- import re
- from string import ascii_letters, ascii_lowercase, digits
- from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, cast
- BASCII_LOWERCASE = ascii_lowercase.encode("ascii")
- BPCT_ALLOWED = {"%{:02X}".format(i).encode("ascii") for i in range(256)}
- GEN_DELIMS = ":/?#[]@"
- UNRESERVED = ascii_letters + digits + "-._~"
- _IS_HEX = re.compile(b"[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]")
- class _Quoter:
- def __init__(
- self, *, safe: str = "", protected: str = "", qs: bool = False
- ) -> None:
- self._safe = safe
- self._protected = protected
- self._qs = qs
- def __call__(self, val: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
- if val is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(val, str):
- raise TypeError("Argument should be str")
- if not val:
- return ""
- bval = cast(str, val).encode("utf8", errors="ignore")
- ret = bytearray()
- pct = bytearray()
- safe = self._safe
- safe += ALLOWED
- if not self._qs:
- safe += "+&=;"
- safe += self._protected
- bsafe = safe.encode("ascii")
- idx = 0
- while idx < len(bval):
- ch = bval[idx]
- idx += 1
- if pct:
- ch = ch - 32 # convert to uppercase
- pct.append(ch)
- if len(pct) == 3: # pragma: no branch # peephole optimizer
- buf = pct[1:]
- if not _IS_HEX.match(buf):
- ret.extend(b"%25")
- pct.clear()
- idx -= 2
- continue
- try:
- unquoted = chr(int(pct[1:].decode("ascii"), base=16))
- except ValueError:
- ret.extend(b"%25")
- pct.clear()
- idx -= 2
- continue
- if unquoted in self._protected:
- ret.extend(pct)
- elif unquoted in safe:
- ret.append(ord(unquoted))
- else:
- ret.extend(pct)
- pct.clear()
- # special case, if we have only one char after "%"
- elif len(pct) == 2 and idx == len(bval):
- ret.extend(b"%25")
- pct.clear()
- idx -= 1
- continue
- elif ch == ord("%"):
- pct.clear()
- pct.append(ch)
- # special case if "%" is last char
- if idx == len(bval):
- ret.extend(b"%25")
- continue
- if self._qs:
- if ch == ord(" "):
- ret.append(ord("+"))
- continue
- if ch in bsafe:
- ret.append(ch)
- continue
- ret.extend(("%{:02X}".format(ch)).encode("ascii"))
- return ret.decode("ascii")
- class _Unquoter:
- def __init__(self, *, unsafe: str = "", qs: bool = False) -> None:
- self._unsafe = unsafe
- self._qs = qs
- self._quoter = _Quoter()
- self._qs_quoter = _Quoter(qs=True)
- def __call__(self, val: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
- if val is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(val, str):
- raise TypeError("Argument should be str")
- if not val:
- return ""
- pct = ""
- last_pct = ""
- pcts = bytearray()
- ret = []
- for ch in val:
- if pct:
- pct += ch
- if len(pct) == 3: # pragma: no branch # peephole optimizer
- pcts.append(int(pct[1:], base=16))
- last_pct = pct
- pct = ""
- continue
- if pcts:
- try:
- unquoted = pcts.decode("utf8")
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- pass
- else:
- if self._qs and unquoted in "+=&;":
- to_add = self._qs_quoter(unquoted)
- if to_add is None: # pragma: no cover
- raise RuntimeError("Cannot quote None")
- ret.append(to_add)
- elif unquoted in self._unsafe:
- to_add = self._qs_quoter(unquoted)
- if to_add is None: # pragma: no cover
- raise RuntimeError("Cannot quote None")
- ret.append(to_add)
- else:
- ret.append(unquoted)
- del pcts[:]
- if ch == "%":
- pct = ch
- continue
- if pcts:
- ret.append(last_pct) # %F8ab
- last_pct = ""
- if ch == "+":
- if not self._qs or ch in self._unsafe:
- ret.append("+")
- else:
- ret.append(" ")
- continue
- if ch in self._unsafe:
- ret.append("%")
- h = hex(ord(ch)).upper()[2:]
- for ch in h:
- ret.append(ch)
- continue
- ret.append(ch)
- if pcts:
- try:
- unquoted = pcts.decode("utf8")
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- ret.append(last_pct) # %F8
- else:
- if self._qs and unquoted in "+=&;":
- to_add = self._qs_quoter(unquoted)
- if to_add is None: # pragma: no cover
- raise RuntimeError("Cannot quote None")
- ret.append(to_add)
- elif unquoted in self._unsafe:
- to_add = self._qs_quoter(unquoted)
- if to_add is None: # pragma: no cover
- raise RuntimeError("Cannot quote None")
- ret.append(to_add)
- else:
- ret.append(unquoted)
- return "".join(ret)
- _PyQuoter = _Quoter
- _PyUnquoter = _Unquoter
- if not TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no branch
- try:
- from ._quoting import _Quoter, _Unquoter
- except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
- _Quoter = _PyQuoter
- _Unquoter = _PyUnquoter