- from astn import AstToGAst, GAstToAst
- import ast
- import gast
- class Ast2ToGAst(AstToGAst):
- # stmt
- def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
- new_node = gast.FunctionDef(
- self._visit(node.name),
- self._visit(node.args),
- self._visit(node.body),
- self._visit(node.decorator_list),
- None, # returns
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
- new_node = gast.ClassDef(
- self._visit(node.name),
- self._visit(node.bases),
- [], # keywords
- self._visit(node.body),
- self._visit(node.decorator_list),
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_With(self, node):
- new_node = gast.With(
- [gast.withitem(
- self._visit(node.context_expr),
- self._visit(node.optional_vars)
- )],
- self._visit(node.body)
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_Raise(self, node):
- ntype = self._visit(node.type)
- ninst = self._visit(node.inst)
- ntback = self._visit(node.tback)
- what = ntype
- if ninst is not None:
- what = gast.Call(ntype, [ninst], [])
- ast.copy_location(what, node)
- if ntback is not None:
- attr = gast.Attribute(what, 'with_traceback', gast.Load())
- ast.copy_location(attr, node)
- what = gast.Call(
- attr,
- [ntback],
- []
- )
- ast.copy_location(what, node)
- new_node = gast.Raise(what, None)
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_TryExcept(self, node):
- new_node = gast.Try(
- self._visit(node.body),
- self._visit(node.handlers),
- self._visit(node.orelse),
- [] # finalbody
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_TryFinally(self, node):
- new_node = gast.Try(
- self._visit(node.body),
- [], # handlers
- [], # orelse
- self._visit(node.finalbody)
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- # expr
- def visit_Name(self, node):
- new_node = gast.Name(
- self._visit(node.id),
- self._visit(node.ctx),
- None,
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_Call(self, node):
- if node.starargs:
- star = gast.Starred(self._visit(node.starargs), gast.Load())
- ast.copy_location(star, node)
- starred = [star]
- else:
- starred = []
- if node.kwargs:
- kwargs = [gast.keyword(None, self._visit(node.kwargs))]
- else:
- kwargs = []
- new_node = gast.Call(
- self._visit(node.func),
- self._visit(node.args) + starred,
- self._visit(node.keywords) + kwargs,
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_comprehension(self, node):
- new_node = gast.comprehension(
- target=self._visit(node.target),
- iter=self._visit(node.iter),
- ifs=self._visit(node.ifs),
- is_async=0,
- )
- return ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- # arguments
- def visit_arguments(self, node):
- new_node = gast.arguments(
- self._visit(node.args),
- self._visit(node.vararg),
- [], # kwonlyargs
- [], # kw_defaults
- self._visit(node.kwarg),
- self._visit(node.defaults),
- )
- return new_node
- class GAstToAst2(GAstToAst):
- # stmt
- def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
- new_node = ast.FunctionDef(
- self._visit(node.name),
- self._visit(node.args),
- self._visit(node.body),
- self._visit(node.decorator_list),
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
- new_node = ast.ClassDef(
- self._visit(node.name),
- self._visit(node.bases),
- self._visit(node.body),
- self._visit(node.decorator_list),
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_With(self, node):
- new_node = ast.With(
- self._visit(node.items[0].context_expr),
- self._visit(node.items[0].optional_vars),
- self._visit(node.body)
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_Raise(self, node):
- if isinstance(node.exc, gast.Call) and \
- isinstance(node.exc.func, gast.Attribute) and \
- node.exc.func.attr == 'with_traceback':
- raised = self._visit(node.exc.func.value)
- traceback = self._visit(node.exc.args[0])
- else:
- raised = self._visit(node.exc)
- traceback = None
- new_node = ast.Raise(raised, None, traceback)
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_Try(self, node):
- if node.finalbody:
- new_node = ast.TryFinally(
- self._visit(node.body),
- self._visit(node.finalbody)
- )
- else:
- new_node = ast.TryExcept(
- self._visit(node.body),
- self._visit(node.handlers),
- self._visit(node.orelse),
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- # expr
- def visit_Name(self, node):
- new_node = ast.Name(
- self._visit(node.id),
- self._visit(node.ctx),
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_Call(self, node):
- if node.args and isinstance(node.args[-1], gast.Starred):
- args = node.args[:-1]
- starargs = node.args[-1].value
- else:
- args = node.args
- starargs = None
- if node.keywords and node.keywords[-1].arg is None:
- keywords = node.keywords[:-1]
- kwargs = node.keywords[-1].value
- else:
- keywords = node.keywords
- kwargs = None
- new_node = ast.Call(
- self._visit(node.func),
- self._visit(args),
- self._visit(keywords),
- self._visit(starargs),
- self._visit(kwargs),
- )
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- def visit_arg(self, node):
- new_node = ast.Name(node.arg, ast.Param())
- ast.copy_location(new_node, node)
- return new_node
- # arguments
- def visit_arguments(self, node):
- new_node = ast.arguments(
- self._visit(node.args),
- self._visit(node.vararg),
- self._visit(node.kwarg),
- self._visit(node.defaults),
- )
- return new_node
- def ast_to_gast(node):
- return Ast2ToGAst().visit(node)
- def gast_to_ast(node):
- return GAstToAst2().visit(node)