- # coding: utf-8
- """
- ASN.1 type classes for certificate signing requests (CSR). Exports the
- following items:
- - CertificatationRequest()
- Other type classes are defined that help compose the types listed above.
- """
- from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function
- from .algos import SignedDigestAlgorithm
- from .core import (
- Any,
- Integer,
- ObjectIdentifier,
- OctetBitString,
- Sequence,
- SetOf,
- )
- from .keys import PublicKeyInfo
- from .x509 import DirectoryString, Extensions, Name
- # The structures in this file are taken from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2986
- # and https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2985
- class Version(Integer):
- _map = {
- 0: 'v1',
- }
- class CSRAttributeType(ObjectIdentifier):
- _map = {
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.7': 'challenge_password',
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.9': 'extended_certificate_attributes',
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.14': 'extension_request',
- }
- class SetOfDirectoryString(SetOf):
- _child_spec = DirectoryString
- class Attribute(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('type', ObjectIdentifier),
- ('values', SetOf, {'spec': Any}),
- ]
- class SetOfAttributes(SetOf):
- _child_spec = Attribute
- class SetOfExtensions(SetOf):
- _child_spec = Extensions
- class CRIAttribute(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('type', CSRAttributeType),
- ('values', Any),
- ]
- _oid_pair = ('type', 'values')
- _oid_specs = {
- 'challenge_password': SetOfDirectoryString,
- 'extended_certificate_attributes': SetOfAttributes,
- 'extension_request': SetOfExtensions,
- }
- class CRIAttributes(SetOf):
- _child_spec = CRIAttribute
- class CertificationRequestInfo(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('version', Version),
- ('subject', Name),
- ('subject_pk_info', PublicKeyInfo),
- ('attributes', CRIAttributes, {'implicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
- ]
- class CertificationRequest(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('certification_request_info', CertificationRequestInfo),
- ('signature_algorithm', SignedDigestAlgorithm),
- ('signature', OctetBitString),
- ]