- # Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- r"""
- ======
- Pyplot
- ======
- .. currentmodule:: bqplot.pyplot
- .. autosummary::
- :toctree: _generate/
- figure
- show
- axes
- plot
- scatter
- hist
- bar
- ohlc
- geo
- clear
- close
- current_figure
- scales
- xlim
- ylim
- axes
- xlabel
- ylabel
- """
- import sys
- from collections import OrderedDict
- from IPython.display import display
- from ipywidgets import VBox
- from ipywidgets import Image as ipyImage
- from numpy import arange, issubdtype, array, column_stack, shape
- from .figure import Figure
- from .scales import Scale, LinearScale, Mercator
- from .axes import Axis
- from .marks import (Lines, Scatter, ScatterGL, Hist, Bars, OHLC, Pie, Map, Image,
- Label, HeatMap, GridHeatMap, topo_load, Boxplot, Bins)
- from .toolbar import Toolbar
- from .interacts import (BrushIntervalSelector, FastIntervalSelector,
- BrushSelector, IndexSelector, MultiSelector,
- LassoSelector)
- from traitlets.utils.sentinel import Sentinel
- import functools
- SCATTER_SIZE_LIMIT = 10*1000 # above this limit, ScatterGL will be used by default
- Keep = Sentinel('Keep', 'bqplot.pyplot', '''
- Used in bqplot.pyplot to specify that the same scale should be used for
- a certain dimension.
- ''')
- # `_context` object contains the global information for pyplot.
- # `figure`: refers to the current figure to which marks will be added.
- # `scales`: The current set of scales which will be used for drawing a mark. if
- # the scale for an attribute is not present, it is created based on the range
- # type.
- # `scale_registry`: This is a dictionary where the keys are the context
- # names and the values are the set of scales which were used on the last plot
- # in that context. This is useful when switching context.
- # `last_mark`: refers to the last mark that has been plotted.
- # `current_key`: The key for the current context figure. If there is no key,
- # then the value is `None`.
- _context = {
- 'figure': None,
- 'figure_registry': {},
- 'scales': {},
- 'scale_registry': {},
- 'last_mark': None,
- 'current_key': None
- }
- LINE_STYLE_CODES = OrderedDict([(':', 'dotted'), ('-.', 'dash_dotted'),
- ('--', 'dashed'), ('-', 'solid')])
- COLOR_CODES = {'b': 'blue', 'g': 'green', 'r': 'red', 'c': 'cyan',
- 'm': 'magenta', 'y': 'yellow', 'k': 'black'}
- MARKER_CODES = {'o': 'circle', 'v': 'triangle-down', '^': 'triangle-up',
- 's': 'square', 'd': 'diamond', '+': 'cross'}
- PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
- if PY2:
- string_types = basestring,
- else:
- string_types = str,
- def hashable(data, v):
- """Determine whether `v` can be hashed."""
- try:
- data[v]
- except (TypeError, KeyError, IndexError):
- return False
- return True
- def show(key=None, display_toolbar=True):
- """Shows the current context figure in the output area.
- Parameters
- ----------
- key : hashable, optional
- Any variable that can be used as a key for a dictionary.
- display_toolbar: bool (default: True)
- If True, a toolbar for different mouse interaction is displayed with
- the figure.
- Raises
- ------
- KeyError
- When no context figure is associated with the provided key.
- Examples
- --------
- >>> import numpy as np
- >>> import pyplot as plt
- >>> n = 100
- >>> x = np.arange(n)
- >>> y = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(n))
- >>> plt.plot(x,y)
- >>> plt.show()
- """
- if key is None:
- figure = current_figure()
- else:
- figure = _context['figure_registry'][key]
- if display_toolbar:
- if not hasattr(figure, 'pyplot'):
- figure.pyplot = Toolbar(figure=figure)
- figure.pyplot_vbox = VBox([figure, figure.pyplot])
- display(figure.pyplot_vbox)
- else:
- display(figure)
- def figure(key=None, fig=None, **kwargs):
- """Creates figures and switches between figures.
- If a ``bqplot.Figure`` object is provided via the fig optional argument,
- this figure becomes the current context figure.
- Otherwise:
- - If no key is provided, a new empty context figure is created.
- - If a key is provided for which a context already exists, the
- corresponding context becomes current.
- - If a key is provided and no corresponding context exists, a new context
- is reated for that key and becomes current.
- Besides, optional arguments allow to set or modify Attributes
- of the selected context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- key: hashable, optional
- Any variable that can be used as a key for a dictionary
- fig: Figure, optional
- A bqplot Figure
- """
- scales_arg = kwargs.pop('scales', {})
- _context['current_key'] = key
- if fig is not None: # fig provided
- _context['figure'] = fig
- if key is not None:
- _context['figure_registry'][key] = fig
- for arg in kwargs:
- setattr(_context['figure'], arg, kwargs[arg])
- else: # no fig provided
- if key is None: # no key provided
- _context['figure'] = Figure(**kwargs)
- else: # a key is provided
- if key not in _context['figure_registry']:
- if 'title' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['title'] = 'Figure' + ' ' + str(key)
- _context['figure_registry'][key] = Figure(**kwargs)
- _context['figure'] = _context['figure_registry'][key]
- for arg in kwargs:
- setattr(_context['figure'], arg, kwargs[arg])
- scales(key, scales=scales_arg)
- # Set the axis reference dictionary. This dictionary contains the mapping
- # from the possible dimensions in the figure to the list of scales with
- # respect to which axes have been drawn for this figure.
- # Used to automatically generate axis.
- if(getattr(_context['figure'], 'axis_registry', None) is None):
- setattr(_context['figure'], 'axis_registry', {})
- return _context['figure']
- def close(key):
- """Closes and unregister the context figure corresponding to the key.
- Parameters
- ----------
- key: hashable
- Any variable that can be used as a key for a dictionary
- """
- figure_registry = _context['figure_registry']
- if key not in figure_registry:
- return
- if _context['figure'] == figure_registry[key]:
- figure()
- fig = figure_registry[key]
- if hasattr(fig, 'pyplot'):
- fig.pyplot.close()
- fig.pyplot_vbox.close()
- fig.close()
- del figure_registry[key]
- del _context['scale_registry'][key]
- def _process_data(*kwarg_names):
- """Helper function to handle data keyword argument
- """
- def _data_decorator(func):
- @functools.wraps(func)
- def _mark_with_data(*args, **kwargs):
- data = kwargs.pop('data', None)
- if data is None:
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- else:
- data_args = [data[i] if hashable(data, i) else i for i in args]
- data_kwargs = {
- kw: data[kwargs[kw]] if hashable(data, kwargs[kw]) else kwargs[kw] for kw in set(kwarg_names).intersection(list(kwargs.keys()))
- }
- try:
- # if any of the plots want to use the index_data, they can
- # use it by referring to this attribute.
- data_kwargs['index_data'] = data.index
- except AttributeError as e:
- pass
- kwargs_update = kwargs.copy()
- kwargs_update.update(data_kwargs)
- return func(*data_args, **kwargs_update)
- return _mark_with_data
- return _data_decorator
- def scales(key=None, scales={}):
- """Creates and switches between context scales.
- If no key is provided, a new blank context is created.
- If a key is provided for which a context already exists, the existing
- context is set as the current context.
- If a key is provided and no corresponding context exists, a new context is
- created for that key and set as the current context.
- Parameters
- ----------
- key: hashable, optional
- Any variable that can be used as a key for a dictionary
- scales: dictionary
- Dictionary of scales to be used in the new context
- Example
- -------
- >>> scales(scales={
- >>> 'x': Keep,
- >>> 'color': ColorScale(min=0, max=1)
- >>> })
- This creates a new scales context, where the 'x' scale is kept from the
- previous context, the 'color' scale is an instance of ColorScale
- provided by the user. Other scales, potentially needed such as the 'y'
- scale in the case of a line chart will be created on the fly when
- needed.
- Notes
- -----
- Every call to the function figure triggers a call to scales.
- The `scales` parameter is ignored if the `key` argument is not Keep and
- context scales already exist for that key.
- """
- old_ctxt = _context['scales']
- if key is None: # No key provided
- _context['scales'] = {_get_attribute_dimension(k): scales[k] if scales[k] is not Keep
- else old_ctxt[_get_attribute_dimension(k)] for k in scales}
- else: # A key is provided
- if key not in _context['scale_registry']:
- _context['scale_registry'][key] = {
- _get_attribute_dimension(k): scales[k]
- if scales[k] is not Keep
- else old_ctxt[_get_attribute_dimension(k)]
- for k in scales
- }
- _context['scales'] = _context['scale_registry'][key]
- def xlim(min, max):
- """Set the domain bounds of the current 'x' scale.
- """
- return set_lim(min, max, 'x')
- def ylim(min, max):
- """Set the domain bounds of the current 'y' scale.
- """
- return set_lim(min, max, 'y')
- def set_lim(min, max, name):
- """Set the domain bounds of the scale associated with the provided key.
- Parameters
- ----------
- name: hashable
- Any variable that can be used as a key for a dictionary
- Raises
- ------
- KeyError
- When no context figure is associated with the provided key.
- """
- scale = _context['scales'][_get_attribute_dimension(name)]
- scale.min = min
- scale.max = max
- return scale
- def axes(mark=None, options={}, **kwargs):
- """Draws axes corresponding to the scales of a given mark.
- It also returns a dictionary of drawn axes. If the mark is not provided,
- the last drawn mark is used.
- Parameters
- ----------
- mark: Mark or None (default: None)
- The mark to inspect to create axes. If None, the last mark drawn is
- used instead.
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments for the
- constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- if mark is None:
- mark = _context['last_mark']
- if mark is None:
- return {}
- fig = kwargs.get('figure', current_figure())
- scales = mark.scales
- fig_axes = [axis for axis in fig.axes]
- axes = {}
- for name in scales:
- if name not in mark.class_trait_names(scaled=True):
- # The scale is not needed.
- continue
- scale_metadata = mark.scales_metadata.get(name, {})
- dimension = scale_metadata.get('dimension', scales[name])
- axis_args = dict(scale_metadata,
- **(options.get(name, {})))
- axis = _fetch_axis(fig, dimension, scales[name])
- if axis is not None:
- # For this figure, an axis exists for the scale in the given
- # dimension. Apply the properties and return back the object.
- _apply_properties(axis, options.get(name, {}))
- axes[name] = axis
- continue
- # An axis must be created. We fetch the type from the registry
- # the key being provided in the scaled attribute decoration
- key = mark.class_traits()[name].get_metadata('atype')
- if(key is not None):
- axis_type = Axis.axis_types[key]
- axis = axis_type(scale=scales[name], **axis_args)
- axes[name] = axis
- fig_axes.append(axis)
- # Update the axis registry of the figure once the axis is added
- _update_fig_axis_registry(fig, dimension, scales[name], axis)
- fig.axes = fig_axes
- return axes
- def _set_label(label, mark, dim, **kwargs):
- """Helper function to set labels for an axis
- """
- if mark is None:
- mark = _context['last_mark']
- if mark is None:
- return {}
- fig = kwargs.get('figure', current_figure())
- scales = mark.scales
- scale_metadata = mark.scales_metadata.get(dim, {})
- scale = scales.get(dim, None)
- if scale is None:
- return
- dimension = scale_metadata.get('dimension', scales[dim])
- axis = _fetch_axis(fig, dimension, scales[dim])
- if axis is not None:
- _apply_properties(axis, {'label': label})
- def xlabel(label=None, mark=None, **kwargs):
- """Sets the value of label for an axis whose associated scale has the
- dimension `x`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- label: Unicode or None (default: None)
- The label for x axis
- """
- _set_label(label, mark, 'x', **kwargs)
- def ylabel(label=None, mark=None, **kwargs):
- """Sets the value of label for an axis whose associated scale has the
- dimension `y`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- label: Unicode or None (default: None)
- The label for y axis
- """
- _set_label(label, mark, 'y', **kwargs)
- def grids(fig=None, value='solid'):
- """Sets the value of the grid_lines for the axis to the passed value.
- The default value is `solid`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fig: Figure or None(default: None)
- The figure for which the axes should be edited. If the value is None,
- the current figure is used.
- value: {'none', 'solid', 'dashed'}
- The display of the grid_lines
- """
- if fig is None:
- fig = current_figure()
- for a in fig.axes:
- a.grid_lines = value
- def title(label, style=None):
- """Sets the title for the current figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- label : str
- The new title for the current figure.
- style: dict
- The CSS style to be applied to the figure title
- """
- fig = current_figure()
- fig.title = label
- if style is not None:
- fig.title_style = style
- def legend():
- """Places legend in the current figure."""
- for m in current_figure().marks:
- m.display_legend = True
- def hline(level, **kwargs):
- """Draws a horizontal line at the given level.
- Parameters
- ----------
- level: float
- The level at which to draw the horizontal line.
- preserve_domain: boolean (default: False)
- If true, the line does not affect the domain of the 'y' scale.
- """
- kwargs.setdefault('colors', ['dodgerblue'])
- kwargs.setdefault('stroke_width', 1)
- scales = kwargs.pop('scales', {})
- fig = kwargs.get('figure', current_figure())
- scales['x'] = fig.scale_x
- level = array(level)
- if len(level.shape) == 0:
- x = [0, 1]
- y = [level, level]
- else:
- x = [0, 1]
- y = column_stack([level, level])
- return plot(x, y, scales=scales, preserve_domain={
- 'x': True,
- 'y': kwargs.get('preserve_domain', False)
- }, axes=False, update_context=False, **kwargs)
- def vline(level, **kwargs):
- """Draws a vertical line at the given level.
- Parameters
- ----------
- level: float
- The level at which to draw the vertical line.
- preserve_domain: boolean (default: False)
- If true, the line does not affect the domain of the 'x' scale.
- """
- kwargs.setdefault('colors', ['dodgerblue'])
- kwargs.setdefault('stroke_width', 1)
- scales = kwargs.pop('scales', {})
- fig = kwargs.get('figure', current_figure())
- scales['y'] = fig.scale_y
- level = array(level)
- if len(level.shape) == 0:
- x = [level, level]
- y = [0, 1]
- else:
- x = column_stack([level, level])
- # TODO: repeating [0, 1] should not be required once we allow for
- # 2-D x and 1-D y
- y = [[0, 1]] * len(level)
- return plot(x, y, scales=scales, preserve_domain={
- 'x': kwargs.get('preserve_domain', False),
- 'y': True
- }, axes=False, update_context=False, **kwargs)
- def _process_cmap(cmap):
- '''
- Returns a kwarg dict suitable for a ColorScale
- '''
- option = {}
- if isinstance(cmap, str):
- option['scheme'] = cmap
- elif isinstance(cmap, list):
- option['colors'] = cmap
- else:
- raise ValueError('''`cmap` must be a string (name of a color scheme)
- or a list of colors, but a value of {} was given
- '''.format(cmap))
- return option
- def set_cmap(cmap):
- '''
- Set the color map of the current 'color' scale.
- '''
- scale = _context['scales']['color']
- for k, v in _process_cmap(cmap).items():
- setattr(scale, k, v)
- return scale
- def _draw_mark(mark_type, options={}, axes_options={}, **kwargs):
- """Draw the mark of specified mark type.
- Parameters
- ----------
- mark_type: type
- The type of mark to be drawn
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- figure: Figure or None
- The figure to which the mark is to be added.
- If the value is None, the current figure is used.
- cmap: list or string
- List of css colors, or name of bqplot color scheme
- """
- fig = kwargs.pop('figure', current_figure())
- scales = kwargs.pop('scales', {})
- update_context = kwargs.pop('update_context', True)
- # Set the color map of the color scale
- cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', None)
- if cmap is not None:
- # Add the colors or scheme to the color scale options
- options['color'] = dict(options.get('color', {}),
- **_process_cmap(cmap))
- # Going through the list of data attributes
- for name in mark_type.class_trait_names(scaled=True):
- dimension = _get_attribute_dimension(name, mark_type)
- # TODO: the following should also happen if name in kwargs and
- # scales[name] is incompatible.
- if name not in kwargs:
- # The scaled attribute is not being passed to the mark. So no need
- # create a scale for this.
- continue
- elif name in scales:
- if update_context:
- _context['scales'][dimension] = scales[name]
- # Scale has to be fetched from the context or created as it has not
- # been passed.
- elif dimension not in _context['scales']:
- # Creating a scale for the dimension if a matching scale is not
- # present in _context['scales']
- traitlet = mark_type.class_traits()[name]
- rtype = traitlet.get_metadata('rtype')
- dtype = traitlet.validate(None, kwargs[name]).dtype
- # Fetching the first matching scale for the rtype and dtype of the
- # scaled attributes of the mark.
- compat_scale_types = [
- Scale.scale_types[key]
- for key in Scale.scale_types
- if Scale.scale_types[key].rtype == rtype and
- issubdtype(dtype, Scale.scale_types[key].dtype)
- ]
- sorted_scales = sorted(compat_scale_types,
- key=lambda x: x.precedence)
- scales[name] = sorted_scales[-1](**options.get(name, {}))
- # Adding the scale to the context scales
- if update_context:
- _context['scales'][dimension] = scales[name]
- else:
- scales[name] = _context['scales'][dimension]
- mark = mark_type(scales=scales, **kwargs)
- _context['last_mark'] = mark
- fig.marks = [m for m in fig.marks] + [mark]
- if kwargs.get('axes', True):
- axes(mark, options=axes_options)
- return mark
- def _infer_x_for_line(y):
- """
- Infers the x for a line if no x is provided.
- """
- array_shape = shape(y)
- if len(array_shape) == 0:
- return []
- if len(array_shape) == 1:
- return arange(array_shape[0])
- if len(array_shape) > 1:
- return arange(array_shape[1])
- @_process_data('color')
- def plot(*args, **kwargs):
- """Draw lines in the current context figure.
- Signature: `plot(x, y, **kwargs)` or `plot(y, **kwargs)`, depending of the
- length of the list of positional arguments. In the case where the `x` array
- is not provided.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x: numpy.ndarray or list, 1d or 2d (optional)
- The x-coordinates of the plotted line. When not provided, the function
- defaults to `numpy.arange(len(y))`
- x can be 1-dimensional or 2-dimensional.
- y: numpy.ndarray or list, 1d or 2d
- The y-coordinates of the plotted line. If argument `x` is 2-dimensional
- it must also be 2-dimensional.
- marker_str: string
- string representing line_style, marker and color.
- For e.g. 'g--o', 'sr' etc
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- figure: Figure or None
- The figure to which the line is to be added.
- If the value is None, the current figure is used.
- """
- marker_str = None
- if len(args) == 1:
- kwargs['y'] = args[0]
- if kwargs.get('index_data', None) is not None:
- kwargs['x'] = kwargs['index_data']
- else:
- kwargs['x'] = _infer_x_for_line(args[0])
- elif len(args) == 2:
- if type(args[1]) == str:
- kwargs['y'] = args[0]
- kwargs['x'] = _infer_x_for_line(args[0])
- marker_str = args[1].strip()
- else:
- kwargs['x'] = args[0]
- kwargs['y'] = args[1]
- elif len(args) == 3:
- kwargs['x'] = args[0]
- kwargs['y'] = args[1]
- if type(args[2]) == str:
- marker_str = args[2].strip()
- if marker_str:
- line_style, color, marker = _get_line_styles(marker_str)
- # only marker specified => draw scatter
- if marker and not line_style:
- kwargs['marker'] = marker
- if color:
- kwargs['colors'] = [color]
- return _draw_mark(Scatter, **kwargs)
- else: # draw lines in all other cases
- kwargs['line_style'] = line_style or 'solid'
- if marker:
- kwargs['marker'] = marker
- if color:
- kwargs['colors'] = [color]
- return _draw_mark(Lines, **kwargs)
- else:
- return _draw_mark(Lines, **kwargs)
- def imshow(image, format, **kwargs):
- """Draw an image in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- image: image data
- Image data, depending on the passed format, can be one of:
- - an instance of an ipywidgets Image
- - a file name
- - a raw byte string
- format: {'widget', 'filename', ...}
- Type of the input argument.
- If not 'widget' or 'filename', must be a format supported by
- the ipywidgets Image.
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- if format == 'widget':
- ipyimage = image
- elif format == 'filename':
- with open(image, 'rb') as f:
- data = f.read()
- ipyimage = ipyImage(value=data)
- else:
- ipyimage = ipyImage(value=image, format=format)
- kwargs['image'] = ipyimage
- kwargs.setdefault('x', [0., 1.])
- kwargs.setdefault('y', [0., 1.])
- return _draw_mark(Image, **kwargs)
- def ohlc(*args, **kwargs):
- """Draw OHLC bars or candle bars in the current context figure.
- Signature: `ohlc(x, y, **kwargs)` or `ohlc(y, **kwargs)`, depending of the
- length of the list of positional arguments. In the case where the `x` array
- is not provided
- Parameters
- ----------
- x: numpy.ndarray or list, 1d (optional)
- The x-coordinates of the plotted line. When not provided, the function
- defaults to `numpy.arange(len(y))`.
- y: numpy.ndarray or list, 2d
- The ohlc (open/high/low/close) information. A two dimensional array. y
- must have the shape (n, 4).
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- if len(args) == 2:
- kwargs['x'] = args[0]
- kwargs['y'] = args[1]
- elif len(args) == 1:
- kwargs['y'] = args[0]
- length = len(args[0])
- kwargs['x'] = arange(length)
- return _draw_mark(OHLC, **kwargs)
- @_process_data('color', 'opacity', 'size', 'skew', 'rotation')
- def scatter(x, y, use_gl=None, **kwargs):
- """Draw a scatter in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x: numpy.ndarray, 1d
- The x-coordinates of the data points.
- y: numpy.ndarray, 1d
- The y-coordinates of the data points.
- use_gl: If true, will use the ScatterGL mark (pixelized but faster), if false a normal
- Scatter mark is used. If None, a choised is made automatically depending on the length
- of x.
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- kwargs['x'] = x
- kwargs['y'] = y
- if use_gl is None:
- mark_class = ScatterGL if len(x) >= SCATTER_SIZE_LIMIT else Scatter
- else:
- mark_class = ScatterGL if use_gl else Scatter
- return _draw_mark(mark_class, **kwargs)
- @_process_data()
- def hist(sample, options={}, **kwargs):
- """Draw a histogram in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- sample: numpy.ndarray, 1d
- The sample for which the histogram must be generated.
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'counts'
- is required for that mark, options['counts'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'counts' is
- required for that mark, axes_options['counts'] contains optional
- keyword arguments for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- kwargs['sample'] = sample
- scales = kwargs.pop('scales', {})
- if 'count' not in scales:
- dimension = _get_attribute_dimension('count', Hist)
- if dimension in _context['scales']:
- scales['count'] = _context['scales'][dimension]
- else:
- scales['count'] = LinearScale(**options.get('count', {}))
- _context['scales'][dimension] = scales['count']
- kwargs['scales'] = scales
- return _draw_mark(Hist, options=options, **kwargs)
- @_process_data()
- def bin(sample, options={}, **kwargs):
- """Draw a histogram in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- sample: numpy.ndarray, 1d
- The sample for which the histogram must be generated.
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x'
- is required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional
- keyword arguments for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- kwargs['sample'] = sample
- scales = kwargs.pop('scales', {})
- for xy in ['x', 'y']:
- if xy not in scales:
- dimension = _get_attribute_dimension(xy, Bars)
- if dimension in _context['scales']:
- scales[xy] = _context['scales'][dimension]
- else:
- scales[xy] = LinearScale(**options.get(xy, {}))
- _context['scales'][dimension] = scales[xy]
- kwargs['scales'] = scales
- return _draw_mark(Bins, options=options, **kwargs)
- @_process_data('color')
- def bar(x, y, **kwargs):
- """Draws a bar chart in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x: numpy.ndarray, 1d
- The x-coordinates of the data points.
- y: numpy.ndarray, 1d
- The y-coordinates of the data pints.
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- kwargs['x'] = x
- kwargs['y'] = y
- return _draw_mark(Bars, **kwargs)
- @_process_data()
- def boxplot(x, y, **kwargs):
- """Draws a boxplot in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x: numpy.ndarray, 1d
- The x-coordinates of the data points.
- y: numpy.ndarray, 2d
- The data from which the boxes are to be created. Each row of the data
- corresponds to one box drawn in the plot.
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- kwargs['x'] = x
- kwargs['y'] = y
- return _draw_mark(Boxplot, **kwargs)
- @_process_data('color')
- def barh(*args, **kwargs):
- """Draws a horizontal bar chart in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x: numpy.ndarray, 1d
- The domain of the data points.
- y: numpy.ndarray, 1d
- The range of the data pints.
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- kwargs['orientation'] = "horizontal"
- return bar(*args, **kwargs)
- @_process_data('color')
- def pie(sizes, **kwargs):
- """Draws a Pie in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- sizes: numpy.ndarray, 1d
- The proportions to be represented by the Pie.
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- kwargs['sizes'] = sizes
- return _draw_mark(Pie, **kwargs)
- def label(text, **kwargs):
- """Draws a Label in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- text: string
- The label to be displayed.
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- kwargs['text'] = text
- return _draw_mark(Label, **kwargs)
- def geo(map_data, **kwargs):
- """Draw a map in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- map_data: string or bqplot.map (default: WorldMap)
- Name of the map or json file required for the map data.
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- scales = kwargs.pop('scales', _context['scales'])
- options = kwargs.get('options', {})
- if 'projection' not in scales:
- scales['projection'] = Mercator(**options.get('projection', {}))
- kwargs['scales'] = scales
- if isinstance(map_data, string_types):
- kwargs['map_data'] = topo_load('map_data/' + map_data + '.json')
- else:
- kwargs['map_data'] = map_data
- return _draw_mark(Map, **kwargs)
- def heatmap(color, **kwargs):
- """Draw a heatmap in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- color: numpy.ndarray, 2d
- Matrix of color of the data points
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- kwargs['color'] = color
- return _draw_mark(HeatMap, **kwargs)
- def gridheatmap(color, **kwargs):
- """Draw a GridHeatMap in the current context figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- color: numpy.ndarray, 2d
- Matrix of color of the data points
- options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the scales to be created. If a scale labeled 'x' is
- required for that mark, options['x'] contains optional keyword
- arguments for the constructor of the corresponding scale type.
- axes_options: dict (default: {})
- Options for the axes to be created. If an axis labeled 'x' is required
- for that mark, axes_options['x'] contains optional keyword arguments
- for the constructor of the corresponding axis type.
- """
- kwargs['color'] = color
- return _draw_mark(GridHeatMap, **kwargs)
- def _add_interaction(int_type, **kwargs):
- """Add the interaction for the specified type.
- If a figure is passed using the key-word argument `figure` it is used. Else
- the context figure is used.
- If a list of marks are passed using the key-word argument `marks` it
- is used. Else the latest mark that is passed is used as the only mark
- associated with the selector.
- Parameters
- ----------
- int_type: type
- The type of interaction to be added.
- """
- fig = kwargs.pop('figure', current_figure())
- marks = kwargs.pop('marks', [_context['last_mark']])
- for name, traitlet in int_type.class_traits().items():
- dimension = traitlet.get_metadata('dimension')
- if dimension is not None:
- # only scales have this attribute in interactions
- kwargs[name] = _get_context_scale(dimension)
- kwargs['marks'] = marks
- interaction = int_type(**kwargs)
- if fig.interaction is not None:
- fig.interaction.close()
- fig.interaction = interaction
- return interaction
- def _get_context_scale(dimension):
- """Return the scale instance in the current context for a given dimension.
- Parameters
- ----------
- dimension: string
- The dimension along which the current context scale is to be fetched.
- """
- return _context['scales'][dimension]
- def _create_selector(int_type, func, trait, **kwargs):
- """Create a selector of the specified type.
- Also attaches the function `func` as an `on_trait_change` listener
- for the trait `trait` of the selector.
- This is an internal function which should not be called by the user.
- Parameters
- ----------
- int_type: type
- The type of selector to be added.
- func: function
- The call back function. It should take atleast two arguments. The name
- of the trait and the value of the trait are passed as arguments.
- trait: string
- The name of the Selector trait whose change triggers the
- call back function `func`.
- """
- interaction = _add_interaction(int_type, **kwargs)
- if func is not None:
- interaction.on_trait_change(func, trait)
- return interaction
- def brush_int_selector(func=None, trait='selected', **kwargs):
- """Create a `BrushIntervalSelector` interaction for the `figure`.
- Also attaches the function `func` as an event listener for the
- specified trait.
- Parameters
- ----------
- func: function
- The call back function. It should take atleast two arguments. The name
- of the trait and the value of the trait are passed as arguments.
- trait: string
- The name of the BrushIntervalSelector trait whose change triggers the
- call back function `func`.
- """
- return _create_selector(BrushIntervalSelector, func, trait, **kwargs)
- def int_selector(func=None, trait='selected', **kwargs):
- """Creates a `FastIntervalSelector` interaction for the `figure`.
- Also attaches the function `func` as an event listener for the
- trait `trait`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- func: function
- The call back function. It should take atleast two arguments. The name
- of the trait and the value of the trait are passed as arguments.
- trait: string
- The name of the IntervalSelector trait whose change triggers the
- call back function `func`.
- """
- return _create_selector(FastIntervalSelector, func, trait, **kwargs)
- def index_selector(func=None, trait='selected', **kwargs):
- """Creates an `IndexSelector` interaction for the `figure`.
- Also attaches the function `func` as an event listener for the
- trait `trait`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- func: function
- The call back function. It should take atleast two arguments. The name
- of the trait and the value of the trait are passed as arguments.
- trait: string
- The name of the IndexSelector trait whose change triggers the
- call back function `func`.
- """
- return _create_selector(IndexSelector, func, trait, **kwargs)
- def brush_selector(func=None, trait='selected', **kwargs):
- """Creates a `BrushSelector` interaction for the `figure`.
- Also attaches the function `func` as an event listener for the
- trait `trait`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- func: function
- The call back function. It should take atleast two arguments. The name
- of the trait and the value of the trait are passed as arguments.
- trait: string
- The name of the BrushSelector trait whose change triggers the
- call back function `func`.
- """
- return _create_selector(BrushSelector, func, trait, **kwargs)
- def multi_selector(func=None, trait='selected', **kwargs):
- """Creates a `MultiSelector` interaction for the `figure`.
- Also attaches the function `func` as an event listener for the
- trait `trait`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- func: function
- The call back function. It should take atleast two arguments. The name
- of the trait and the value of the trait are passed as arguments.
- trait: string
- The name of the MultiSelector trait whose change triggers the
- call back function `func`.
- """
- return _create_selector(MultiSelector, func, trait, **kwargs)
- def lasso_selector(func=None, trait='selected', **kwargs):
- """Creates a `LassoSelector` interaction for the `figure`.
- Also attaches the function `func` as an event listener for the
- specified trait.
- Parameters
- ----------
- func: function
- The call back function. It should take atleast two arguments. The name
- of the trait and the value of the trait are passed as arguments.
- trait: string
- The name of the LassoSelector trait whose change triggers the
- call back function `func`.
- """
- return _create_selector(LassoSelector, func, trait, **kwargs)
- def clear():
- """Clears the current context figure of all marks axes and grid lines."""
- fig = _context['figure']
- if fig is not None:
- fig.marks = []
- fig.axes = []
- setattr(fig, 'axis_registry', {})
- _context['scales'] = {}
- key = _context['current_key']
- if key is not None:
- _context['scale_registry'][key] = {}
- def current_figure():
- """Returns the current context figure."""
- if _context['figure'] is None:
- figure()
- return _context['figure']
- def get_context():
- """Used for debug only. Return a copy of the current global
- context dictionary."""
- return {k: v for k, v in _context.items()}
- def set_context(context):
- """Sets the current global context dictionary. All the attributes to be set
- should be set. Otherwise, it will result in unpredictable behavior."""
- global _context
- _context = {k: v for k, v in context.items()}
- def _fetch_axis(fig, dimension, scale):
- # Internal utility function.
- # Given a figure instance `fig`, the dimension of the scaled attribute and
- # the instance of a scale, returns the axis if an axis is present for that
- # combination. Else returns `None`
- axis_registry = getattr(fig, 'axis_registry', {})
- dimension_data = axis_registry.get(dimension, [])
- dimension_scales = [dim['scale'] for dim in dimension_data]
- dimension_axes = [dim['axis'] for dim in dimension_data]
- try:
- return dimension_axes[dimension_scales.index(scale)]
- except (ValueError, IndexError):
- return None
- def _update_fig_axis_registry(fig, dimension, scale, axis):
- axis_registry = fig.axis_registry
- dimension_scales = axis_registry.get(dimension, [])
- dimension_scales.append({'scale': scale, 'axis': axis})
- axis_registry[dimension] = dimension_scales
- setattr(fig, 'axis_registry', axis_registry)
- def _get_attribute_dimension(trait_name, mark_type=None):
- """Returns the dimension for the name of the trait for the specified mark.
- If `mark_type` is `None`, then the `trait_name` is returned
- as is.
- Returns `None` if the `trait_name` is not valid for `mark_type`.
- """
- if(mark_type is None):
- return trait_name
- scale_metadata = mark_type.class_traits()['scales_metadata']\
- .default_args[0]
- return scale_metadata.get(trait_name, {}).get('dimension', None)
- def _apply_properties(widget, properties={}):
- """Applies the specified properties to the widget.
- `properties` is a dictionary with key value pairs corresponding
- to the properties to be applied to the widget.
- """
- with widget.hold_sync():
- for key, value in properties.items():
- setattr(widget, key, value)
- def _get_line_styles(marker_str):
- """Return line style, color and marker type from specified marker string.
- For example, if ``marker_str`` is 'g-o' then the method returns
- ``('solid', 'green', 'circle')``.
- """
- def _extract_marker_value(marker_str, code_dict):
- """Extracts the marker value from a given marker string.
- Looks up the `code_dict` and returns the corresponding marker for a
- specific code.
- For example if `marker_str` is 'g-o' then the method extracts
- - 'green' if the code_dict is color_codes,
- - 'circle' if the code_dict is marker_codes etc.
- """
- val = None
- for code in code_dict:
- if code in marker_str:
- val = code_dict[code]
- break
- return val
- return [_extract_marker_value(marker_str, code_dict) for