- import io
- import re
- import logging
- from .cmapdb import CMapDB, CMap
- from .psparser import PSTypeError, PSEOF
- from .psparser import PSKeyword, literal_name, keyword_name
- from .psparser import PSStackParser
- from .psparser import LIT, KWD, handle_error
- from .pdftypes import (PDFException, PDFStream, PDFObjRef, resolve1, list_value, dict_value,
- stream_value)
- from .pdffont import PDFFontError, PDFType1Font, PDFTrueTypeFont, PDFType3Font, PDFCIDFont
- from .pdfparser import PDFDocument, PDFParser
- from .pdfcolor import PDFColorSpace, PREDEFINED_COLORSPACE
- from .utils import choplist
- from .utils import mult_matrix, MATRIX_IDENTITY
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- ## Exceptions
- ##
- class PDFResourceError(PDFException): pass
- class PDFInterpreterError(PDFException): pass
- ## Constants
- ##
- class PDFTextState:
- def __init__(self):
- self.font = None
- self.fontsize = 0
- self.charspace = 0
- self.wordspace = 0
- self.scaling = 100
- self.leading = 0
- self.render = 0
- self.rise = 0
- self.reset()
- # self.matrix is set
- # self.linematrix is set
- def __repr__(self):
- return ('<PDFTextState: font=%r, fontsize=%r, charspace=%r, wordspace=%r, '
- ' scaling=%r, leading=%r, render=%r, rise=%r, '
- ' matrix=%r, linematrix=%r>' %
- (self.font, self.fontsize, self.charspace, self.wordspace,
- self.scaling, self.leading, self.render, self.rise,
- self.matrix, self.linematrix))
- def copy(self):
- obj = PDFTextState()
- obj.font = self.font
- obj.fontsize = self.fontsize
- obj.charspace = self.charspace
- obj.wordspace = self.wordspace
- obj.scaling = self.scaling
- obj.leading = self.leading
- obj.render = self.render
- obj.rise = self.rise
- obj.matrix = self.matrix
- obj.linematrix = self.linematrix
- return obj
- def reset(self):
- self.matrix = MATRIX_IDENTITY
- self.linematrix = (0, 0)
- class PDFGraphicState:
- def __init__(self):
- self.linewidth = 0
- self.linecap = None
- self.linejoin = None
- self.miterlimit = None
- self.dash = None
- self.intent = None
- self.flatness = None
- def copy(self):
- obj = PDFGraphicState()
- obj.linewidth = self.linewidth
- obj.linecap = self.linecap
- obj.linejoin = self.linejoin
- obj.miterlimit = self.miterlimit
- obj.dash = self.dash
- obj.intent = self.intent
- obj.flatness = self.flatness
- return obj
- def __repr__(self):
- return ('<PDFGraphicState: linewidth=%r, linecap=%r, linejoin=%r, '
- ' miterlimit=%r, dash=%r, intent=%r, flatness=%r>' %
- (self.linewidth, self.linecap, self.linejoin,
- self.miterlimit, self.dash, self.intent, self.flatness))
- class PDFResourceManager:
- """Repository of shared resources.
- ResourceManager facilitates reuse of shared resources
- such as fonts and images so that large objects are not
- allocated multiple times.
- """
- def __init__(self, caching=True):
- self.caching = caching
- self._cached_fonts = {}
- def get_procset(self, procs):
- for proc in procs:
- if proc is LITERAL_PDF:
- pass
- elif proc is LITERAL_TEXT:
- pass
- else:
- #raise PDFResourceError('ProcSet %r is not supported.' % proc)
- pass
- def get_cmap(self, cmapname, strict=False):
- try:
- return CMapDB.get_cmap(cmapname)
- except CMapDB.CMapNotFound:
- if strict: raise
- return CMap()
- def get_font(self, objid, spec):
- if objid and objid in self._cached_fonts:
- font = self._cached_fonts[objid]
- else:
- # logger.debug('get_font: create: objid=%r, spec=%r', objid, spec)
- if spec['Type'] is not LITERAL_FONT:
- handle_error(PDFFontError, 'Type is not /Font')
- # Create a Font object.
- if 'Subtype' in spec:
- subtype = literal_name(spec['Subtype'])
- else:
- handle_error(PDFFontError, 'Font Subtype is not specified.')
- subtype = 'Type1'
- if subtype in ('Type1', 'MMType1'):
- # Type1 Font
- font = PDFType1Font(self, spec)
- elif subtype == 'TrueType':
- # TrueType Font
- font = PDFTrueTypeFont(self, spec)
- elif subtype == 'Type3':
- # Type3 Font
- font = PDFType3Font(self, spec)
- elif subtype in ('CIDFontType0', 'CIDFontType2'):
- # CID Font
- font = PDFCIDFont(self, spec)
- elif subtype == 'Type0':
- # Type0 Font
- dfonts = list_value(spec['DescendantFonts'])
- assert dfonts
- subspec = dict_value(dfonts[0]).copy()
- for k in ('Encoding', 'ToUnicode'):
- if k in spec:
- subspec[k] = resolve1(spec[k])
- font = self.get_font(None, subspec)
- else:
- handle_error(PDFFontError, 'Invalid Font spec: %r' % spec)
- font = PDFType1Font(self, spec) # this is so wrong!
- if objid and self.caching:
- self._cached_fonts[objid] = font
- return font
- class PDFContentParser(PSStackParser):
- def __init__(self, streams):
- fp = io.StringIO()
- for stream in streams:
- stream = stream_value(stream)
- data = stream.get_data()
- if isinstance(data, bytes):
- data = data.decode('latin-1')
- fp.write(data)
- fp.seek(0)
- PSStackParser.__init__(self, fp)
- def get_inline_data(self, pos, target='EI'):
- currpos = pos
- i = 0
- data = ''
- while i <= len(target):
- if i:
- c = self.data[currpos]
- data += c
- currpos += 1
- if len(target) <= i and c.isspace():
- i += 1
- elif i < len(target) and c == target[i]:
- i += 1
- else:
- i = 0
- else:
- j = self.data.index(target[0], currpos)
- data += self.data[currpos:j+1]
- currpos = j+1
- i = 1
- data = data[:-(len(target)+1)] # strip the last part
- data = re.sub(r'(\x0d\x0a|[\x0d\x0a])$', '', data)
- return (pos, data)
- def flush(self):
- self.add_results(*self.popall())
- def do_keyword(self, pos, token):
- if token is self.KEYWORD_BI:
- # inline image within a content stream
- self.start_type(pos, 'inline')
- elif token is self.KEYWORD_ID:
- try:
- (_, objs) = self.end_type('inline')
- if len(objs) % 2 != 0:
- raise PSTypeError('Invalid dictionary construct: %r' % objs)
- d = dict( (literal_name(k), v) for (k,v) in choplist(2, objs) )
- (pos, data) = self.get_inline_data(pos+len('ID '))
- obj = PDFStream(d, data)
- self.push((pos, obj))
- self.push((pos, self.KEYWORD_EI))
- except PSTypeError as e:
- handle_error(type(e), str(e))
- else:
- self.push((pos, token))
- class PDFPageInterpreter:
- def __init__(self, rsrcmgr, device):
- self.rsrcmgr = rsrcmgr
- self.device = device
- def dup(self):
- return PDFPageInterpreter(self.rsrcmgr, self.device)
- # init_resources(resources):
- # Prepare the fonts and XObjects listed in the Resource attribute.
- def init_resources(self, resources):
- self.resources = resources
- self.fontmap = {}
- self.xobjmap = {}
- self.csmap = PREDEFINED_COLORSPACE.copy()
- if not resources:
- return
- def get_colorspace(spec):
- if spec is None:
- if isinstance(spec, list):
- name = literal_name(spec[0])
- else:
- name = literal_name(spec)
- if name == 'ICCBased' and isinstance(spec, list) and 2 <= len(spec):
- return PDFColorSpace(name, stream_value(spec[1])['N'])
- elif name == 'DeviceN' and isinstance(spec, list) and 2 <= len(spec):
- return PDFColorSpace(name, len(list_value(spec[1])))
- else:
- for (k,v) in dict_value(resources).items():
- # logger.debug('Resource: %r: %r', k,v)
- if k == 'Font':
- for (fontid,spec) in dict_value(v).items():
- objid = None
- if isinstance(spec, PDFObjRef):
- objid = spec.objid
- spec = dict_value(spec)
- if spec:
- self.fontmap[fontid] = self.rsrcmgr.get_font(objid, spec)
- elif k == 'ColorSpace':
- for (csid,spec) in dict_value(v).items():
- self.csmap[csid] = get_colorspace(resolve1(spec))
- elif k == 'ProcSet':
- self.rsrcmgr.get_procset(list_value(v))
- elif k == 'XObject':
- for (xobjid,xobjstrm) in dict_value(v).items():
- self.xobjmap[xobjid] = xobjstrm
- # init_state(ctm)
- # Initialize the text and graphic states for rendering a page.
- def init_state(self, ctm):
- # gstack: stack for graphical states.
- self.gstack = []
- self.ctm = ctm
- self.device.set_ctm(self.ctm)
- self.textstate = PDFTextState()
- self.graphicstate = PDFGraphicState()
- self.curpath = []
- # argstack: stack for command arguments.
- self.argstack = []
- # set some global states.
- self.scs = self.ncs = None
- if self.csmap:
- self.scs = self.ncs = list(self.csmap.values())[0]
- def push(self, obj):
- self.argstack.append(obj)
- def pop(self, n):
- if n == 0:
- return []
- x = self.argstack[-n:]
- self.argstack = self.argstack[:-n]
- return x
- def get_current_state(self):
- return (self.ctm, self.textstate.copy(), self.graphicstate.copy())
- def set_current_state(self, state):
- (self.ctm, self.textstate, self.graphicstate) = state
- self.device.set_ctm(self.ctm)
- # gsave
- def do_q(self):
- self.gstack.append(self.get_current_state())
- # grestore
- def do_Q(self):
- if self.gstack:
- self.set_current_state(self.gstack.pop())
- # concat-matrix
- def do_cm(self, a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1):
- self.ctm = mult_matrix((a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1), self.ctm)
- self.device.set_ctm(self.ctm)
- # setlinewidth
- def do_w(self, linewidth):
- self.graphicstate.linewidth = linewidth
- # setlinecap
- def do_J(self, linecap):
- self.graphicstate.linecap = linecap
- # setlinejoin
- def do_j(self, linejoin):
- self.graphicstate.linejoin = linejoin
- # setmiterlimit
- def do_M(self, miterlimit):
- self.graphicstate.miterlimit = miterlimit
- # setdash
- def do_d(self, dash, phase):
- self.graphicstate.dash = (dash, phase)
- # setintent
- def do_ri(self, intent):
- self.graphicstate.intent = intent
- # setflatness
- def do_i(self, flatness):
- self.graphicstate.flatness = flatness
- # load-gstate
- def do_gs(self, name):
- #XXX
- pass
- # moveto
- def do_m(self, x, y):
- self.curpath.append(('m',x,y))
- # lineto
- def do_l(self, x, y):
- self.curpath.append(('l',x,y))
- # curveto
- def do_c(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
- self.curpath.append(('c',x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3))
- # urveto
- def do_v(self, x2, y2, x3, y3):
- self.curpath.append(('v',x2,y2,x3,y3))
- # rveto
- def do_y(self, x1, y1, x3, y3):
- self.curpath.append(('y',x1,y1,x3,y3))
- # closepath
- def do_h(self):
- self.curpath.append(('h',))
- # rectangle
- def do_re(self, x, y, w, h):
- self.curpath.append(('m',x,y))
- self.curpath.append(('l',x+w,y))
- self.curpath.append(('l',x+w,y+h))
- self.curpath.append(('l',x,y+h))
- self.curpath.append(('h',))
- # stroke
- def do_S(self):
- self.device.paint_path(self.graphicstate, True, False, False, self.curpath)
- self.curpath = []
- # close-and-stroke
- def do_s(self):
- self.do_h()
- self.do_S()
- # fill
- def do_f(self):
- self.device.paint_path(self.graphicstate, False, True, False, self.curpath)
- self.curpath = []
- # fill (obsolete)
- do_F = do_f
- # fill-even-odd
- def do_f_a(self):
- self.device.paint_path(self.graphicstate, False, True, True, self.curpath)
- self.curpath = []
- # fill-and-stroke
- def do_B(self):
- self.device.paint_path(self.graphicstate, True, True, False, self.curpath)
- self.curpath = []
- # fill-and-stroke-even-odd
- def do_B_a(self):
- self.device.paint_path(self.graphicstate, True, True, True, self.curpath)
- self.curpath = []
- # close-fill-and-stroke
- def do_b(self):
- self.do_h()
- self.do_B()
- # close-fill-and-stroke-even-odd
- def do_b_a(self):
- self.do_h()
- self.do_B_a()
- # close-only
- def do_n(self):
- self.curpath = []
- # clip
- def do_W(self):
- pass
- # clip-even-odd
- def do_W_a(self):
- pass
- # setcolorspace-stroking
- def do_CS(self, name):
- self.scs = self.csmap[literal_name(name)]
- # setcolorspace-non-strokine
- def do_cs(self, name):
- self.ncs = self.csmap[literal_name(name)]
- # setgray-stroking
- def do_G(self, gray):
- pass
- # setgray-non-stroking
- def do_g(self, gray):
- #self.do_cs(LITERAL_DEVICE_GRAY)
- pass
- # setrgb-stroking
- def do_RG(self, r, g, b):
- pass
- # setrgb-non-stroking
- def do_rg(self, r, g, b):
- #self.do_cs(LITERAL_DEVICE_RGB)
- pass
- # setcmyk-stroking
- def do_K(self, c, m, y, k):
- pass
- # setcmyk-non-stroking
- def do_k(self, c, m, y, k):
- #self.do_cs(LITERAL_DEVICE_CMYK)
- pass
- # setcolor
- def do_SCN(self):
- if self.scs:
- n = self.scs.ncomponents
- else:
- handle_error(PDFInterpreterError, 'No colorspace specified!')
- n = 1
- self.pop(n)
- def do_scn(self):
- if self.ncs:
- n = self.ncs.ncomponents
- else:
- handle_error(PDFInterpreterError, 'No colorspace specified!')
- n = 1
- self.pop(n)
- def do_SC(self):
- self.do_SCN()
- def do_sc(self):
- self.do_scn()
- # sharing-name
- def do_sh(self, name):
- pass
- # begin-text
- def do_BT(self):
- self.textstate.reset()
- # end-text
- def do_ET(self):
- pass
- # begin-compat
- def do_BX(self):
- pass
- # end-compat
- def do_EX(self):
- pass
- # marked content operators
- def do_MP(self, tag):
- self.device.do_tag(tag)
- def do_DP(self, tag, props):
- self.device.do_tag(tag, props)
- def do_BMC(self, tag):
- self.device.begin_tag(tag)
- def do_BDC(self, tag, props):
- self.device.begin_tag(tag, props)
- def do_EMC(self):
- self.device.end_tag()
- # setcharspace
- def do_Tc(self, space):
- self.textstate.charspace = space
- # setwordspace
- def do_Tw(self, space):
- self.textstate.wordspace = space
- # textscale
- def do_Tz(self, scale):
- self.textstate.scaling = scale
- # setleading
- def do_TL(self, leading):
- self.textstate.leading = -leading
- # selectfont
- def do_Tf(self, fontid, fontsize):
- try:
- self.textstate.font = self.fontmap[literal_name(fontid)]
- except KeyError:
- handle_error(PDFInterpreterError, 'Undefined Font id: %r' % fontid)
- return
- self.textstate.fontsize = fontsize
- # setrendering
- def do_Tr(self, render):
- self.textstate.render = render
- # settextrise
- def do_Ts(self, rise):
- self.textstate.rise = rise
- # text-move
- def do_Td(self, tx, ty):
- (a,b,c,d,e,f) = self.textstate.matrix
- self.textstate.matrix = (a,b,c,d,tx*a+ty*c+e,tx*b+ty*d+f)
- self.textstate.linematrix = (0, 0)
- #print >>sys.stderr, 'Td(%r,%r): %r' % (tx,ty,self.textstate)
- # text-move
- def do_TD(self, tx, ty):
- (a,b,c,d,e,f) = self.textstate.matrix
- self.textstate.matrix = (a,b,c,d,tx*a+ty*c+e,tx*b+ty*d+f)
- self.textstate.leading = ty
- self.textstate.linematrix = (0, 0)
- #print >>sys.stderr, 'TD(%r,%r): %r' % (tx,ty,self.textstate)
- # textmatrix
- def do_Tm(self, a,b,c,d,e,f):
- self.textstate.matrix = (a,b,c,d,e,f)
- self.textstate.linematrix = (0, 0)
- # nextline
- def do_T_a(self):
- (a,b,c,d,e,f) = self.textstate.matrix
- self.textstate.matrix = (a,b,c,d,self.textstate.leading*c+e,self.textstate.leading*d+f)
- self.textstate.linematrix = (0, 0)
- # show-pos
- def do_TJ(self, seq):
- #print >>sys.stderr, 'TJ(%r): %r' % (seq,self.textstate)
- if self.textstate.font is None:
- handle_error(PDFInterpreterError, 'No font specified!')
- return
- self.device.render_string(self.textstate, seq)
- # show
- def do_Tj(self, s):
- self.do_TJ([s])
- # quote
- def do__q(self, s):
- self.do_T_a()
- self.do_TJ([s])
- # doublequote
- def do__w(self, aw, ac, s):
- self.do_Tw(aw)
- self.do_Tc(ac)
- self.do_TJ([s])
- # inline image
- def do_BI(self): # never called
- pass
- def do_ID(self): # never called
- pass
- def do_EI(self, obj):
- try:
- if 'W' in obj and 'H' in obj:
- iobjid = str(id(obj))
- self.device.begin_figure(iobjid, (0,0,1,1), MATRIX_IDENTITY)
- self.device.render_image(iobjid, obj)
- self.device.end_figure(iobjid)
- except TypeError:
- # Sometimes, 'obj' is a PSLiteral. I'm not sure why, but I'm guessing it's because it's
- # malformed or something. We can just ignore the thing.
- logger.warning("Malformed inline image")
- # invoke an XObject
- def do_Do(self, xobjid):
- xobjid = literal_name(xobjid)
- try:
- xobj = stream_value(self.xobjmap[xobjid])
- except KeyError:
- handle_error(PDFInterpreterError, 'Undefined xobject id: %r' % xobjid)
- return
- logger.debug('Processing xobj: %r', xobj)
- subtype = xobj.get('Subtype')
- if subtype is LITERAL_FORM and 'BBox' in xobj:
- interpreter = self.dup()
- bbox = list_value(xobj['BBox'])
- matrix = list_value(xobj.get('Matrix', MATRIX_IDENTITY))
- # According to PDF reference 1.7 section 4.9.1, XObjects in
- # earlier PDFs (prior to v1.2) use the page's Resources entry
- # instead of having their own Resources entry.
- resources = dict_value(xobj.get('Resources')) or self.resources.copy()
- self.device.begin_figure(xobjid, bbox, matrix)
- interpreter.render_contents(resources, [xobj], ctm=mult_matrix(matrix, self.ctm))
- self.device.end_figure(xobjid)
- elif subtype is LITERAL_IMAGE and 'Width' in xobj and 'Height' in xobj:
- self.device.begin_figure(xobjid, (0,0,1,1), MATRIX_IDENTITY)
- self.device.render_image(xobjid, xobj)
- self.device.end_figure(xobjid)
- else:
- # unsupported xobject type.
- pass
- def process_page(self, page):
- logger.debug('Processing page: %r', page)
- (x0,y0,x1,y1) = page.mediabox
- if page.rotate == 90:
- ctm = (0,-1,1,0, -y0,x1)
- elif page.rotate == 180:
- ctm = (-1,0,0,-1, x1,y1)
- elif page.rotate == 270:
- ctm = (0,1,-1,0, y1,-x0)
- else:
- ctm = (1,0,0,1, -x0,-y0)
- self.device.begin_page(page, ctm)
- self.render_contents(page.resources, page.contents, ctm=ctm)
- self.device.end_page(page)
- # render_contents(resources, streams, ctm)
- # Render the content streams.
- # This method may be called recursively.
- def render_contents(self, resources, streams, ctm=MATRIX_IDENTITY):
- logger.debug('render_contents: resources=%r, streams=%r, ctm=%r', resources, streams, ctm)
- self.init_resources(resources)
- self.init_state(ctm)
- self.execute(list_value(streams))
- def execute(self, streams):
- try:
- parser = PDFContentParser(streams)
- except PSEOF:
- # empty page
- return
- while 1:
- try:
- (_,obj) = parser.nextobject()
- except PSEOF:
- break
- if isinstance(obj, PSKeyword):
- name = keyword_name(obj)
- method = 'do_%s' % name.replace('*','_a').replace('"','_w').replace("'",'_q')
- if hasattr(self, method):
- func = getattr(self, method)
- nargs = func.__code__.co_argcount-1
- if nargs:
- args = self.pop(nargs)
- # logger.debug('exec: %s %r', name, args)
- if len(args) == nargs:
- func(*args)
- else:
- # logger.debug('exec: %s', name)
- func()
- else:
- handle_error(PDFInterpreterError, 'Unknown operator: %r' % name)
- else:
- self.push(obj)
- class PDFTextExtractionNotAllowed(PDFInterpreterError): pass
- def process_pdf(rsrcmgr, device, fp, pagenos=None, maxpages=0, password='',
- caching=True, check_extractable=True):
- # Create a PDF parser object associated with the file object.
- parser = PDFParser(fp)
- # Create a PDF document object that stores the document structure.
- doc = PDFDocument(caching=caching)
- # Connect the parser and document objects.
- parser.set_document(doc)
- doc.set_parser(parser)
- # Supply the document password for initialization.
- # (If no password is set, give an empty string.)
- doc.initialize(password)
- # Check if the document allows text extraction. If not, abort.
- if check_extractable and not doc.is_extractable:
- raise PDFTextExtractionNotAllowed('Text extraction is not allowed: %r' % fp)
- # Create a PDF interpreter object.
- interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)
- # Process each page contained in the document.
- for (pageno,page) in enumerate(doc.get_pages()):
- if pagenos and (pageno not in pagenos): continue
- interpreter.process_page(page)
- if maxpages and maxpages <= pageno+1: break