- #############################################################################
- # Copyright (c) 2018, Voila Contributors #
- # Copyright (c) 2018, QuantStack #
- # #
- # Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License. #
- # #
- # The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software. #
- #############################################################################
- import collections
- import logging
- try:
- from time import monotonic # Py 3
- except ImportError:
- from time import time as monotonic # Py 2
- from nbconvert.preprocessors import ClearOutputPreprocessor
- from nbconvert.preprocessors.execute import CellExecutionError, ExecutePreprocessor
- from nbformat.v4 import output_from_msg
- import zmq
- from traitlets import Unicode
- from ipykernel.jsonutil import json_clean
- try:
- TimeoutError # Py 3
- except NameError:
- TimeoutError = RuntimeError # Py 2
- def strip_code_cell_warnings(cell):
- """Strip any warning outputs and traceback from a code cell."""
- if cell['cell_type'] != 'code':
- return cell
- outputs = cell['outputs']
- cell['outputs'] = [
- output for output in outputs
- if output['output_type'] != 'stream' or output['name'] != 'stderr'
- ]
- return cell
- def should_strip_error(config):
- """Return True if errors should be stripped from the Notebook, False otherwise, depending on the current config."""
- return 'Voila' not in config or 'log_level' not in config['Voila'] or config['Voila']['log_level'] != logging.DEBUG
- class OutputWidget:
- """This class mimics a front end output widget"""
- def __init__(self, comm_id, state, kernel_client, executor):
- self.comm_id = comm_id
- self.state = state
- self.kernel_client = kernel_client
- self.executor = executor
- self.topic = ('comm-%s' % self.comm_id).encode('ascii')
- self.outputs = self.state['outputs']
- self.clear_before_next_output = False
- def clear_output(self, outs, msg, cell_index):
- self.parent_header = msg['parent_header']
- content = msg['content']
- if content.get('wait'):
- self.clear_before_next_output = True
- else:
- self.outputs = []
- # sync back the state to the kernel
- self.sync_state()
- if hasattr(self.executor, 'widget_state'):
- # sync the state to the nbconvert state as well, since that is used for testing
- self.executor.widget_state[self.comm_id]['outputs'] = self.outputs
- def sync_state(self):
- state = {'outputs': self.outputs}
- msg = {'method': 'update', 'state': state, 'buffer_paths': []}
- self.send(msg)
- def _publish_msg(self, msg_type, data=None, metadata=None, buffers=None, **keys):
- """Helper for sending a comm message on IOPub"""
- data = {} if data is None else data
- metadata = {} if metadata is None else metadata
- content = json_clean(dict(data=data, comm_id=self.comm_id, **keys))
- msg = self.kernel_client.session.msg(msg_type, content=content, parent=self.parent_header, metadata=metadata)
- self.kernel_client.shell_channel.send(msg)
- def send(self, data=None, metadata=None, buffers=None):
- self._publish_msg('comm_msg', data=data, metadata=metadata, buffers=buffers)
- def output(self, outs, msg, display_id, cell_index):
- if self.clear_before_next_output:
- self.outputs = []
- self.clear_before_next_output = False
- self.parent_header = msg['parent_header']
- output = output_from_msg(msg)
- if self.outputs:
- # try to coalesce/merge output text
- last_output = self.outputs[-1]
- if (last_output['output_type'] == 'stream' and
- output['output_type'] == 'stream' and
- last_output['name'] == output['name']):
- last_output['text'] += output['text']
- else:
- self.outputs.append(output)
- else:
- self.outputs.append(output)
- self.sync_state()
- if hasattr(self.executor, 'widget_state'):
- # sync the state to the nbconvert state as well, since that is used for testing
- self.executor.widget_state[self.comm_id]['outputs'] = self.outputs
- def set_state(self, state):
- if 'msg_id' in state:
- msg_id = state.get('msg_id')
- if msg_id:
- self.executor.register_output_hook(msg_id, self)
- self.msg_id = msg_id
- else:
- self.executor.remove_output_hook(self.msg_id, self)
- self.msg_id = msg_id
- class VoilaExecutePreprocessor(ExecutePreprocessor):
- """Execute, but respect the output widget behaviour"""
- cell_error_instruction = Unicode(
- 'Please run Voila with --debug to see the error message.',
- config=True,
- help=(
- 'instruction given to user to debug cell errors'
- )
- )
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(VoilaExecutePreprocessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.output_hook_stack = collections.defaultdict(list) # maps to list of hooks, where the last is used
- self.output_objects = {}
- def preprocess(self, nb, resources, km=None):
- try:
- result = super(VoilaExecutePreprocessor, self).preprocess(nb, resources=resources, km=km)
- except CellExecutionError as e:
- self.log.error(e)
- result = (nb, resources)
- # Strip errors and traceback if not in debug mode
- if should_strip_error(self.config):
- self.strip_notebook_errors(nb)
- return result
- def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index, store_history=True):
- try:
- # TODO: pass store_history as a 5th argument when we can require nbconver >=5.6.1
- # result = super(VoilaExecutePreprocessor, self).preprocess_cell(cell, resources, cell_index, store_history)
- result = super(VoilaExecutePreprocessor, self).preprocess_cell(cell, resources, cell_index)
- except CellExecutionError as e:
- self.log.error(e)
- result = (cell, resources)
- # Strip errors and traceback if not in debug mode
- if should_strip_error(self.config):
- strip_code_cell_warnings(cell)
- self.strip_code_cell_errors(cell)
- return result
- def register_output_hook(self, msg_id, hook):
- # mimics
- # https://jupyterlab.github.io/jupyterlab/services/interfaces/kernel.ikernelconnection.html#registermessagehook
- self.output_hook_stack[msg_id].append(hook)
- def remove_output_hook(self, msg_id, hook):
- # mimics
- # https://jupyterlab.github.io/jupyterlab/services/interfaces/kernel.ikernelconnection.html#removemessagehook
- removed_hook = self.output_hook_stack[msg_id].pop()
- assert removed_hook == hook
- def output(self, outs, msg, display_id, cell_index):
- parent_msg_id = msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id')
- if self.output_hook_stack[parent_msg_id]:
- hook = self.output_hook_stack[parent_msg_id][-1]
- hook.output(outs, msg, display_id, cell_index)
- return
- super(VoilaExecutePreprocessor, self).output(outs, msg, display_id, cell_index)
- def handle_comm_msg(self, outs, msg, cell_index):
- super(VoilaExecutePreprocessor, self).handle_comm_msg(outs, msg, cell_index)
- self.log.debug('comm msg: %r', msg)
- if msg['msg_type'] == 'comm_open' and msg['content'].get('target_name') == 'jupyter.widget':
- content = msg['content']
- data = content['data']
- state = data['state']
- comm_id = msg['content']['comm_id']
- if state['_model_module'] == '@jupyter-widgets/output' and state['_model_name'] == 'OutputModel':
- self.output_objects[comm_id] = OutputWidget(comm_id, state, self.kc, self)
- elif msg['msg_type'] == 'comm_msg':
- content = msg['content']
- data = content['data']
- if 'state' in data:
- state = data['state']
- comm_id = msg['content']['comm_id']
- if comm_id in self.output_objects:
- self.output_objects[comm_id].set_state(state)
- def clear_output(self, outs, msg, cell_index):
- parent_msg_id = msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id')
- if self.output_hook_stack[parent_msg_id]:
- hook = self.output_hook_stack[parent_msg_id][-1]
- hook.clear_output(outs, msg, cell_index)
- return
- super(VoilaExecutePreprocessor, self).clear_output(outs, msg, cell_index)
- def strip_notebook_errors(self, nb):
- """Strip error messages and traceback from a Notebook."""
- cells = nb['cells']
- code_cells = [cell for cell in cells if cell['cell_type'] == 'code']
- for cell in code_cells:
- strip_code_cell_warnings(cell)
- self.strip_code_cell_errors(cell)
- return nb
- def strip_code_cell_errors(self, cell):
- """Strip any error outputs and traceback from a code cell."""
- # There is no 'outputs' key for markdown cells
- if cell['cell_type'] != 'code':
- return cell
- outputs = cell['outputs']
- error_outputs = [output for output in outputs if output['output_type'] == 'error']
- error_message = 'There was an error when executing cell [{}]. {}'.format(cell['execution_count'], self.cell_error_instruction)
- for output in error_outputs:
- output['ename'] = 'ExecutionError'
- output['evalue'] = 'Execution error'
- output['traceback'] = [error_message]
- return cell
- # make it nbconvert 5.5 compatible
- def _get_timeout(self, cell):
- if self.timeout_func is not None and cell is not None:
- timeout = self.timeout_func(cell)
- else:
- timeout = self.timeout
- if not timeout or timeout < 0:
- timeout = None
- return timeout
- # make it nbconvert 5.5 compatible
- def _handle_timeout(self, timeout):
- self.log.error(
- "Timeout waiting for execute reply (%is)." % timeout)
- if self.interrupt_on_timeout:
- self.log.error("Interrupting kernel")
- self.km.interrupt_kernel()
- else:
- raise TimeoutError("Cell execution timed out")
- def run_cell(self, cell, cell_index=0, store_history=False):
- parent_msg_id = self.kc.execute(cell.source, store_history=store_history, stop_on_error=not self.allow_errors)
- self.log.debug("Executing cell:\n%s", cell.source)
- exec_timeout = self._get_timeout(cell)
- deadline = None
- if exec_timeout is not None:
- deadline = monotonic() + exec_timeout
- cell.outputs = []
- self.clear_before_next_output = False
- # we need to have a reply, and return to idle before we can consider the cell executed
- idle = False
- execute_reply = None
- deadline_passed = 0
- deadline_passed_max = 5
- while not idle or execute_reply is None:
- # we want to timeout regularly, to see if the kernel is still alive
- # this is tested in preprocessors/test/test_execute.py#test_kernel_death
- # this actually fakes the kernel death, and we might be able to use the xlist
- # to detect a disconnected kernel
- timeout = min(1, deadline - monotonic())
- # if we interrupt on timeout, we allow 1 seconds to pass till deadline
- # to make sure we get the interrupt message
- if timeout >= 0.0:
- # we include 0, which simply is a poll to see if we have messages left
- rlist = zmq.select([self.kc.iopub_channel.socket, self.kc.shell_channel.socket], [], [], timeout)[0]
- if not rlist:
- self._check_alive()
- if monotonic() > deadline:
- self._handle_timeout(exec_timeout)
- deadline_passed += 1
- assert self.interrupt_on_timeout
- if deadline_passed <= deadline_passed_max:
- # when we interrupt, we want to do this multiple times, so we give some
- # extra time to handle the interrupt message
- deadline += self.iopub_timeout
- if self.kc.shell_channel.socket in rlist:
- msg = self.kc.shell_channel.get_msg(block=False)
- if msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id') == parent_msg_id:
- execute_reply = msg
- if self.kc.iopub_channel.socket in rlist:
- msg = self.kc.iopub_channel.get_msg(block=False)
- if msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id') == parent_msg_id:
- if msg['msg_type'] == 'status' and msg['content']['execution_state'] == 'idle':
- idle = True
- else:
- self.process_message(msg, cell, cell_index)
- else:
- self.log.debug("Received message for which we were not the parent: %s", msg)
- else:
- self._handle_timeout(exec_timeout)
- break
- return execute_reply, cell.outputs
- def executenb(nb, cwd=None, km=None, **kwargs):
- resources = {}
- if cwd is not None:
- resources['metadata'] = {'path': cwd} # pragma: no cover
- # Clear any stale output, in case of exception
- nb, resources = ClearOutputPreprocessor().preprocess(nb, resources)
- ep = VoilaExecutePreprocessor(**kwargs)
- return ep.preprocess(nb, resources, km=km)[0]