# cython: embedsignature=True from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Free from cpython.ref cimport Py_INCREF, Py_DECREF from libc.string cimport memset from libc.string cimport memcpy cdef class PyMalloc: cdef void _set(self, malloc_t malloc): self.malloc = malloc cdef PyMalloc WrapMalloc(malloc_t malloc): cdef PyMalloc o = PyMalloc() o._set(malloc) return o cdef class PyFree: cdef void _set(self, free_t free): self.free = free cdef PyFree WrapFree(free_t free): cdef PyFree o = PyFree() o._set(free) return o Default_Malloc = WrapMalloc(PyMem_Malloc) Default_Free = WrapFree(PyMem_Free) cdef class Pool: """Track allocated memory addresses, and free them all when the Pool is garbage collected. This provides an easy way to avoid memory leaks, and removes the need for deallocation functions for complicated structs. >>> from cymem.cymem cimport Pool >>> cdef Pool mem = Pool() >>> data1 = mem.alloc(10, sizeof(int)) >>> data2 = mem.alloc(12, sizeof(float)) Attributes: size (size_t): The current size (in bytes) allocated by the pool. addresses (dict): The currently allocated addresses and their sizes. Read-only. pymalloc (PyMalloc): The allocator to use (default uses PyMem_Malloc). pyfree (PyFree): The free to use (default uses PyMem_Free). """ def __cinit__(self, PyMalloc pymalloc=Default_Malloc, PyFree pyfree=Default_Free): self.size = 0 self.addresses = {} self.refs = [] self.pymalloc = pymalloc self.pyfree = pyfree def __dealloc__(self): cdef size_t addr if self.addresses is not None: for addr in self.addresses: if addr != 0: self.pyfree.free(addr) cdef void* alloc(self, size_t number, size_t elem_size) except NULL: """Allocate a 0-initialized number*elem_size-byte block of memory, and remember its address. The block will be freed when the Pool is garbage collected. """ cdef void* p = self.pymalloc.malloc(number * elem_size) if p == NULL: raise MemoryError("Error assigning %d bytes" % (number * elem_size)) memset(p, 0, number * elem_size) self.addresses[p] = number * elem_size self.size += number * elem_size return p cdef void* realloc(self, void* p, size_t new_size) except NULL: """Resizes the memory block pointed to by p to new_size bytes, returning a non-NULL pointer to the new block. new_size must be larger than the original. If p is not in the Pool or new_size is 0, a MemoryError is raised. """ if p not in self.addresses: raise ValueError("Pointer %d not found in Pool %s" % (p, self.addresses)) if new_size == 0: raise ValueError("Realloc requires new_size > 0") assert new_size > self.addresses[p] cdef void* new_ptr = self.alloc(1, new_size) if new_ptr == NULL: raise MemoryError("Error reallocating to %d bytes" % new_size) memcpy(new_ptr, p, self.addresses[p]) self.free(p) self.addresses[new_ptr] = new_size return new_ptr cdef void free(self, void* p) except *: """Frees the memory block pointed to by p, which must have been returned by a previous call to Pool.alloc. You don't necessarily need to free memory addresses manually --- you can instead let the Pool be garbage collected, at which point all the memory will be freed. If p is not in Pool.addresses, a KeyError is raised. """ self.size -= self.addresses.pop(p) self.pyfree.free(p) def own_pyref(self, object py_ref): self.refs.append(py_ref) cdef class Address: """A block of number * size-bytes of 0-initialized memory, tied to a Python ref-counted object. When the object is garbage collected, the memory is freed. >>> from cymem.cymem cimport Address >>> cdef Address address = Address(10, sizeof(double)) >>> d10 = address.ptr Args: number (size_t): The number of elements in the memory block. elem_size (size_t): The size of each element. Attributes: ptr (void*): Pointer to the memory block. addr (size_t): Read-only size_t cast of the pointer. pymalloc (PyMalloc): The allocator to use (default uses PyMem_Malloc). pyfree (PyFree): The free to use (default uses PyMem_Free). """ def __cinit__(self, size_t number, size_t elem_size, PyMalloc pymalloc=Default_Malloc, PyFree pyfree=Default_Free): self.ptr = NULL self.pymalloc = pymalloc self.pyfree = pyfree def __init__(self, size_t number, size_t elem_size): self.ptr = self.pymalloc.malloc(number * elem_size) if self.ptr == NULL: raise MemoryError("Error assigning %d bytes" % number * elem_size) memset(self.ptr, 0, number * elem_size) property addr: def __get__(self): return self.ptr def __dealloc__(self): if self.ptr != NULL: self.pyfree.free(self.ptr)