default: True) Flag to toggle outlier auto-detection Data Attributes x: numpy.ndarray (default: []) abscissas of the data points (1d array) y: numpy.ndarray (default: [[]]) Sample data points (2d array) """ # Mark decoration icon = 'fa-birthday-cake' name = 'Boxplot chart' # Scaled attributes x = Array([]).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) # Second dimension must contain OHLC data, otherwise the behavior # is undefined. y = Array([[]]).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_dimension_bounds(1, 2), array_supported_kinds()) # Other attributes scales_metadata = Dict({ 'x': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'y': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'} }).tag(sync=True) stroke = Color(None, allow_none=True)\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Stroke color') box_fill_color = Color('steelblue', sync=True, display_name='Fill color for the box') outlier_fill_color = Color('gray').tag(sync=True, display_name='Outlier fill color') opacities = List(trait=Float(1.0, min=0, max=1, allow_none=True))\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Opacities') box_width = Int(None, min=5, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, display_name='Box Width') auto_detect_outliers = Bool(True).tag(sync=True, display_name='Auto-detect Outliers') _view_name = Unicode('Boxplot').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('BoxplotModel').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.Bars') class Bars(Mark): """Bar mark. In the case of the Bars mark, scales for 'x' and 'y' MUST be provided. The scales of other data attributes are optional. In the case where another data attribute than 'x' or 'y' is provided but the corresponding scale is missing, the data attribute is ignored. Attributes ---------- icon: string (class-level attribute) font-awesome icon for that mark name: string (class-level attribute) user-friendly name of the mark color_mode: {'auto', 'group', 'element'} enum attribute to specify if color should be the same for all bars with the same x or for all bars which belong to the same array in Y 'group' means for every x all bars have same color. 'element' means for every dimension of y, all bars have same color. 'auto' picks 'group' and 'element' for 1-d and 2-d values of Y respectively. type: {'stacked', 'grouped'} whether 2-dimensional bar charts should appear grouped or stacked. colors: list of colors (default: ['steelblue']) list of colors for the bars. orientation: {'horizontal', 'vertical'} Specifies whether the bar chart is drawn horizontally or vertically. If a horizontal bar chart is drawn, the x data is drawn vertically. padding: float (default: 0.05) Attribute to control the spacing between the bars value is specified as a percentage of the width of the bar fill: Bool (default: True) Whether to fill the bars or not stroke: Color or None (default: None) Stroke color for the bars stroke_width: Float (default: 0.) Stroke width of the bars opacities: list of floats (default: []) Opacities for the bars. Defaults to 1 when the list is too short, or the element of the list is set to None. base: float (default: 0.0) reference value from which the bars are drawn. defaults to 0.0 align: {'center', 'left', 'right'} alignment of bars with respect to the tick value label_display: bool (default: False) whether or not to display bar data labels label_display_format: string (default: .2f) format for displaying values. label_font_style: dict CSS style for the text of each cell label_display_vertical_offset: float vertical offset value for the label display label_display_horizontal_offset: float horizontal offset value for the label display Data Attributes x: numpy.ndarray (default: []) abscissas of the data points (1d array) y: numpy.ndarray (default: []) ordinates of the values for the data points color: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) color of the data points (1d array). Defaults to default_color when not provided or when a value is NaN Notes ----- The fields which can be passed to the default tooltip are: All the data attributes index: index of the bar being hovered on sub_index: if data is two dimensional, this is the minor index """ # Mark decoration icon = 'fa-bar-chart' name = 'Bar chart' # Scaled attributes x = Array([]).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) y = Array([]).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_dimension_bounds(1, 2), array_supported_kinds()) color = Array(None, allow_none=True)\ .tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Color', atype='bqplot.ColorAxis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) # Bar text labels attributes -- add default values. # Add bool for displaying a label or not. Add d3 formatting in docstring label_display = Bool(default_value=False).tag(sync=True) label_display_format = Unicode(default_value=".2f", allow_none=False).tag(sync=True) label_font_style = Dict().tag(sync=True) label_display_vertical_offset = Float(default_value=0.0, allow_none=False).tag(sync=True) label_display_horizontal_offset = Float(default_value=0.0, allow_none=False).tag(sync=True) # Other attributes scales_metadata = Dict({ 'x': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'y': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'}, 'color': {'dimension': 'color'} }).tag(sync=True) color_mode = Enum(['auto', 'group', 'element'], default_value='auto')\ .tag(sync=True) type = Enum(['stacked', 'grouped'], default_value='stacked')\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Type') colors = List(trait=Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True), default_value=['steelblue'])\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Colors') padding = Float(0.05).tag(sync=True) fill = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) stroke = Color(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) stroke_width = Float(1.).tag(sync=True, display_name='Stroke width') base = Float().tag(sync=True) opacities = List(trait=Float(1.0, min=0, max=1, allow_none=True))\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Opacities') align = Enum(['center', 'left', 'right'], default_value='center')\ .tag(sync=True) orientation = Enum(['vertical', 'horizontal'], default_value='vertical')\ .tag(sync=True) @validate('orientation') def _validate_orientation(self, proposal): value = proposal['value'] x_orient = "horizontal" if value == "vertical" else "vertical" self.scales_metadata = {'x': {'orientation': x_orient, 'dimension': 'x'}, 'y': {'orientation': value, 'dimension': 'y'}} return value _view_name = Unicode('Bars').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('BarsModel').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.Bins') class Bins(Bars): """Backend histogram mark. A `Bars` instance that bins sample data. It is very similar in purpose to the `Hist` mark, the difference being that the binning is done in the backend (python), which avoids large amounts of data being shipped back and forth to the frontend. It should therefore be preferred for large data. The binning method is the numpy `histogram` method. The following documentation is in part taken from the numpy documentation. Attributes ---------- icon: string (class-level attribute) font-awesome icon for that mark name: string (class-level attribute) user-friendly name of the mark bins: nonnegative int (default: 10) or {'auto', 'fd', 'doane', 'scott', 'rice', 'sturges', 'sqrt'} If `bins` is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given range (10, by default). If `bins` is a string (method name), `histogram` will use the method chosen to calculate the optimal bin width and consequently the number of bins (see `Notes` for more detail on the estimators) from the data that falls within the requested range. density : bool (default: `False`) If `False`, the height of each bin is the number of samples in it. If `True`, the height of each bin is the value of the probability *density* function at the bin, normalized such that the *integral* over the range is 1. Note that the sum of the histogram values will not be equal to 1 unless bins of unity width are chosen; it is not a probability *mass* function. min : float (default: None) The lower range of the bins. If not provided, lower range is simply `x.min()`. max : float (default: None) The upper range of the bins. If not provided, lower range is simply `x.max()`. Data Attributes sample: numpy.ndarray (default: []) sample of which the histogram must be computed. Notes ----- The fields which can be passed to the default tooltip are: All the `Bars` data attributes (`x`, `y`, `color`) index: index of the bin """ # Mark decoration icon = 'fa-signal' name = 'Backend Histogram' # Scaled Attributes sample = Array([]).tag( sync=False, display_name='Sample', rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) # Binning options min = Float(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) max = Float(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) density = Bool().tag(sync=True) bins = (Int(10) | List() | Enum(['auto', 'fd', 'doane', 'scott', 'rice', 'sturges', 'sqrt']))\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Number of bins') def __init__(self, **kwargs): ''' Sets listeners on the data and the binning parameters. Adjusts `Bars` defaults to suit a histogram better. ''' self.observe(self.bin_data, names=['sample', 'bins', 'density', 'min', 'max']) # One unique color by default kwargs.setdefault('colors', [CATEGORY10[0]]) # No spacing between bars kwargs.setdefault('padding', 0.) super(Bins, self).__init__(**kwargs) def bin_data(self, *args): ''' Performs the binning of `sample` data, and draws the corresponding bars ''' # Get range _min = self.sample.min() if self.min is None else self.min _max = self.sample.max() if self.max is None else self.max _range = (min(_min, _max), max(_min, _max)) # Bin the samples counts, bin_edges = histogram(self.sample, bins=self.bins, range=_range, density=self.density) midpoints = (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) / 2 # Redraw the underlying Bars with self.hold_sync(): self.x, self.y = midpoints, counts @register_mark('bqplot.OHLC') class OHLC(Mark): """Open/High/Low/Close marks. Attributes ---------- icon: string (class-level attribute) font-awesome icon for that mark name: string (class-level attribute) user-friendly name of the mark marker: {'candle', 'bar'} marker type stroke: color (default: None) stroke color of the marker stroke_width: float (default: 1.0) stroke width of the marker colors: List of colors (default: ['limegreen', 'red']) fill colors for the markers (up/down) opacities: list of floats (default: []) Opacities for the markers of the OHLC mark. Defaults to 1 when the list is too short, or the element of the list is set to None. format: string (default: 'ohlc') description of y data being passed supports all permutations of the strings 'ohlc', 'oc', and 'hl' Data Attributes x: numpy.ndarray abscissas of the data points (1d array) y: numpy.ndarrays Open/High/Low/Close ordinates of the data points (2d array) Notes ----- The fields which can be passed to the default tooltip are: x: the x value associated with the bar/candle open: open value for the bar/candle high: high value for the bar/candle low: low value for the bar/candle close: close value for the bar/candle index: index of the bar/candle being hovered on """ # Mark decoration icon = 'fa-birthday-cake' name = 'OHLC chart' # Scaled attributes x = Array([]).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) y = Array([[]]).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_dimension_bounds(1, 2)) # Other attributes scales_metadata = Dict({ 'x': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'y': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'} }).tag(sync=True) marker = Enum(['candle', 'bar'], default_value='candle', display_name='Marker').tag(sync=True) stroke = Color(None, display_name='Stroke color', allow_none=True)\ .tag(sync=True) stroke_width = Float(1.0).tag(sync=True, display_name='Stroke Width') colors = List(trait=Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True), default_value=['green', 'red'])\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Colors') opacities = List(trait=Float(1.0, min=0, max=1, allow_none=True))\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Opacities') format = Unicode('ohlc').tag(sync=True, display_name='Format') _view_name = Unicode('OHLC').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('OHLCModel').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.Pie') class Pie(Mark): """Piechart mark. Attributes ---------- colors: list of colors (default: CATEGORY10) list of colors for the slices. stroke: color (default: 'white') stroke color for the marker opacities: list of floats (default: []) Opacities for the slices of the Pie mark. Defaults to 1 when the list is too short, or the element of the list is set to None. sort: bool (default: False) sort the pie slices by descending sizes x: Float (default: 0.5) or Date horizontal position of the pie center, in data coordinates or in figure coordinates y: Float (default: 0.5) vertical y position of the pie center, in data coordinates or in figure coordinates radius: Float radius of the pie, in pixels inner_radius: Float inner radius of the pie, in pixels start_angle: Float (default: 0.0) start angle of the pie (from top), in degrees end_angle: Float (default: 360.0) end angle of the pie (from top), in degrees display_labels: {'none', 'inside', 'outside'} (default: 'inside') label display options display_values: bool (default: False) if True show values along with labels values_format: string (default: '.2f') format for displaying values label_color: Color or None (default: None) color of the labels font_size: string (default: '14px') label font size in px, em or ex font_weight: {'bold', 'normal', 'bolder'} (default: 'normal') label font weight Data Attributes sizes: numpy.ndarray (default: []) proportions of the pie slices color: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) color of the data points. Defaults to colors when not provided. Notes ----- The fields which can be passed to the default tooltip are: : the x value associated with the bar/candle open: open value for the bar/candle high: high value for the bar/candle low: low value for the bar/candle close: close value for the bar/candle index: index of the bar/candle being hovered on """ # Mark decoration icon = 'fa-pie-chart' name = 'Pie chart' # Scaled attributes sizes = Array([]).tag(sync=True, rtype='Number', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) color = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Color', atype='bqplot.ColorAxis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) # Other attributes x = (Float(0.5) | Date() | Unicode()).tag(sync=True) y = (Float(0.5) | Date() | Unicode()).tag(sync=True) scales_metadata = Dict({'color': {'dimension': 'color'}}).tag(sync=True) sort = Bool().tag(sync=True) colors = List(trait=Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True), default_value=CATEGORY10).tag(sync=True, display_name='Colors') stroke = Color(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) opacities = List(trait=Float(1.0, min=0, max=1, allow_none=True))\ .tag(sync=True, display_name='Opacities') radius = Float(180.0, min=0.0, max=float('inf')).tag(sync=True) inner_radius = Float(0.1, min=0.0, max=float('inf')).tag(sync=True) start_angle = Float().tag(sync=True) end_angle = Float(360.0).tag(sync=True) display_labels = Enum(['none', 'inside', 'outside'], default_value='inside').tag(sync=True) display_values = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) values_format = Unicode(default_value='.1f').tag(sync=True) label_color = Color(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) font_size = Unicode(default_value='12px').tag(sync=True) font_weight = Enum(['bold', 'normal', 'bolder'], default_value='normal').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('Pie').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('PieModel').tag(sync=True) def topo_load(name): with open(os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0], name)) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) return data @register_mark('bqplot.Map') class Map(Mark): """Map mark. Attributes ---------- colors: Dict (default: {}) default colors for items of the map when no color data is passed. The dictionary should be indexed by the id of the element and have the corresponding colors as values. The key `default_color` controls the items for which no color is specified. selected_styles: Dict (default: {'selected_fill': 'Red', 'selected_stroke': None, 'selected_stroke_width': 2.0}) Dictionary containing the styles for selected subunits hovered_styles: Dict (default: {'hovered_fill': 'Orange', 'hovered_stroke': None, 'hovered_stroke_width': 2.0}) Dictionary containing the styles for hovered subunits hover_highlight: bool (default: True) boolean to control if the map should be aware of which country is being hovered on. map_data: dict (default: topo_load("map_data/WorldMap.json")) a topojson-formatted dictionary with the objects to map under the key 'subunits'. Data Attributes color: Dict or None (default: None) dictionary containing the data associated with every country for the color scale """ # Mark decoration icon = 'fa-globe' name = 'Map' # Scaled attributes color = Dict(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Color', atype='bqplot.ColorAxis') # Other attributes scales_metadata = Dict({'color': {'dimension': 'color'}}).tag(sync=True) hover_highlight = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) hovered_styles = Dict({ 'hovered_fill': 'Orange', 'hovered_stroke': None, 'hovered_stroke_width': 2.0}, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) stroke_color = Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) colors = Dict().tag(sync=True, display_name='Colors') scales_metadata = Dict({'color': {'dimension': 'color'}, 'projection': {'dimension': 'geo'}}).tag(sync=True) selected_styles = Dict({ 'selected_fill': 'Red', 'selected_stroke': None, 'selected_stroke_width': 2.0 }).tag(sync=True) map_data = Dict(topo_load('map_data/WorldMap.json')).tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('Map').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('MapModel').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.GridHeatMap') class GridHeatMap(Mark): """GridHeatMap mark. Alignment: The tiles can be aligned so that the data matches either the start, the end or the midpoints of the tiles. This is controlled by the align attribute. Suppose the data passed is a m-by-n matrix. If the scale for the rows is Ordinal, then alignment is by default the mid points. For a non-ordinal scale, the data cannot be aligned to the mid points of the rectangles. If it is not ordinal, then two cases arise. If the number of rows passed is m, then align attribute can be used. If the number of rows passed is m+1, then the data are the boundaries of the m rectangles. If rows and columns are not passed, and scales for them are also not passed, then ordinal scales are generated for the rows and columns. Attributes ---------- row_align: Enum(['start', 'end']) This is only valid if the number of entries in `row` exactly match the number of rows in `color` and the `row_scale` is not `OrdinalScale`. `start` aligns the row values passed to be aligned with the start of the tiles and `end` aligns the row values to the end of the tiles. column_align: Enum(['start', end']) This is only valid if the number of entries in `column` exactly match the number of columns in `color` and the `column_scale` is not `OrdinalScale`. `start` aligns the column values passed to be aligned with the start of the tiles and `end` aligns the column values to the end of the tiles. anchor_style: dict (default: {}) Controls the style for the element which serves as the anchor during selection. display_format: string (default: None) format for displaying values. If None, then values are not displayed font_style: dict CSS style for the text of each cell Data Attributes color: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) color of the data points (2d array). The number of elements in this array correspond to the number of cells created in the heatmap. row: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) labels for the rows of the `color` array passed. The length of this can be no more than 1 away from the number of rows in `color`. This is a scaled attribute and can be used to affect the height of the cells as the entries of `row` can indicate the start or the end points of the cells. Refer to the property `row_align`. If this property is None, then a uniformly spaced grid is generated in the row direction. column: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) labels for the columns of the `color` array passed. The length of this can be no more than 1 away from the number of columns in `color` This is a scaled attribute and can be used to affect the width of the cells as the entries of `column` can indicate the start or the end points of the cells. Refer to the property `column_align`. If this property is None, then a uniformly spaced grid is generated in the column direction. """ # Scaled attributes row = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) column = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) color = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Color', atype='bqplot.ColorAxis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 2)) # Other attributes scales_metadata = Dict({ 'row': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'}, 'column': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'color': {'dimension': 'color'} }).tag(sync=True) row_align = Enum(['start', 'end'], default_value='start').tag(sync=True) column_align = Enum(['start', 'end'], default_value='start').tag(sync=True) null_color = Color('black', allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) stroke = Color('black', allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) opacity = Float(1.0, min=0.2, max=1).tag(sync=True, display_name='Opacity') anchor_style = Dict().tag(sync=True) display_format = Unicode(default_value=None, allow_none=True)\ .tag(sync=True) font_style = Dict().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Adding scales in case they are not passed too. scales = kwargs.pop('scales', {}) if(scales.get('row', None) is None): row_scale = OrdinalScale(reverse=True) scales['row'] = row_scale if(scales.get('column', None) is None): column_scale = OrdinalScale() scales['column'] = column_scale kwargs['scales'] = scales super(GridHeatMap, self).__init__(**kwargs) @validate('row') def _validate_row(self, proposal): row = proposal.value if row is None: return row color = np.asarray(self.color) n_rows = color.shape[0] if len(row) != n_rows and len(row) != n_rows + 1 and len(row) != n_rows - 1: raise TraitError('row must be an array of size color.shape[0]') return row @validate('column') def _validate_column(self, proposal): column = proposal.value if column is None: return column color = np.asarray(self.color) n_columns = color.shape[1] if len(column) != n_columns and len(column) != n_columns + 1 and len(column) != n_columns - 1: raise TraitError('column must be an array of size color.shape[1]') return column _view_name = Unicode('GridHeatMap').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('GridHeatMapModel').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.HeatMap') class HeatMap(Mark): """HeatMap mark. Attributes ---------- Data Attributes color: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) color of the data points (2d array). x: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) labels for the columns of the `color` array passed. The length of this has to be the number of columns in `color`. This is a scaled attribute. y: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) labels for the rows of the `color` array passed. The length of this has to be the number of rows in `color`. This is a scaled attribute. """ # Scaled attributes x = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) y = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) color = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Color', atype='bqplot.ColorAxis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(2, 2)) # Other attributes scales_metadata = Dict({ 'x': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'y': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'}, 'color': {'dimension': 'color'} }).tag(sync=True) null_color = Color('black', allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, **kwargs): data = kwargs['color'] kwargs.setdefault('x', range(data.shape[1])) kwargs.setdefault('y', range(data.shape[0])) scales = kwargs.pop('scales', {}) # Adding default x and y data if they are not passed. # Adding scales in case they are not passed too. if(scales.get('x', None) is None): x_scale = LinearScale() scales['x'] = x_scale if(scales.get('y', None) is None): y_scale = LinearScale() scales['y'] = y_scale kwargs['scales'] = scales super(HeatMap, self).__init__(**kwargs) _view_name = Unicode('HeatMap').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('HeatMapModel').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.Graph') class Graph(Mark): """Graph with nodes and links. Attributes ---------- node_data: List list of node attributes for the graph link_matrix: numpy.ndarray of shape(len(nodes), len(nodes)) link data passed as 2d matrix link_data: List list of link attributes for the graph charge: int (default: -300) charge of force layout. Will be ignored when x and y data attributes are set link_distance: float (default: 100) link distance in pixels between nodes. Will be ignored when x and y data attributes are set link_type: {'arc', 'line', 'slant_line'} (default: 'arc') Enum representing link type directed: bool (default: True) directed or undirected graph highlight_links: bool (default: True) highlights incoming and outgoing links when hovered on a node colors: list (default: CATEGORY10) list of node colors Data Attributes x: numpy.ndarray (default: []) abscissas of the node data points (1d array) y: numpy.ndarray (default: []) ordinates of the node data points (1d array) color: numpy.ndarray or None (default: None) color of the node data points (1d array). link_color: numpy.ndarray of shape(len(nodes), len(nodes)) link data passed as 2d matrix """ charge = Int(-600).tag(sync=True) link_distance = Float(100).tag(sync=True) node_data = List().tag(sync=True) link_data = List().tag(sync=True) link_matrix = Array([]).tag(sync=True, rtype='Number', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 2)) link_type = Enum(['arc', 'line', 'slant_line'], default_value='arc').tag(sync=True) directed = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) colors = List(trait=Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True), default_value=CATEGORY10).tag(sync=True, display_name='Colors') interactions = Dict({'hover': 'tooltip', 'click': 'select'}).tag(sync=True) highlight_links = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) # Scaled attributes x = Array([], allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) y = Array([], allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) color = Array(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Color', atype='bqplot.ColorAxis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 1)) link_color = Array([]).tag(sync=True, rtype='Color', atype='bqplot.ColorAxis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, array_dimension_bounds(1, 2)) hovered_style = Dict().tag(sync=True) unhovered_style = Dict().tag(sync=True) hovered_point = Int(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) # Other attributes scales_metadata = Dict({ 'x': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'y': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'}, 'color': {'dimension': 'color'}, 'link_color': {'dimension': 'link_color'} }).tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('GraphModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('Graph').tag(sync=True) @register_mark('bqplot.Image') class Image(Mark): """Image mark, based on the ipywidgets image If no scales are passed, uses the parent Figure scales. Attributes ---------- image: Instance of ipywidgets.Image Image to be displayed Data Attributes x: tuple (default: (0, 1)) abscissas of the left and right-hand side of the image in the format (x0, x1) y: tuple (default: (0, 1)) ordinates of the bottom and top side of the image in the format (y0, y1) """ _view_name = Unicode('Image').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('ImageModel').tag(sync=True) image = Instance(widgets.Image).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) x = Array(default_value=(0, 1)).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, shape(2)) y = Array(default_value=(0, 1)).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Number', atype='bqplot.Axis', **array_serialization)\ .valid(array_squeeze, shape(2)) scales_metadata = Dict({ 'x': {'orientation': 'horizontal', 'dimension': 'x'}, 'y': {'orientation': 'vertical', 'dimension': 'y'}, }).tag(sync=True)