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4 years ago
  1. Metadata-Version: 2.1
  2. Name: setuptools
  3. Version: 46.1.3
  4. Summary: Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
  5. Home-page:
  6. Author: Python Packaging Authority
  7. Author-email:
  8. License: UNKNOWN
  9. Project-URL: Documentation,
  10. Keywords: CPAN PyPI distutils eggs package management
  11. Platform: UNKNOWN
  12. Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  13. Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
  14. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
  15. Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
  16. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  17. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
  18. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
  19. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
  20. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
  21. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
  22. Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
  23. Classifier: Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Packaging
  24. Classifier: Topic :: System :: Systems Administration
  25. Classifier: Topic :: Utilities
  26. Requires-Python: >=3.5
  27. Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst; charset=UTF-8
  28. Provides-Extra: certs
  29. Requires-Dist: certifi (==2016.9.26) ; extra == 'certs'
  30. Provides-Extra: docs
  31. Requires-Dist: sphinx ; extra == 'docs'
  32. Requires-Dist: jaraco.packaging (>=6.1) ; extra == 'docs'
  33. Requires-Dist: rst.linker (>=1.9) ; extra == 'docs'
  34. Provides-Extra: ssl
  35. Requires-Dist: wincertstore (==0.2) ; (sys_platform == "win32") and extra == 'ssl'
  36. Provides-Extra: tests
  37. Requires-Dist: mock ; extra == 'tests'
  38. Requires-Dist: pytest-flake8 ; extra == 'tests'
  39. Requires-Dist: virtualenv (>=13.0.0) ; extra == 'tests'
  40. Requires-Dist: pytest-virtualenv (>=1.2.7) ; extra == 'tests'
  41. Requires-Dist: pytest (>=3.7) ; extra == 'tests'
  42. Requires-Dist: wheel ; extra == 'tests'
  43. Requires-Dist: coverage (>=4.5.1) ; extra == 'tests'
  44. Requires-Dist: pytest-cov (>=2.5.1) ; extra == 'tests'
  45. Requires-Dist: pip (>=19.1) ; extra == 'tests'
  46. Requires-Dist: futures ; (python_version == "2.7") and extra == 'tests'
  47. Requires-Dist: flake8-2020 ; (python_version >= "3.6") and extra == 'tests'
  48. Requires-Dist: paver ; (python_version >= "3.6") and extra == 'tests'
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  66. See the `Installation Instructions
  67. <>`_ in the Python Packaging
  68. User's Guide for instructions on installing, upgrading, and uninstalling
  69. Setuptools.
  70. Questions and comments should be directed to the `distutils-sig
  71. mailing list <>`_.
  72. Bug reports and especially tested patches may be
  73. submitted directly to the `bug tracker
  74. <>`_.
  75. To report a security vulnerability, please use the
  76. `Tidelift security contact <>`_.
  77. Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.
  78. For Enterprise
  79. ==============
  80. Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription.
  81. Setuptools and the maintainers of thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver one enterprise subscription that covers all of the open source you use.
  82. `Learn more <>`_.
  83. Code of Conduct
  84. ===============
  85. Everyone interacting in the setuptools project's codebases, issue trackers,
  86. chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the
  87. `PyPA Code of Conduct <>`_.