- """
- Classes for the efficient drawing of large collections of objects that
- share most properties, e.g., a large number of line segments or
- polygons.
- The classes are not meant to be as flexible as their single element
- counterparts (e.g., you may not be able to select all line styles) but
- they are meant to be fast for common use cases (e.g., a large set of solid
- line segemnts)
- """
- import math
- from numbers import Number
- import warnings
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib as mpl
- from . import (_path, artist, cbook, cm, colors as mcolors, docstring,
- lines as mlines, path as mpath, transforms)
- CIRCLE_AREA_FACTOR = 1.0 / np.sqrt(np.pi)
- @cbook._define_aliases({
- "antialiased": ["antialiaseds"],
- "edgecolor": ["edgecolors"],
- "facecolor": ["facecolors"],
- "linestyle": ["linestyles", "dashes"],
- "linewidth": ["linewidths", "lw"],
- })
- class Collection(artist.Artist, cm.ScalarMappable):
- """
- Base class for Collections. Must be subclassed to be usable.
- All properties in a collection must be sequences or scalars;
- if scalars, they will be converted to sequences. The
- property of the ith element of the collection is::
- prop[i % len(props)]
- Exceptions are *capstyle* and *joinstyle* properties, these can
- only be set globally for the whole collection.
- Keyword arguments and default values:
- * *edgecolors*: None
- * *facecolors*: None
- * *linewidths*: None
- * *capstyle*: None
- * *joinstyle*: None
- * *antialiaseds*: None
- * *offsets*: None
- * *transOffset*: transforms.IdentityTransform()
- * *offset_position*: 'screen' (default) or 'data'
- * *norm*: None (optional for
- :class:`matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable`)
- * *cmap*: None (optional for
- :class:`matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable`)
- * *hatch*: None
- * *zorder*: 1
- *offsets* and *transOffset* are used to translate the patch after
- rendering (default no offsets). If offset_position is 'screen'
- (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has
- been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates. If
- offset_position is 'data', the offset is applied before the master
- transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.
- If any of *edgecolors*, *facecolors*, *linewidths*, *antialiaseds*
- are None, they default to their :data:`matplotlib.rcParams` patch
- setting, in sequence form.
- The use of :class:`~matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable` is optional. If
- the :class:`~matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable` matrix _A is not None
- (i.e., a call to set_array has been made), at draw time a call to
- scalar mappable will be made to set the face colors.
- """
- _offsets = np.zeros((0, 2))
- _transOffset = transforms.IdentityTransform()
- #: Either a list of 3x3 arrays or an Nx3x3 array of transforms, suitable
- #: for the `all_transforms` argument to
- #: :meth:`~matplotlib.backend_bases.RendererBase.draw_path_collection`;
- #: each 3x3 array is used to initialize an
- #: :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D` object.
- #: Each kind of collection defines this based on its arguments.
- _transforms = np.empty((0, 3, 3))
- # Whether to draw an edge by default. Set on a
- # subclass-by-subclass basis.
- _edge_default = False
- def __init__(self,
- edgecolors=None,
- facecolors=None,
- linewidths=None,
- linestyles='solid',
- capstyle=None,
- joinstyle=None,
- antialiaseds=None,
- offsets=None,
- transOffset=None,
- norm=None, # optional for ScalarMappable
- cmap=None, # ditto
- pickradius=5.0,
- hatch=None,
- urls=None,
- offset_position='screen',
- zorder=1,
- **kwargs
- ):
- """
- Create a Collection
- %(Collection)s
- """
- artist.Artist.__init__(self)
- cm.ScalarMappable.__init__(self, norm, cmap)
- # list of un-scaled dash patterns
- # this is needed scaling the dash pattern by linewidth
- self._us_linestyles = [(None, None)]
- # list of dash patterns
- self._linestyles = [(None, None)]
- # list of unbroadcast/scaled linewidths
- self._us_lw = [0]
- self._linewidths = [0]
- self._is_filled = True # May be modified by set_facecolor().
- self._hatch_color = mcolors.to_rgba(mpl.rcParams['hatch.color'])
- self.set_facecolor(facecolors)
- self.set_edgecolor(edgecolors)
- self.set_linewidth(linewidths)
- self.set_linestyle(linestyles)
- self.set_antialiased(antialiaseds)
- self.set_pickradius(pickradius)
- self.set_urls(urls)
- self.set_hatch(hatch)
- self.set_offset_position(offset_position)
- self.set_zorder(zorder)
- if capstyle:
- self.set_capstyle(capstyle)
- else:
- self._capstyle = None
- if joinstyle:
- self.set_joinstyle(joinstyle)
- else:
- self._joinstyle = None
- self._offsets = np.zeros((1, 2))
- self._uniform_offsets = None
- if offsets is not None:
- offsets = np.asanyarray(offsets, float)
- # Broadcast (2,) -> (1, 2) but nothing else.
- if offsets.shape == (2,):
- offsets = offsets[None, :]
- if transOffset is not None:
- self._offsets = offsets
- self._transOffset = transOffset
- else:
- self._uniform_offsets = offsets
- self._path_effects = None
- self.update(kwargs)
- self._paths = None
- def get_paths(self):
- return self._paths
- def set_paths(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_transforms(self):
- return self._transforms
- def get_offset_transform(self):
- t = self._transOffset
- if (not isinstance(t, transforms.Transform)
- and hasattr(t, '_as_mpl_transform')):
- t = t._as_mpl_transform(self.axes)
- return t
- def get_datalim(self, transData):
- transform = self.get_transform()
- transOffset = self.get_offset_transform()
- offsets = self._offsets
- paths = self.get_paths()
- if not transform.is_affine:
- paths = [transform.transform_path_non_affine(p) for p in paths]
- transform = transform.get_affine()
- if not transOffset.is_affine:
- offsets = transOffset.transform_non_affine(offsets)
- transOffset = transOffset.get_affine()
- if isinstance(offsets, np.ma.MaskedArray):
- offsets = offsets.filled(np.nan)
- # get_path_collection_extents handles nan but not masked arrays
- if len(paths) and len(offsets):
- result = mpath.get_path_collection_extents(
- transform.frozen(), paths, self.get_transforms(),
- offsets, transOffset.frozen())
- result = result.inverse_transformed(transData)
- else:
- result = transforms.Bbox.null()
- return result
- def get_window_extent(self, renderer):
- # TODO:check to ensure that this does not fail for
- # cases other than scatter plot legend
- return self.get_datalim(transforms.IdentityTransform())
- def _prepare_points(self):
- """Point prep for drawing and hit testing"""
- transform = self.get_transform()
- transOffset = self.get_offset_transform()
- offsets = self._offsets
- paths = self.get_paths()
- if self.have_units():
- paths = []
- for path in self.get_paths():
- vertices = path.vertices
- xs, ys = vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1]
- xs = self.convert_xunits(xs)
- ys = self.convert_yunits(ys)
- paths.append(mpath.Path(np.column_stack([xs, ys]), path.codes))
- if offsets.size > 0:
- xs = self.convert_xunits(offsets[:, 0])
- ys = self.convert_yunits(offsets[:, 1])
- offsets = np.column_stack([xs, ys])
- if not transform.is_affine:
- paths = [transform.transform_path_non_affine(path)
- for path in paths]
- transform = transform.get_affine()
- if not transOffset.is_affine:
- offsets = transOffset.transform_non_affine(offsets)
- # This might have changed an ndarray into a masked array.
- transOffset = transOffset.get_affine()
- if isinstance(offsets, np.ma.MaskedArray):
- offsets = offsets.filled(np.nan)
- # Changing from a masked array to nan-filled ndarray
- # is probably most efficient at this point.
- return transform, transOffset, offsets, paths
- @artist.allow_rasterization
- def draw(self, renderer):
- if not self.get_visible():
- return
- renderer.open_group(self.__class__.__name__, self.get_gid())
- self.update_scalarmappable()
- transform, transOffset, offsets, paths = self._prepare_points()
- gc = renderer.new_gc()
- self._set_gc_clip(gc)
- gc.set_snap(self.get_snap())
- if self._hatch:
- gc.set_hatch(self._hatch)
- try:
- gc.set_hatch_color(self._hatch_color)
- except AttributeError:
- # if we end up with a GC that does not have this method
- warnings.warn("Your backend does not support setting the "
- "hatch color.")
- if self.get_sketch_params() is not None:
- gc.set_sketch_params(*self.get_sketch_params())
- if self.get_path_effects():
- from matplotlib.patheffects import PathEffectRenderer
- renderer = PathEffectRenderer(self.get_path_effects(), renderer)
- # If the collection is made up of a single shape/color/stroke,
- # it can be rendered once and blitted multiple times, using
- # `draw_markers` rather than `draw_path_collection`. This is
- # *much* faster for Agg, and results in smaller file sizes in
- trans = self.get_transforms()
- facecolors = self.get_facecolor()
- edgecolors = self.get_edgecolor()
- do_single_path_optimization = False
- if (len(paths) == 1 and len(trans) <= 1 and
- len(facecolors) == 1 and len(edgecolors) == 1 and
- len(self._linewidths) == 1 and
- self._linestyles == [(None, None)] and
- len(self._antialiaseds) == 1 and len(self._urls) == 1 and
- self.get_hatch() is None):
- if len(trans):
- combined_transform = (transforms.Affine2D(trans[0]) +
- transform)
- else:
- combined_transform = transform
- extents = paths[0].get_extents(combined_transform)
- width, height = renderer.get_canvas_width_height()
- if extents.width < width and extents.height < height:
- do_single_path_optimization = True
- if self._joinstyle:
- gc.set_joinstyle(self._joinstyle)
- if self._capstyle:
- gc.set_capstyle(self._capstyle)
- if do_single_path_optimization:
- gc.set_foreground(tuple(edgecolors[0]))
- gc.set_linewidth(self._linewidths[0])
- gc.set_dashes(*self._linestyles[0])
- gc.set_antialiased(self._antialiaseds[0])
- gc.set_url(self._urls[0])
- renderer.draw_markers(
- gc, paths[0], combined_transform.frozen(),
- mpath.Path(offsets), transOffset, tuple(facecolors[0]))
- else:
- renderer.draw_path_collection(
- gc, transform.frozen(), paths,
- self.get_transforms(), offsets, transOffset,
- self.get_facecolor(), self.get_edgecolor(),
- self._linewidths, self._linestyles,
- self._antialiaseds, self._urls,
- self._offset_position)
- gc.restore()
- renderer.close_group(self.__class__.__name__)
- self.stale = False
- def set_pickradius(self, pr):
- """Set the pick radius used for containment tests.
- Parameters
- ----------
- d : float
- Pick radius, in points.
- """
- self._pickradius = pr
- def get_pickradius(self):
- return self._pickradius
- def contains(self, mouseevent):
- """
- Test whether the mouse event occurred in the collection.
- Returns True | False, ``dict(ind=itemlist)``, where every
- item in itemlist contains the event.
- """
- if callable(self._contains):
- return self._contains(self, mouseevent)
- if not self.get_visible():
- return False, {}
- pickradius = (
- float(self._picker)
- if isinstance(self._picker, Number) and
- self._picker is not True # the bool, not just nonzero or 1
- else self._pickradius)
- transform, transOffset, offsets, paths = self._prepare_points()
- ind = _path.point_in_path_collection(
- mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y, pickradius,
- transform.frozen(), paths, self.get_transforms(),
- offsets, transOffset, pickradius <= 0,
- self.get_offset_position())
- return len(ind) > 0, dict(ind=ind)
- def set_urls(self, urls):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- urls : List[str] or None
- """
- self._urls = urls if urls is not None else [None]
- self.stale = True
- def get_urls(self):
- return self._urls
- def set_hatch(self, hatch):
- r"""
- Set the hatching pattern
- *hatch* can be one of::
- / - diagonal hatching
- \ - back diagonal
- | - vertical
- - - horizontal
- + - crossed
- x - crossed diagonal
- o - small circle
- O - large circle
- . - dots
- * - stars
- Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified
- hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the
- density of hatching of that pattern.
- Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg
- backends only.
- Unlike other properties such as linewidth and colors, hatching
- can only be specified for the collection as a whole, not separately
- for each member.
- Parameters
- ----------
- hatch : {'/', '\\', '|', '-', '+', 'x', 'o', 'O', '.', '*'}
- """
- self._hatch = hatch
- self.stale = True
- def get_hatch(self):
- """Return the current hatching pattern."""
- return self._hatch
- def set_offsets(self, offsets):
- """
- Set the offsets for the collection. *offsets* can be a scalar
- or a sequence.
- Parameters
- ----------
- offsets : float or sequence of floats
- """
- offsets = np.asanyarray(offsets, float)
- if offsets.shape == (2,): # Broadcast (2,) -> (1, 2) but nothing else.
- offsets = offsets[None, :]
- # This decision is based on how they are initialized above in __init__.
- if self._uniform_offsets is None:
- self._offsets = offsets
- else:
- self._uniform_offsets = offsets
- self.stale = True
- def get_offsets(self):
- """Return the offsets for the collection."""
- # This decision is based on how they are initialized above in __init__.
- if self._uniform_offsets is None:
- return self._offsets
- else:
- return self._uniform_offsets
- def set_offset_position(self, offset_position):
- """
- Set how offsets are applied. If *offset_position* is 'screen'
- (default) the offset is applied after the master transform has
- been applied, that is, the offsets are in screen coordinates.
- If offset_position is 'data', the offset is applied before the
- master transform, i.e., the offsets are in data coordinates.
- Parameters
- ----------
- offset_position : {'screen', 'data'}
- """
- if offset_position not in ('screen', 'data'):
- raise ValueError("offset_position must be 'screen' or 'data'")
- self._offset_position = offset_position
- self.stale = True
- def get_offset_position(self):
- """
- Returns how offsets are applied for the collection. If
- *offset_position* is 'screen', the offset is applied after the
- master transform has been applied, that is, the offsets are in
- screen coordinates. If offset_position is 'data', the offset
- is applied before the master transform, i.e., the offsets are
- in data coordinates.
- """
- return self._offset_position
- def set_linewidth(self, lw):
- """
- Set the linewidth(s) for the collection. *lw* can be a scalar
- or a sequence; if it is a sequence the patches will cycle
- through the sequence
- Parameters
- ----------
- lw : float or sequence of floats
- """
- if lw is None:
- lw = mpl.rcParams['patch.linewidth']
- if lw is None:
- lw = mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth']
- # get the un-scaled/broadcast lw
- self._us_lw = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(lw))
- # scale all of the dash patterns.
- self._linewidths, self._linestyles = self._bcast_lwls(
- self._us_lw, self._us_linestyles)
- self.stale = True
- def set_linestyle(self, ls):
- """
- Set the linestyle(s) for the collection.
- =========================== =================
- linestyle description
- =========================== =================
- ``'-'`` or ``'solid'`` solid line
- ``'--'`` or ``'dashed'`` dashed line
- ``'-.'`` or ``'dashdot'`` dash-dotted line
- ``':'`` or ``'dotted'`` dotted line
- =========================== =================
- Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided::
- (offset, onoffseq),
- where ``onoffseq`` is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.
- Parameters
- ----------
- ls : {'-', '--', '-.', ':', '', (offset, on-off-seq), ...}
- The line style.
- """
- try:
- if isinstance(ls, str):
- ls = cbook.ls_mapper.get(ls, ls)
- dashes = [mlines._get_dash_pattern(ls)]
- else:
- try:
- dashes = [mlines._get_dash_pattern(ls)]
- except ValueError:
- dashes = [mlines._get_dash_pattern(x) for x in ls]
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Do not know how to convert {!r} to dashes'.format(ls))
- # get the list of raw 'unscaled' dash patterns
- self._us_linestyles = dashes
- # broadcast and scale the lw and dash patterns
- self._linewidths, self._linestyles = self._bcast_lwls(
- self._us_lw, self._us_linestyles)
- def set_capstyle(self, cs):
- """
- Set the capstyle for the collection. The capstyle can
- only be set globally for all elements in the collection
- Parameters
- ----------
- cs : {'butt', 'round', 'projecting'}
- The capstyle
- """
- if cs in ('butt', 'round', 'projecting'):
- self._capstyle = cs
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unrecognized cap style. Found %s' % cs)
- def get_capstyle(self):
- return self._capstyle
- def set_joinstyle(self, js):
- """
- Set the joinstyle for the collection. The joinstyle can only be
- set globally for all elements in the collection.
- Parameters
- ----------
- js : {'miter', 'round', 'bevel'}
- The joinstyle
- """
- if js in ('miter', 'round', 'bevel'):
- self._joinstyle = js
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unrecognized join style. Found %s' % js)
- def get_joinstyle(self):
- return self._joinstyle
- @staticmethod
- def _bcast_lwls(linewidths, dashes):
- '''Internal helper function to broadcast + scale ls/lw
- In the collection drawing code the linewidth and linestyle are
- cycled through as circular buffers (via v[i % len(v)]). Thus,
- if we are going to scale the dash pattern at set time (not
- draw time) we need to do the broadcasting now and expand both
- lists to be the same length.
- Parameters
- ----------
- linewidths : list
- line widths of collection
- dashes : list
- dash specification (offset, (dash pattern tuple))
- Returns
- -------
- linewidths, dashes : list
- Will be the same length, dashes are scaled by paired linewidth
- '''
- if mpl.rcParams['_internal.classic_mode']:
- return linewidths, dashes
- # make sure they are the same length so we can zip them
- if len(dashes) != len(linewidths):
- l_dashes = len(dashes)
- l_lw = len(linewidths)
- gcd = math.gcd(l_dashes, l_lw)
- dashes = list(dashes) * (l_lw // gcd)
- linewidths = list(linewidths) * (l_dashes // gcd)
- # scale the dash patters
- dashes = [mlines._scale_dashes(o, d, lw)
- for (o, d), lw in zip(dashes, linewidths)]
- return linewidths, dashes
- def set_antialiased(self, aa):
- """
- Set the antialiasing state for rendering.
- Parameters
- ----------
- aa : bool or sequence of bools
- """
- if aa is None:
- aa = mpl.rcParams['patch.antialiased']
- self._antialiaseds = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(aa, bool))
- self.stale = True
- def set_color(self, c):
- """
- Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`set_facecolor`, :meth:`set_edgecolor`
- For setting the edge or face color individually.
- Parameters
- ----------
- c : matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples
- """
- self.set_facecolor(c)
- self.set_edgecolor(c)
- def _set_facecolor(self, c):
- if c is None:
- c = mpl.rcParams['patch.facecolor']
- self._is_filled = True
- try:
- if c.lower() == 'none':
- self._is_filled = False
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- self._facecolors = mcolors.to_rgba_array(c, self._alpha)
- self.stale = True
- def set_facecolor(self, c):
- """
- Set the facecolor(s) of the collection. *c* can be a
- matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a
- sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will
- cycle through the sequence.
- If *c* is 'none', the patch will not be filled.
- Parameters
- ----------
- c : color or sequence of colors
- """
- self._original_facecolor = c
- self._set_facecolor(c)
- def get_facecolor(self):
- return self._facecolors
- def get_edgecolor(self):
- if cbook._str_equal(self._edgecolors, 'face'):
- return self.get_facecolors()
- else:
- return self._edgecolors
- def _set_edgecolor(self, c):
- set_hatch_color = True
- if c is None:
- if (mpl.rcParams['patch.force_edgecolor'] or
- not self._is_filled or self._edge_default):
- c = mpl.rcParams['patch.edgecolor']
- else:
- c = 'none'
- set_hatch_color = False
- self._is_stroked = True
- try:
- if c.lower() == 'none':
- self._is_stroked = False
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- try:
- if c.lower() == 'face': # Special case: lookup in "get" method.
- self._edgecolors = 'face'
- return
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- self._edgecolors = mcolors.to_rgba_array(c, self._alpha)
- if set_hatch_color and len(self._edgecolors):
- self._hatch_color = tuple(self._edgecolors[0])
- self.stale = True
- def set_edgecolor(self, c):
- """
- Set the edgecolor(s) of the collection. *c* can be a
- matplotlib color spec (all patches have same color), or a
- sequence of specs; if it is a sequence the patches will
- cycle through the sequence.
- If *c* is 'face', the edge color will always be the same as
- the face color. If it is 'none', the patch boundary will not
- be drawn.
- Parameters
- ----------
- c : color or sequence of colors
- """
- self._original_edgecolor = c
- self._set_edgecolor(c)
- def set_alpha(self, alpha):
- """
- Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection. *alpha* must be
- a float or *None*.
- Parameters
- ----------
- alpha : float or None
- """
- if alpha is not None:
- try:
- float(alpha)
- except TypeError:
- raise TypeError('alpha must be a float or None')
- self.update_dict['array'] = True
- artist.Artist.set_alpha(self, alpha)
- self._set_facecolor(self._original_facecolor)
- self._set_edgecolor(self._original_edgecolor)
- def get_linewidth(self):
- return self._linewidths
- def get_linestyle(self):
- return self._linestyles
- def update_scalarmappable(self):
- """
- If the scalar mappable array is not none, update colors
- from scalar data
- """
- if self._A is None:
- return
- if self._A.ndim > 1:
- raise ValueError('Collections can only map rank 1 arrays')
- if not self.check_update("array"):
- return
- if self._is_filled:
- self._facecolors = self.to_rgba(self._A, self._alpha)
- elif self._is_stroked:
- self._edgecolors = self.to_rgba(self._A, self._alpha)
- self.stale = True
- def get_fill(self):
- 'return whether fill is set'
- return self._is_filled
- def update_from(self, other):
- 'copy properties from other to self'
- artist.Artist.update_from(self, other)
- self._antialiaseds = other._antialiaseds
- self._original_edgecolor = other._original_edgecolor
- self._edgecolors = other._edgecolors
- self._original_facecolor = other._original_facecolor
- self._facecolors = other._facecolors
- self._linewidths = other._linewidths
- self._linestyles = other._linestyles
- self._us_linestyles = other._us_linestyles
- self._pickradius = other._pickradius
- self._hatch = other._hatch
- # update_from for scalarmappable
- self._A = other._A
- self.norm = other.norm
- self.cmap = other.cmap
- # self.update_dict = other.update_dict # do we need to copy this? -JJL
- self.stale = True
- # these are not available for the object inspector until after the
- # class is built so we define an initial set here for the init
- # function and they will be overridden after object defn
- docstring.interpd.update(Collection="""\
- Valid Collection keyword arguments:
- * *edgecolors*: None
- * *facecolors*: None
- * *linewidths*: None
- * *antialiaseds*: None
- * *offsets*: None
- * *transOffset*: transforms.IdentityTransform()
- * *norm*: None (optional for
- :class:`matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable`)
- * *cmap*: None (optional for
- :class:`matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable`)
- *offsets* and *transOffset* are used to translate the patch after
- rendering (default no offsets)
- If any of *edgecolors*, *facecolors*, *linewidths*, *antialiaseds*
- are None, they default to their :data:`matplotlib.rcParams` patch
- setting, in sequence form.
- """)
- class _CollectionWithSizes(Collection):
- """
- Base class for collections that have an array of sizes.
- """
- _factor = 1.0
- def get_sizes(self):
- """
- Returns the sizes of the elements in the collection. The
- value represents the 'area' of the element.
- Returns
- -------
- sizes : array
- The 'area' of each element.
- """
- return self._sizes
- def set_sizes(self, sizes, dpi=72.0):
- """
- Set the sizes of each member of the collection.
- Parameters
- ----------
- sizes : ndarray or None
- The size to set for each element of the collection. The
- value is the 'area' of the element.
- dpi : float
- The dpi of the canvas. Defaults to 72.0.
- """
- if sizes is None:
- self._sizes = np.array([])
- self._transforms = np.empty((0, 3, 3))
- else:
- self._sizes = np.asarray(sizes)
- self._transforms = np.zeros((len(self._sizes), 3, 3))
- scale = np.sqrt(self._sizes) * dpi / 72.0 * self._factor
- self._transforms[:, 0, 0] = scale
- self._transforms[:, 1, 1] = scale
- self._transforms[:, 2, 2] = 1.0
- self.stale = True
- @artist.allow_rasterization
- def draw(self, renderer):
- self.set_sizes(self._sizes, self.figure.dpi)
- Collection.draw(self, renderer)
- class PathCollection(_CollectionWithSizes):
- """
- This is the most basic :class:`Collection` subclass.
- """
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, paths, sizes=None, **kwargs):
- """
- *paths* is a sequence of :class:`matplotlib.path.Path`
- instances.
- %(Collection)s
- """
- Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.set_paths(paths)
- self.set_sizes(sizes)
- self.stale = True
- def set_paths(self, paths):
- self._paths = paths
- self.stale = True
- def get_paths(self):
- return self._paths
- class PolyCollection(_CollectionWithSizes):
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, verts, sizes=None, closed=True, **kwargs):
- """
- *verts* is a sequence of ( *verts0*, *verts1*, ...) where
- *verts_i* is a sequence of *xy* tuples of vertices, or an
- equivalent :mod:`numpy` array of shape (*nv*, 2).
- *sizes* is *None* (default) or a sequence of floats that
- scale the corresponding *verts_i*. The scaling is applied
- before the Artist master transform; if the latter is an identity
- transform, then the overall scaling is such that if
- *verts_i* specify a unit square, then *sizes_i* is the area
- of that square in points^2.
- If len(*sizes*) < *nv*, the additional values will be
- taken cyclically from the array.
- *closed*, when *True*, will explicitly close the polygon.
- %(Collection)s
- """
- Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.set_sizes(sizes)
- self.set_verts(verts, closed)
- self.stale = True
- def set_verts(self, verts, closed=True):
- '''This allows one to delay initialization of the vertices.'''
- if isinstance(verts, np.ma.MaskedArray):
- verts = verts.astype(float).filled(np.nan)
- # This is much faster than having Path do it one at a time.
- if closed:
- self._paths = []
- for xy in verts:
- if len(xy):
- if isinstance(xy, np.ma.MaskedArray):
- xy = np.ma.concatenate([xy, xy[0:1]])
- else:
- xy = np.asarray(xy)
- xy = np.concatenate([xy, xy[0:1]])
- codes = np.empty(xy.shape[0], dtype=mpath.Path.code_type)
- codes[:] = mpath.Path.LINETO
- codes[0] = mpath.Path.MOVETO
- codes[-1] = mpath.Path.CLOSEPOLY
- self._paths.append(mpath.Path(xy, codes))
- else:
- self._paths.append(mpath.Path(xy))
- else:
- self._paths = [mpath.Path(xy) for xy in verts]
- self.stale = True
- set_paths = set_verts
- def set_verts_and_codes(self, verts, codes):
- '''This allows one to initialize vertices with path codes.'''
- if len(verts) != len(codes):
- raise ValueError("'codes' must be a 1D list or array "
- "with the same length of 'verts'")
- self._paths = []
- for xy, cds in zip(verts, codes):
- if len(xy):
- self._paths.append(mpath.Path(xy, cds))
- else:
- self._paths.append(mpath.Path(xy))
- self.stale = True
- class BrokenBarHCollection(PolyCollection):
- """
- A collection of horizontal bars spanning *yrange* with a sequence of
- *xranges*.
- """
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, xranges, yrange, **kwargs):
- """
- *xranges*
- sequence of (*xmin*, *xwidth*)
- *yrange*
- *ymin*, *ywidth*
- %(Collection)s
- """
- ymin, ywidth = yrange
- ymax = ymin + ywidth
- verts = [[(xmin, ymin),
- (xmin, ymax),
- (xmin + xwidth, ymax),
- (xmin + xwidth, ymin),
- (xmin, ymin)] for xmin, xwidth in xranges]
- PolyCollection.__init__(self, verts, **kwargs)
- @staticmethod
- def span_where(x, ymin, ymax, where, **kwargs):
- """
- Create a BrokenBarHCollection to plot horizontal bars from
- over the regions in *x* where *where* is True. The bars range
- on the y-axis from *ymin* to *ymax*
- A :class:`BrokenBarHCollection` is returned. *kwargs* are
- passed on to the collection.
- """
- xranges = []
- for ind0, ind1 in cbook.contiguous_regions(where):
- xslice = x[ind0:ind1]
- if not len(xslice):
- continue
- xranges.append((xslice[0], xslice[-1] - xslice[0]))
- collection = BrokenBarHCollection(
- xranges, [ymin, ymax - ymin], **kwargs)
- return collection
- class RegularPolyCollection(_CollectionWithSizes):
- """Draw a collection of regular polygons with *numsides*."""
- _path_generator = mpath.Path.unit_regular_polygon
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self,
- numsides,
- rotation=0,
- sizes=(1,),
- **kwargs):
- """
- *numsides*
- the number of sides of the polygon
- *rotation*
- the rotation of the polygon in radians
- *sizes*
- gives the area of the circle circumscribing the
- regular polygon in points^2
- %(Collection)s
- Example: see :doc:`/gallery/event_handling/lasso_demo` for a
- complete example::
- offsets = np.random.rand(20,2)
- facecolors = [cm.jet(x) for x in np.random.rand(20)]
- black = (0,0,0,1)
- collection = RegularPolyCollection(
- numsides=5, # a pentagon
- rotation=0, sizes=(50,),
- facecolors=facecolors,
- edgecolors=(black,),
- linewidths=(1,),
- offsets=offsets,
- transOffset=ax.transData,
- )
- """
- Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.set_sizes(sizes)
- self._numsides = numsides
- self._paths = [self._path_generator(numsides)]
- self._rotation = rotation
- self.set_transform(transforms.IdentityTransform())
- def get_numsides(self):
- return self._numsides
- def get_rotation(self):
- return self._rotation
- @artist.allow_rasterization
- def draw(self, renderer):
- self.set_sizes(self._sizes, self.figure.dpi)
- self._transforms = [
- transforms.Affine2D(x).rotate(-self._rotation).get_matrix()
- for x in self._transforms
- ]
- Collection.draw(self, renderer)
- class StarPolygonCollection(RegularPolyCollection):
- """
- Draw a collection of regular stars with *numsides* points."""
- _path_generator = mpath.Path.unit_regular_star
- class AsteriskPolygonCollection(RegularPolyCollection):
- """
- Draw a collection of regular asterisks with *numsides* points."""
- _path_generator = mpath.Path.unit_regular_asterisk
- class LineCollection(Collection):
- """
- All parameters must be sequences or scalars; if scalars, they will
- be converted to sequences. The property of the ith line
- segment is::
- prop[i % len(props)]
- i.e., the properties cycle if the ``len`` of props is less than the
- number of segments.
- """
- _edge_default = True
- def __init__(self, segments, # Can be None.
- linewidths=None,
- colors=None,
- antialiaseds=None,
- linestyles='solid',
- offsets=None,
- transOffset=None,
- norm=None,
- cmap=None,
- pickradius=5,
- zorder=2,
- facecolors='none',
- **kwargs
- ):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- segments :
- A sequence of (*line0*, *line1*, *line2*), where::
- linen = (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ... (xm, ym)
- or the equivalent numpy array with two columns. Each line
- can be a different length.
- colors : sequence, optional
- A sequence of RGBA tuples (e.g., arbitrary color
- strings, etc, not allowed).
- antialiaseds : sequence, optional
- A sequence of ones or zeros.
- linestyles : string, tuple, optional
- Either one of [ 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'dashdot' | 'dotted' ], or
- a dash tuple. The dash tuple is::
- (offset, onoffseq)
- where ``onoffseq`` is an even length tuple of on and off ink
- in points.
- norm : Normalize, optional
- `~.colors.Normalize` instance.
- cmap : string or Colormap, optional
- Colormap name or `~.colors.Colormap` instance.
- pickradius : float, optional
- The tolerance in points for mouse clicks picking a line.
- Default is 5 pt.
- zorder : int, optional
- zorder of the LineCollection. Default is 2.
- facecolors : optional
- The facecolors of the LineCollection. Default is 'none'.
- Setting to a value other than 'none' will lead to a filled
- polygon being drawn between points on each line.
- Notes
- -----
- If *linewidths*, *colors*, or *antialiaseds* is None, they
- default to their rcParams setting, in sequence form.
- If *offsets* and *transOffset* are not None, then
- *offsets* are transformed by *transOffset* and applied after
- the segments have been transformed to display coordinates.
- If *offsets* is not None but *transOffset* is None, then the
- *offsets* are added to the segments before any transformation.
- In this case, a single offset can be specified as::
- offsets=(xo,yo)
- and this value will be added cumulatively to each successive
- segment, so as to produce a set of successively offset curves.
- The use of :class:`~matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable` is optional.
- If the :class:`~matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable` array
- :attr:`~matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable._A` is not None (i.e., a call to
- :meth:`~matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable.set_array` has been made), at
- draw time a call to scalar mappable will be made to set the colors.
- """
- if colors is None:
- colors = mpl.rcParams['lines.color']
- if linewidths is None:
- linewidths = (mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'],)
- if antialiaseds is None:
- antialiaseds = (mpl.rcParams['lines.antialiased'],)
- colors = mcolors.to_rgba_array(colors)
- Collection.__init__(
- self,
- edgecolors=colors,
- facecolors=facecolors,
- linewidths=linewidths,
- linestyles=linestyles,
- antialiaseds=antialiaseds,
- offsets=offsets,
- transOffset=transOffset,
- norm=norm,
- cmap=cmap,
- pickradius=pickradius,
- zorder=zorder,
- **kwargs)
- self.set_segments(segments)
- def set_segments(self, segments):
- if segments is None:
- return
- _segments = []
- for seg in segments:
- if not isinstance(seg, np.ma.MaskedArray):
- seg = np.asarray(seg, float)
- _segments.append(seg)
- if self._uniform_offsets is not None:
- _segments = self._add_offsets(_segments)
- self._paths = [mpath.Path(_seg) for _seg in _segments]
- self.stale = True
- set_verts = set_segments # for compatibility with PolyCollection
- set_paths = set_segments
- def get_segments(self):
- """
- Returns
- -------
- segments : list
- List of segments in the LineCollection. Each list item contains an
- array of vertices.
- """
- segments = []
- for path in self._paths:
- vertices = [vertex for vertex, _ in path.iter_segments()]
- vertices = np.asarray(vertices)
- segments.append(vertices)
- return segments
- def _add_offsets(self, segs):
- offsets = self._uniform_offsets
- Nsegs = len(segs)
- Noffs = offsets.shape[0]
- if Noffs == 1:
- for i in range(Nsegs):
- segs[i] = segs[i] + i * offsets
- else:
- for i in range(Nsegs):
- io = i % Noffs
- segs[i] = segs[i] + offsets[io:io + 1]
- return segs
- def set_color(self, c):
- """
- Set the color(s) of the LineCollection.
- Parameters
- ----------
- c :
- Matplotlib color argument (all patches have same color), or a
- sequence or rgba tuples; if it is a sequence the patches will
- cycle through the sequence.
- """
- self.set_edgecolor(c)
- self.stale = True
- def get_color(self):
- return self._edgecolors
- get_colors = get_color # for compatibility with old versions
- class EventCollection(LineCollection):
- '''
- A collection of discrete events.
- The events are given by a 1-dimensional array, usually the position of
- something along an axis, such as time or length. They do not have an
- amplitude and are displayed as vertical or horizontal parallel bars.
- '''
- _edge_default = True
- def __init__(self,
- positions, # Cannot be None.
- orientation=None,
- lineoffset=0,
- linelength=1,
- linewidth=None,
- color=None,
- linestyle='solid',
- antialiased=None,
- **kwargs
- ):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- positions : 1D array-like object
- Each value is an event.
- orientation : {None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'}, optional
- The orientation of the **collection** (the event bars are along
- the orthogonal direction). Defaults to 'horizontal' if not
- specified or None.
- lineoffset : scalar, optional, default: 0
- The offset of the center of the markers from the origin, in the
- direction orthogonal to *orientation*.
- linelength : scalar, optional, default: 1
- The total height of the marker (i.e. the marker stretches from
- ``lineoffset - linelength/2`` to ``lineoffset + linelength/2``).
- linewidth : scalar or None, optional, default: None
- If it is None, defaults to its rcParams setting, in sequence form.
- color : color, sequence of colors or None, optional, default: None
- If it is None, defaults to its rcParams setting, in sequence form.
- linestyle : str or tuple, optional, default: 'solid'
- Valid strings are ['solid', 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted',
- '-', '--', '-.', ':']. Dash tuples should be of the form::
- (offset, onoffseq),
- where *onoffseq* is an even length tuple of on and off ink
- in points.
- antialiased : {None, 1, 2}, optional
- If it is None, defaults to its rcParams setting, in sequence form.
- **kwargs : optional
- Other keyword arguments are line collection properties. See
- :class:`~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` for a list of
- the valid properties.
- Examples
- --------
- .. plot:: gallery/lines_bars_and_markers/eventcollection_demo.py
- """
- segment = (lineoffset + linelength / 2.,
- lineoffset - linelength / 2.)
- if positions is None or len(positions) == 0:
- segments = []
- elif hasattr(positions, 'ndim') and positions.ndim > 1:
- raise ValueError('positions cannot be an array with more than '
- 'one dimension.')
- elif (orientation is None or orientation.lower() == 'none' or
- orientation.lower() == 'horizontal'):
- positions.sort()
- segments = [[(coord1, coord2) for coord2 in segment] for
- coord1 in positions]
- self._is_horizontal = True
- elif orientation.lower() == 'vertical':
- positions.sort()
- segments = [[(coord2, coord1) for coord2 in segment] for
- coord1 in positions]
- self._is_horizontal = False
- else:
- raise ValueError("orientation must be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'")
- LineCollection.__init__(self,
- segments,
- linewidths=linewidth,
- colors=color,
- antialiaseds=antialiased,
- linestyles=linestyle,
- **kwargs)
- self._linelength = linelength
- self._lineoffset = lineoffset
- def get_positions(self):
- '''
- return an array containing the floating-point values of the positions
- '''
- segments = self.get_segments()
- pos = 0 if self.is_horizontal() else 1
- positions = []
- for segment in segments:
- positions.append(segment[0, pos])
- return positions
- def set_positions(self, positions):
- '''
- set the positions of the events to the specified value
- '''
- if positions is None or (hasattr(positions, 'len') and
- len(positions) == 0):
- self.set_segments([])
- return
- lineoffset = self.get_lineoffset()
- linelength = self.get_linelength()
- segment = (lineoffset + linelength / 2.,
- lineoffset - linelength / 2.)
- positions = np.asanyarray(positions)
- positions.sort()
- if self.is_horizontal():
- segments = [[(coord1, coord2) for coord2 in segment] for
- coord1 in positions]
- else:
- segments = [[(coord2, coord1) for coord2 in segment] for
- coord1 in positions]
- self.set_segments(segments)
- def add_positions(self, position):
- '''
- add one or more events at the specified positions
- '''
- if position is None or (hasattr(position, 'len') and
- len(position) == 0):
- return
- positions = self.get_positions()
- positions = np.hstack([positions, np.asanyarray(position)])
- self.set_positions(positions)
- extend_positions = append_positions = add_positions
- def is_horizontal(self):
- '''
- True if the eventcollection is horizontal, False if vertical
- '''
- return self._is_horizontal
- def get_orientation(self):
- '''
- get the orientation of the event line, may be:
- [ 'horizontal' | 'vertical' ]
- '''
- return 'horizontal' if self.is_horizontal() else 'vertical'
- def switch_orientation(self):
- '''
- switch the orientation of the event line, either from vertical to
- horizontal or vice versus
- '''
- segments = self.get_segments()
- for i, segment in enumerate(segments):
- segments[i] = np.fliplr(segment)
- self.set_segments(segments)
- self._is_horizontal = not self.is_horizontal()
- self.stale = True
- def set_orientation(self, orientation=None):
- '''
- set the orientation of the event line
- [ 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | None ]
- defaults to 'horizontal' if not specified or None
- '''
- if (orientation is None or orientation.lower() == 'none' or
- orientation.lower() == 'horizontal'):
- is_horizontal = True
- elif orientation.lower() == 'vertical':
- is_horizontal = False
- else:
- raise ValueError("orientation must be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'")
- if is_horizontal == self.is_horizontal():
- return
- self.switch_orientation()
- def get_linelength(self):
- '''
- get the length of the lines used to mark each event
- '''
- return self._linelength
- def set_linelength(self, linelength):
- '''
- set the length of the lines used to mark each event
- '''
- if linelength == self.get_linelength():
- return
- lineoffset = self.get_lineoffset()
- segments = self.get_segments()
- pos = 1 if self.is_horizontal() else 0
- for segment in segments:
- segment[0, pos] = lineoffset + linelength / 2.
- segment[1, pos] = lineoffset - linelength / 2.
- self.set_segments(segments)
- self._linelength = linelength
- def get_lineoffset(self):
- '''
- get the offset of the lines used to mark each event
- '''
- return self._lineoffset
- def set_lineoffset(self, lineoffset):
- '''
- set the offset of the lines used to mark each event
- '''
- if lineoffset == self.get_lineoffset():
- return
- linelength = self.get_linelength()
- segments = self.get_segments()
- pos = 1 if self.is_horizontal() else 0
- for segment in segments:
- segment[0, pos] = lineoffset + linelength / 2.
- segment[1, pos] = lineoffset - linelength / 2.
- self.set_segments(segments)
- self._lineoffset = lineoffset
- def get_linewidth(self):
- """Get the width of the lines used to mark each event."""
- return super(EventCollection, self).get_linewidth()[0]
- def get_linewidths(self):
- return super(EventCollection, self).get_linewidth()
- def get_color(self):
- '''
- get the color of the lines used to mark each event
- '''
- return self.get_colors()[0]
- class CircleCollection(_CollectionWithSizes):
- """
- A collection of circles, drawn using splines.
- """
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, sizes, **kwargs):
- """
- *sizes*
- Gives the area of the circle in points^2
- %(Collection)s
- """
- Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.set_sizes(sizes)
- self.set_transform(transforms.IdentityTransform())
- self._paths = [mpath.Path.unit_circle()]
- class EllipseCollection(Collection):
- """
- A collection of ellipses, drawn using splines.
- """
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, widths, heights, angles, units='points', **kwargs):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- widths : array-like
- The lengths of the first axes (e.g., major axis lengths).
- heights : array-like
- The lengths of second axes.
- angles : array-like
- The angles of the first axes, degrees CCW from the x-axis.
- units : {'points', 'inches', 'dots', 'width', 'height', 'x', 'y', 'xy'}
- The units in which majors and minors are given; 'width' and
- 'height' refer to the dimensions of the axes, while 'x'
- and 'y' refer to the *offsets* data units. 'xy' differs
- from all others in that the angle as plotted varies with
- the aspect ratio, and equals the specified angle only when
- the aspect ratio is unity. Hence it behaves the same as
- the :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Ellipse` with
- ``axes.transData`` as its transform.
- Other Parameters
- ----------------
- **kwargs
- Additional kwargs inherited from the base :class:`Collection`.
- %(Collection)s
- """
- Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self._widths = 0.5 * np.asarray(widths).ravel()
- self._heights = 0.5 * np.asarray(heights).ravel()
- self._angles = np.deg2rad(angles).ravel()
- self._units = units
- self.set_transform(transforms.IdentityTransform())
- self._transforms = np.empty((0, 3, 3))
- self._paths = [mpath.Path.unit_circle()]
- def _set_transforms(self):
- """
- Calculate transforms immediately before drawing.
- """
- ax = self.axes
- fig = self.figure
- if self._units == 'xy':
- sc = 1
- elif self._units == 'x':
- sc = ax.bbox.width / ax.viewLim.width
- elif self._units == 'y':
- sc = ax.bbox.height / ax.viewLim.height
- elif self._units == 'inches':
- sc = fig.dpi
- elif self._units == 'points':
- sc = fig.dpi / 72.0
- elif self._units == 'width':
- sc = ax.bbox.width
- elif self._units == 'height':
- sc = ax.bbox.height
- elif self._units == 'dots':
- sc = 1.0
- else:
- raise ValueError('unrecognized units: %s' % self._units)
- self._transforms = np.zeros((len(self._widths), 3, 3))
- widths = self._widths * sc
- heights = self._heights * sc
- sin_angle = np.sin(self._angles)
- cos_angle = np.cos(self._angles)
- self._transforms[:, 0, 0] = widths * cos_angle
- self._transforms[:, 0, 1] = heights * -sin_angle
- self._transforms[:, 1, 0] = widths * sin_angle
- self._transforms[:, 1, 1] = heights * cos_angle
- self._transforms[:, 2, 2] = 1.0
- _affine = transforms.Affine2D
- if self._units == 'xy':
- m = ax.transData.get_affine().get_matrix().copy()
- m[:2, 2:] = 0
- self.set_transform(_affine(m))
- @artist.allow_rasterization
- def draw(self, renderer):
- self._set_transforms()
- Collection.draw(self, renderer)
- class PatchCollection(Collection):
- """
- A generic collection of patches.
- This makes it easier to assign a color map to a heterogeneous
- collection of patches.
- This also may improve plotting speed, since PatchCollection will
- draw faster than a large number of patches.
- """
- def __init__(self, patches, match_original=False, **kwargs):
- """
- *patches*
- a sequence of Patch objects. This list may include
- a heterogeneous assortment of different patch types.
- *match_original*
- If True, use the colors and linewidths of the original
- patches. If False, new colors may be assigned by
- providing the standard collection arguments, facecolor,
- edgecolor, linewidths, norm or cmap.
- If any of *edgecolors*, *facecolors*, *linewidths*,
- *antialiaseds* are None, they default to their
- :data:`matplotlib.rcParams` patch setting, in sequence form.
- The use of :class:`~matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable` is optional.
- If the :class:`~matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable` matrix _A is not
- None (i.e., a call to set_array has been made), at draw time a
- call to scalar mappable will be made to set the face colors.
- """
- if match_original:
- def determine_facecolor(patch):
- if patch.get_fill():
- return patch.get_facecolor()
- return [0, 0, 0, 0]
- kwargs['facecolors'] = [determine_facecolor(p) for p in patches]
- kwargs['edgecolors'] = [p.get_edgecolor() for p in patches]
- kwargs['linewidths'] = [p.get_linewidth() for p in patches]
- kwargs['linestyles'] = [p.get_linestyle() for p in patches]
- kwargs['antialiaseds'] = [p.get_antialiased() for p in patches]
- Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.set_paths(patches)
- def set_paths(self, patches):
- paths = [p.get_transform().transform_path(p.get_path())
- for p in patches]
- self._paths = paths
- class TriMesh(Collection):
- """
- Class for the efficient drawing of a triangular mesh using
- Gouraud shading.
- A triangular mesh is a :class:`~matplotlib.tri.Triangulation`
- object.
- """
- def __init__(self, triangulation, **kwargs):
- Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self._triangulation = triangulation
- self._shading = 'gouraud'
- self._is_filled = True
- self._bbox = transforms.Bbox.unit()
- # Unfortunately this requires a copy, unless Triangulation
- # was rewritten.
- xy = np.hstack((triangulation.x.reshape(-1, 1),
- triangulation.y.reshape(-1, 1)))
- self._bbox.update_from_data_xy(xy)
- def get_paths(self):
- if self._paths is None:
- self.set_paths()
- return self._paths
- def set_paths(self):
- self._paths = self.convert_mesh_to_paths(self._triangulation)
- @staticmethod
- def convert_mesh_to_paths(tri):
- """
- Converts a given mesh into a sequence of
- :class:`matplotlib.path.Path` objects for easier rendering by
- backends that do not directly support meshes.
- This function is primarily of use to backend implementers.
- """
- triangles = tri.get_masked_triangles()
- verts = np.stack((tri.x[triangles], tri.y[triangles]), axis=-1)
- return [mpath.Path(x) for x in verts]
- @artist.allow_rasterization
- def draw(self, renderer):
- if not self.get_visible():
- return
- renderer.open_group(self.__class__.__name__)
- transform = self.get_transform()
- # Get a list of triangles and the color at each vertex.
- tri = self._triangulation
- triangles = tri.get_masked_triangles()
- verts = np.stack((tri.x[triangles], tri.y[triangles]), axis=-1)
- self.update_scalarmappable()
- colors = self._facecolors[triangles]
- gc = renderer.new_gc()
- self._set_gc_clip(gc)
- gc.set_linewidth(self.get_linewidth()[0])
- renderer.draw_gouraud_triangles(gc, verts, colors, transform.frozen())
- gc.restore()
- renderer.close_group(self.__class__.__name__)
- class QuadMesh(Collection):
- """
- Class for the efficient drawing of a quadrilateral mesh.
- A quadrilateral mesh consists of a grid of vertices. The
- dimensions of this array are (*meshWidth* + 1, *meshHeight* +
- 1). Each vertex in the mesh has a different set of "mesh
- coordinates" representing its position in the topology of the
- mesh. For any values (*m*, *n*) such that 0 <= *m* <= *meshWidth*
- and 0 <= *n* <= *meshHeight*, the vertices at mesh coordinates
- (*m*, *n*), (*m*, *n* + 1), (*m* + 1, *n* + 1), and (*m* + 1, *n*)
- form one of the quadrilaterals in the mesh. There are thus
- (*meshWidth* * *meshHeight*) quadrilaterals in the mesh. The mesh
- need not be regular and the polygons need not be convex.
- A quadrilateral mesh is represented by a (2 x ((*meshWidth* + 1) *
- (*meshHeight* + 1))) numpy array *coordinates*, where each row is
- the *x* and *y* coordinates of one of the vertices. To define the
- function that maps from a data point to its corresponding color,
- use the :meth:`set_cmap` method. Each of these arrays is indexed in
- row-major order by the mesh coordinates of the vertex (or the mesh
- coordinates of the lower left vertex, in the case of the
- colors).
- For example, the first entry in *coordinates* is the
- coordinates of the vertex at mesh coordinates (0, 0), then the one
- at (0, 1), then at (0, 2) .. (0, meshWidth), (1, 0), (1, 1), and
- so on.
- *shading* may be 'flat', or 'gouraud'
- """
- def __init__(self, meshWidth, meshHeight, coordinates,
- antialiased=True, shading='flat', **kwargs):
- Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self._meshWidth = meshWidth
- self._meshHeight = meshHeight
- # By converting to floats now, we can avoid that on every draw.
- self._coordinates = np.asarray(coordinates, float).reshape(
- (meshHeight + 1, meshWidth + 1, 2))
- self._antialiased = antialiased
- self._shading = shading
- self._bbox = transforms.Bbox.unit()
- self._bbox.update_from_data_xy(coordinates.reshape(
- ((meshWidth + 1) * (meshHeight + 1), 2)))
- def get_paths(self):
- if self._paths is None:
- self.set_paths()
- return self._paths
- def set_paths(self):
- self._paths = self.convert_mesh_to_paths(
- self._meshWidth, self._meshHeight, self._coordinates)
- self.stale = True
- def get_datalim(self, transData):
- return (self.get_transform() - transData).transform_bbox(self._bbox)
- @staticmethod
- def convert_mesh_to_paths(meshWidth, meshHeight, coordinates):
- """
- Converts a given mesh into a sequence of
- :class:`matplotlib.path.Path` objects for easier rendering by
- backends that do not directly support quadmeshes.
- This function is primarily of use to backend implementers.
- """
- if isinstance(coordinates, np.ma.MaskedArray):
- c = coordinates.data
- else:
- c = coordinates
- points = np.concatenate((
- c[:-1, :-1],
- c[:-1, 1:],
- c[1:, 1:],
- c[1:, :-1],
- c[:-1, :-1]
- ), axis=2)
- points = points.reshape((meshWidth * meshHeight, 5, 2))
- return [mpath.Path(x) for x in points]
- def convert_mesh_to_triangles(self, meshWidth, meshHeight, coordinates):
- """
- Converts a given mesh into a sequence of triangles, each point
- with its own color. This is useful for experiments using
- `draw_qouraud_triangle`.
- """
- if isinstance(coordinates, np.ma.MaskedArray):
- p = coordinates.data
- else:
- p = coordinates
- p_a = p[:-1, :-1]
- p_b = p[:-1, 1:]
- p_c = p[1:, 1:]
- p_d = p[1:, :-1]
- p_center = (p_a + p_b + p_c + p_d) / 4.0
- triangles = np.concatenate((
- p_a, p_b, p_center,
- p_b, p_c, p_center,
- p_c, p_d, p_center,
- p_d, p_a, p_center,
- ), axis=2)
- triangles = triangles.reshape((meshWidth * meshHeight * 4, 3, 2))
- c = self.get_facecolor().reshape((meshHeight + 1, meshWidth + 1, 4))
- c_a = c[:-1, :-1]
- c_b = c[:-1, 1:]
- c_c = c[1:, 1:]
- c_d = c[1:, :-1]
- c_center = (c_a + c_b + c_c + c_d) / 4.0
- colors = np.concatenate((
- c_a, c_b, c_center,
- c_b, c_c, c_center,
- c_c, c_d, c_center,
- c_d, c_a, c_center,
- ), axis=2)
- colors = colors.reshape((meshWidth * meshHeight * 4, 3, 4))
- return triangles, colors
- @artist.allow_rasterization
- def draw(self, renderer):
- if not self.get_visible():
- return
- renderer.open_group(self.__class__.__name__, self.get_gid())
- transform = self.get_transform()
- transOffset = self.get_offset_transform()
- offsets = self._offsets
- if self.have_units():
- if len(self._offsets):
- xs = self.convert_xunits(self._offsets[:, 0])
- ys = self.convert_yunits(self._offsets[:, 1])
- offsets = np.column_stack([xs, ys])
- self.update_scalarmappable()
- if not transform.is_affine:
- coordinates = self._coordinates.reshape((-1, 2))
- coordinates = transform.transform(coordinates)
- coordinates = coordinates.reshape(self._coordinates.shape)
- transform = transforms.IdentityTransform()
- else:
- coordinates = self._coordinates
- if not transOffset.is_affine:
- offsets = transOffset.transform_non_affine(offsets)
- transOffset = transOffset.get_affine()
- gc = renderer.new_gc()
- self._set_gc_clip(gc)
- gc.set_linewidth(self.get_linewidth()[0])
- if self._shading == 'gouraud':
- triangles, colors = self.convert_mesh_to_triangles(
- self._meshWidth, self._meshHeight, coordinates)
- renderer.draw_gouraud_triangles(
- gc, triangles, colors, transform.frozen())
- else:
- renderer.draw_quad_mesh(
- gc, transform.frozen(), self._meshWidth, self._meshHeight,
- coordinates, offsets, transOffset, self.get_facecolor(),
- self._antialiased, self.get_edgecolors())
- gc.restore()
- renderer.close_group(self.__class__.__name__)
- self.stale = False
- patchstr = artist.kwdoc(Collection)
- for k in ('QuadMesh', 'TriMesh', 'PolyCollection', 'BrokenBarHCollection',
- 'RegularPolyCollection', 'PathCollection',
- 'StarPolygonCollection', 'PatchCollection',
- 'CircleCollection', 'Collection',):
- docstring.interpd.update({k: patchstr})
- docstring.interpd.update(LineCollection=artist.kwdoc(LineCollection))