@ -199,461 +199,467 @@ class Passiv2Aktiv(object):
endsentences = [ ]
endsentences = [ ]
sentencecount = 0
sentencecount = 0
for sentence in sentences :
for sentence in sentences :
sentencecount + = 1
#print('processing sentence', sentencecount)
doc = self . nlp ( ' ' . join ( sentence ) )
verbs_of_sentence = [ ]
wordindex_to_replace = [ ]
count = 0
subjectofsentence = [ ]
subjectindex = [ ]
erindex = [ ]
Erindex = [ ]
undindex = [ ]
for word in doc :
count + = 1
if word . dep_ == ' sb ' :
subjectofsentence . append ( word . text )
subjectindex . append ( count )
if word . text == ' er ' :
erindex . append ( count )
if word . text == ' Er ' :
Erindex . append ( count )
if word . text == ' und ' :
undindex . append ( count )
if word . tag_ [ 0 ] == ' V ' :
verbs_of_sentence . append ( word . text )
wordindex_to_replace . append ( count )
if len ( verbs_of_sentence ) == 1 and verbs_of_sentence [ 0 ] == ( ' wurde ' or ' wird ' or ' werden ' or ' wirst ' or ' werde ' or ' war ' ) :
verbs_of_sentence [ 0 ] = ' bliblablubdudidu '
verbs_of_sentence_string = ' ' . join ( verbs_of_sentence )
length_verbs_of_sentence_string = len ( verbs_of_sentence_string )
verbs_of_sentence_string + = ' ' + str ( length_verbs_of_sentence_string )
bestmatchesZustandspassiv1 , matchindexZustandspassiv1 = self . fsearchZustandspassiv1 . search_with_highest_multiplikation_Output ( verbs_of_sentence_string , 1 )
bestmatchesVorgangspassiv1 , matchindexVorgangspassiv1 = self . fsearchVorgangspassiv1 . search_with_highest_multiplikation_Output ( verbs_of_sentence_string , 1 )
#print('verbs of sentence string', verbs_of_sentence_string)
vorgangORnot = 0
zustandORnot = 0
if ( len ( verbs_of_sentence ) + 1 ) == matchindexVorgangspassiv1 [ 1 ] :
workindex = matchindexVorgangspassiv1 [ 0 ]
vorgangORnot = 1
if ( len ( verbs_of_sentence ) + 1 ) == matchindexZustandspassiv1 [ 1 ] :
workindex = matchindexZustandspassiv1 [ 0 ]
zustandORnot = 1
formToReplace = [ ]
if vorgangORnot == 1 :
completeform = self . hkldbVorgangspassiv_All [ workindex ]
if len ( verbs_of_sentence_string . split ( ) ) != len ( completeform [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) ) :
vorgangORnot = 0
if vorgangORnot == 1 :
completeform = self . hkldbVorgangspassiv_All [ workindex ]
formToReplace = self . hkldbVorgangspassiv_All [ workindex ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) [ - 2 : ]
#print('formtoreplace vorgang',formToReplace)
#print('complete form', completeform)
formToReplace = ' 3. Person Singular ' + ' ' . join ( formToReplace )
thrdPersonAktivindex = self . fsearchAktiv2 . search_with_highest_multiplikation_Output ( formToReplace , 1 ) [ 0 ]
thrdPersonAktiv = self . hkldbAktiv_All [ thrdPersonAktivindex [ 0 ] ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) [ : - 1 ]
thrdPersonAktiv = ' ' . join ( thrdPersonAktiv )
dalist = verbs_of_sentence_string . split ( ) [ : - 1 ]
for verb in dalist :
sentence . remove ( verb )
thereisasubjectEr = 0
for index in subjectindex :
for ind in undindex :
if index - 1 == ind :
if index - 2 == ( ' er ' or ' Er ' ) :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
if index + 1 == ind :
if index + 2 == ' er ' or index + 2 == ' Er ' :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
#print('subjectofsentence', subjectofsentence)
thereisasubjectich = 0
thereisasubjectdu = 0
thereisasubjectihr = 0
thereisasubjectwir = 0
for word in subjectofsentence :
if word == ' er ' or word == ' Er ' :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
if word == ' ich ' :
thereisasubjectich = 1
if word == ' du ' :
thereisasubjectdu = 1
if word == ' ihr ' :
thereisasubjectihr = 1
if word == ' wir ' :
thereisasubjectwir = 1
#print('there is a subjecter', thereisasubjectEr)
if thereisasubjectEr == 1 :
try :
sentence . remove ( ' Er ' )
except :
sentence . remove ( ' er ' )
sentence . append ( ' ihn ' )
if thereisasubjectich == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' ich ' )
sentence . append ( ' mich ' )
if thereisasubjectdu == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' du ' )
sentence . append ( ' dich ' )
if thereisasubjectihr == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' ihr ' )
sentence . append ( ' euch ' )
if thereisasubjectwir == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' wir ' )
sentence . append ( ' uns ' )
sentence . append ( thrdPersonAktiv )
#print('sentence in the vorgangornot', sentence)
jemandornot = 1
wordstodelete = [ ]
for n in range ( len ( sentence ) - 1 ) :
if sentence [ n ] == ' von ' :
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' ihr ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' sie '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' ihm ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' er '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
import spacy
nlp = spacy . load ( ' de_core_news_sm ' )
token1 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
token2 = nlp ( sentence [ n + 1 ] )
for word in token1 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
for word in token2 :
if word . tag_ == ' NN ' or word . tag_ == ' NE ' :
try :
sentencecount + = 1
#print('processing sentence', sentencecount)
doc = self . nlp ( ' ' . join ( sentence ) )
verbs_of_sentence = [ ]
wordindex_to_replace = [ ]
count = 0
subjectofsentence = [ ]
subjectindex = [ ]
erindex = [ ]
Erindex = [ ]
undindex = [ ]
for word in doc :
count + = 1
if word . dep_ == ' sb ' :
subjectofsentence . append ( word . text )
subjectindex . append ( count )
if word . text == ' er ' :
erindex . append ( count )
if word . text == ' Er ' :
Erindex . append ( count )
if word . text == ' und ' :
undindex . append ( count )
if word . tag_ [ 0 ] == ' V ' :
verbs_of_sentence . append ( word . text )
wordindex_to_replace . append ( count )
if len ( verbs_of_sentence ) == 1 and verbs_of_sentence [ 0 ] == ( ' wurde ' or ' wird ' or ' werden ' or ' wirst ' or ' werde ' or ' war ' ) :
verbs_of_sentence [ 0 ] = ' bliblablubdudidu '
verbs_of_sentence_string = ' ' . join ( verbs_of_sentence )
length_verbs_of_sentence_string = len ( verbs_of_sentence_string )
verbs_of_sentence_string + = ' ' + str ( length_verbs_of_sentence_string )
bestmatchesZustandspassiv1 , matchindexZustandspassiv1 = self . fsearchZustandspassiv1 . search_with_highest_multiplikation_Output ( verbs_of_sentence_string , 1 )
bestmatchesVorgangspassiv1 , matchindexVorgangspassiv1 = self . fsearchVorgangspassiv1 . search_with_highest_multiplikation_Output ( verbs_of_sentence_string , 1 )
#print('verbs of sentence string', verbs_of_sentence_string)
vorgangORnot = 0
zustandORnot = 0
if ( len ( verbs_of_sentence ) + 1 ) == matchindexVorgangspassiv1 [ 1 ] :
workindex = matchindexVorgangspassiv1 [ 0 ]
vorgangORnot = 1
if ( len ( verbs_of_sentence ) + 1 ) == matchindexZustandspassiv1 [ 1 ] :
workindex = matchindexZustandspassiv1 [ 0 ]
zustandORnot = 1
formToReplace = [ ]
if vorgangORnot == 1 :
completeform = self . hkldbVorgangspassiv_All [ workindex ]
if len ( verbs_of_sentence_string . split ( ) ) != len ( completeform [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) ) :
vorgangORnot = 0
if vorgangORnot == 1 :
completeform = self . hkldbVorgangspassiv_All [ workindex ]
formToReplace = self . hkldbVorgangspassiv_All [ workindex ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) [ - 2 : ]
#print('formtoreplace vorgang',formToReplace)
#print('complete form', completeform)
formToReplace = ' 3. Person Singular ' + ' ' . join ( formToReplace )
thrdPersonAktivindex = self . fsearchAktiv2 . search_with_highest_multiplikation_Output ( formToReplace , 1 ) [ 0 ]
thrdPersonAktiv = self . hkldbAktiv_All [ thrdPersonAktivindex [ 0 ] ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) [ : - 1 ]
thrdPersonAktiv = ' ' . join ( thrdPersonAktiv )
dalist = verbs_of_sentence_string . split ( ) [ : - 1 ]
for verb in dalist :
sentence . remove ( verb )
thereisasubjectEr = 0
for index in subjectindex :
for ind in undindex :
if index - 1 == ind :
if index - 2 == ( ' er ' or ' Er ' ) :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
if index + 1 == ind :
if index + 2 == ' er ' or index + 2 == ' Er ' :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
#print('subjectofsentence', subjectofsentence)
thereisasubjectich = 0
thereisasubjectdu = 0
thereisasubjectihr = 0
thereisasubjectwir = 0
for word in subjectofsentence :
if word == ' er ' or word == ' Er ' :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
if word == ' ich ' :
thereisasubjectich = 1
if word == ' du ' :
thereisasubjectdu = 1
if word == ' ihr ' :
thereisasubjectihr = 1
if word == ' wir ' :
thereisasubjectwir = 1
#print('there is a subjecter', thereisasubjectEr)
if thereisasubjectEr == 1 :
try :
sentence . remove ( ' Er ' )
except :
sentence . remove ( ' er ' )
sentence . append ( ' ihn ' )
if thereisasubjectich == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' ich ' )
sentence . append ( ' mich ' )
if thereisasubjectdu == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' du ' )
sentence . append ( ' dich ' )
if thereisasubjectihr == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' ihr ' )
sentence . append ( ' euch ' )
if thereisasubjectwir == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' wir ' )
sentence . append ( ' uns ' )
sentence . append ( thrdPersonAktiv )
#print('sentence in the vorgangornot', sentence)
jemandornot = 1
wordstodelete = [ ]
for n in range ( len ( sentence ) - 1 ) :
if sentence [ n ] == ' von ' :
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' ihr ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' sie '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' ihm ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' er '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
import spacy
nlp = spacy . load ( ' de_core_news_sm ' )
token1 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
token2 = nlp ( sentence [ n + 1 ] )
for word in token1 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
for word in token2 :
if word . tag_ == ' NN ' or word . tag_ == ' NE ' :
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' dem ' or sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' einem ' :
token3 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
for word in token3 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' ein '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' der ' or sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' einer ' :
token4 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
for word in token4 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' eine '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' dem ' or sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' einem ' :
token3 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
for word in token3 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' ein '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' der ' or sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' einer ' :
token4 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
for word in token4 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' eine '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n ] == ' vom ' :
sentence [ n ] = ' ein '
jemandornot = 0
for index in wordstodelete [ : : - 1 ] :
del sentence [ index ]
if jemandornot == 1 :
sentence . append ( ' jemand ' )
#print('sentence checkpoint 2', sentence)
#print('get the tuples and triples to check..')
tuplesTocheck , triplesTocheck , quadruplesToCheck = self . gs . GetTuplesinSentence ( sentence )
#print(tuplesTocheck, triplesTocheck)
grammpiecessentence = self . gs . createTupleofGrammarpieces ( sentence , tuplesTocheck , triplesTocheck , quadruplesToCheck )
if len ( grammpiecessentence ) > 7 :
print ( ' A sentence is too long, too many permutations. \n piping wrong grammar.. ' )
endsentences . append ( ' ' . join ( grammpiecessentence ) . split ( ) )
else :
#print('the grammpiecessentence', grammpiecessentence)
#print('genrating the permutations')
permutations = self . sgm . GeneratePermutationsOfSentence ( grammpiecessentence )
#if (len(tuplesTocheck) != 0) or (len(triplesTocheck) != 0):
# print('filtering the permutations based on the tuples and triples..')
# filteredpermutations = self.gs.filterpermutationsaccordingtotuples(permutations, tuplesTocheck, triplesTocheck)
# print('done')
# print('there are no triples or tuples to check..')
# filteredpermutations = permutations
sentencesToCheck = [ ]
for sentence in permutations :
sentencesToCheck . append ( ' ' . join ( sentence ) )
#print('sentencesToCheck', sentencesToCheck)
#print('classifying the probability for right grammar in the filtered permutations..')
#print(' '.join(sentence))
endsentence = self . sgm . GetBestSentenceFromSentencesAccordingToGrammar ( sentencesToCheck , ' ' . join ( sentence ) )
if sentence [ n ] == ' vom ' :
#print('the endsentence', endsentence)
endsentences . append ( endsentence . split ( ) )
#count1 = 0
#subjectindex = subjectindex[0]
#if subjectindex != 0:
#for word in sentence[subjectindex - 1:subjectindex + 1]:
#count1 += 1
#if word == 'und':
#thereIsanUnd = count1
#if subjectindex == 0:
#for word in sentence[subjectindex:subjectindex + 1]:
#count1 += 1
#if word == 'und':
#thereIsanUnd = count1
#thereisanEr = 0
#if sentence[subjectindex - 1 + thereIsanUnd] == 'er' or sentence[subjectindex - 1 + thereIsanUnd] == 'Er':
#thereisanEr = 1
#if thereisanEr == 1:
#print('vorgang', vorgangORnot)
if zustandORnot == 1 :
completeform = self . hkldbZustandspassiv_All [ workindex ]
if len ( verbs_of_sentence_string . split ( ) ) != len ( completeform [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) ) :
zustandORnot = 0
if zustandORnot == 1 :
#completeform = self.hkldbZustandspassiv_All[workindex]
formToReplace = self . hkldbZustandspassiv_All [ workindex ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) [ - 2 : ]
formToReplace = ' 3. Person Singular ' + ' ' . join ( formToReplace )
#print('formtoreplace zustand',formToReplace)
#print('complete form', completeform)
thrdPersonAktivindex = self . fsearchAktiv2 . search_with_highest_multiplikation_Output ( formToReplace , 1 ) [ 0 ]
thrdPersonAktiv = self . hkldbAktiv_All [ thrdPersonAktivindex [ 0 ] ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) [ : - 1 ]
thrdPersonAktiv = ' ' . join ( thrdPersonAktiv )
for verb in verbs_of_sentence_string . split ( ) [ : - 1 ] :
sentence . remove ( verb )
thereisasubjectEr = 0
for index in subjectindex :
for ind in undindex :
if index - 1 == ind :
if index - 2 == ( ' er ' or ' Er ' ) :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
if index + 1 == ind :
if index + 2 == ' er ' or index + 2 == ' Er ' :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
#print('subjectofsentence', subjectofsentence)
thereisasubjectich = 0
thereisasubjectdu = 0
thereisasubjectihr = 0
thereisasubjectwir = 0
for word in subjectofsentence :
if word == ' er ' or word == ' Er ' :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
if word == ' ich ' :
thereisasubjectich = 1
if word == ' du ' :
thereisasubjectdu = 1
if word == ' ihr ' :
thereisasubjectihr = 1
if word == ' wir ' :
thereisasubjectwir = 1
if thereisasubjectEr == 1 :
try :
sentence . remove ( ' Er ' )
except :
sentence . remove ( ' er ' )
sentence . append ( ' ihn ' )
if thereisasubjectich == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' ich ' )
sentence . append ( ' mich ' )
if thereisasubjectdu == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' du ' )
sentence . append ( ' dich ' )
if thereisasubjectihr == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' ihr ' )
sentence . append ( ' euch ' )
if thereisasubjectwir == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' wir ' )
sentence . append ( ' uns ' )
sentence . append ( thrdPersonAktiv )
jemandornot = 1
wordstodelete = [ ]
for n in range ( len ( sentence ) - 1 ) :
if sentence [ n ] == ' von ' :
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' ihr ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' sie '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' ihm ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' er '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
sentence [ n ] = ' ein '
jemandornot = 0
jemandornot = 0
import spacy
nlp = spacy . load ( ' de_core_news_sm ' )
token1 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
token2 = nlp ( sentence [ n + 1 ] )
for word in token1 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
for word in token2 :
if word . tag_ == ' NN ' or word . tag_ == ' NE ' :
for index in wordstodelete [ : : - 1 ] :
del sentence [ index ]
if jemandornot == 1 :
sentence . append ( ' jemand ' )
#print('sentence checkpoint 2', sentence)
#print('get the tuples and triples to check..')
tuplesTocheck , triplesTocheck , quadruplesToCheck = self . gs . GetTuplesinSentence ( sentence )
#print(tuplesTocheck, triplesTocheck)
grammpiecessentence = self . gs . createTupleofGrammarpieces ( sentence , tuplesTocheck , triplesTocheck , quadruplesToCheck )
if len ( grammpiecessentence ) > 7 :
print ( ' A sentence is too long, too many permutations. \n piping wrong grammar.. ' )
endsentences . append ( ' ' . join ( grammpiecessentence ) . split ( ) )
else :
#print('the grammpiecessentence', grammpiecessentence)
#print('genrating the permutations')
permutations = self . sgm . GeneratePermutationsOfSentence ( grammpiecessentence )
#if (len(tuplesTocheck) != 0) or (len(triplesTocheck) != 0):
# print('filtering the permutations based on the tuples and triples..')
# filteredpermutations = self.gs.filterpermutationsaccordingtotuples(permutations, tuplesTocheck, triplesTocheck)
# print('done')
# print('there are no triples or tuples to check..')
# filteredpermutations = permutations
sentencesToCheck = [ ]
for sentence in permutations :
sentencesToCheck . append ( ' ' . join ( sentence ) )
#print('sentencesToCheck', sentencesToCheck)
#print('classifying the probability for right grammar in the filtered permutations..')
#print(' '.join(sentence))
endsentence = self . sgm . GetBestSentenceFromSentencesAccordingToGrammar ( sentencesToCheck , ' ' . join ( sentence ) )
#print('the endsentence', endsentence)
endsentences . append ( endsentence . split ( ) )
#count1 = 0
#subjectindex = subjectindex[0]
#if subjectindex != 0:
#for word in sentence[subjectindex - 1:subjectindex + 1]:
#count1 += 1
#if word == 'und':
#thereIsanUnd = count1
#if subjectindex == 0:
#for word in sentence[subjectindex:subjectindex + 1]:
#count1 += 1
#if word == 'und':
#thereIsanUnd = count1
#thereisanEr = 0
#if sentence[subjectindex - 1 + thereIsanUnd] == 'er' or sentence[subjectindex - 1 + thereIsanUnd] == 'Er':
#thereisanEr = 1
#if thereisanEr == 1:
#print('vorgang', vorgangORnot)
if zustandORnot == 1 :
completeform = self . hkldbZustandspassiv_All [ workindex ]
if len ( verbs_of_sentence_string . split ( ) ) != len ( completeform [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) ) :
zustandORnot = 0
if zustandORnot == 1 :
#completeform = self.hkldbZustandspassiv_All[workindex]
formToReplace = self . hkldbZustandspassiv_All [ workindex ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) [ - 2 : ]
formToReplace = ' 3. Person Singular ' + ' ' . join ( formToReplace )
#print('formtoreplace zustand',formToReplace)
#print('complete form', completeform)
thrdPersonAktivindex = self . fsearchAktiv2 . search_with_highest_multiplikation_Output ( formToReplace , 1 ) [ 0 ]
thrdPersonAktiv = self . hkldbAktiv_All [ thrdPersonAktivindex [ 0 ] ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . split ( ) [ : - 1 ]
thrdPersonAktiv = ' ' . join ( thrdPersonAktiv )
for verb in verbs_of_sentence_string . split ( ) [ : - 1 ] :
sentence . remove ( verb )
thereisasubjectEr = 0
for index in subjectindex :
for ind in undindex :
if index - 1 == ind :
if index - 2 == ( ' er ' or ' Er ' ) :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
if index + 1 == ind :
if index + 2 == ' er ' or index + 2 == ' Er ' :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
#print('subjectofsentence', subjectofsentence)
thereisasubjectich = 0
thereisasubjectdu = 0
thereisasubjectihr = 0
thereisasubjectwir = 0
for word in subjectofsentence :
if word == ' er ' or word == ' Er ' :
thereisasubjectEr = 1
if word == ' ich ' :
thereisasubjectich = 1
if word == ' du ' :
thereisasubjectdu = 1
if word == ' ihr ' :
thereisasubjectihr = 1
if word == ' wir ' :
thereisasubjectwir = 1
if thereisasubjectEr == 1 :
try :
sentence . remove ( ' Er ' )
except :
sentence . remove ( ' er ' )
sentence . append ( ' ihn ' )
if thereisasubjectich == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' ich ' )
sentence . append ( ' mich ' )
if thereisasubjectdu == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' du ' )
sentence . append ( ' dich ' )
if thereisasubjectihr == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' ihr ' )
sentence . append ( ' euch ' )
if thereisasubjectwir == 1 :
sentence . remove ( ' wir ' )
sentence . append ( ' uns ' )
sentence . append ( thrdPersonAktiv )
jemandornot = 1
wordstodelete = [ ]
for n in range ( len ( sentence ) - 1 ) :
if sentence [ n ] == ' von ' :
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' ihr ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' sie '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' ihm ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' er '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
import spacy
nlp = spacy . load ( ' de_core_news_sm ' )
token1 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
token2 = nlp ( sentence [ n + 1 ] )
for word in token1 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
for word in token2 :
if word . tag_ == ' NN ' or word . tag_ == ' NE ' :
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' dem ' or sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' einem ' :
token3 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
for word in token3 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' ein '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' der ' or sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' einer ' :
token4 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
for word in token4 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' eine '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' dem ' or sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' einem ' :
token3 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
for word in token3 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' ein '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' der ' or sentence [ n + 1 ] == ' einer ' :
token4 = nlp ( sentence [ n - 1 ] )
for word in token4 :
if word . tag_ != ' NN ' and word . tag_ != ' NE ' :
sentence [ n + 1 ] = ' eine '
wordstodelete . append ( n )
jemandornot = 0
if sentence [ n ] == ' vom ' :
sentence [ n ] = ' ein '
jemandornot = 0
for index in wordstodelete [ : : - 1 ] :
del sentence [ index ]
if jemandornot == 1 :
sentence . append ( ' jemand ' )
#print('get the tuples and triples to check..')
tuplesTocheck , triplesTocheck , quadruplesTocheck = self . gs . GetTuplesinSentence ( sentence )
#print(tuplesTocheck, triplesTocheck)
grammpiecessentence = self . gs . createTupleofGrammarpieces ( sentence , tuplesTocheck , triplesTocheck , quadruplesTocheck )
if len ( grammpiecessentence ) > 7 :
print ( ' A sentence is too long, too many permutations. \n piping wrong grammar.. ' )
endsentences . append ( ' ' . join ( grammpiecessentence ) . split ( ) )
else :
#print('the grammpiecessentence', grammpiecessentence)
#print('genrating the permutations')
permutations = self . sgm . GeneratePermutationsOfSentence ( grammpiecessentence )
#if (len(tuplesTocheck) != 0) or (len(triplesTocheck) != 0):
# print('filtering the permutations based on the tuples and triples..')
# filteredpermutations = self.gs.filterpermutationsaccordingtotuples(permutations, tuplesTocheck, triplesTocheck)
# print('done')
# print('there are no triples or tuples to check..')
# filteredpermutations = permutations
sentencesToCheck = [ ]
for sentence in permutations :
sentencesToCheck . append ( ' ' . join ( sentence ) )
#print('sentencesToCheck', sentencesToCheck)
#print('classifying the probability for right grammar in the filtered permutations..')
#print(' '.join(sentence))
endsentence = self . sgm . GetBestSentenceFromSentencesAccordingToGrammar ( sentencesToCheck , ' ' . join ( sentence ) )
if sentence [ n ] == ' vom ' :
sentence [ n ] = ' ein '
jemandornot = 0
for index in wordstodelete [ : : - 1 ] :
del sentence [ index ]
if jemandornot == 1 :
sentence . append ( ' jemand ' )
#print('get the tuples and triples to check..')
tuplesTocheck , triplesTocheck , quadruplesTocheck = self . gs . GetTuplesinSentence ( sentence )
#print(tuplesTocheck, triplesTocheck)
#print('the endsentence', endsentence)
endsentences . append ( endsentence . split ( ) )
if zustandORnot == 0 and vorgangORnot == 0 :
#print('it is coming to the else')
endsentences . append ( sentence )
grammpiecessentence = self . gs . createTupleofGrammarpieces ( sentence , tuplesTocheck , triplesTocheck , quadruplesTocheck )
if len ( grammpiecessentence ) > 7 :
print ( ' A sentence is too long, too many permutations. \n piping wrong grammar.. ' )
endsentences . append ( ' ' . join ( grammpiecessentence ) . split ( ) )
else :
#print('the grammpiecessentence', grammpiecessentence)
#print('genrating the permutations')
permutations = self . sgm . GeneratePermutationsOfSentence ( grammpiecessentence )
#if (len(tuplesTocheck) != 0) or (len(triplesTocheck) != 0):
# print('filtering the permutations based on the tuples and triples..')
# filteredpermutations = self.gs.filterpermutationsaccordingtotuples(permutations, tuplesTocheck, triplesTocheck)
# print('done')
# print('there are no triples or tuples to check..')
# filteredpermutations = permutations
sentencesToCheck = [ ]
for sentence in permutations :
sentencesToCheck . append ( ' ' . join ( sentence ) )
#print('sentencesToCheck', sentencesToCheck)
#print('classifying the probability for right grammar in the filtered permutations..')
#print(' '.join(sentence))
endsentence = self . sgm . GetBestSentenceFromSentencesAccordingToGrammar ( sentencesToCheck , ' ' . join ( sentence ) )
#print('the endsentence', endsentence)
endsentences . append ( endsentence . split ( ) )
if zustandORnot == 0 and vorgangORnot == 0 :
#print('it is coming to the else')
endsentences . append ( sentence )
except :
print ( ' the sentence ' + str ( sentence ) + ' caused an error in the module passive2active ' )
if endsentences [ - 1 ] == sentence :
else :
endsentences . append ( sentence )