- #!/home/alpcentaur/ProjektA/PrototypeWebApp/venv/bin/python3.5
- import argparse
- import os
- import boto
- from boto.compat import json
- from boto.compat import six
- from boto.dynamodb.schema import Schema
- DESCRIPTION = """Load data into one or more DynamoDB tables.
- For each table, data is read from two files:
- - {table_name}.metadata for the table's name, schema and provisioned
- throughput (only required if creating the table).
- - {table_name}.data for the table's actual contents.
- Both files are searched for in the current directory. To read them from
- somewhere else, use the --in-dir parameter.
- This program does not wipe the tables prior to loading data. However, any
- items present in the data files will overwrite the table's contents.
- """
- def _json_iterload(fd):
- """Lazily load newline-separated JSON objects from a file-like object."""
- buffer = ""
- eof = False
- while not eof:
- try:
- # Add a line to the buffer
- buffer += fd.next()
- except StopIteration:
- # We can't let that exception bubble up, otherwise the last
- # object in the file will never be decoded.
- eof = True
- try:
- # Try to decode a JSON object.
- json_object = json.loads(buffer.strip())
- # Success: clear the buffer (everything was decoded).
- buffer = ""
- except ValueError:
- if eof and buffer.strip():
- # No more lines to load and the buffer contains something other
- # than whitespace: the file is, in fact, malformed.
- raise
- # We couldn't decode a complete JSON object: load more lines.
- continue
- yield json_object
- def create_table(metadata_fd):
- """Create a table from a metadata file-like object."""
- def load_table(table, in_fd):
- """Load items into a table from a file-like object."""
- for i in _json_iterload(in_fd):
- # Convert lists back to sets.
- data = {}
- for k, v in six.iteritems(i):
- if isinstance(v, list):
- data[k] = set(v)
- else:
- data[k] = v
- table.new_item(attrs=data).put()
- def dynamodb_load(tables, in_dir, create_tables):
- conn = boto.connect_dynamodb()
- for t in tables:
- metadata_file = os.path.join(in_dir, "%s.metadata" % t)
- data_file = os.path.join(in_dir, "%s.data" % t)
- if create_tables:
- with open(metadata_file) as meta_fd:
- metadata = json.load(meta_fd)
- table = conn.create_table(
- name=t,
- schema=Schema(metadata["schema"]),
- read_units=metadata["read_units"],
- write_units=metadata["write_units"],
- )
- table.refresh(wait_for_active=True)
- else:
- table = conn.get_table(t)
- with open(data_file) as in_fd:
- load_table(table, in_fd)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- prog="dynamodb_load",
- description=DESCRIPTION
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--create-tables",
- action="store_true",
- help="Create the tables if they don't exist already (without this flag, attempts to load data into non-existing tables fail)."
- )
- parser.add_argument("--in-dir", default=".")
- parser.add_argument("tables", metavar="TABLES", nargs="+")
- namespace = parser.parse_args()
- dynamodb_load(namespace.tables, namespace.in_dir, namespace.create_tables)